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Organisations are aware of the value of talent management practises in increasing employee performance and achieving a competitive edge in today's cutthroat business climate. Tesco PLC, a top international retailer, places a high priority on talent management techniques to draw in, nurture, and keep outstanding staff members (Rinaldhy, 2021). The goal of this proposal is to analyse how Tesco's talent management strategies affect worker performance. This study aims to offer important insights into the connection between talent management practises and worker performance in a practical setting by examining Tesco's talent acquisition, training and development, performance management, and succession planning strategies.
This research has a number of questions which are as follows:
The aim and objectives of research are illustrated below:
The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of talent management practices on employee performance; a case study at Tesco Plc.
According to( Budhwar,2009), In the realm of human resource management, there has been a lot of interest in the effect that talent management strategies have on employee performance. The impact of talent management practises on both individual and organisational results has been the subject of several research. An overview of the main conclusions on the influence of talent management practises on worker performance is given in this literature study. However (Armstrong,2005), have emphasised the need of efficient talent acquisition plans. Talented individuals are attracted to and chosen through high-quality recruiting procedures, which has been demonstrated to have a favourable influence on employee performance. Employee performance is often greater in companies that apply stringent selection procedures and concentrate on finding people with the appropriate skills and competences.
Practises for talent development have also been seen as essential for enhancing employee performance. Workplace performance and work satisfaction are enhanced through training and development initiatives that improve employees' knowledge, skills, and capacities. Offering chances for learning and career advancement improves individual performance and aids in the organization's ability to retain personnel(Collings,2018). (Sparrow,2013), in his study showed that systems for performance management are essential for coordinating employee performance with organisational objectives. Employee motivation, engagement, and overall performance have been proven to be positively impacted by consistent performance feedback, goal-setting, and performance review systems. Continuous improvement and goal achievement are facilitated by clear performance objectives and efficient feedback methods. Lastly, (Chuang,2016), emphasised in his study that employee performance has also been connected to succession planning, another facet of talent management. A more engaged and productive staff is more common in companies that proactively identify and train future leaders. Planning for succession helps minimise interruptions and maintain performance standards by ensuring a talent transition inside the organisation.
Table 21: Conceptual model for Talent Management and Employee Performance
According to the above given conceptual framework, employee performance (the dependent variable) is directly impacted by talent management practises (the independent variable). Organisational culture, a moderator variable, does, however, mitigate the association. Employee performance is enhanced as a result of more effective talent management strategies that are supported by a healthy organisational culture. The framework recognises that organisational culture may have an impact on how talent management practises turn out and emphasises the significance of taking into account the cultural context when determining how they affect employee performance.
dependant | Independant | Moderator |
In this study, the dependent variable is employee performance. It speaks to the degree of effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity displayed by workers in completing their assignments and reaching organisational objectives. Talent management strategies are one of several elements that affect employee performance. | Practises for managing talent include a variety of actions intended to draw in, nurture, and keep talented workers inside an organisation. Talent sourcing, training and development, performance management, and succession planning are some of these procedures. The application and efficacy of talent management practises inside Tesco PLC serve as the study's independent variables. | In this study, the moderator variable is Tesco’s’ organisational culture. It speaks of the common values, assumptions, customs, and conduct that influence an organization's workplace. |
The research approach for this study will involve conducting a questionnaire survey among 60 employees of Tesco PLC. The questionnaire will be designed to capture relevant variables such as talent acquisition, training and development, performance management, and succession planning (Roopa, 2012). The questions will be designed to assess employees' experiences, perceptions, and attitudes towards these talent management practices and their perceived impact on their performance. The research approach of utilizing a questionnaire survey allows for efficient data collection and provides quantitative insights into the impact of talent management practices on employee performance within Tesco PLC. A sample size of 60 employees will be selected based on practical considerations and the resources available for data collection. The questionnaire will be distributed among the selected employees, ensuring confidentiality and voluntary participation. The data collected from the questionnaire responses will be analysed using statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to examine the relationship between talent management practices and employee performance.
