Sustainability In Business Assignment Sample

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The following report is a study of UK-based organization Sainsbury’s sustainability and business ethics. The paper has tried to understand the organization's productivity, services, and current ethical initiatives. The importance of the organization's sustainability is also focused on in the report. Moreover, the report has evaluated the critical challenges the organization has been facing in order to accomplish desired organizational sustainability. The paper has analyzed the organizational strategies associated with Sainsbury’s sustainability. 

It is to be noted that the respective organization has been providing delivery and guide services to its consumers in an efficient manner. The organization has also been offering in-store service to consumers, including vegetarian and non-vegetarian food counters, and cafe facilities. Moreover, the organization is capable of providing pharmaceutical services to consumers effectively. The current sustainability strategies have allowed the organization, Sainsbury, to reduce carbon emissions, as well as the operational management of the respective organization has contributed to operating zero greenhouse gas emissions. The organization has successfully increased the usage of energy due to its contribution to sustainable strategies. The organization's ethical innovation allowed the organization's suppliers to participate in a mildly challenging ethical audit. The organization has been resolving any risk factors associated with the audits. The organization initially identified the core issues associated with ethics then the organizational procedure tried to find the solutions required for the betterment of the ethical audits. Thus, it allows the organization to run an ethical trade smoothly and establishes a healthy relationship with the suppliers. In order to provide quality service to the consumers, Sainsbury always focused on the development of its suppliers, the innovative contribution of the suppliers has helped the organization to accomplish organizational goals and it has also helped the organization to understand the consumers' needs and expectations.

Executive Summary

The following report has been focused on the importance of organizational sustainability. The study has focused on the ethics and strategies required for the management of organizations'' sustainability. The report has also focused on the chosen organization Sainsbury’s sustainability programs. Moreover, the report has tried to find out the importance of effective organizational sustainability in the current business world. The paper has focused on the major challenges in accomplishing quality organizational sustainability. Furthermore, the study has highlighted the strategies required for sustainability. 

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The organization Sainbury’s sustainability targets entail the organization's major commitments and progress. The organization's cultural value is that every individual should have access to their meal, and it is the organization's responsibility to provide food to the consumer on time (Caiado et al. 2019). Moreover, the organization's sustainability helps the organization deliver according to the needs and expectations of the consumers. The importance of sustainability includes:

Improvement of productivity-

Sustainability allows the organization to improve the quality of organizational productivity. The sustainability of Sainsbury has allowed the organization to understand the behaviour of its consumers. The study of the behavioural aspect of the consumers has provided knowledge of the consumer's needs and expectations before the organization (Arora et al. 2020). Furthermore, the knowledge about the consumer's manners has helped the organization to take the customer-friendly initiative that ultimately helped the organization improve its productivity.

Environmental protection-

Quality organizational sustainability provides protection to the environment. The organization Sainsbury’s sustainability helps the organization preserve its natural resources. Moreover, the organization's sustainability ensures a better future for the upcoming generation (Arora et al. 2020). It has allowed the organization to adopt alternate resources that are beneficial to the ecosystem. Thus, it allowed Sainsbury, to reduce the carbon emissions, as well as the operational management of the respective organization has contributed to operating zero greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, the innovative approach to sustainability has allowed the organization to reduce the usage of energy; ultimately the outcomes have led the organization to accomplish low-cost productivity and impactful high profitability.

Establishing consumer-organization relationship-

Quality sustainability allows the organization to establish a loyal consumer-organizational relationship. The adoption of Industry 4.0 has enabled the organization, Sainsbury, to collect the consumer data. Sainsbury allowed its consumers to purchase goods and foods online. The data-driven analysis of consumers' behaviours has allowed the organization to understand the needs and expectations of the consumers (Arora et al. 2020). Moreover, Sainbury’s capability to perform according to the consumer's needs and expectations has helped the organization establish a strong and loyal organizational relationship with the consumers. Furthermore, it has been observed that Sainsbury’s organizational relationship with loyal consumers has allowed the organization to take a more beneficial market advantage than its contemporary competitors. 

Improvement of the investment-related issues-

It has been observed that critical economic crises are not helpful for the investors of the organization (Arora et al. 2020). The sustainability of Sainsbury allows the investors to invest their resources to provide quality services to the consumers during any critical crisis. The organization's flexible sustainability allows the investors to focus on the potential market trends, thus, it improves the investment-related issues. The ethical innovative approach of the organization allows the organization to operate its business plan under any market condition.

