Th? Faculty of Engin??ring Sciences at Global University London (GUL) has put forth a daring proposal to establish a state-of-th?-art facility for studying human-?nvironm?nts interactions, which is known as th? Kinetic Activity Research Laboratory (KARL). In order to better understand th? complex changing aspects of human behavior in virtual ?nvironm?nts, KARL hopes to establish a particular venue for investigating th? ?ff?cts of design on individuals. Th? Director of Capital Projects for GUL Estates commissioned this analysis in an effort to off?r a thorough recommendation about whether or not GUL should put forth with th? KARL project as it stands. Th? analysis will include a review of th? project brief, an assessment of th? client’s n??ds, and a comparison with th? overall organizational strategy. Th? following suggestions ar? planned to assist th? Director in reaching a w?ll-informed decision about th? probability and strategic position of th? KARL project with respect to GUL's objectives and significances.
The Kinetic Activity Research Lab aims to revolutionize research on human-environment interactions, reinforcing GUL’s commitment to innovation. If you need expert support in crafting research proposals, our Online Assignment Writing Services in the UK provide professional assistance to help you excel in your academic pursuits.
Th? general objectives and aim of GUL closely associated with th? KARL project. GUL's dedication to academic quality and social impact is further established by th? focus on innovative research, advance technological facilities, and th? ?stablishm?nt of a special center for important studies.
Overreaching goals and mission of GUL
Th? main objective of GUL is to significantly and favorably influence society by raising diversity and a dedication to continuous innovation in education, which is accomplished by encouraging ?ntr?pr?n?urship, research, and creativity.
GUL’s objective is to d?liv?ry value to its stak?hold?rs via innovative technology, teamwork, and by m??ting its social and ?nvironm?ntal obligations.
Alignment with KARL project
Th? ?stablishm?nt of a distinctive facility that will facilitate state-of th?-art all-purpose research on human-?nvironm?nts relations advances GUL's goal of becoming an excellent teaching and research institution (Armenia et al., 2019). The university has made agreements with UCRIC, a nationwide network of academic and business partners that skis to address th? benefits and problems of urban life, supports GUL's position as a leader in Engin??ring sciences and urban structure. It ?xplor?s how design may enhance people’s safety, inclusion, and w?ll-being in a variety of contexts and develops and tests practical solutions that can b?n?fit?d society, all of which contribute to GUL's social and ?nvironm?ntal impact (Cescon et al., 2019). On of th? university’s main academic divisions, th? Faculty of Engin??ring Sciences is in charge of th? project and attempts to provide top class Engin??ring instruction and research. Th? Research on Infrastructure and Citi’s, a national research initiative that helps th? institution achieve its objective of support its research relationship and partnership, is providing funding for th? study. R?s?arch?rs from a variety of fields, including computer science, design, psychology, and n?urosci?nc?, ar? involved in th? initiative, which is indicating of Th? University’s dedication to encouraging innovation and creativity (Crawford, 2021). Through working with business, government, and community partners to transform academic discoveries into useful applications and policies that enhance people’s lives, it promotes th? university’s involvement and influence.
People or organizations with an interest in or ability to affect th? project and its r?sults ar? known as stak?hold?rs. Regarding th? project, their demands, ?xp?ctations, and vi?wpoint could differ. To guarant?? th? support and happiness of th? ?sss?ntial stak?hold?rs, it is crucial to identify and relate with th?. Th? KARL project is showing signs of strong stak?hold?rs support; financing from UCRIC and th? Faculty of Engin??ring Sciences support this.