The chosen study will use a cross-sectional and quantitative research design as its research approach. Data will be gathered quantitatively using a structured questionnaire survey (Setia, 2016). Closed-ended questions in the survey will enable the study of numerical data. The study will use a cross-sectional design since information from a sample of 60 employees will be gathered at a certain period (Manfreda, 2003). With this strategy, it is possible to get a quick overview of the connection between Tesco PLC's talent management procedures and worker performance. To investigate the effect of talent management practises on employee performance, data analysis will use statistical approaches such descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The research will add to the body of knowledge and give useful recommendations for Tesco PLC's talent management policies. It will also shed light on the link between talent management practises and worker performance.
The methodology for this study will involve a quantitative research approach using a structured questionnaire survey (Lu, 2021). The questionnaire will be designed to gather data on talent management practices and their impact on employee performance within Tesco PLC. A total of 60 individuals from various organisational levels and departments will make up the sample size. As the questionnaire will be sent electronically, easy data collection and answer confidentiality are guaranteed. The survey will include a mix of demographic data and closed-ended questions with Likert scales (Sullivan, 2013). Employee opinions on talent management techniques including talent acquisition, training and development, performance management, and succession planning will be gauged by the closed-ended questions. The degree to which respondents agree or disagree with various claims about the effects of these practises on employee performance will be determined using Likert scales. Utilising statistical tools like SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), the questionnaire's data will be analysed (Rahman, 2021). The data will be analysed using descriptive statistics, such as means, frequencies, and percentages. The links between talent management strategies and employee performance metrics will be investigated using correlation analysis. To evaluate the effectiveness of talent management strategies in predicting employee performance while accounting for any confounding factors, regression analysis will be used. The amount to which talent management strategies influence variances in employee performance will be established via this investigation.
Combining convenience sampling with stratified sampling will be the sampling strategy used for this investigation. The demographic of interest consists of Tesco PLC workers. To guarantee participation from various organisational departments and levels of hierarchy, stratified sampling will be utilised. Convenience sampling will be used within each stratum to choose participants based on availability and accessibility. Participants will be chosen after taking into account things like their desire to engage and their time restrictions. This sampling approach allows for a diverse representation of employees across different areas of the organization, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the impact of talent management practices on employee performance. However, it is important to note that the findings may not be generalizable to the entire population of Tesco PLC but will provide valuable insights within the scope of the study (Shi, 2015).
The ethical aspects of this investigation will take precedence. The study's objective, the participants' voluntary involvement, and the confidentiality and anonymity of their answers will all be explained to participants. Data will be securely kept and consent will be sought in a transparent manner. Privacy of participants will be protected, and the study will follow all rules and laws pertaining to ethics (FLEMING, 2020).
4.1 Findings
Null hypothesis
H0-1: There is no significant relationship between talent management practices at Tesco Plc and employee performance.
H0-2: There is no significant impact of talent management practices at Tesco Plc on employee well-being.
Alternative hypothesis
Ha-1: There is a significant positive relationship between talent management practices at Tesco Plc and employee performance.
Ha-2: Talent management practices at Tesco Plc have a significant positive impact on employee well-being.
Null Hypothesis |
Alternative Hypothesis |
Table 1: Hypothesis Testing’s
(Source: Self-developed)
The aforementioned table demonstrated the overview of the hypothesis testing’s in the respective of the talent management practices and the employee performances. In addition, it has been perceived that the Null Hypothesis has been accepted and the alternative hypothesis rejected.
The information shows that the individuals' ages are diverse, with a mean age of almost 1.73. The sample has a variety of age groups, as indicated by the minimum and maximum reported ages of 1 and 4, respectively. The participants' gender distribution is significantly biassed towards one category, as evidenced by the mean gender response, which is roughly 1.97. The data had a standard deviation of 0.758, a range of 1 to 3, and some variation in gender answers. With a mean response of 1.73, participants indicated that Tesco Plc offered formal training or opportunities for professional growth. The statistics with a standard deviation of 0.756 and a range of 1 to 3, indicate that participant perceptions varied. A minor positive skew, indicated by the skewness value of 0.492, suggests that more respondents agreed with the statement. The mean score among participants who indicated whether they had a clear career path or growth trajectory was 1.63. The statistics show some variability with a standard deviation of 0.688 and a range of 1 to 3. The negative skewness value of 0.629 indicates that more respondents supported the assertion.
