Talent Management Assignment Sample

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Personnel management should be re-imagined to produce superior business results and profitability, thereby guaranteeing that all departments optimize their efficiency and jointly work cohesively to recruit, develop, and maintain the greatest talent in the market (Claus, 2019). Management of the organisation's existing workforce is a prior goal of talent acquisition strategies. In the absence of considerable staff churn, this keeps costs down. Key employees should be developed and retained rather than hired and trained from scratch (Gallardo-Gallardo, Thunnissen and Scullion, 2020). Employees that are interested, knowledgeable, and motivated are better able to contribute to the firm's corporate goals, which in turn leads to increased customer satisfaction and better commercial success. This expands the need to make sure that the concept of talent management is ideally realised and projected through a research-based methodical manner in the case context of Tesco.

Section 1

1.1 Background

It is widely accepted that talent management is a critical HR technique that helps companies recruit new employees, develop talented workers, and retain them for a longer period of time. Companies make it a priority to staff their workplaces with qualified and experienced employees. Managers are expected to maintain open lines of communication with their whole workforce. One may use this tool to learn more about their staff (Berger and Berger, 2018). The best personnel management technique is to empower people so that they can make their own good decisions. It makes them feel appreciated, which encourages them to stay with the company. In order to attract new employees who can contribute to the success of a business unit, it is important to conduct a fair recruiting process (Meyers, 2020).
The subject of talent management strategy was chosen because it is a pressing problem at Tesco, where many employees are leaving shortly and the company is having difficulty finding new employees (Festing et al, 2017). It is posing a problem for long-term staff management for the company. Because of this, this issue has been chosen so that solutions may be discovered. Furthermore, there are a plethora of prior studies accessible on the subject, indicating that this is a precise area in which study can readily be conducted and a substantial amount of data collected.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

The research aims to study strategies of talent management that can assist to attract and retain talent in the retail organisation of Tesco.

To identify and analyse the issues that organisations face in attracting talented employees
To analyse problems confronted by organisations in retaining employees in different organisational departments
To find out different talent management strategies beneficial for Tesco in retaining its employee base and attracting new candidates

1.3 Project Management Plan

Cost: Only internet and printing costs will be required for data collection from secondary sources. Due to the fact that this is a research project for a university, the expenses spent will be minimal. This study on talent management will incur 800 pounds, in which resource procurement cost would be 300, buying stationery would cost 150, and searching material and project controlling would cost 250 and 200 respectively.

Scope: Research into talent management and its success will provide the researcher with a wealth of information for the study. Human resource processes may be enhanced and new employees brought in while at the same time finding ways to keep current employees around for extended periods of time.

Time: A project schedule is essential to ensuring that the project is completed on time (Collings, Mellahi and Cascio, 2019). For the project to fulfil its goals, time is regarded as a fixed factor. A Gantt chart is an excellent tool for conveying a project's schedule and may be used to ensure that each work is completed within the allotted time frame.

Quality: Online sources of information such as e-books, articles or websites will be employed to receive legitimate information and to accomplish standardised work to earn excellent scores.

Communication: The main problem in every project is a lack of effective communication, which is why it is a crucial part of any project management strategy. In order to ensure that the project is proceeding according to plan, constant communication and updates are essential (Stanciu, Condrea and Zamfir, 2016).

Risk: Because of the lack of resources (both in terms of data availability and money), the study's conduct is at risk. In addition, there are several additional types of dangers, such as those associated with communication and data authenticity, for example. All of these hazards must be adequately addressed to ensure that the research provides accurate and trustworthy results (Harun, Mahmood and Othman, 2020).

Resources: There are a variety of sources available to me for this project, including my college professors and electronic resources like e-books and articles, all of which may be used to extract relevant data for the project's completion.

Section 2

2.1 Methodology

Researchers employ methodologies to find select, process and evaluate data on a certain subject matter. Using the methodology part of a research article, the reader is able to assess the study's overall relevance and dependability. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed techniques are the most common approaches used by researchers. Researching talent management and how firms may use it to recruit and retain efficient professionals is the goal of this research (Fellows and Liu, 2021). The information revolution, the influx of new generations into the workplace, and the necessity for companies to up their game in terms of strategy and competitiveness have all resulted in a greater emphasis on human capital management in contemporary enterprises. In addition, research has shown that aligning personnel management with corporate strategy increases profitability for businesses. This study uses a secondary qualitative approach to conduct its research which will justify and refer to the other business practices to support the key theme of the study.

