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The concept of therapeutic communication is wholly based on the communication skills of the health professionals dealing with patients daily. The communication skills of the health professionals have the ability to bring satisfaction to the patients by fulfilling their fundamental needs. This assignment involves amp communication skills and management skills , which are structured with the relevant strategies, which are helpful for the improvement of the patient's health condition. Overall, the concept of therapeutic communication is completely dependent on the amp therapeutic relationship between health professionals and the patients. In this assignment, a psychiatric patient is taken and the therapeutic relationship between the nurse and the patient who is suffering from a mental disorder is discussed to understand the role of the therapeutic relationship in the health care professional.
It is difficult for a psychiatric-mental health nurse to handle the patients who are dealing with patients who are mentally disabled and not able to do their own work by themselves (Jack et al.2021). At the time of her duty time, she had trouble to maintain a healthy amp therapeutic relationship with her patient. The secondary data, which is collected from her, shows that she was exposed to a wide range of mental disorders like amp depression, anxiety, mood disorder, and schizophrenia . She served 8 hours as a psychiatric mental nurse in the asylum during her working days. After the completion of her graduation, she took amp psychiatry as her mainstream for a better understanding of the psychological, emotional, and spiritual of the patients. She thought that it would help her to improve her communication skills with the patients, which will ultimately help her to establish a proper therapeutic relationship with the patient. After gathering 5 years of experience, she realized that to establish a proper nurse-patient relationship with the help of the amp active listening process. This process is very much important because it helps the patient to make a proper relationship with the nurse and to establish trust in the health care workers. During her duty time, she faced some mentally disordered patients who were not cooperative which created some difficulties for her to provide proper medication to the patients and sometimes the aggressive nature of the mentally disordered patients created fear in her for which reason she tried to apply different strategies to establish proper communication with those patients. According to her, the concept of the TR between the nurses and the patients is dependent on the total amount of time which is spent by the nurses on amp patient negative attitudes and the unrealistic expectations to fulfil all of their expectations which can create a positive impact on the patients. Sometimes, the theoretical knowledge of communicative and interpersonal skills is not sufficient for the proper establishment of the TR. During the end of her duty hours, one of the most important tasks was played to help the nurse who will take care of her patient during the other shift. amp Verbal and written communication skills can help a nurse to establish the proper TR with her patients (Anderson, 2020). amp Empathy, respect, and a friendly demeanour is some of the basic criteria; which are needed for all nurses the improvement in their career as psychiatric nurse and this will ultimately help in the establishment of the proper TR with the patient (Burelle, 2021). In the end, she added some specific criteria that she felt as a psychiatric nurse, helped her to maintain a proper TR successfully with the patients and some of the criteria which she used are as follows:
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Her experience described the concept of the TR as well as different criteria, which is necessary for all the psychiatric nurses who are trying to build an excellent TR with the patients.
There are different strategies and models, which are necessary for the development of healthcare professionals to establish the proper therapeutic relationship with the patients to provide quality health care to the patients. Some skills and models that are mainly used for the establishment of the TR in the health care profession are as follows:
This is one of the best communication skills, which can be followed by medical professionals for the establishment of the proper relationship with the patients as well as to gain their trust, which can improve their mental as well as physical health. This skill involves the healthcare professionals especially nurses to listen to the speaker with full attention and understand the thoughts of the patients. There are different steps involved in this particular skill and those steps are as follows:
Overall, the concept of active listening helps the medical professionals to make the proper diagnosis of the patient as well as to make the proper strategic planning, which can be done with the help of the appropriate application of the therapeutic relationship (Miciak et al. 2018 ). It helps them in the collection of the data by winning the trust, which ultimately helps in the proper strategic planning.
The second skill is necessary for the development of the trust of the patients in the nurses or other healthcare staffs; one of the major criteria is to maintain the privacy of the data, which are taken from the patients for a better diagnosis (Choudhury et al. 2019). There are some different kinds of boundaries present in the medical field, which is necessary to establish the therapeutic relationship between the nurses or medical professionals and the patients. amp Respecting ethical boundaries is one of the skills, which are maintained by every medical professional to establish the proper TR with the patients (Anyon et al. 2018). Overall, this skill is helpful for gaining the trust of the patient by showing him/her that all the data taken from safe according to the ethical laws (Haahr et al. 2022 ).
This model is completely based on the ampperson-centred approach . This model can help in the identification of the different kinds of problems of a patient and make the proper strategic planning by the medical professionals (Rodr iacute;guez-Nogueira et al. 2020).Those are necessary for the improvement of the patient. This model also helps in the improvement of the emotions and behaviours of the patients, which is a part of the regular duty of the healthcare professionals. Communication skills play an important role in the development of the patient-nurse or other medical staff's relationship, which indicates a healthy amptherapeutic relationship between them (Kazantzis et al. 2018). amp Cognitive intervention and restructuring boosts up to establish the TR by the medical professionals in the health care Centre (Beck, 2020).
This is another skill, which is used for the implementation of a good TR with the patient. ampEncouraging communication is one of the best skills, which can be used by the nurses who are dealing with a patient who has been suffering from a critical disease or mental disorder. This communication can help the healthcare workers to provide a friendly environment to the patient who is mentally broken (Bantjes, and Slabbert, 2022). This type of communication with the patient helps the professionals especially the nurses to improve the mental condition of their patients and establish a good therapeutic relationship with their patients.
