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Sustainability is a vision that is social, and it is basically a goal for the saving of the environment. At that time, all over the world is polluted and it aims to save the environment. The construction industry is a big place where many natural resources are used. This industry aims to recycle materials and all the materials are renewable. As a result, many natural resources are safe and the environment is good for the safety of human life. This industry becomes a lost of the waste materials that come from the site on daily basis and this is the main reason for the polluted environment. After the construction all-natural materials are protected for the safety of the environment.
I also supported this industry because I think that our environment is needed for the safety of our life. The construction industry used many lost wild habitats that get energy when the materials are made for building construction. Even, this industry used plants that are heavy. In the present situation, many industries used our natural resources and destroy the environment. Basically, trees are cut to make different types of industries, so I think that at this time this industry plan is thinking for the safety of our environment. A new project in any industry needs many natural resources and as a result, the environmental materials are lost. Many industry products have increased carbon-di-oxide gas. Therefore, air and water will be polluted day by day. At that time, this industry can save our environment.
I think that the construction industry has taken many responsibilities to save our life and the environment. Therefore, I have developed my knowledge to increase this industry because this industry is safe for the environment. I learn a reflective model, d Kolb’s model. This model increases my knowledge and most of my experiences (Morris, 2020). This model has given from much experiential knowledge like my personal experiences that explains my using a cycle.
Experience with concrete: Physical experience is important to develop any business in this situation, I improve my physical experiences such as my own skill and practice skills. In this model, Kolb basically said that practical knowledge is more powerful than reading knowledge because the learning process did not engage the person but the practical process engaged the person actively (Duong et al. 2021). So, I learned this module and gain many pieces of knowledge.
Observe reflection: This stage is the learning stage in this model, I have experienced many questions that are queried for me. After I gain my knowledge then I will discuss my experiences with others. Communication is the main part to develop any industry because it is impossible to discuss without communication. The only communication with others can help me to clear my understanding with discuss the topic that is learned by Kolb’s model. Therefore, it is an important part to gain experience.
Conceptualization of abstract: This stage helps me to gain new knowledges that improved my experiences. After the reflective observation stage, I gained experience and discuss with others then many unique ideas created for me that helped to improve my job life or career development (Ogunnusi et al. 2020). This stage is shown when an adult person thought about the process of the interview and performed but the previous interview gives a new experience and this time that is applied and improved.
Active experiences: This stage is part of new theory knowledge that is improvements the theory knowledge. Theory pieces of knowledge are needed for practicing knowledge. It is a stage of the testing process. Learners apply their experiences in the task and try to achieve the goal of the industry. This stage helps me to explain my knowledge and many new knowledges acquired in the next stage of my life.
These four stages help me to gain knowledge and help me better experiences that improve my career and supported this industry.
Kolb’s model helps me to gain knowledge and experiences, learning is a process that does not end. This model helps to build my career, this is a very important part of our life. Kolb’s knowledge like concepts and thoughts rebuilt my experiences (Babalola et al. 2019). This education aims to gain more knowledge and more experience and more grounded experiences. Kolb said that if a person is constantly gaining learn then they shift high rank. It is a process that is a lifelong process and creates a bridge of actions (Halicioglu, 2020). Learning gives me to gain more pieces of knowledge such as my personal knowledge and my social knowledge.
Kolb said that gaining social knowledge is more powerful to improving a career and developing the construction industry. As a leader in this industry, I will try my best in the workplace and improve this industry's goals (Zagidullina et al. 2020). This industry basically aims to save our life so it is very important for me to help my ground experiences. As a construction manager, I will take any decision and teach employees with the help of Kolb's model. Many plans are decided for me to build my career.
Plan1: Fixed a routine.
Impact: I will fix a time that helps my knowledge that improves the right direction for my career building and more options to get more results.
Plan 2: Increase more knowledge and training.
Impact: I gain more experience and more knowledge that helps me to build any business or any work in my career.
Plan 3: Increase many new pieces of knowledge.
Impact: I will gain so much new knowledge that help me to build my career because much new knowledge developed any work or any target.
Plan 4: Take important notes.
Impact: I will experience many ground knowledge and take more notes that help me to rebuild my career and be an expert person in fieldwork.
Plan 5: Continuous learning phase.
