The Benefits of Bedside Handovers Over Office Based Handovers Assignment Sample

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Bedside handover processes are being significantly studied because of the positive effects on the patient's safety and overall healthcare. There are several handover processes in hospital settings but the two most studied handover processes that are increasingly being used and implemented are bedside handover and office-based handover processes (Slade et al. 2019). The procedure "bedside handover" allows nurses to discuss a patient's care while still being present at their bedside during a shift change. Enhancing communication between nursing staff members and between staff and patients, this strategy can improve patient care. This communication then further decreases safety risks and increases patient satisfaction and participation. Together with nurse and nurse, patient-related relationships in the handover process impact the condition of patience significantly (Powell et al. 2020). Office-based handover mainly focuses on the medical diagnosis and the treatment of the patients who are being handed over and do not have the opportunity to take part in the process.

This study is focused on the positive effects on the patients of bedside handover and its effect along with benefit on the patient and their participation through communication and efficiency. Also, the study focuses on several aspects of office-based handover processes and its complication and issues in patient care. Compared to conventional office-based handover techniques, bedside handovers can provide an immediate answer to some pressing problems (Malfait et al. 2018). However, while patients' families prefer bedside handovers, nurses typically prefer office-based handovers (Malfait et al. 2018). This study mainly focuses on the benefits of the bedside handover process in hospital settings which benefits not only the patients' immediate care but also improves the quality of healthcare. Also, enables the possibility of necessary steps that were to be taken in time to improve the patient's condition.


Due to a variety of patient requirements, complicated medical information, and time limits, healthcare personnel have communication difficulties. Improved patient outcomes depend on empathetic communication, clear communication, active listening, and ongoing improvement (Forde, Coffey & Hegarty, 2020). To study the benefits of bedside handover in hospital settings as opposed to office-based handover, it is very important to understand the clear meaning and effectiveness of bedside hand over which is conducted in several hospitals as well as the concept of office-based handover. Handovering patients at the bedside can be seen positively by the patients' families but the nurses often preferred office-based handover processes because it does not provoke any challenges (Oxelmark et al. 2020). Communication gaps often create a risk for errors in the Healthcare professional and end a feeling of complete transfer of the consisted information from one party to another party (Forde, Coffey & Hegarty, 2020). This is why many patient parties consider the bedside handover the most trustable and easy procedure compared to the office-based hand over which is more complicated and complex (Oxelmark et al. 2020). It is observed in that the bedside handover does not influence the time but the duration of both the handover processes.

Patient and nurse views are very much important for the transparency of information about the patient in case of bedside handover. Views of the values and purposes of the handover at the bedside differ in style, context and place of the delivery, which is often given by several concerning factors that are regarded by confidential talking over patients (Tacchini-Jacquier et al. 2020). The advantages of patient engagement in the online handover also have various points of view, including nurses who wish to finish the handover outside of their shift, and an issue with the clinical team, staff, and patient families (Kang et al. 2018). The study may also focus on the significance of bedside handover opposing the office-based handover process or conventional handover process of operations through literature review and critical evaluation.


The study aims to identify the benefits of bedside handover in hospital settings in contrary to office-based handovers. Because the office-based handover often takes a huge amount of time in unnecessary stops which reduces the primary patient care time and indulges several irrelevant people in the process of handover (Kang et al. 2018). The study focuses on the advantages and relevance of bedside handover and its influence on patient care as well as minimizing risk factors by providing the patient with primary care, which, on the other hand, takes less time than office base over.


Communication between the nurse and patients is the key factor that underpins patient-centred care which can be determined by the interaction quality between the patient and the nurse that encourages a healing relationship based on a strong understanding and trust (Chien et al. 2022). The study emphasises the idea of the benefits of bedside hand over which opposes the office-based handover process. However, office-based handover is not suitable always because of not considering the patient's opinion and perspective into the view and it often takes a huge amount of time compared to bedside handover and this reduces the time that may be spent on direct caring for the patient (Slade et al. 2019). Office-based handover often takes away psychological aspects of the patients and when the information is passed from one shift to another shape this information becomes irrelevant and outdated (Ghantasala, Reddy & Arvindhan, 2021).