Mentioned skills and models are has mainly followed by the medical professionals for establishing the TR with their patients. These are necessary for the betterment of the patient mental as well as physical condition also.
This is a research method that is mainly used to understand the role of the researchers and participants (Gross et al. 2018 ). In this assignment, the medical professionals are playing the role of the researchers and the participants are the patients the research topic defines the importance of the therapeutic relationship. This is the reason this research method is more appropriate for this assignment.
amp Participatory Action Research (PAR) represents a method that is based on the amp participatory and the reflective changes which is used for a better understanding of the practices of the medical professionals to understand the transformation of their treatment with the progression over time to establish the proper TR with the patients. The aim of this model is to achieve the most effective result for a particular situation that involves different participants. This method is completely based on the scientific techniques, which are mainly used by medical professionals to understand the situation of the patient, which will help them to find out the possible ways to establish a quality relationship with the patients to gain their faith, which will help in their improvement.
The concept of this PAR method is made up of an amp open, holistic, and egalitarian process between the researchers and the participants and in a particular assignment the role of the researchers is played by the medical professionals and patients are the participants (Collins et al.2018). The aim of the professionals is to establish and maintain the therapeutic relationship between the patients and them. The filtration process of this method in the medical field is done based on the experience of the staff and their reflection, which can help in the further development of the existing skills. This research method is mainly based on the amp collaborative process where the role of each participant is equally important for the best result of the applied project. The concept of ampParticipatory Action Research consists of different steps, which are part of the self-reflecting circles (Timm et al.2022). The steps are as follows:
The basis of the research and the outcomes, which are judged after the analysis of the outcomes provide the possible ideas to make the strategic planning to include changes in the existing skills as well as in the methods, which will ultimately help in the development of the TR within the patient and the workers.
These steps include the role of the nurses or the health care workers. Their role in the proper observation of the patients improves their observing skills, which are mandatory for the betterment of the therapeutic relationship between them and the patients.
The proper reflection of the process can be gained by conducting the interview process of the staffs. They are successfully dealing with their patients through the proper implementation and the maintaining of the TR in their respective fields.
nbsp;After the analysis of the existing strategies and the planning, that deals with the amp therapeutic relationship and amp therapeutic communications . There is any kind of changes needed then; this step is followed by the medical professionals for improvement (Gratton, 2020).
After the re-planning process under this method, the proper actions of the medical professionals as per the new planning are the main topic for the observation. The proper implementation of the strategies by the accurate acting of the medical professionals can help to get the proper outcome of the strategies.
Again, the reflection method comes after the acting process, which again reflects the new experiences gathered by the medical professionals after the application of the new planning to establish a good amp therapeutic relationship with the patients (Vafaei et al. 2018). This reflective model will put on the new outcomes after the reflective analysis of the experiences of the medical professionals.
The steps involved under the amp Participatory Action Research is the proper example of the methods which can be used to understand in which way the establishment of the amp therapeutic relationship with the patients is done by the medical professionals and in which way they are maintaining this process constantly properly with the passing time (Abma et al. 2019). Using this framework is very helpful because it encourages the process of ampcollaboration and cooperation among all the persons who are involved in this research method (Liamputtong, 2019).
The proper analysis of this assignment is completely based on the experience of amp therapeutic relationships of medical professionals with a particular patient. In this assignment, I have chosen a Psychiatric nurse who shared her experience, which was very much beneficial for me to understand the importance of amptherapeutic relationships in the medical field. There are some steps, I am going to use for a better understanding of this topic and those steps are as follows:
The first step is the description, after gathering the experience of that psychiatric nurse; I have observed that she used her communication skills and active listening skills to establish a proper therapeutic relationship with her patients. For different patients, she used different skills, which made her more flexible in her job role, which indicates the successful implementation of TR with the patient.
My next step involves my personal feelings, after hearing the experience of that nurse I realized that the implementation of the TR is necessary for the betterment of the mental and physical condition of the patients, which is the ultimate aim of the TR.
The third step is based on the evaluation, which includes the evaluation of the existing steps and the processes, which are involved in the proper establishment of the amptherapeutic relationship which opens the door for the improvement of the condition of the patient.
In the fourth step, I am going to analyse the outcome of the assignment. After seeing the role of different methods and the skills, which are necessary for the proper implementation of the TR, I can say all the available data and the methods are not useful if a nurse or any medical professional is not able to apply those skills to establish and maintain a better relationship with their patient.
The fifth part of my reflection is based on the conclusion, which is indicating that the existing methods and models are useful in the medical field if the professionals who are taking care of the patients are efficient to apply all the knowledge in the practical field.
In the last step, I want to talk about the action plans, which can be taken by the senior medical professionals because in some cases the lack of proper trust and relationship between the medical professionals and the patients is still present. This is representing the loophole in this industry, which can be solved by taking action plans after the evaluation of the existing plans or methods.
Overall, this reflection part is completely based on my opinion, which is showing the experience of a psychiatric nurse and the importance of the therapeutic relationship in the medical field.
This assignment is wholly based on the importance of the therapeutic relationship and its application in the medical field. This assignment helps me a lot for a better understanding of its importance. The introductory part is wholly based on the concept of TR and the next part of this assignment represents different methods, models, and skills associated with the application of TR. The framework of amp Participatory Action Research is chosen for the framework, which is clearly giving the proper idea and its role in the medical field. In the end, the reflective model is showing my personal opinion about the importance of this article and the possible outcomes of this assignment.
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