Stakeholders | Expectations | Support level from stakeholders |
GUL | To strengthen its position as a leading research organization, to pull in further funds and partnerships, and to generate profit from KARL's research findings | High |
FES | The expectations from KARL project and conduction of new innovative and technological human environment interactions (Kabirifar et al., 2020). The publication of papers having high impact patents and research papers. Mentoring and training the students and researchers. | High |
UCRIC | To provide funding for th? KARL project, k??p an eye on its d?v?lopm?nt and ?ff?cts, make sure it stays to true to its goals, and car? th? study findings with th? larger community | High |
KARL Team | to plan, to crate, and run th? KARL facility; to carry out research and analyz? data; to work with other scientists and stak?hold?rs; and to pick up and acquire new skills. | High |
Researchers | To interact with th? KARL tam, to do research on their own, to us th? KARL facility, and to promote science and technology | Medium |
Students | to take part in th? KARL project as part of their education, to pick up information from th? KARL tam and other R?s?arch?rs, to have practical ?xp?ri?nc?, and to b??n open to issues that could arise in th? real world. | Medium |
Government | To assist th? KARL project in achieving its goals, to control and monitor th? project’s adh?r?nc? for the rules and regulations, and to gain profit from th? project’s social and economic r?sults | Medium |
Public | to b??n attentive of and involved in th? KARL project and its operations, to off?r comments and recommendations, and to gain from th? ?nhanc?d ?nvironm?nts design and standard of living | Low |
Table 1: Stakeholder identification and analysis
(Source: Self-created in MS WORD)
At GUL, addressing th? various ?xp?ctations of stak?hold?rs will help ensure that KARL is impl?m?nt?d successfully and has a long-term impact. Th? KARL tam, FES, UCRIC, GUL, and others have high standards and levels of assistanc?. Students and other R?s?arch?rs show moderate support.
Figure 2: Power interest matrix
(Source: Self-created in MS EXCEL)
GUL, FES, UCRIC, and th? KARL tam have high support and interest. Moderate assistanc? from students and other R?s?arch?rs. Th? interest of public and government involvement is comparatively less.
Stakeholder communication analysis
Identification of Risk | Likelihood | Impact | Strategy for mitigation the risk |
Cost ?xc??ds or delays in th? KARL facility's d?v?lopm?nt | Medium | High | Keep a monitoring position on the budget of the project and timeline related with its suppliers and vendors for establishing backup plans and reversavtions. |
Problems with th? KARL facility or ?quipm?nt that ar? technical or operational | High | High | Conduction of regular testing and maintain the facility equipment’s. Always ready to have backup systems and spare parts ready and train the staff and researcher how to use the equipment in proper manner. |
Problems of an ethical or legal nature pertaining to th? ?xp?rim?nt subjects who ar? human | Low | High | Get th? participants' and th? appropriate authorities' informed consent and approval; abide by th? moral and legal r?quir?m?nts; and safeguard th? participants' and th? data's privacy and confidentiality. |
Absence of support or interest from th? public or stak?hold?rs | Low | Medium | Inform th? public and stak?hold?rs about th? KARL project’s objectives and vision, solicit their input on project activities, and look for ways to work together to produce value. |
challenge or copying with other like initiatives or ?stablishm?nts | Low | Medium | Utilize th? networks and collaborations that already exist with other R?s?arch?rs and organizations, d?v?loping and enhance th? KARL facility and its research outputs, and conduct a market and competitor study to D?t?rmin? th? distinctive selling point and advantages of th? KARL initiative. |
Table 2: Risk analysis
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(Source: Self-created in MS WORD)
Th? construction of th? KARL facility should b??n continuously monitored for delays and cost exceeding. Regular interactions with contractors should b??n maintained, and backup plans should b??n ?stablish?d (Kerzner, 2019). Implement maintenance procedures, carry out routine testing, and provide workers with troubleshooting training in car? of technical or operational problems. Informed permission must b??n obtained, protocols must b??n followed, and participant privacy must b??n protected due to ethical or legal considerations. Should address th? indiff?r?nc? of stak?hold?rs, include th? in th? project, highlight th? advantages, and look out ways to collaborate (Layton et al., 2020). Analyzing th? market, highlighting distinctive advantages, and d?v?loping alliances ar? all part of addressing competition.
Figure 3: Risk Matrix
(Source: Self-created in MS EXCEL)
Potential construction delays as w?ll as price hikes ar? rated as having a medium likelihood and a high impact in th? risk matrix for th? KARL project. Thr?? is a significant probability and ?ff?cts of technical and operational problems. Human subject ethical or legal concerns have a low probability but a significant influence (Lock, 2020). Th? impact of stak?hold?rs' lack of interest is mild and its likelihood is low. Competition from related projects is unlikely to occur and will have a moderate ?ff?cts on KARL's performance.
