Secure The Data In Cloud Environment Assignment Sample

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 List of keywords

There are mainly three types of cloud security. Firstly, the primary one is physical security.

The second one is software security (Chinnasamy, et al. 2021). The third one is infrastructure security. The cloud has different types of security. Cloud developers face different kinds of cyber security threats.

Physical security: Physical security deals with the cloud. There is also a physical space of hardware that mainly manages the cloud environment. Hackers mainly target the hardware system in the cloud. Subsequently, the data centers mainly measure the surveillance. There the security patrols have access to prohibit the hardware that generally goes in the cloud environment.

Software security: Software security is a complex cloud solution. The software security mainly takes t measurement of the capability of the permissions, encryption, and also the intrusion. There are also definition updates of the virus to secure the cloud environment.

The security of infrastructure: Software security is a measure of protection that means protecting the data from the web. The following security is essential for the IT sectors to remove the malware. There have also the requirements for the security of the infrastructure. There are also updated systems with different kind of patches. The antivirus of software security is an essential thing for infrastructure security.


Literature review is the key to get information about the research topic. From the cloud computing it can be seen that,Users can implement to cover the cloud-based applications. It is associated with user access and data. The data security of the cloud is a mixture of technology. It has its own policies. Data security in cloud computing is an essential part of a cloud environment. There are also core principles in information technology. It has its own procedures. There is also data confidentiality, integrity, and availability in the cloud environment. The data can be protected from unauthorized access and disclosure. The data protection of the cloud is the process to save data in the cloud environment.

2.3 Literature Background

Companies have big amounts of data. It has a range of confidential business. People should avoid storing their data in the cloud (Kaur, et al. 2018). Cloud service is a vital part of cloud computing. The password should be strong so that hackers can’t access it. There have many recommendations for cloud computing. AWS also has encryption in the database services.It has the support of a simple storage service, redshift, glacier, etc. AWS is a kind of encryption that mainly secures the data in the cloud system. Aws also supports key lifecycle and also gives the option to manage the complete control. AWM also provides the security of hardware for the key management in business. There is the certification to meet the requirements. Cloud storage is mainly convenient for businesses. Cloud storage is unmatched by agility in cloud technology. There are mainly two stages of data. Data must be proceeding and transmitted. The following data have to be secured in the cloud tec. The cloud computing tools and techniques have many stages (Nguyenet al. 2019). Cloud storage mainly serves the sharing of data in any two states. Cloud storage is a data-sharing application for marketing, banking finance, etc. Data encryption should be stored in the application which is provided in the data center.[Referred to Appendix 1]

2.4 Research Questions

  1. Can a weak password is the best way to prevent credential risks?
  2. Why is cloud computing more complex than others?
  3. Does it create an extra hurdle to overcome the cloud accounts?
  4. Is the following safeguard for cloud threats?
  5. Is determined needed for cloud storage?
  6. What is the best way to prevent the credential risk?
  7. Can it protect the brand's reputation?
  8. Is the cloud computing of the environment more complex than other in-text systems.
  9. What is the IAM strategy?
  10. Why data security is a critical concept.
  11. What is the CIA model? How can it be explained?
  12. Can the cloud service data be compromised without appropriate measures?

2.5 Imperial study

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According to Kollu et al. 2021, there are some core principles in information security for data governance. In cloud computing, Data confidentiality is also a main part of cloud computing (Kolluet al. 2021). Data integrity and data availability are also called the triad CIA. Confidentiality means disclosure and unauthorized access.

Integrity: Integrity saves the data from unauthorized access. It is also trusted data in cloud computing. Cloud security ensures the information when is fully accessible (Khan, et al. 2021). There are the categories of cloud computing which are “software as a service or SaaS”, “platform as a service” and infrastructure as a service (FaaS)”.

There is also data security for every stage in cloud computing.

Cloud common risks: The cloud possess have a variety of risks which is essential for the security strategy. The vital risks are processing and storing the data in the cloud (Aujla, et al. 2018). There have also the many types of cyber attacks and breaches of data. Other research has the IT security for the cloud services. Cloud data security is also a challenge in data security. Cloud services are also the second-longest barrier in recent years.

Regulatory non-compliance: The cloud service data of healthcare has some requirements. Cloud computing mainly adds compliance requirements. There is also complexity in the cloud environment.

Data loss and data leaks: Data loss mainly happens for poor security like misconfigurations in the cloud systems. There are also many types of threats in cloud computing. Data loss and leaks mainly happen because of poor security.