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The introduction of bedside handover is a crucial factor in improving the time-consuming nature of office-based handovers, fostering better nurse-patient communication and a sense of partnership (Al-Shamaly, 2022). Healthcare Assignment Help Bedside handover offers several benefits, such as enhancing efficiency, reducing non-patient information transfer, enabling immediate patient care, and improving time management for nurses (Forde, Coffey & Hegarty, 2020). It also plays a significant role in reducing overtime and saving costs during shift handovers (Malfait et al., 2018). This highlights the importance of studying bedside handover and its benefits. The study focuses on how office-based handovers impact patient conditions, but it is equally vital to consider their effects on patients' families, nurses, and the healthcare system.

Literature review

Analysing the basic understanding of office-based handover and bedside handover through an epidemiological lens

Nursing handover is considered an "important" practice since it is a historical custom that has persisted into the present. A crucial medical task that seriously influences patient care is handover. In the event of a bad nurse handover, the patient is put in risk (Malfait et al. 2018). Relaying the appropriate data in a courteous approach could enhance handover. Communication serves a variety of purposes in addition to facilitating communication and information exchange. An important part of ensuring continuity of care and keeping effective communication between medical workers is the handoff procedure between nurses. Nurses can ensure a smooth transition of care from one provider to the next by clearly sharing pertinent patient information, such as their medical history, current medications, and any ongoing concerns or needs. In turn, this promotes the development of strong relationships based on honest communication and shared decision-making and helps to increase confidence between staff and patients (Harton & Skemp, 2022). Passing care delivery and duty from one nurse to another is the official portion of the handover. This enables the new nurse to provide secure and ultimately high-quality nursing care. According to the definition of handover, it is "the temporary or ongoing transfer of professional responsibility and accountability for some or all aspects of care for a patient, or group of patients, to another individual or professional group" (Salim et al. 2021).

Nurses can give patients' reports at the bedside as part of a process called bedside handover, which enables patients to participate in their treatment. Plenty of issues with the traditional transfer of “office-based handover” are immediately rectified by bedside handovers. It can be stated that involving several handovers, it was found that bedside handovers provided a chance for nurses to build community and support (Al?Shamaly, 2022). The findings of the study that has been conducted on bedside handover, indicate that this practice raises the standard of patient care. According to Lu et al. (2020), studies demonstrated that this type of handover improves clients' safety. It became clear that nurses could now evaluate patients, for instance. An office-based handover could overlook all these details.

“Office-based handovers” are mostly drawn out in that it restricts the time spent on direct patient care. Some “handovers” can linger for up to an hour, which is likely the result of useless information being presented during the “handover” process. The implementation of a “bedside handover” has been judged to be a development over the time-consuming and hierarchical office-based form, leading to better nurse-patient dialogue and a sense of cooperation. This is corroborated by Malfait et al. (2019), who claimed that bedside handover saves time because less time is spent speaking in the office. However, opponents of "bedside handover" contend that patient confidentiality is compromised because other people can listen to conversations about a particular patient (Tobiano, Marshall & Chaboyer, 2021). Worries about “bedside handover” have also been raised, claiming that patients might hear about the conditions of their fellow patients (Tobiano, Marshall & Chaboyer, 2021). The use of written directions, nurses speaking more gently, and giving personal data away from the bedside were found to be effective ways to prevent this.

Critically evaluating the influence of bedside handover over office-based handover

In most clinics, shift-to-shift handover occurs twice or three times daily on every ward. Internationally, it is acknowledged that erroneous and incomplete handovers increase the risk to consumer health (Tobiano, Marshall & Chaboyer, 2021). In hospitals, poor care delivery communication is a primary cause of patient damage. The handover procedure can be done in a variety of ways; however, it frequently takes place away from the client and could or could not be face-to-face. Several factors account for the lack of widespread usage of bedside handover. Rhudy et al. (2019) draw attention to the challenges with patient involvement, time management, and other potential obstacles stemming from the nursing ward's design. The traditional transfer could result in a collapse in team communication, putting patient safety in peril. However, at "bedside handover", the client is present together with representatives of both the incoming and outgoing teams. According to Malfait et al. (2019), bedside handover is a crucial method for improving the transmission of critical data between patients to caregivers and vice versa, reducing the incidence of care-related misunderstandings (Yang et al. 2022). So, to enhance communication and patient safety, nurses' clinical handover practices have come under scrutiny. As a useful communication tool, bedside handover has the potential to improve nursing and patient experience. Besides that, traditional office-based handover takes much longer time compared to bedside handover (Yang et al. 2022). After reviewing the pieces of the information correctly the office decides to whom the task may be handed over. This technique takes three to four times longer than what bedside handover technique takes.