2.2 Research approach

In secondary research, which is also known as desk research, pre-existing information is compiled from a number of sources and then analyzed. Information is collected from internal or external (e.g., research conducted outside of the company) resources (such as government statistics, organisational bodies, and the internet). Secondary research information may be found in a variety of places, including published material, publications, and gathered information, as well as on the internet. To corroborate their research objectives for the study period, researchers use secondary research to gather, analyze, evaluate, and integrate information from a variety of sources (Adams and McGuire, 2022). 
Non-numerical data (e.g., text, video or audio) is collected and analyzed for qualitative research purposes to comprehend ideas, views or situations. It may be utilized to get to the bottom of an issue or to come up with fresh research questions. It is the reverse of quantitative studies, which is based on the collection and analysis of numerical data. This research has also been developed through the usage of secondary qualitative data which will allow the research to get an understanding of the talent management aspects from different organisational sources.

2.3 Tesco’s Talent Management Approach

Britain's largest retailer is Tesco. In terms of retail, Tesco is among the world’s largest top three companies. More than 440,000 individuals work for the company, which has over 3,700 locations worldwide. In total, Tesco has 13 locations worldwide. The Tesco supermarket opened its doors for business in 1929 In order to encourage its employees. There are many ways Tesco motivates its employees, including incentive schemes, training & development, self-growth that demonstrates that employees can grow and develop (Aljunaibi, 2014). They focus on staff satisfaction and ensure that employees feel that their professional growth is possible in this company. It is their goal to ensure that Tesco's employees have the skills required to succeed both today and in the foreseeable. In addition to enhancing their current abilities, they constantly provide their co-workers with the chance to retrain in a variety of aspects of employment. To provide a better working environment for everyone, one of their tops focuses is to improve the skills of all managers (Panditaand Ray, 2018). The proper technology may also allow employees to improve their successful careers, foster a continuous improvement mentality, and assist them to meet customer needs really well every day by allowing them to have an interesting and affordable learning opportunity.

Internet-based Instructional Resources
At Tesco, coworkers have access to digital education systems that help them develop the skills and information they need to succeed. Productivity, opportunities, and Learning are the three pillars on which Tesco's opportunity structure is built. Due to recent developments that affected everyone in 2020 because of the pandemic, several of the face-to-face classes have been converted to online options. It is now possible for employees to study at their own speed with an e-learning programme (O’Connor and Crowley-Henry, 2019). There are a variety of materials available to help students study, such as a library of articles and videos from corporate suppliers. This is meant to help co-workers take responsibility for their own professional development, whether it's for personal growth, gaining more assurance in their current job, or advancing in their profession.

The capability of the manager (Line manager training)
As a company, they realize that supervisors are the driving force behind business success, helping the employees to improve their skills that enable the company to better serve the consumers (Rumawas, 2021). The abilities and behaviour that senior managers will require to lead a multidisciplinary workforce are shifting and unpredictable circumstances will be refined via the development programmes for senior managers. Inclusiveness will be at the core of the training, preparing corporate managers to create inclusive workplaces where everybody wants to participate and has the chance to succeed (Abdul Latif, Saraih and Harada, 2019). The training includes a variety of abilities, such as adaptability and creative attitudes.

The pursuit of knowledge throughout one's lifetime (Digital skills)
Tesco has already assisted more than 80,000 of its managers and employees to make the switch to Work & Pay through the virtual onboarding of 400 Future Skills Partners. This was accomplished by:

  • Coaching and assisting employees in the pay administration department to gain proficiency with the new system by holding a focused training day.
  • Finding employees in the business who need help with digital abilities. Ongoing one-on-one training 
  • 99 per cent of learning materials were completed in shops where each coworker/manager had one hour allocated to Work & Pay and digital skills development.
  • Colleague Help, a digital tool that encourages employees and managers to learn on their own, is an example of this.
  • Approximately 600 Future Skills Associates were involved in the initiative until the end of 2021.

2.4 Sainsbury’s Talent Management Approach

In these apprenticeships Sainsbury works with industry experts who have a deep understanding of their area of expertise, giving the employees the skills they require for a professional future and the chance to earn while they study (Nawangsari and Sutawidjaya, 2019). Sainsbury's offers apprenticeships spanning from Level 2 to Level 7 that may be completed in conjunction with the present position and are available to people of all ages and educational backgrounds.

The way individuals perform, learn, and grow
Investors in People have awarded the company with Gold status once again. Their employees are the backbone of the company, and the company is dedicated to creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. Sainsbury keeps investing in their employees' education and growth, and they are always open to suggestions on how to enhance the environment better (Tiwari and Shrivastava, 2013). 121 assistance, face-to-face, hands-on practical learning, real-world work experiences and difficulties, and a variety of other options are all available at Sainsbury's five learning support centres. Personal and professional growth is important to the company; therefore, they provide a wide range of development opportunities, including mentoring, skill-building, and career advancements.