Customer’s trust was lost and the brand's reputation: Trust in computers is very important for the business. It is a kind of PII or identifiable information. Then following data security leads to the compromise of data. By this point, people can even lose the goodwill of the customers.

The loss of financial: The financial loss depends on the mitigation of incidents, it has also data breaches. There has also been a disruption of the business; the security incidents of the cloud mainly can add the millions of dollars.

According to Leelavathy et al. 2020, Cyber security can face different types of cyber attacks. There have many applications of the cloud which has functions and misconfigurations (Leelavathy, et al. 2020). Cloud computing has weaknesses like misconfigurations, compromises, etc.

Hijacking of account and takeover: Most people mainly use weak passwords so that people give malware attackers easy access to the cloud accounts. There have also been threats in cloud computing. This threat is unique to the cloud.

The threats of insider: There is no visibility of the cloud ecosystem which mainly increases the risk of insider threats. The cloud ecosystem mainly gives access to the data (Dubey, et al. 2019). Mainly the insiders have gained the authorizing access with the malware intent. The cloud data is sensitive and can store the data in the cloud.

The data security area mainly struggles with cloud computing which is mainly responsible for the security. The shared responsibility model is also known as the shared control. The cloud service providers use the shared responsibility model which is responsible for the different cloud models. The cloud service providers are mainly responsible for the infrastructure and data class classification. The following cloud provider is mainly responsible for the infrastructure. The cloud provider is mainly responsible for access management. There is also SaaS, PaaS, or FaaS. In other components, cloud providers give access to the security components. The cloud provider is responsible for the accountability and classification (Punithavathi, et al. 2021). The cloud providers are mainly responsible for the security essentials. The cloud provider is mainly responsible for access management and identity.

According to Cui, et al. 2019, Data security starts with the governance identity. It also needs comprehensive, data access in cloud computing.

Visibility: Fewer visibility results in access control which is not active.

The access to federate: The federated access eliminates the separate identities for the reactive directory in the system of record.

Monitoring: Determine is also needed for cloud data storage (Zhou, et al. 2018). The cloud data should be appropriate and authorized. There have also the processes of automating which reduces the burden on the EIT team. The auditing security tools have the mitigation risk as the environment is growing. Deploy encryption is also a vital point in cloud computing. Vendors mainly offer encryption and the user should consider third-party encryption to add protection. Developers have their own procedures of backup. It is essential to back up the data locally. Access management and identity ensure the people access the data and also this framework needs to encompass the cloud environment. IAM components access the IAM technology in cloud computing.

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Password policy manager: A weak password can cause breaches of data and also security incidents. “Password management solutions” make it easy for the employees and can maintain password practices in cloud technology. [Referred to Appendix 3]

According to Kavinet al. 2020, Cloud computing is a very famous platform in information technology. It is widely used. The data exchange works 24 hours a. it can allow the data continuously (Kavin, et al. 2020). The cloud service is also convenient. The cloud service data can be compromised without appropriate measures. The raw and processed data in the cloud mainly helps the potential hackers to lead the information breaches. The software developers can leak the raw and process data. There are also a few tips to ensure the data is in the cloud.

Ensure the local backup: It is mainly a precaution for data cloud security (Krishnan, et al. 2020). There will be a misuse of data as a consequence. In the IT sector, there are many organizations in a cloud environment. Losing data can lead mainly to the loss of finances in a cloud environment. Avoid string-sensitive information. Many companies store personal data on their servers. The data can lead to troubles for the organizations. People should not update sensitive information on the cloud server.

Use encryption: Encryption data can be uploaded to the cloud (Joel, et al. 2021). The encrypted data is an excellent precaution from cyber hackers. Encryption is a kind of layer of security. The encryption method can even protect the information from the administrators. Service providers mainly provide data encryption. There is a cloud service that generally encryption. There is a preliminary round of encryption which mainly helps to give extra security. Discretion is a vital point in applying reliable passwords (Stergiou, et al. 2020). Two steps verification is needed to make the security level better. There is also some breach in the security step; the others also protect the data. Hence, people need to update their windows to enhance the computer's security level. Hackers cannot break updated security patches. Numerous tips are needed to make a good password. To make a strengthen password, people should change their password regularly.

Additional security measures: Passwords are great to keep data encrypted. Encryption can stop the data accessing which is the most important feature (Shikha Rani, et al. 2020). There is a chance of being data corrupted if passwords don’t change quickly. The cloud has to be secured with antivirus programs. There also has admin control. The musters should have the right security. A secure cloud system can have privilege controls to remove the data.