The implementation of bedside reports led to an increase in patient satisfaction. Both nurses' and patients' perspectives were favourable, especially when patients felt more involved and educated in their care. A method for enhancing both the efficiency of the changeover and the patient-centeredness of care has surfaced: conducting nursing handover with the patient present at the bedside. Research demonstrates that nurses are more worried about confidentiality issues than patients are (Geerts et al. 2021). In some countries, privacy regulations may also be a factor in nurses' worries about confidentiality. A successful pattern that encourages nurse-patient contact in healthcare settings is bedside handover, which many patients view as an inclusive practice globally. Moreover, some patients value bedside handover as an opportunity to recognise and rectify any misinformation being conveyed (Tacchini-Jacquier et al. 2020). Additionally, bedside handover could enhance teamwork and raise nurse and patient satisfaction. It can be difficult to involve the patient in the clinical handover process because it is an important element of health-related data for nurses and patients (Tacchini-Jacquier et al. 2020). To convey the necessary information throughout this operation, handovers are critical nursing actions in clinical nursing. Enhancing handover procedures also improves patient safety (Nasiri et al. 2021). Despite this, patients could feel excluded from conversations and choices about their health. Since patients and nurses may view "handover" differently, it may be a beneficial method to increase patient involvement and safety.

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Critically evaluating the communication and understanding of patient information

Every single one of the numerous important points of contact between healthcare professionals and patients or family carers poses the risk of a patient safety incident. The COVID-19 epidemic brought to light how crucial it is for healthcare providers, especially those providing virtual care, to communicate effectively in order to guarantee smooth service delivery and the best possible patient-provider relationships. However, the digital divide in healthcare can lead to unfair access and results, especially for disadvantaged groups. Therefore, it is crucial to address this problem and guarantee that everyone has access to the communication technologies required for the delivery of safe and efficient healthcare. Thus, it might be stated that the present barriers to successful patient communication, the effects of various approaches to enhance provider-patient communication, and the lessons learnt from COVID-19 pandemic communication practises that might be used in the future.

Communicating with the patient during the hard and lengthy processes of medical treatment helps the patient as well as the patient's family to participate effectively and make decisions accordingly. The article by Blackburn, Ousey & Goodwin (2019) examined several forms of communication inside the nursing team and concentrated on how the usage of various forms of communication can lead to the transmission of confused messages. There can be an argument about whether the chosen methods are correct or not. But if their aim is a full field it can be stated that the chosen methods are appropriate. It can be stated that terminology and linguistic learning modes of communication cause an unconscious barrier to communication amongst various experts within the multidisciplinary team (Blackburn, Ousey & Goodwin, 2019). Throughout a yearlong study of ethnographic fieldwork, the researcher employed a qualitative methodology. The researcher was able to choose the ideal environment and study-relevant population using purposeful sampling, producing high-quality data. This had the drawback that the researcher might have picked samples out of convenience, which would have compromised the validity of the results. The study was conducted to fill a knowledge vacuum caused by the constructionist understanding of handover. It might be stated that during the emergency department or ED diagnosis procedure, one-fourth of patients were not provided with an explanation of their medical issue upon release and that a quarter of those patients were unaware of the next steps upon leaving the ED, such as what to do if a condition worsens or does not improve (James et al. 2022). These kinds of communication errors may result in a negative situation and detrimental effects and may affect the guidance for staff. It might be shown that persistent efforts continue to analyse and improve healthcare communication despite the difficulties faced this year and a focus on promoting physical distance (Singh, Steele & Singh, 2021). Some of these initiatives are a direct result of the COVID pandemic's reforms. This analysis has discovered that the turnover of care achieves two specific objectives. Nursing staff members talk about patients at handover as a social gathering.

Critically analysing the benefits of bedside handovers in a hospital setting, as opposed to office-based handovers

Bedside handovers, where healthcare providers verbally transfer patient information and updates at the patient's bedside, have been shown to have several benefits in a hospital setting compared to office-based handovers. Generally, bedside handovers are found to improve communication, team collaboration, patient safety, and patient satisfaction (Uddin, Morshed & Ahmed, 2020).

One benefit is improved communication and understanding of patient information. According to a study published in 2018 in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, bedside handovers improved communication among healthcare providers and increased patient involvement in their care (Price et al. 2018). According to the report, bedside handovers led to a reduction in the number of missing or incorrect items of information compared to office-based handovers (Uddin, Morshed & Ahmed, 2020). The reason for this is that bedside handovers give doctors a more complete picture of patient care, including the psychological, emotional, and social facets of a patient's condition. This allows for a more thorough understanding of the patient’s condition and the potential for increased accuracy in diagnosis and treatment (Forde, Coffey & Hegarty, 2020).

