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This report will focus upon the marketing strategies for multinational companies named, HSBC-investment banks and financial services. A thorough evaluation will be reflected including the importing and exporting process and tapping into the international market. The paper discusses PESTEL analysis of HSBC for comprehension of the environment of international business. Marketing Strategies implemented by HSBC to tap into the international market. This paper will take heed to the potentiality of Southeast Asia and how Small Medium Enterprises are foothold their trading.
The main aim of this management report is to investigate the marketing strategies and significance of globalization. Although with the help of digitization, tapping into the global market is becoming easier. Despite the plethora of opportunities, the international market is a challenging place to survive. This report will focus upon the marketing strategies for multinational companies named, HSBC-investment banks and financial services. SWOT analysis will be utilized thoroughly to analyze the internal strength of the company along with threats and opportunities will be evaluated at the same time in respect to the global market (González, et al., 2019). Subsequently, this paper will discuss the significant global drivers to penetrate the international market. Hence, tariff and non-tariff obstacles of the global market will be discussed elaborately. A thorough evaluation will be reflected including the importing and exporting process and tapping into the international market. Lastly, this report will conclude with appropriate recommendations for HSBC to arrange sustainable market strategies to tap into their business and spread all along in Southeast Asia.
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In the Global Private Banking and Wealth Management sector, HSBC is considered the world's largest finance service in the world. The headquarters is in London, United Kingdom. In 1865, HSBC was founded with branches situated in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Interestingly, the name of the bank still reflects the name of the initial letter of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (Karjaya, et al., 2019). In 1992, the organization faced a watershed moment in the history of UK finance as HSBC accomplished a significant hold on the UK's market. Along with the transformation of the sovereignty of Hong Kong to China, this acquisition permitted the bank to move its headquarters to London in 1993.
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are an evaluative operating force in Southeast Asian economies, accumulating for 69% of the government labor force from 2010 to 2019, a report from the Asian Development Bank.
Global business operation is considered as an immense strategic method and very critical to be sustained. The paper discusses PESTEL analysis of HSBC for comprehension of the environment of international business.
It is very significant for an SME to evaluate and recognize the internal strength minutely. By examining SWOT analysis, an SME can initiate it productively. Hence, there must be more than one focus area for an SME. HSBC has already targeted the Southeast Asia zone for its four major economic transitions such as subsequent growth in wealth and huge acceleration of digitization. Thus, the international market is different from the local market. It will be critical for HSBC to monitor its strategies as per the southeast market demand. HSBC has initiated to mobilize their financial service and to assist their shareholders to avert the challenges and convert the risk into opportunities (Prashantham and Birkinshaw, 2020).
There are some risk factors to stepping into international trade. This is a common process of global business culture due to the intensity of international aggression. However, there are different scopes for an SME also and only need to obtain better plans to grab the opportunities and reduce threats. HSBC provides attractive financial products and advanced customer services. However, HSBC must encounter some threats such as tariffs, politics, etc.
A business bloc refers to a process of signing a contract with the norm and regulation between two or many countries. The contract is generalized through easing trade restrictions between the nations hence the companies can run a business operation effectively between the countries due to the agreements (Faulconbridge, 2019). This is done to limit the competition of global organizations.
Manufacturing cost: the contract between the nations plays a pivotal role to reduce manufacturing or production cost thoroughly. Eventually, new products could be launched. Due to the large population of the south-east Asian countries, there will be more demand for financial products of HSBC.
Maintaining quality: The organization should focus on the product's quality. This will increase brand value and awareness to the people of the host countries.
Increasing profitability: organizations launch new products when the company predicts that the customer's demand for the product has increased, so the company increases production and sales. Hence, the profitability also increases.
There are some limitations by activating custom duty and several factors of global business which are imposed by Associated administrative and agencies. The administration imposes these barriers to advance the business method of the country and eliminate aggressions. Tariff restrictions could be divided into import and export tariffs. The nation which is exporting to the other nations must pay an export tariff to the associated government (Mwika, et al., 2018).
There are several excise duties and obscurity charges on global business:
Tax restrictions: global business organizations have some responsibilities in terms of tax, excise duty, charges, and other factors while the operation is conducted between two countries (Kinzius, et al., 2019). Tariff restrictions are levied on hence the government could earn excess income for conducting the nation and also eliminate the needless aggressions to save the local business. At the same time can remove unnecessary competition to save the local companies. HSBC has a plan to introduce its business in south-east Asia. Hence the organization must follow important taxation norms. Thus HSBC needs to evaluate tariff barriers of the foreign countries.
Non-tariff restriction: The non-tariff barrier is imposed by the government are:
Quota: Government can make restrictions that there is product limitation which could be exported and imported. HSBC might face such barriers due to local financial institutions.
VER: Voluntary Export Restraint means the contract between both nations to trade maximum product amount limitation.
Subsidies: local companies have to compete with global organizations to develop the efficiency level. The host authority eases barriers for the local business in terms of subsidies. However, HSBC must not collaborate with the local organization.
Government dealings: Administration is always prone to maintain high export and less import for the development of the local companies. Due to this governmental authority strictly checks all imported items to maintain the norms.
State trading: the trading schemes of the State are different from local organizations' trading policies. Certain norms should be included by the nation to trade products and services.
In terms of global trading responsibilities, trading with large organizations is a powerful investment for international business expansion. Trading blocs will promote free trading incorporation which considers business without tariff. Also offers good relationships with other nations in the trading bloc (Kwon, et al., 2018). Trading Bloc will assist HSBC to achieve more new customers and will gather opportunities to tap into the global trading business more precisely in the Southeast Asia region.