Literature review

The components of business review have been the view on sustaining power and performance. The working of different business categories has issues with the configuration of any business methods. The region of business components has the option of field rising. The organic views of the different business challenges have the progress to lead forward in the management system (Pînzaru et al. 2022). The change of the components in the system involves sustainability in the quality of the market.

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The commercial circle in economic factors raises a technique that should focus on the significance of finance in the present market by evaluating different economic functions. It is highly found that the developer controls the time of leading the company so it may not adopt problems when it works with other companies (López-Arceiz et al. 2022). The function of a successful business bring the highest amount of people's criteria of needs in their urgent workings. The evaluation shows the critical knowledge of the business status.

The secondary change in the business product has the developing content in the sustaining policy and conflict between the markets. The frequent work on which a business can be evaluated has differentiation to its output. The rigid direction of the work on the global condition has a difference in the perception of the working state (Slávik et al. 2022). The variety of changes in the trending of the market can oppose the function and change in the marketing system.

In the position of the recognizing method in the market quality the direction of work changes in order to get new quality changes. The out business chain has differences from the startup of trade marketing facilities (Andriadi and Werastuti, 2022). The position and work have value in the changes and effort of working in the sector band preview the challenges. The take of growth in the policy of work has the development function of stating the recognized way and record of bringing up the new thesis. 

Business stability has a difference to grow successfully in the large sectored change in the composition of marketing. The relevance can be opposite in the direct position to have profit in business for the market (Zhang and Szerencsi, 2022). The stable market condition defines the profit function and the global situation. The ways different opponents can differ in the viewing of the functional change through the market. It is sustained with the managing condition of the development on the reach of the functioning in business. The segment of the differences between the opportunities of business has to hold a business in the right place. In the option of sustainability, the development reaches the goal of infrastructure to lead on the basic need of development in the condition change and directs of the opportunity (Rossi et al. 2020). The working reliability has a difference in the focus of the business growth. The opposition to sustaining growth involves the directional change in the organizational preview.

Analysis and Findings

The performance of any business is crucial and depends upon many substantial matters. Business performance depends on the number of assets a company has and involves the decision-making process. According to Bradley et al. (2020), the Sainsbury company has found that in the previous year,, the company faced losses due to the influence of the pandemic, but in the present year of 2022 a 3% increase in sales and growth. 


  • Social-media influencer: The Sainsbury Company has good social media contacts and also maintains healthy contacts with the customers and has plenty of feedback (Kalkanci et al. 2019). The building of healthy relationships with customers helps to understand the entity and also measures the response from the customers in the aspect of demand.
  • Price increases subsequently: As observed by Sainsbury, the situation of the pandemic has caused uncertainty in economic growth and thus a shortage of supplies leads to cost increments. The market concentration and structural changes keep a business performance in a standard form (Amrutha et al. 2020). The competitors in a market also influence the company Sainsbury and challenges for upgrading their business performance. 
  • Expansion globally: The challenges in growing and expanding the business are moderately high and a challenge for Sainsbury to grow globally. According to Liu et al. (2018), the Sainsbury company needs a strong market for networking and also utilizes business strategies for expansion.


  • Account analysis or ratio analysis: According to Dey et al. (2020), Sainsbury Company supports the fact to find the estimation of a company and also enhance the business performance. With the potential changes of getting revenues, Sainsbury also considers the analysis of strategies for a better presentation of financial statements. According to Goworek, et al. (2020), in the Sainsbury company, it has been found that the company wants to expand their business and also wants to make an image of the brand so that it can attract customers positively and in large numbers. As per Sainsbury, it has been found that they produce their products from the aspects of innovations and the creation of varying products from other countries. 
  • Management group and structure: According to Channuntapipat et al. (2019) Sainsbury, the company has a mission of providing quality services to the customers and also a value return to stakeholders. The main aim is to meet the expectations of customers and also enhance the management department for the long-term goal. The Company Sainsbury is a public-oriented organization and expanded its delivery capacity to approximately 50% of vulnerable consumers. The other competitors such as - TESCO and Morrisons engaged with the retail business likely to Sainsbury and have a level of potential for growth and development. The analysis and findings in Sainsbury's management structure CEO hold an audacity for empowering the business and structuring the hierarchical values in a demonstrative way. The support of management helps to grow the business globally and also pursue the goals and objectives of an organization.
  • Commodity and supply: The business performance also depends upon the supply of commodities to the shoppers and also enhances the delivery system in a better way. To sustain the business and also enrich the perspective of a successful industry it is required and useful. The significance of the changes in supply is that it can develop a positive reaction from the customers. The analysis of Sainsbury's merchandise and exposure to delivering the commodities in a specific way is very helpful for business growth and development (Ausloos et al. 2020). It has been found that the consumers are the heart of work and also put efforts into meeting their expectations which will enrich the business performance. The ethical way to maintain with the stockholders by appraising them and showing the growth analysis of business forecasts plays a significant role in the perspective of business performance.