Another benefit is increased continuity of care. A study published in 2018 in the Journal of Patient Safety found that bedside handovers were associated with improved continuity of care and reduced medical errors (Price, 2018). Additionally, a study published in 2020 in the Journal of Interprofessional Care found that bedside handovers improved care coordination between hospital and community settings (Fong, 2020). However, it is important to note that this is just one study and further research is needed to confirm these findings and explore any potential limitations or drawbacks of this practice (Fong, 2020).

Bedside handovers also provide opportunities for real-time problem-solving and decision-making. According to a study published in 2020 in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, bedside handovers led to more timely interventions and adjustments in treatment, which improved patient outcomes and increased satisfaction among healthcare providers and patients (Ahmad, Khan & Khan, 2020). This ensures that all necessary information is communicated promptly. This, in turn, minimizes the risk of medical errors and adverse events.

Furthermore, bedside handovers can also facilitate interdisciplinary team collaboration and increase accountability and transparency in care delivery. According to a study, bedside handovers led to better alignment of patient goals and care plans and improved collaboration among healthcare team members (Fong, 2020). This allows for a more thorough understanding of the patient’s condition and the potential for increased accuracy in diagnosis and treatment.

Finally, bedside handovers are found to improve patient satisfaction as they allow for more direct communication between patients and healthcare professionals. This allows for a more personalized approach to patient care and enables healthcare professionals to meet the individual needs of their patients. However, these recent studies demonstrate the potential benefits of bedside handovers and the importance of considering them as a viable option for improving communication and continuity of care in the hospital setting.

Critically evaluating the limitations of previous research

Recent research on bedside handovers has identified several limitations. Inadequate professional training, a lack of evidence-based practise models, non-standardization, and resource shortages are some of the issues facing the healthcare industry that prevent optimal treatment delivery and outcomes (Kang et al. 2018). To fully comprehend the generalizability and applicability of these findings, it is crucial to evaluate critically the limitations of earlier research.

Firstly, there is a lack of standardization of bedside handovers. This is because there is no single standard protocol for performing bedside handovers. As a result, there is a lack of uniformity in the information that is exchanged between healthcare professionals and the patient (Kang et al. 2018). Secondly, there is a lack of evidence-based practice models for bedside handovers. As a result, there is little information available to healthcare professionals about how to conduct bedside handovers (Sharma et al. 2020). As a result, healthcare professionals may be unsure of how to go about performing bedside handovers most effectively.

Thirdly, it might be stated that there is insufficient training of healthcare professionals in performing bedside handovers (Lobo, 2019). This is due to the possibility that healthcare workers are unaware of the advantages of a bedside handover or are not sufficiently trained to carry them out (Wong, 2019). Healthcare facilities' limited space limits practise, compromising patient and worker comfort and privacy. Bedside handovers are impacted by inadequate equipment and understaffing, which impede the flow of information. Patient safety and communication are hampered by these problems. Infrastructure, technology, and staffing investments are required to solve these issues and enhance care coordination and patient outcomes (Liu et al. 2021). This can lead to inadequate communication between healthcare professionals and the patient, resulting in a less effective handover. Additionally, previous research has been largely conducted in high-income countries and may not be generalizable to low- and middle-income countries where resources and infrastructure may be limited (Shuvo et al. 2020). The applicability of bedside handover may be limited in low- and middle-income countries due to the lack of resources and infrastructure.

Moreover, previous research has often been conducted in specific settings such as in the intensive care unit or emergency department, and may not be generalizable to other settings, such as in the operating room or the ambulatory care setting. According to Sharma et al. (2020), the applicability of bedside handover may be limited in an ambulatory care setting, highlighting the need to carefully consider the context and population when applying research findings. Therefore, when assessing the transferability of these findings to a specific setting, it is important to consider factors such as patient characteristics, healthcare team structure, and workflow, and to critically evaluate whether the intervention would be feasible and effective in the context.

In conclusion, recent research on bedside handovers has identified several limitations, including a lack of standardization, a lack of evidence-based practice models, insufficient training of healthcare professionals, and a lack of resources. As such, it is important to address these limitations to ensure that bedside handovers are performed in the most effective manner possible.