According to Kaur et al. 2018, the data protection of the cloud is a kind of practice that secures the data in the environment of the cloud in the cloud technology (Kaur, et al. 2018). The following data can be located. It can be the motion and rest. It can be managed internally for the company by a third party. The following practice is increasing day by day in cloud technology. Many companies have massive amounts of data. It can be ranged from the business for the business. Cloud computing can be outlined by the technological sector (Mogarala, et al. 2018). The following computing system is convenient. It can be shared with computing services. It can rapidly grow and also it can release the minimal theory. It has the interaction of the service provider to manage the short effort. In information technology, there are resources for the data centers for the office space, servers, and also storage. The software mainly stacks with the expert members of the team. It is hard problem to face the huge information on a daily basis. Cloud computing mainly helps to maintain the installation, buying, etc. The monthly subscription helps the customer t choose the following services. The cloud service is simple and convenient.

2.6 Literature gap

There is a number of large papers which have represented cloud computing. These papers can be difficult, and time-consuming (Jeong, et al. 2021). To solve this problem, users mainly give the structure of the full-length papers which is published in cloud conferences. There will be a systematic study that can surely categorize them. The papers can be selected and also can be assessed in the research topic. The main purpose of the research is like comprehends the research topics. The following answer shows that mainly most of the papers mainly addressed this technology. There will be also a functional and architectural aspect that I mainly deal with the business aspects. There has also a big gap for cloud computing to get an impact on the business.

Secondly, the following research question comprehends the selected papers in their contribution types (Kamal, et al. 2021). The following answer mentions that there are 5 types of contributions. The following method draws most of the papers at the end of the cloud technology. Experience only attracts a low percentage of the papers. The contribution of serious shortage indicates the participation of lack in the cloud technology. In the conference on the cloud, there is also the isolation of potential danger in cloud computing. The research question of the third part can even target 69% of the paper. Various skins of research are also combined. It is also interesting that the results of mapping can be found in cloud technology. This should be significant statistically (Lin et al. 2019). The studies of mappings are also conducted at different kinds of times. The agreement suggests that the results two mentions that cloud computing can remain nowadays. The following study suggests the general trend in cloud technology.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

There are two part of the research one is qualitative and anther one is qualitative. Quantities method allow to the systemic calculation and deals with words and their meaning. In other side the quantities allow to explore the variables of measurement. Quantitative is used for numerical and qualitative is use from document illustration. Qualitative data is description of nature, terms and expressed of language. Qualitative data has been used in this research paper.

Primary data has been used for this research. Various observation and experiments has been done on “Secure the data in cloud environment”. The observation is done on passwords that are responsible for security of data in the cloud environment. More strong passwords can give more strength to the cloud environment. Few surveys are also done for the research. Primary data are very useful for analyzing and understanding the data security in the cloud environment. Protection and security are the most significant challenges in the cloud environment. For securing the cloud environment, analysis of primary data is very necessary. A proper survey has been done on the data security in cloud environment. The primary data collection method is the appropriate method for the research. Structured and controlled observation is very important in the research.

3.2 Research approach

Cloud technology is first invented in the 1960s. It helps mainly to connect with the people. CompuServe gave its consumers a short disk space. The cloud was originally linked with the 1990s. Displace can be uploaded to choose the upload. The popular service was also started “Smug Mug,” drop box”, and “Pinterest” in 2005. The storage service of the cloud was first invented in 2006. AT & T was also invented for the link services. Cloud computing also started in 1996. Cloud computing is also invented in 1997. The concept was almost ready to launch. The block chain was invented in the cloud environment. In 2018, the block chain technique secures the data in 2021. The encryption algorithm of hybrid data can be secured in 2020.The cipher attribute -policy was invented in 2022. Big data sharing cloud computing was first invented in 2022. The secure data of DNA computing was first invented in 2022.