Technical feasibility
KARL needs a spacious, adaptable area that can used for several experimental setups and virtual assessment. Advanced sensors, actuators, cameras, and other equipment that can track and control human behavior as well as environmental variables need also be installed in the area (Mohagheghi et al., 2019). The technical difficulties lie in developing and participating the software and hardware systems, guaranteeing the equipment's reliability and safety, and preserving the care and ability of the data gathered.
KARL can use the following as solution for the problems that can occur,
Figure 4: Feasibility measurement
(Source: Self-created in MS WORD)
Logistical feasibility
The process of KARL is dynamic and complicated, requiring close partnership and communication amongst several parties. Finding and procuring an appropriate facility, hiring and educating participants and staff, planning and carrying out the tests, and communicating and implementing the findings are among the logistical hurdles (Newman et al., 2021). With more than 400 buildings, GUL's central London location offers KARL a logistical advantage. The regions of Kings Cross and St Pancreas function as centers for administration, education, and research. The integration of KARL into the university's activities is made easier by the existing infrastructure (Nicholas et al., 2020). Nevertheless, cautious preparation and coordination are needed to handle any logistical issues that may arise during the building and upkeep of the facility.
Financial feasibility for potential return on investment for KARL project
Figure 5: ROI calculations
(Source: Self-created in MS EXCEL)
Th? KARL project would produce a 15% ROI over five years; with a negative ROI in th? initial two years and a positive ROI in th? next thr??. In other words, th? project would n??ds an initial large investment and a strong dedication from th? stak?hold?rs, but in th? long term it would b??n profitable and practical (Pan and Zhang, 2021). Th? KARL project has different financial r?sults throughout a five-year period. At £20 million in ?xp?ns?s and £5 million in income, th? project loss £15 million in th? first year, yielding a -75% return on investment. Th? following years exhibit better financial r?sults; in th? fifth year, earnings reached £15 million, resulting in a 150% return on investment. Th? project’s durability and good returns ar? indicated by th? overall 5-y?ar ROI of 15%, which is maintained regardless of th? initial losses [Refer to appendix 1].
Th? expansion of infrastructure, research output, and student ?nrollm?nt ar? prioritized in GUL's strategic plan. This goal is easily met by th? KARL initiative, which introduces a cutting-edge research center (Pinto, 2020). Th? creative nature of th? project ?ncourag?s cooperation b?tw??n th? Faculty of Engin??ring Sciences and other academic departments, which advances Th? University, is standing for innovative research and overall progress. GUL wants its research projects to provide a beneficial ?ff?cts on society (Raharjo and Purwandari, 2020). KARL's research on how people interact with their surroundings with social demands as it tackles problems with stress, w?ll-being, and design. GUL's strategic commitment to meaningful r?s?ardch is in line with th? prospective and design solutions that KARL is producing, which highlight th? organization’s contribution to social progress (Rowe, 2020). In order to tackle difficult problems, multidisciplinary cooperation is ?ncourag?s by GUL's strategic strategy. By design, KARL requires interdisciplinary cooperation, bringing together specialists in Engin??ring, psychology, design, and other fields. This is in line with GUL's strategic odbj?ctiv?, which aims to promote a collective research ?nvironm?nts and support Th? University is standing as a center for innovative practices.
Measurement of alignment of KARL project
It provides an advanced laboratory for faculty and students to conduct tests and simulations in order to support th? instruction and knowledge of Engin??ring sciences. It increases th? impact and originality of research by examining how people interact with their surroundings and creating solutions for a range of problems and situations. It increases impact and global participation by drawing in foreign money, R?s?arch?rs, and partners and by exhibiting GUL's leadership and capability in th? field off kinetic activity research. It addresses problems including urban planning, transportation, security, health and w?ll-being, and social inclusion via outreach, education, and research, making stronger common people involvement and social responsibility (Stanitsas et al., 2021). It makes th? most us of available space and rr?sourc?s whil? using state-of-th?-art machinery and technology to increase operational efficacy and ?ffici?ncy.
Figure 6:
(Source: Self-created in MS WORD)
A framework for measuring strategic performance that off?r an understandable picture of th? actions and r?sults of an organization is th?-balanced scorecard. It converts th? goals and objectives into measurable targets and KPIs from th? views of internal processes, custom?r, finances, and learning and d?v?lopm?nt.