In the statistical analysis process of research, the statistical significance is considered as arbitrary and all the usage values depend on the field of the study process. In general, a different research process suitable value of Cronbach’s Alpha is considered as 0.9. In most cases, every researcher uses 0.05 alpha value that defines that there is less than 5% chance related to the dta testing under the null hypothesis. In this research process Cronbach’s Alpha value is depicted as 0.756 that is also suitable for the data testing process of the company.
Employees who have received formal training or development opportunities are more likely to perceive a clearly defined career trajectory within the company, according to a significant positive correlation (r = 0.275, p 0.05) between these two factors in question four (the presence of a clear career path) and question three (having received formal training or development opportunities). The information reveals a strong positive link between effective talent management practices (Q5) and open communication between managers and employees (Q6) (r = 0.365, p 0.01). This suggests that communication about performance and career advancement tends to be more open and transparent when talent management practices are seen as being effective.
Another strong positive association (r = 0.434, p 0.01) has been found between respondents' opinions of Tesco Plc's ability to recognise and reward high-performing workers (Q7) and their perceptions of open communication between managers and workers (Q6). Between the view that Tesco Plc values and invests in the professional development of its employees (Q9) and the existence of a clear career path (Q4), there is a substantial positive association (r = 0.358, p 0.01). This shows that career paths are frequently clearly defined in companies that invest in employee development. The data show a substantial positive connection (r = 0.412, p 0.01) between the efficacy of talent management practices (Q5) and respondents' opinions of Tesco Plc's involvement in professional development (Q9). This shows that businesses that place a high priority on employee development tend to utilise talent management strategies that are more successful.
With an F-statistic of 3.384 and a p-value of.007, the regression model's summary shows that it is statistically significant. This implies that the dependent variable is strongly predicted by at least one of the model's independent variables.
For this predictor, the unstandardized coefficient is -0.105 and the standardised coefficient (Beta) is -0.118. The perceptions of Tesco Plc's recognition and awards for high-performing employees and the efficacy of talent management practices have a negative correlation, however this correlation is not statistically significant (p = 0.391). This predictor has an unstandardized coefficient of 0.103 and a standardised coefficient (Beta) of 0.122. Although this relationship is not statistically significant (p = 0.365), it does imply that there is a positive correlation between the perception of the fairness and effectiveness of Tesco Plc's performance appraisal system and the effectiveness of talent management practices. This predictor has a -0.006 unstandardized coefficient and a -0.006 standardised coefficient (Beta). The efficiency of talent management practices is unaffected by this variable (p = 0.969).
Evaluating the key talent management practices in the context of the Tesco Plc
A key component of human resource management, talent management concentrates on luring, nurturing, and keeping high talent within an organisation (AKYOL et al., 2023). In addition, it has been perceived that talent management practices have been providing more room to the subordinates through the leaders of the organisation in order to enhance the respective skills to achieve the organisational goal (AKYOL et al., 2023). Furthermore, it has been perceived that the key knowledge from the perspectives of employee performance has been derived with the help of practising talent management among the employees. There are several components that have been derived in the context of developing talent management practices within the organisational working territory.
Tesco puts a lot of focus on finding and choosing the best talent for various positions inside the company (Ajibola et al., 2022). This involves employing competency-based evaluations, organised interviews, and diversity-focused hiring practices (Ajibola et al., 2022). In addition, it has been perceived that the recruitment and the selection stage of the talent management practices have been derived as the key results in order to evaluate the subordinated knowledge and their inclination towards allocation of the job (Efendi., 2021). Hence, Tesco Plc has believed in the “Listen, Learn & Act” and focused on enhancing the skills to deliver effective services by the employee (, 2023).