Sustainability Strategies

Outlines of the sustainability strategies are developed for emerging the business growth to its ultimate level of growth and development. According to Bradley et al. (2020), prioritizing the customers and putting efforts into meeting the expectation level of the consumers and providing quality services. The company Sainsbury follows a business strategy for speeding up the pace of changing business morale and values. The strategies are developed to enrich the quality of work and enforce the business protocol by adequately implementing them. The proximity of products and pricing are the main aspects before approaching the customers. The portfolio for the business ratio analysis tends to form a better market and influence the consumers to consume the products regularly and propose customer loyalty. 

Carbon emissions and renewable energy strategy

According to (Kalkanci et al. 2019) the Sainsbury Company, has decided to reduce carbon emissions and increase renewable energy; these are the two strategies developed for the sake of the environment and to sustain the issues related to nature. The company Sainsbury also has implemented a strategy for recycling and will increase the use of recycled plastic packaging.

Integration of sourcing 

According to (Amrutha et al. (2020) the Sainsbury company characterized the implementation of the supply chain by sourcing the products and also following the ethical rules of sourcing. Sustainability in using resources and investing is prominent and needed to run a business in a better way. 

Sustainable merchandise

The company Sainsbury implemented a strategy of recycling the materials for the manufacturing of clothing (Liu et al. 2018). The high-quality polyester materials are made from recycled plastic bottles and it is a great action taken by the company and also a sustainability strategy. 

Collaboration strategy

The goals for implementing a collaborative approach by sustaining the resources and giving a return to the stockholders. The ethical way of collaborating with small firms to integrate their services to an extent also encourages the value chain (Dey et al. 2020). The supply chain strategies lead to sustaining the overuse of resources and evaluating the business performance as well. 

Cost-effective implementation strategy

The product-pricing strategy omits the inflation rate and consumers can get quality products at a low cost and it will increase the demand in consideration of environmental sustainability (Goworek et al. 2020). The sustainable goals are to minimize the overuse of environmental resources and sustain it for the future. The development of sustainability of planning and proper composition of hard work and efficiency in efforts lead to achieving success and helps to analyze the business growth.


Flexible sustainability has helped the organization Sainsbury accomplish organizational targets. It has allowed the organization to adopt the necessary technologies in order to improve its organizational performance. Moreover, it has enabled the organization to take innovative steps to deal with organizational challenges. Furthermore, organizational sustainability has allowed the respective organization to adopt alternate steps that are beneficial for the environment. Thus, it allowed the organization to preserve the future generational aspects. Thus, it is important to have a flexible sustainable organizational structure; it allows the organization to improve both productivity and profitability by establishing loyal organization-consumer relationships. This report focuses on sustainability development for enhancing business performance and analysis of business growth as well. It is concluded that the use of resources needs to sustain the running of the business in the aspect of long-term goals.

The function of sustainability in business includes the management of a hierarchy of financial criteria and deliverables. The implementation of sustainable strategies is intended with the aims and objectives of organizational behaviour. The involvement of management prioritizes the work and avails the scope of consumption of products to the consumers. The stakeholders of the organization will get value returns and also propose large investments for future endurance. The inclination to manufacture products and services for the customer at a convenient time is crucial and part of organizational structure. The organizational values should consider the evaluation of sustainable changes for reforming the business ideas to embrace the instability of organizational growth.

Reference list

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