Understanding Job Satisfaction in Digital Marketing Assignment Sample

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Introduction : Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in Digital Marketing: Insights & Solutions

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1.1 Background of the Study

Because workers spend so much time at work each week, employers must make every effort to make it as comfortable as possible for them. Providing open workspaces, proper lighting, and comfy workstations all contribute to a positive work environment. Increasing employee contentment at work may be accomplished in part by providing them with more efficient means of doing their responsibilities, such as newer, more powerful technology. Employees are more content in their present position if they can see a way to advance in the organisation, gaining more responsibilities and earning more money in the process. There is a b desire among many employers to help their staff gain new abilities that might lead to advancement (Purwanti, 2021). The expense of university tuition is typically covered by employers, such as in the case of workers. In the course of an employee’s yearly performance review, a manager should lay out a roadmap indicating what the employee has to do and what new abilities she needs to build in order to progress within the company.

Even the most devoted employee might get dissatisfied with their work if they have to deal with a high workload and unreasonable deadlines. The stress level in the workplace rises when workers and managers don’t meet deadlines. Ineffective administration and bad planning are often to blame for creating such conditions. There is a constant state of emergency at the workplace because bosses don’t give workers enough time to complete their assigned responsibilities or because staffing levels are too low (Stamolampros et al., 2019). Employees expect their co-workers to treat them with dignity and decency. Those who work in a hostile atmosphere are more likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs. In order to avoid more severe situations necessitating disciplinary action, managers must intervene and resolve confrontations. Reminding employees of what is and isn’t suitable conduct in the workplace is a good idea.

1.2 Problem Statement of the Research

Underpayment is the condition of receiving less money than you are worth. This is the most difficult problem to deal with since it may be motivated by an individual’s opinion or viewpoint. Even if a person’s salaries are in accordance with their position, they still believe themselves to be underpaid if they don’t think they’re getting paid enough. If they do their homework and discover that they are truly being underpaid for that position, they have every right to be dissatisfied (da Cruz Carvalho, Riana and Soares, 2020). Because they may see someone performing the same work in a nicer automobile or in a better home, they could think that person is earning more money than they are.

As a result, they think they are being paid insufficiently once again. People can see, the discontent that comes from feeling underpaid is solely dependent on perspective unless they know what others make or investigate the pay that are acceptable for a given job function. A significant and useful point of view from the firm’s point of view is that disgruntled employees are more likely to quit the company than those who are happy with their pay. Another factor contributing to job discontent is the absence of advancement opportunities (Kurdi, Alshurideh and Alnaser, 2020). Understanding that not everyone aspires to climb the corporate ladder is critical in this regard. They will get jaded and disappointed if their employer does not provide them with the possibility for progress. This might imply that the employee is considering moving on to a new job with more possibilities for advancement.

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1.3 Research Aims and Objectives

1.3.1 Research Aims

Usually, the research aims to effectively identify and analyse the factors that are affecting the job satisfaction of employees in the digital marketing firm. Moreover, the study also aims to provide specific and authentic information regarding the study topic by accessing the data from the company, Loud Mouth Media.

1.3.2 Research Objectives

  • To understand the importance of job satisfaction.
  • To realise the aspects of job satisfaction in the dynamic industrial context.
  • To identify the factors affecting job satisfaction in the company context of Loud Mouth Media.
  • To rationalise whether job satisfaction establish relevancy in work performance enhancement.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What is the importance of job satisfaction?
  2. How job satisfaction and dissatisfaction impact organisational performance and productivity?
  3. What are the factors that affecting job satisfaction in Loud Mouth Media?
  4. How employee job satisfaction enhances organisational performance?

1.5 Research Significance

Employees at a digital marketing agency will be studied to get a better knowledge of work satisfaction and the variables that influence it. The belief is that if employees are not satisfied, their morale will drop and the general productivity of the company would decrease as a result (Zhang et al., 2019). The findings of this study will be particularly useful to digital marketing companies as they seek to preserve the variables that influence employee happiness at work. In order to keep their employees happy, these forms will benefit from the study.

Even more importantly, the findings of this research are expected to provide light on how employees’ job happiness and productivity are linked to the overall success of their workplaces. In addition, the researcher will be able to illustrate and supply readers with some unique facts and expertise by interpreting particular and real data from the source, Loud Mouth Media (Al-Ali et al., 2019). “Factors Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction in a Digital Marketing Firm” is a crucial and realistic study subject for future researchers and learners of this specific study topic.