Employee development and training is one of the core parts of developing the management practices among subordinates in the organisational working territory (Davidescu et al., 2020). In addition, it has been perceived that the key concerns of the employee development material and the training programmed or the important materials have been derived with the help of the right strategy of the acquisition of the employee development and the training programmed (Davidescu et al., 2020). Tesco makes investments in employee development through on- and off-the-job training programmes (McGurk and Meredith., 2023). It assists career development in the near future and provides possibilities for ongoing learning. Tesco Plc has been creating the 330,000 colleagues at the heart of everything in order to provide better training programmed by the organisation and providing sustainable learning towards achieving the organisational goal (, 2023). SDG 4 Quality Education seeks to guarantee inclusive and equitable, high-quality education and opportunities for lifelong learning for everyone (, 2023). Therefore, Tesco Plc's training and skill-development initiatives guarantee that every employee has the chance to succeed, and Tesco is dedicated to assisting young people in gaining employable skills. Over 7,000 managers across the Group had finished this training as of February 2023 (, 2023).
It is essential for an organisation to prioritise employee performance and well-being in order to keep a motivated and effective staff while also assuring their general well-being and contentment (Afonso et al., 2021). In addition, it has been perceived that the key concerns of the employee performance have been derived with the help of the execution strategy in order to meet the organisation goal in the business working territory (Afonso et al., 2021). Furthermore, it has been noted that several aspects have been derived in the context of measuring the employee performances in the business working territory.
Organisations regularly evaluate employee performance to identify opportunities for success and growth (Murphy., 2020). Employees that get constructive criticism can better understand expectations and advance their careers (Murphy., 2020). In addition, it has been conceived that the performances appraisal has been developing the framework in order to execute the business working performances by the subordinates involved in their assigned work in the organisational working territory (Murphy., 2020). Furthermore, it has been noted that the key concerns of the employee have been identified with the help of taking the proper feedback through appraising the employee's performance.
Figure 4.2: Performances measurement indicators of Tesco employee
The above data shows that Tesco has been effective in fostering a culture where a high proportion of employees think it's an outstanding place to work (, 2023). However, as suggested by the minor fall in the second KPI, there may be potential for improvement in terms of making sure that workers regularly feel like they have opportunities for growth and development. The proportion of employees that say Tesco is a great place to work has increased overall despite some swings throughout the years. It is reaching 82% in both 2020–2021 and 2022–2023 suggesting a significant upward trend in employee satisfaction (, 2023). An 82% referral rate indicates that a sizable majority of employees have a favourable opinion of Tesco as an employer.
Offering employees the chance for training and development ensures that they develop the abilities and expertise needed to flourish in their positions (Angelina and Tawiah., 2020). Continuous learning improves career development and job performance (Angelina and Tawiah., 2020). In addition, it has been perceived that the key concerns of the developments of the career growth have been achieved with the help of the providing the training and developments programmed by the organisation in the business working territory (Sultanova et al., 2020). Furthermore, it has been noted that the key perception has been derived with the help of the acquisition of the training and the development course made by the organisational management to enhance the skills of the subordinates to achieve the organisational goal in the business working environments (Sultanova et al., 2020). Hence, it has been perceived that the organisational management performances have been derived with the help of the performing the practices of the talents management practices in the business working territory.
Figure 4.3: Training action plan of the Tesco Plc
(Source:, 2023)
The Black Action Plan intends to start addressing the systemic racism problem by removing obstacles that disproportionately affect the Black community (, 2023). In addition, it has been perceived that Tesco has set up the target to enhance the talent edge representation level by 2030 (, 2023). Furthermore, it has been noted that community development is one of the keys that would enhance the contributions in the organisational working territory.
Recommending effective strategies and plans for enhancing employee performances
Organisations that aspire to increase productivity, engagement, and overall success must prioritise improving employee performance.
Ensure that staff members are aware of their responsibilities and how their job relates to the organisation's objectives (Chanana and Sangeeta, 2021). In addition, it has been perceived that effective communication has been playing a pivotal role in order to execute the business operation effectively in the business working territory (Chanana and Sangeeta, 2021). Hold routine one-on-one sessions to go over goals, give feedback, and handle any queries or issues.