Identifying the scope of future research in this field

Recent research on bedside handovers has identified several limitations, suggesting that further research is needed to identify effective ways to address these issues. Future research should focus on developing evidence-based practice models for bedside handovers, as well as exploring ways to improve the training of healthcare professionals in this area. In addition, future research should investigate ways to increase the availability of resources like communication devices, monitoring devices, privacy curtains and others for bedside handovers and explore ways to standardize the process.

Firstly, further research is needed to develop evidence-based practice models for bedside handovers. This can ensure that healthcare professionals are equipped with the necessary guidance to perform bedside handovers most effectively. In addition, evidence-based practice models can help to ensure that the most up-to-date evidence and best practice is being used when performing bedside handovers (Kim et al. 2018). However, it is important to acknowledge that evidence-based practice is a dynamic process that involves integrating the best available evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and preferences (Kim et al. 2018). Therefore, future research should aim to develop standardized definitions and implementation protocols for bedside handovers to improve the comparability of results across studies.

Secondly, further research is needed to explore ways to improve the training of healthcare professionals in this area. This would entail coming up with effective ways to inform healthcare professionals about the advantages of bedside handovers as well as creating plans to make sure they are properly trained in how to carry them out.

Thirdly, future research should investigate ways to increase the availability of resources for bedside handovers. This would involve exploring ways to make more space, equipment, and staff available for performing bedside handovers (Geerts, 2021). Research focuses on improving bedside handovers through the best possible space allocation, equipment procurement, and personnel, as well as on improving patient outcomes overall and improving patient participation, communication, and care.

Another area of future research should be to explore the impact of bedside handovers on patients' outcomes, safety, and satisfaction. A study published in 2022 in the Journal of Advanced Nursing found that bedside handovers led to more timely interventions and adjustments in treatment, which improved patient outcomes and increased satisfaction among healthcare providers and patients (Chen et al. 2022). Therefore, future research should aim to explore the impact of bedside handovers on patients' outcomes, safety, and satisfaction to determine the potential benefits of bedside handovers on patients.

Finally, further research should explore ways to standardize the process of bedside handovers. This might entail creating a single uniform protocol for carrying out bedside handovers as well as looking into ways to guarantee uniformity in the data exchanged between medical personnel and the patient.

In conclusion, future research on bedside handovers should focus on addressing the limitations of previous research to fully understand the effectiveness and generalizability of bedside handovers. This should include the development of standardized definitions and implementation protocols, the development of standardized measures for evaluating the effectiveness of bedside handovers, evaluating the effectiveness of bedside handovers in low- and middle-income countries, and different settings, exploring the impact of bedside handovers on patients' outcomes, safety, and satisfaction and cost-effectiveness of bedside handovers. By addressing these limitations, future research can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the potential benefits and challenges associated with bedside handovers and help to improve the quality and continuity of care for patients.

Ethical consideration/implication of hospital setting over office-based handovers

Patient engagement has emerged as a key healthcare paradigm over the last two decades, endorsed by organisations like the "World Health Organization" and BMJ (Mullen et al. 2020). Patient involvement is promoted as a beneficial feature for patient safety and care quality and is seen as crucial to the long-term viability of healthcare systems. According to the research by (Mullen et al. 2020) Patient empowerment is the key objective of the approach to move toward a patient-centred organisation. These concepts led to an increase in patient involvement strategies and projects. On the other hand, while talking about the social condition of our society, people generally convey a misconception that nurses and medical staff don't treat patients with their best.

In this case, bedside handovers can overcome the barrier between nurses and patient families. Continuity of care requires coordination across space, time, and healthcare providers. Office-based handover has come under fire for being drawn out, inconsistent, insufficient, medically oriented, ritualistic, unprofessional, and lacking in specialised training (Mullen et al. 2020). The bedside shift report reassures the patient that the staff collaborates and that everyone is aware of the treatment strategy. The most crucial information relates to the research's potential effects on patient care and outcomes, the participants' informed consent procedure, and any potential ethical repercussions of conducting research in a healthcare setting (Mullen et al. 2020). The presence of many healthcare professionals may be intimidating, and bedside shift reports may not reassure all patients. In their study, Bruns et al, (2022) found that while written nurse notes were more constrained in terms of patient information, clinical handovers more accurately conveyed nursing intervention, patient difficulties, and occasionally the results of the treatment provided. According to published research, bedside handovers allow patients to converse with nurses, making it easier for them to take charge of their treatment (Hada, Jack & Coyer 2019). Patients regarded a bedside handover to be patient-centred if they were permitted to ask questions. According to (Dewi, Yetti & Nuraini 2021), "office-based handover" removes the emotional components of providing care because the information transferred from one task to another is irrelevant and out of date. "Office-based handover" has come under fire for leaving out patient viewpoints. If a bedside handover and organised content must be implemented for bedside handovers practicable, that has the biggest impact on how long the handover takes (Olasoji et al, 2019). These two aspects may decide how bedside handovers affect handover time and are necessary for a successful handover. Considering the section title or the topic of the section's discussion, another point that is important to discuss is CASP. The CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme) tool is a set of checklists designed to help researchers and practitioners critically appraise research studies, including evaluating the ethical aspects of a study. Based on these drawbacks of office-based handover, most hospital settings are preferred by medical staff and nurses over office-based handover. Though the research is going on modifying these processes to improve and remove difficulties.