Impact: I will gain some practical pieces of knowledge because I have continued the study that helps me to develop my weak points and create new innovative ideas to improve my career (Skorobogatova et al. 2020).
These five plans are decided by me and have a great impact on my career development.
This is an assignment in which the presentation shows why sustainability in the construction industry is needed. As a constructor, it is very important to think about the foresight vision. In this world nowadays it is very important to protect the planet. In this period, of time global warming, pollution, and waste is giving a very unhealthy environment to live in. At this time if a constructor thought about sustainability in the construction industry it will be very helpful to live in this environment because sustainability will lower pollution, lower consumption of conventional energy, and higher the use of unconventional energy.
In this presentation, it will help to know about the consequences which will be faced by the next generation (Olawumi, 2018). It is so true that if the consumption of conventional energies is not being stopped then the whole planet will suffer. This foresight vision some constructors have is why they make projects on sustainable construction. This type of construction will help the environment and preserve unconventional energy through rain, solar system, ocean, etc. It is also very important to have a very effective strategy in this industry to be unique.
Industrial construction and sustainable construction both fight in the same industry but industrial contractor fight for unlimited use of conventional energy and sustainable constructor fight for unsustainable energies. Uses of both types of energies have their individual positive and negative sight. So many uses of conventional energy give a big problem to the planate on the other side unconventional energies use very much that does not affect the planate (Chan, 2019). On the other point, unconventional energy is not always available. But conventional energies are so much available in the market. Therefore, it has many conflicts with the uses of energy. At all ends, the presentation will show how simultaneously sustainable construction grabs the industry.
Academic Skills to develop |
Plan to Develop Skills |
Future Implementation |
Data analysis |
Clear the objectives that are research for the development of data analysis. Analysis of the data helps to understand the data of another person. Many combined tools for analyzing the data help to improve this plan. |
Data analysis skills are essential to improve any industry because much data was collected for this industry so it helps me to improve the work that developed this industry. Data is used in everyday life but the construction industry used this data to save millions of animals. Even, to save the species that are rare in our environment (Li et al. 2019). Data analysis skill help to collect all animal data that are rare, so these animals and natural sources are protected from man. This industry is responsible to save natural sources. |
Technical literacy |
Technical skill is more important to improve career building in any workplace. In this study, the construction industry needs some technical skills that improve me. Therefore, three steps are followed to develop my technical skills. These plans are- many new techniques are learned and research all new platforms that help to develop my technical skills and gain some technical terms. |
Technical skills are important in those days because this time all industry work continues their work using technical ways. In the construction industry, more computer pieces of knowledge help me to collect all industry information and to develop my research skills (Sartipi, 2020). These skills help me to work more accurately and productively for the improvement of the industry. |
Research skills |
Research is the basic thing to do in a project. Starting up a project is based on research. It is a very important skill to develop in the construction industry. Being a good thinker also helps to develop the skill of research. Sustainability in the construction industry is based on research methods. Sustainability projects help to create a good healthy planate that wants research skills. |
Research skills are very helpful to create any kind of idea. In this study future implementation of research skills is a very important thing to have. To be a good constructor in the future research skills are very helpful to think about new ideas. How a constructor uses natural energy to save the environment is also a research result and how conventional energy cannot be used in this industry is also known by the research skills. So, in the future research skills will help to develop in this industry. |
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In this study, it is concluded that the construction industry is a more powerful industry for safe animals and a natural resource. The main purpose of this industry is to save natural resources and save man’s life indirectly because man’s life did not safe without natural resources. The sustainability of this industry is a more important part to reduce environmental pollution and reduce much affective gas which is dangerous for man’s life. Kolb’s reflective model is important for building the construction industry and this improvement. This model learn me how to develop my learning and practical knowledge that helps to develop my career. As a manager in this industry, many new skills are needed for the development of this industry such as data analysis skills, technical skills, and research skills that are developed by me with the help of the model study.
Many new plans are fixed for me to build my career and have a good impact to build the sustainability of the construction industry. Nature resources are beautiful and man’s life depends on them, so I will decide to save natural resources and build a good environment so that every human being and every natural resource are safe just using some tips and some rules. These rules are maintained by man, only men can protect natural resources. Therefore, in this project, it is known that the sustainability of the construction industry saves natural resources used in the recycling process.
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