2.5 The Value of Taint Management

Talent management is essential for companies to ensure that constant support from the staff is available. Expertise in crucial business processes is generally held by those in high positions (Samantara and Sharma, 2015). Succession planning is essential because, without it, the firm might find itself in a precarious position. Only 35% of firms have a documented succession planning strategy in place for when employees retire or leave the job. Data from a talent management system may be used to illustrate bench strength (workers who are capable of and willing to take on new responsibilities) and to connect talents to available jobs.
Not only for businesses, talent management approaches are necessary to ensure that the employees are properly integrated and motivated to work in the organisation and are dedicated to contributing to the company (Madhani, 2021). The skill development and development need to be focused on when considering talent management as it ascertains the individual and collective goals are met.
The top employees are attracted to companies that provide high-quality training. Gen Z job seekers place training at the top of their list of considerations when looking for a new position (Sadler-Smith, 2021). For even more skilled members, training programmes provide a means to further their careers after they have been employed. It is simple to discover where a company has a talent gap when using a talent management system, and this makes it allows to detect employees and provide them with the training they need to keep the firm running smoothly in the future. Workers are motivated to do their jobs and remain with a firm when training and development possibilities are linked to performance standards (Sadler-Smith, 2021). Tracking objectives and matching personnel with the relevant chances to help them advance in their careers is made simple by talent management systems.
The multinational technology business Schneider Electric is a good example of a corporation that has been praised for its ability to provide employees with advancement possibilities (Sarna, 2021). There is a programme called “ Schneider Electric University” that the corporation provides to help employees improve their leadership, management, customer service, and technical abilities. It is essential to prioritize the training and development part within the talent management system.

Section 3

3.1 Analysis of the Finding

Talent management is one of the most crucial aspects of the contemporary commercial setting. People management requires proper recruitment, benefits assessment, motivational aspects and relating to all these, training and development. Employees who perceive that their company is providing the highest opportunities to enhance their professional possibilities are more likely to be committed more toward the company goals (Sarna, 2021). Therefore, the importance of training and development in the domain of talent management is highly recognised across the corporate world. From the above findings, and correlating the approaches adopted by Tesco, Sainsbury and from the exemplification of Schneider Electric, one factor came onto the surface that each of the companies has made employee advancements their priority (Jones and Comfort, 2021). It is to be considered that all of these above-mentioned companies have invested heavily in the development of employees to ensure to stay relevant in the competitive environment, employee talent enhancement is necessary for a contemporary manner.
As the workplace evolves at a rapid rate, Tesco has also recognised the need of providing its employees with the training they need to be successful today and in the future. In order to ensure that Tesco has the resources they need for the long term, they are expanding the talent pools and providing chances for all staff to retrain in fields where the market is likely to rise (Jones and Comfort, 2021). A strategic workforce planning team has been put up to assist construct a vision of the future workforce supply and demand: crucial skills, positions & job types. Tesco will require implementing its strategy, and how they fulfil those. These findings are being utilized to define and shape the future training standards and organisational structure, such as in the areas of Technology and Channels, to ensure that they are building the essential skills needed to implement the future business model.
It is also realized that the contemporaries of Tesco, such as Sainsbury have also claimed their position for being the best company to work for when it comes to career advancements (Rumawas, 2021). Also, the establishment of Schneider Electric University by Schneider Electric also manifests the necessity and consistent aggression of the companies to facilitate their employees in terms of advancement and reskilling. Digital learning is another important factor that has been fostered by companies to ensure the right alignment of human resources with technological skills.

3.2 Recommendations

Enhance cross-departmental communication and cooperation
In order to enhance the capacity of the employees and enhance their skill development, cross-departmental training may help workers learn about other sections of the company and foster a greater sense of empathy across the whole workforce if the group is well-coordinated (Madhani, 2021). In reality, most teams aren't born to work together, and that's a problem. The failure of certain efforts may be traced to the lack of proper frameworks in place to aid in the connection of the employees with one another. It also encourages collaboration and appropriate learning.
Emphasize the importance of interpersonal skills.
Soft skills are often ignored in the workplace but these form the foundation of the skill development process. “Soft skills” implies that they aren't important, but industry experts say they aren't because they are “soft” but because they are very difficult, take years to acquire, and constantly change in scope (Sadler-Smith, 2021).In order for a firm to succeed; it must support the development of essential interpersonal skills, such as the capacity to cooperate and interact with others. Companies need to ensure that they prioritize soft skills equally to strengthen their overall skill-acquiring capacity.


The entire research has been structured to profoundly establish and clarify the nuances of talent management and how this domain expands to a broader spectrum of corporate development for both the individual and collective objectives of a firm. Talent management has been a widely prioritized topic of the present competitive commercial sphere as it has evolved to be one of the most important aspects for constant development and market relevance. In this research also, the discussion has been focused on the analysis o the secondary qualitative data and the context of Tesco has been selected to demonstrate the idea. In a nutshell, the research has demonstrated a flexible structure on the core subject of talent management through a comprehensive understanding relevant to the subject.

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