Application/relevance of bedside handover in contemporary nursing practice

In the current study, it was found that nearly all the nurses performed clinical handover, many of the nurses did not utilise a special handover form, they recorded information about handovers in nurse observation forms, and the majority of the nurses performed clinical handover (Dellafiore et al. 2019). Handoffs can be communicated and understood, with handwritten notes, in person, over the phone, on audiotape, nonverbally, with digital reports, machine printouts, and in recollection, among other ways (Powell et al. 2020). Traditionally, the transfer is done in an office setting, away from the bedside, and includes one or even more nurses.

Office-based handover has come under fire for being drawn out, uneven, insufficient, medically oriented, formulaic, callous, and lacking in specialised training. The change-of-shift update assured the patient that the staff collaborates and that everyone is aware of the treatment strategy. In their study, Dellafiore et al. (2019) found that while handwritten nurse records were more constrained in terms of patient information, clinical handovers more accurately conveyed nursing intervention, patient difficulties, and occasionally the results of the treatment provided. It is an encouraging finding from the most recent study, almost all nurses claimed they employed "bedside handover" to pick up information on things they simply didn't know or didn't understand (Chien et al. 2022).

Additionally, it was believed that many of the nurses conducted clinical handovers both verbally and in writing, and they remarked that this boosted communication between them, which would benefit patient care. It has been emphasised that the advantages of bedside handover in healthcare settings, as it gives patients a chance to interact with nurses and poses questions about their care (Chien et al. 2022). Patients judged a “bedside handover” to be compassionate and empathetic if they were given the chance to inquire (Brownjohn, 2019). The current study, however, revealed that more than fifty per cent of the caregivers insisted they did not invite patients or their families to the "handover" and that they answered questions afterwards. The nurses' admission that clinical handoff increased burden might prevent them from responding to questions from patients and their loved ones during handover. Effective patient communication is essential for successful results and healthy relationships between healthcare staff and patients, while efficient handover procedures and support for healthcare staff are required to manage this workload (Chua et al. 2022). Nurses must, however, attempt to spend time at the "bedside handover" addressing patients' queries in addition to recognising and responding to patients' requirements. For all nurses, clinical handover continues to be a valuable resource for patient health information. The ease with which patient health information could be obtained and followed up on by nurses was found to be among the benefits of clinical handover that nurses cited most frequently. Nurses might learn information about other individuals at the hospital in addition to their patients through clinical handover (LoConte, 2020). Additionally, clinical handover is a key component of adult nursing because it allows efficient patient information exchange and helps avoid interruptions in patient care. Effective communication and cooperation between healthcare workers are essential for improving patient outcomes due to the increasing complexity of healthcare delivery and the demand for patient-centred care. Continuing to promote positive change and improve patient care is possible for adult nursing by promoting streamlined hand-off procedures and supporting effective staff communication (Pennisten, 2022). The potential to increase care coordination between nurses and patients/patient families is provided through “bedside handover”. This is why “bedside handover” is essential in contemporary nursing practices


The study highlights the significant benefits of bedside handovers compared to office-based handovers in healthcare settings. Bedside handovers improve patient safety, enhance communication between nurses and patients, and increase patient involvement in their care. While office-based handovers focus more on medical diagnosis and treatment, they lack the direct patient engagement that bedside handovers offer. Despite some challenges, such as increased workload for nurses, bedside handovers create a more transparent and compassionate healthcare environment. By promoting effective communication and coordination among healthcare professionals, bedside handovers contribute to better patient outcomes and overall healthcare quality. Therefore, implementing and improving bedside handover practices should remain a priority in modern nursing to enhance patient care and safety.


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