Recognise and reward outstanding work to inspire colleagues and strengthen desired behaviours (Cheema et al., 2020). Implement a programme for employee appreciation that offers monetary prizes, public recognition, or non-cash incentives like additional vacation time or opportunities for professional growth (Cheema et al., 2020). Furthermore, it has been perceived that the key concerns of the identification of the rewards and recognitions to achieving the organisational goal.
In conclusion, this study aims to examine the impact of talent management practices on employee performance within Tesco PLC. Through a quantitative research approach utilizing a structured questionnaire survey, data will be collected from 60 employees representing different departments and hierarchical levels. The findings will provide insights into the effectiveness of talent acquisition, training and development, performance management, and succession planning strategies in enhancing employee performance. Ethical considerations will be upheld throughout the study to ensure participant confidentiality and informed consent. The study's results will contribute to the existing literature on talent management practices and provide practical implications for Tesco PLC and other organizations seeking to optimize employee performance through effective talent management strategies.
The entire research process provides a suitable understanding about the talent management system of Tesco PLC in the United Kingdom. Talent management system helps in different types of employee or worker controlling processes such as discovering, deploying and developing of value-added services of the company. The entire study process used a quantitative research method by questionnaire survey from 60 employee respondents of the company to achieve the entire purpose of the research. The entire analysis process by the help of descriptive questionnaires to evaluate the positive or negative impact of the talent management system on employees’ performance level of Tesco Plc. After the analysis process by using quantitative questionnaires, the survey process provides negative believable aspects related to the employee performance level of the business organisation.
Findings part of this research process also provide suitable details of the talent management process of the organisation and also emphasis on work knowledge development, future abilities development and skill development for future business growing prospectus of the company. Entire research process focuses on the open communication system, reward level, appraisal system, investment on professional development, work life promotion and balance and many more under the talent management process of Tesco Plc. On the other hand, ethical consideration of this research process helps to protect the rights, dignity and welfare of every included participant. It also provides values for every participant related to the trust, accountability, fairness reduction from all the participants involved in the research process and accountability. Therefore, in these aspects it is concluded including all the positive and negative aspects of employees' performance level by the help of a suitable talent management system of Tesco Plc.
Entire investigation process related to the talent management process of Tesco Plc, most of the respondents concur with it. On the other hand, most of the respondents agreed with strategies and procedures to improve employees' working ability for suitable output and higher position in the company's workplace. A suitable level of positive relationship in between employee performance and talent management strategies align with business growth opportunities of the company in the global market. However, it is also recommended that improvement of the human resource management system in Tesco Plc can help to achieve positive business outcomes for the company (Samantara and Sharma, 2022). Investment in company culture and revisit work benefits packages for all the employees are helpful for increasing work flexibility level in their accommodating working hours.
Another side company needs to create different growth opportunities with learning environment development with the help of innovative technological processes for new employee engagement processes using best practices of the system. In this aspect Tesco Plc also needs to encourage appreciation and gratitude culture with a performance management system and tools of employee recognition. Encouragement of friendship in the working team and evaluation process of their performance level more than just one time in every year can be helpful for business growing aspects of Tesco Plc (Tesco, 2023). So a continuous improvement process of the talent management system in the company's workplace will be beneficial for improving the workforce level of the organisations in the long run process.
This research process is conducted by the help of qualitative methods. Use of the quantitative data for this research process are not able to capture all the complexity, richness or diversity for this selected study phenomena. On the other hand, quantitative data ignore or oversimplify the exact meaning of this research process. That includes the motivations, experience and emotions level of every employee or subjective part from the side of every participant. So the quantitative research process use aspects are the major limitations level for this selected research process. On the other hand it always influences different types of measurement errors, external factors, ethical issues, sampling biases in this research process. On the other hand, another limitation is the level of this research method and the use of this type of data needs huge resources, expertise to collect, interpret and analyse all the data of the company. Another one major selected limitation of the research is the low number of respondents form the survey process.
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