1.6 Research Rationale

A digital marketing agency’s employees will be investigated to learn more about job happiness and the factors that affect it. According to this theory, a company’s production suffers if its workers are dissatisfied, which, in turn, lowers staff morale. As a digital marketing company, the researcher may utilise this study’s results to ensure that your employees are happy and productive. These forms will profit from the research in order to keep their staff satisfied. Even more crucially, the outcomes of this study are intended to provide light on how workers’ job satisfaction and productivity are connected to their businesses’ overall performance (Meng and Berger, 2019). It will also allow the researcher to provide readers with unique information and knowledge by evaluating data from the source, Loud Mouth Media, which provides specific and true data. Researchers and students in the field of digital marketing need to know about the “Factors Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction in a Digital Marketing Firm.”

1.7 Research Structure

This dissertation has several parts. The dissertation will begin with an Introduction chapter that provides background information and context for the whole research. A literature review examines previous academic research on a topic. It also assesses content. The researcher will study key books and other information on the subject. The researcher will consult scholarly articles, websites, and government materials. The dissertation’s approach follows. It covers research and activity methods. The researcher will show the scholar how to do their research and which method to apply. The scholar will discuss the approaches utilised and why they were selected. The findings section covers all the findings, facts, phrases, observations, and experimental data. In this section, the researcher will highlight all technique-related data. The researcher will avoid bias and interpretation here and organise the data. The discussion summarises the results. The researcher will explain the experiment’s findings and give context for the readers. Last but not least, the researcher summarises their findings and leaves the readers with a lasting impression.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Overview

Job satisfaction is essential for the current scenario of the world, job satisfaction is nothing but it’s the action for what employees retain in an organisation. In this study, there are some definitions of Job descriptions from different authors and those are different approaches. Though there is not any perfect or exact definition of job satisfaction it varies from person to person. There is also mentioned some impacts of job satisfaction on employee performance, which can be positive and negative. After that, there are some importance of employees’ job satisfaction in a digital marketing firm as well as some factors that can influence job satisfaction in a digital marketing firm.

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2.2 Definitions of Job Satisfaction

There is no exact definition of Job Satisfaction, it is different for everyone, someone may be satisfied with a job and another one may not be satisfied with the same job. It depends from person to person. Different Authors have defined different definitions of Job Satisfaction.

According to Aziri (2011), Job Satisfaction is a combination of internal and external circumstances means it is a combination of psychological and environmental circumstances if both match for someone then the person will be satisfied if these circumstances do not match then the person will not be satisfied. As per this definition job satisfaction can be influenced by many external factors. The job can be done in the way that employees feel.

Another definition of Job Satisfaction is more focused on the role of employees in the office. Then job satisfaction can be an affective orientation on the individual’s part into the role of work that they are occupying (Liu, Aungsuroch and Yunibhand, 2016).

A job has to do as per the employees’ feelings, as they feel good to do the job and it has various aspects. For this only job satisfaction and dissatisfaction can appear in any situation. Job satisfaction is related to the individual’s behaviour in the workplace (Huang, 2019).

2.3 Impact of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

Job satisfaction is the most important part of any organisation because nowadays it is a variable area facing today’s managers. According to authors, they describe many impacts of job satisfaction on employee performance which are mentioned below. Positive and negative both impact job satisfaction on employee performance (PANCASILA, HARYONO and SULISTYO, 2020).

If the company has more employees and they work together but some employee’s or person they cannot satisfied their job role, that time they are cannot better performing in an organisation that’s why this organisation facing some bad effects, But, if the managers focusing this area personally and understand employees’ problems, action, responses, attention so that employees are more satisfied in their workplace and response positively.

Employees’ positive responses, it is mean they are satisfied with their working area it measures that the organisation is a run better way and achieves their goals easily, side by side companies give some facilities to their employees, and this type of benefit helps employees satisfaction and affects their performance also. Additionally, well behaviour, friendly culture overall helps increase employee satisfaction and if the overall function is applied properly, after that the companies are well organised (Ndulue and Ekechukwu, 2016).

As well as, some negative effects are there. In this case if, the employees are cannot satisfied with their working role it means they cannot perform well in the organisation. Employees satisfaction is the most important factor in any organisation (Ramli, 2018). But sometimes organisations cannot focus on this site, which means managers cannot well behave with their employees, they cannot understand their problems and other areas, side by side managers never provided any facilities to their employees, all are the factors indicate employees’ satisfactions. It means employees are not satisfied in their workplace and these types of problems affect in organisation because employees are not well-performing it measures an organisation cannot perform in a better way and increases many problems and these types of problems affect in an organisation (Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm, 2016). Employees satisfaction is better for an organisation and it is also a negative response for any organisation but side by side employees not satisfying their working place means it is a negative response for any organisation.