It has been evaluated that majorly a variety of factors for global trading are introduced including centric polycentric geocentric and region-centric.
Ethnocentric approach: this approach refers to the mission, and vision along with the recruitment process that would be executed from the native country in respect to the global business aspect.
Polycentric approach: this approach means the international trade concept to apply the mission-vision of the foreign nation in respect of applying the function and employee recruitment. The Centric approach considered that the objective and the employee retention will be considered upon the parent country to maintain the international business polycentric approach reflecting the mission vision and employment incorporating the host countries objective and mission.
Geocentric approach: this approach plays a significant role in the context of international business. For the international context, the geocentric approach is very significant. It indicates the materializing concepts without nationality or governmental perspectives. As an international trading advisor, a geocentric approach would be perfect for this trading approach (Tien, 2019).
A geocentric staffing policy employs effective employees in their organization without considering their nationality. HSBC must implement this approach to build trust in the global market for their customers. It can also help to establish a nucleus of international executives and generate equality in corporate culture and management. The geocentric approach will truly impact a mode of entry for HSBC as it refers to thinking global and acting global.
Regiocentric approach: Regiocentric approach incorporates related strategies for a collective of nations. Whereas the geocentric approach is uniquely applied for the trading as it has metalizing ideas, has no boundaries of setting objectives and in the recruitment process.
For conducting business, imports and export are both constitutive techniques. International trading evolves for procuring merchandise including other various elements from other states considering export reflects the process of transferring merchandise and service to various countries. According to this report, HSBC finance services have a target to enter into the southwest region to elaborate their trading (Ismail, 2019). Hence, HSBC finance service has to accumulate services with export and import solutions for customers. Some advantages have been discussed.
According to the swot analysis, the wide range of networking will assist HSBC to achieve safe, secure, and feasible trade finance solutions. Those are beneficial for both ends including incorporating a trading account to import and providing solutions to export financial services. Despite that, some challenges may occur including high range funding complications and regional market competition (Feenstra, and Sasahara, 2018).
However, to accomplish a safeguarded deal HSBC, investment banks, and financial service providers should accumulate the ethical procedure minutely. Thus, the required amount of capital must be raised to tap into the international market. For providing a solution and to receive a smooth agreement of export and import, a legal advisor is a must for HSBC's end. A legal advisor can assist HSBC from the taxation gap and can also guide through the category to bring down the tax amount for the organization and their customer.
Merchandise international trade and exterior trade: Merchandise international trade is the procedure of developing measuring physical products from foreign nations. In this context, physical assets are considered merchandise imports. There are both side agreements for exporting and importing goods. Along with that they mutually agreed to pay their export tariffs and customs duties (Raghutla, and Chittedi, 2020).
Service exports and imports: It is a global factor from emanating non-product service entities or particular earning from other nations in trading of furnishing service. Therefore, payment has to be received to an individual or company for accepting services that are not substantial such as financial services, consultation services, etc.(Ali, et al., 2018).
Thus there is a significant variation between international trade and external trade for international trading.
For sustainable import-export-trading, an entity must follow particular procedures. Import is considered as to receive merchandise from other nations in terms of exporting is implemented to earn more revenue (Rahman, et al., 2021). HSBC financial service provider's objective is to expand their business in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this organization has to strategies a few import and export processes. Those procedures are-
Import process:
Export process:
HSBC requires following the above-mentioned aspects to conduct imports or exports. Since the bank is entering Southeast countries, the import and export process should be enabled. This is recommended that HSBC must follow all legislation and regulation and written papers, thus the process of import and export could be effective.
Evaluate the various methods by which SMEs can tap into international markets.
There are several available ways by which an SME can set foot into the global trading market. HSBC also expanded its ventures in the global arena. With that fact, the entity has to go through with a few strategies. To achieve sustainable international expansion, HSBC has to assess the niche market to accumulate the required customers and build effective channels to gain trust along with that legal consideration must be encountered in this situation.
There are various techniques for tapping into the international market. Those are discussed here:
An SME can step into the global market regarding franchising or authorizing, collaboration, partnership with giant companies, and establishing more branches across the foreign nations. However, all methods obtain advantages or disadvantages, which are called the pros-con effect (Dinu, 2018).
Licensing and franchising:
Joint ventures:
Partnership with a large organization:
Establishment of branches:
As an international trade advisor of HSBC Bank, specific recommendations have been made for the organization to accomplish the goal of expansion in Southeast Asia. Firstly, a geocentric approach will be effective for business expansion with no barrier of rule. After that, establishing branches involved in joint ventures will be a ber move to tap into the international market (Haapanen, et al., 2018). Licensing and franchising can bring more stability and will help to gain trust in their customer. For exporting finance services to avoid taxation risk organizations should avail an advisor for custom duty and legal procedure.
Therefore, to step into global trade, there exist some particular considerations. An organization should analyze the scale and opportunities for making the business successful. Meanwhile, swot analysis has been evaluated to minimize disadvantages. It is crucial for penetrating any fresh market the expert should analyze the system of entering for international business organization. Effective marketing strategies should be obtained, hence HSBC, the bank could derive to create effective strategies and obtain better planning. The organization must determine strategies more precisely in such a context. SMEs must compete with big organizations. Therefore, small enterprises need to get achievements from trading. This paper has demonstrated these considerations for HSBC. Since the company has a plan to develop the business into a global context, the important criteria and methods have been illustrated in this paper.
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