Figure 7: Balance scorecard
(Source: Self-created in MS EXCEL)
Key performance indicators (KPIs) from th? views of internal processes, custom?r, learning and growth, and finances ar? coming in line with th? project’s strategic objectives and balanced scorecard utilized by th? Kinetic Activity Research Laboratory (KARL). Using th? Cost Variance KPI, which tracks variations within a range of +/- 5%, th? project’s financial goal is to ?ffici?ntly control ?xp?ns?s. Delivering medicines and designs that have an impact, as D?t?rmin? by th? Research Impact Index, is th? primary goal from th? customer’s point of view, with a target increase of 20%. Th? aim of th? multidisciplinary cooperation Index, which measures multidisciplinary cooperation, is to enhance it by 15% whil? streamlining th? process internally. Enhancing research capabilities measured by th? Research Output KPI with th? goal of publishing at least 10 research articles a year emphasizes learning and progress (Steiss, 2019). These ?l?m?nts of th? balanced scorecard guarant?? a thorough evaluation of KARL's performance, about financial responsibility, societal influence, th? effectiveness of partnership, and ongoing education within th? institution [Refer to appendix 2].
2.4 Recommendation
Recommendations for Director of capital projects for assessing the project of GUL Estate to capture the KARL project are provided as below,
Th? KARL project has a bright financial future since it has funding from UCRIC and can bring in money from other partners and clients who may utilize th? facility for their own research or creative ?nd?avor. To minimize costs and minimize uncertainty, th? project should also take into account th? risks and ?xp?ns?s of creating and operating such a sophisticated, high-tach building in central London. In order to increase capital, decrease operating costs, and raise r?v?nu?s, th? project can look at alternate sites, joint ventures, or financing options (Willumsen et al., 2019). To identify and handle any risks or obstacles that can compromise th? project’s sustainability and capacity to b??n completed on tim?, th? project should also carry out a risk analysis and prepare for any ?m?rg?nci?s.
Client perspectives
Th? KARL project is clearly focused on serving th? n??ds of its intended audience, which includes th? R?s?arch?rs, students, and faculty members of FES and other universities, as w?ll as th? larger academic and prof?ssional community, by offering a special and worthwhile s?rvic?. To understand th? r?quir?m?nts and ?xp?ctations of th? facility's possible users and b?n?ficiari?s, th? project should also carry out a thorough market research and interact with stak?hold?rs. Only th? can th? s?rvic? design and d?liv?ry b??n personalized to m??ting their n??ds and ?xp?ctations.
Internal business process
Th? KARL project presents a potential internal business process b?caus? it employs a collaborative, approach to d?v?loping and test fresh concepts and solutions for a range of social and Engin??ring problems. To track and enhance th? project’s performance and r?sults, it is vital that th? project set precise, measureable objectives and metrics for th? effectiveness and ability of th? processes, as w?ll as build a strong monitoring and assessment framework.
Growth aspects
Th? KARL project has a strong learning and growth compon?nts since it provides GUL facility, staffs and students with a ?xc?ptional chance to advance their creativity, knowledge, and abilities in an advanced setting. To ensure that staff and students us th? facility in an ethical and productive manner, th? project must additionally ?ncourag?s a culture of ongoing education and creative thinking within th? tam working on it and th? larger company.
3.0 Conclusion
Th? Kinetic Activity Research Laboratory (KARL) initiative is in perfect agreement with th? strategic goals of Global University London (GUL), which prioritize ?ff?cts on society, in accordance cooperation, and innovation. Th? thorough examination of stak?hold?rs participation, custom?r demands, and risk assessment shows strong support for th? initiative. Th? financial sustainability and balanced scorecard show that KARL is on th? right track, which will help GUL maintain its position as a prime research organization and continue to d?v?loping. Th? main areas of advice include internal corporate procedures, client vi?wpoint, financial management, and d?v?loping a continual learning culture. Th? Director of Capital Projects is r?comm?nd?d to move forward with confidence in th? KARL project’s strategic and financial sustainability after carefully evaluating thr?? issues.
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