2.4 Importance of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Digital Marketing Firm Productivity

Employees’ job satisfaction is an essential objective of an organisation, it helps organisations to grow and reach their goals. Job Satisfaction is the thing that can improve a firm’s efficiency and productivity. If the employees are happy with the job and their role, then they immensely help the organisation to boost up and make e direction to the success (Pang and Lu, 2018). In the case of a Marketing Firm, it’s an employee-based business, where each and every employee consist of a value to the organisation. Employees are the values of these organisations, if they work smoothly and efficiently it will be a competitive advantage for the organisation. Employees can make a firm productive and efficient, though employees are the main reason for the success of an organisation. In an organisation employees’ contribution is enough to touch the benchmark of success so their satisfaction is also important to take care of (Nemteanu and Dabija, 2021).

Job satisfaction is important because dissatisfaction with a job can result in a lack of loyalty, inefficiency in the workplace, unproductive, lack of engagement among employees, and it increased the number of accidents. Organisations should guide employees by the human values they need to be treated with respect. In that case employees, job satisfaction may be increased and it is a good indicator for the organisation as well as for the employees (Pang and Lu, 2018). High job satisfaction may be a sign of better sign for the organisation and for employees, it will also keep the good mental health of the employees.

The behaviour of the employees also depends on the job satisfaction level, though it can affect an organisation’s business processes and operational activity. So, job satisfaction can give a positive impact on the organisation as well as a negative, so employees’ job satisfaction is an important thing for the organisation (Ali and Anwar, 2021). Negative job satisfaction can affect employees’ behaviour and productivity though it can give a negative impact on organisations.

Job satisfaction is an indicator of an organisation’s business processes and activities, positive job satisfaction can result in a productive organisation and negative job satisfaction can result in an inefficient and unproductive organisation. Good job satisfaction can boost the organisation’s business process (Moro, Ramos and Rita, 2020).

An organisation’s managers and employees might appreciate, that an organisation need to keep employees satisfied because employees’ satisfaction can lead to business processes, by keeping them satisfied, employees can boost sales, minimise cost, and can make a b bottom line for the organisation. It can be a good option for increasing the profit of the organisations by keeping employees satisfied. Irrespective of the job titles and salary the satisfied employees of the organisation, if they feel satisfied with the environment of the organisation, reward systems and recognition then they can produce more for the organisation and they do it more efficiently (Davidescu et al., 2020).

Employees when satisfied with their jobs they slightly think about leaving the job, because they are happy with their job. It affects when new employees join the organisation if they see no one wants to leave their job or all are working for more years, then new employees also feel positive about the company and that will be a good sign for the organisation. If employees feel satisfied with their job and if they see the way of growth by staying in the company, that also creates the company’s loyalty. In that case, employees also want to support the organisation’s mission and objectives (Davidescu et al., 2020).  Employees also tell others about the nature of the company and that will create the company’s goodwill.

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2.5 Positive and Negative Factors that influence Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Marketing Firms

Job satisfaction can give result in success, productivity and efficiency for the marketing firm. Positive and negative factors are there in job satisfaction, which are:

  • Working Environment:

Employees needed well environment which is safe and comfortable; employees mostly needed personal comfort and better facilities, after the working facilities are good like outstanding surroundings so that the employees easy to stable their working roll (Sudiardhita et al., 2018). On the other hand, the employees are not managing their working roll and if the working conditions are not good like unbalancing area that’s why the employees will not adjust their working roll and finding more difficulties. Hence, if the environment is having a balancing and friendly it can help grow employees’ job satisfaction.

  • Caring Organisation:

Caring organisations can assist in finding different types of ways, as well as career development is a most important part of the organisation because, if the organisation focusing employees’ problems, health, and any other function overall helps employees’ satisfaction and also can help increasing organisation growth (Judge, Zhang and Glerum, 2020).

  • Pay:

Wages and salaries are recognised to be significant but cognitively complex and multidimensional factors in job satisfaction. Salaries and wages are paid right time which means employees are more satisfied, satisfied salaries are not only helped people with basic needs it also can help in provide higher-level needs satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their contribution to the organisation, Fringe benefits are also significant, but they are not as influential (Aburumman et al., 2020). Additionally, if the organisation cannot focus on these factors like they are cannot pay specific time periods and cannot give proper benefits to employees that’s why the employees do not work properly, their performance is poor all over the reason affecting an organisation increasing growth.