3.3 Data analysis techniques

Traditional survey techniques, such paper and pen, are difficult to assess and demand more labour. Utilizing cutting-edge online data gathering techniques with an online survey platform, such as market research survey software or customer survey software, makes survey data analysis considerably simpler. To interpret the acquired data, statistical analysis can be applied to the survey data. Quantitative data analysis techniques come in a variety. Among the often employed types are: The most often used method for data analysis is cross-tabulation. To make sense of the data, a simple tabulation structure is used. This statistical analysis technique aids in tabulating data into straightforward rows and columns, which aids in creating analogies between various research criteria. It includes information that is either mutually exclusive or connected in some way. A statistical analysis technique called trend analysis allows for the long-term examination of survey data. Utilizing numerous criteria, the MaxDiff analysis approach is utilised to determine what a consumer prefers in a good or service. For instance, the feature set of a product, how it differs from the competitors, how simple it is to use and scale, how much it costs, etc. serve as the foundation for maxdiff analysis. This strategy is also known as the "best-worst" method in a simplified form. Conjoint analysis and this method are extremely similar, although the former is far more straightforward to use, and the two can be combined. Conjoint analysis, as previously indicated, is comparable to maxdiff analysis with the exception of its complexity and capacity to gather and analyse pre-survey data. This approach examines each factor influencing a person's purchase decisions. Conjoint analysis can be used to determine a customer's precise priorities and the factors they weigh before making a purchase.

3.4 Research design

The cloud computing is a very popular topic for the upcoming generation. The cloud computing is one of the beneficial part of the for the next generation information technology industry. The cloud computing is the known comparison in the online world. The data can be server in cloud computing. The cloud shows the images in the computer diagrams. The cloud computing is an abstraction for the infrastructures. The following data can be served for the private cloud company. The cloud computing data can get access from the other computers. It can be the personal computer servers. The computer can even crash in that situation. The data should be available for the other users. The following data can be available for different servers. The clouds can even use the resources of virtualized. After getting permission, anyone can access the data. The resources can be reduced for the resources. It is a customize service level agreements. Nowadays, the computers can be utilized by the government sectors, organizations, railway everyone. The computers can even work to provide the following data. The applications can be used on the internet. The network should be available in cloud computing that works as IP addresses. It generally connects different systems. It has the vital storage capability in cloud computing. It mainly helps to solve the problem of analyzing risk. It is a large working group of servers for the technology. It has various data connections that can be processed. It has various data connections that can be processed in cloud computing. The computer game users can be trapped in the web. The network server uses the different kind of pc technologies. There is an analyzing risk in the financial sectors and medical sectors. There are also vast networking servers that use PC technology generally.

(i)Inventory check is needed for data security.

(ii) There are also the policies of access control.

(iii) Data policy should be implemented.

(iv) Data encryption should be implemented in cloud technology.

(v) DLP technology should be used.

3.5 Research Model

The full form of CIA is “Confidentiality”,” integrity” and “availability”. CIA is a simple model which mainly develops security systems (Gill, et al. 2018). There is also the development of system security in cloud technology. There are three types of CIA. CIA is a kind of information security model. It will be used to find the methods to create the solutions. The CIA is needed mainly in business. The differentiation is mainly needed to guide the software security teams on different paths. It can be accessed in each concern.

The security profile is stronger and it can handle the threats.

Confidentiality: It is mainly a part of the organization. It is secret data. Confidentiality gives the access to protect the sharing data (Indira, et al. 2020). The following key component of confidentiality is to make sure the people besides authorization. It also protects the accessing data. This is an effective system. It can give access the essential privileges. The organization's finance should access the bank accounts and the flow of money. The majority of team members are that there are executives. It cannot give access. The following policy can be followed and the restriction should be in place. There are many ways that will be challenging. This can help to gain access to the systems. It can help to evolve the attacker to attempt the database.

Integrity: Integrity makes the data trustworthy. The following information should have integrity. Integrity Data can be maintained to authenticate the data. Data is very important in IT organizations. The reputation of the organization can track on the website and compromising integrity can be done intentionally. Attackers can change the configurations. Cyber hackers may try to hack websites. To prevent this, users need security.

Availability: Availability is more important than integrity in the organization. The application, network, and systems also function in cloud technology. Individuals should access the important information to consume it. The following data should not be inordinate.

Research approach defines as the way of working in a research. In this Cloud technology, it is a new technological development that has the potential to remain a great impact on the world. There are many benefits that are mainly provided to businesses. Cloud computing can reduce the operating cost in maintenance. In business, software up-gradation is important. The people are almost skeptical about the cloud data which is private. There are many challenges in cloud computing for business projects. There is no cloud computing data that is provided as data. Europe is the main country for cloud technology in cloud computing. There have data protection laws in Europe. Users can disclose the data and can even get ownership of the data. There are various kinds of standard and regulations worldwide. Cloud computing is a blessing for the future. The security system is also needed for the cloud systems for the cloud technology in the IT world. [Referred to Appendix 2]

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