  • Promotion:

Promotion opportunities have to affect different types of job satisfaction because promotion takes some different forms and has a variety of accompanying rewards. It also can help increase employees’ thinking opportunists and grow better-generating ideas, and the organisation develop day by day (Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm, 2016). Side by side if the organisation cannot provide some promotion which is mostly needed so the employees are continually depressed and they cannot work properly and, it also decreasing encouraging customer powers this is the reasons mostly bad impact for a marketing firm.

  • Challenges:

Some the employees are who loves challenges in their workplace and are creating a new experiment, its man they also like challenging job and it is better for creativity for marketing firms because if the employees are creating new ideas the organisation finds new facilities and “associated with ability and capability” marketing firms always help this thing because it helps increasing marketing firms (Ali and Anwar, 2021). The employees cannot generate new challenges and they cannot face this area so the marketing firms cannot build day by day with specific time and periods.

  • Feedback:

Feedback is the most important part of any organisation it measures where are the problems and how to solve this, employees’ feedback is also the most important factor, in this case, the organisation not receiving feedback on their “work can be quite discouraging for most people”. Authority also needs to know what kind of feedback the team members respond to the best. And research shows that learners seek and respond to positive feedback, while experts respond to negative feedback. On the other hand, negative feedback will be received, in this case, the marketing firms find the problems and try to how is it possible to overcome this problem and how to receive positive responses (Hee et al., 2018).

  • Flexibility:

Companies may offer flexibility in work to the employees, so it can be a positive factor that influences employees’ job satisfaction. By giving flexibility in the work employees may feel happy and that can increase the productivity of the organisation. If companies don’t give the option of flexibility in the work, then many employees feel dissatisfied which can be a bad impact on the organisation (Soomro, Breitenecker and Shah, 2018). So, flexibility in the workplace can improve the organisation’s sales, minimise costs and boost the performance of the organisation.

  • Work Nature:

The nature of work is another factor that can influence employees’ job satisfaction in the workplace. If a person willingly wants to do a certain task, then they would prefer these tasks. These tasks can give them satisfaction in the workplace. Nature of work is also important in the workplace for the employee’s satisfaction (Lan et al., 2021).

  • Safety and Security:

Nowadays safety and security a major factor that can influence employees’ job satisfaction. Many organisations provide health and life insurance to employees and many other facilities. If employees do not feel secure in the organisation, then the job satisfaction of the employees going to fall. The aspect of security and safety plays a major role in terms of employees’ satisfaction (Scanlan and Still, 2019). Now companies also measure employee satisfaction by giving different types of facilities like health care and medical.

  • Initiation:

If an employee gets the equal opportunity to show his/her talent, then organisations may give them initiation and that improves employees’ job satisfaction. If organisations asked employees to give their suggestions, then also employees’ satisfaction increase and that can help organisations to improve efficiency (Hee et al., 2018).

  1. Hobbies and Interests:

If an employee has pursued his/her hobby or the subject where they have the optimum level of interest then if they work in that type of job role then the job is not a job for them it is a way of getting into the hobby and making money. If they work like that then it’s more than a promotion for them. So, if employees do their own respective work where they have interests and hobbies then there will be a high amount of satisfaction (Jabeen, Friesen and Ghoudi, 2018). Though interest and hobbies are also vital factors that can influence job satisfaction. This amount of satisfaction can give more productivity to the organisation.

2.6 Theoretical Underpinnings that Relate to Job Satisfaction

Theories of job contentment and theories of human motivation have a lot in common. The Job Characteristics Model, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory, and the Dispositional Approach are some of the most widely used ideas in this field. The following are descriptions and explanations of these theories:

2.6.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

One of the first theories to examine the factors that contribute to job satisfaction, Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory is well-known in the human motivation literature. Emotional and psychological well-being are at the top of a five-tiered hierarchy of human needs according to the theory. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the most basic needs must be met before more complex ones can be met (such as physiological needs and safety) (such as, belonging and esteem) (Hale et al., 2019).

The hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow aims to shed light on human motivation in general. Workplace satisfaction can be explained by some of the theory’s central tenets. Workers’ basic physiological needs are met in part by benefits provided by their employers, such as health insurance and monetary compensation (Cui et al., 2021). Having a safe work environment, job security, and/or appropriate organisational structures and policies can all be signs that employees have safety needs. When this goal is achieved, employees are better able to focus on developing a sense of belonging at work. Working with co-workers and managers, and whether or not they feel like a part of the team or organisation, can all contribute to a sense of belonging (Butler et al., 2017). Employees want to feel appreciated and valued by their co-workers and the company they work for.

To reach self-actualization, the employee must continue to grow and develop in order to become all that they can be. Despite the fact that each phase may appear to be independent, they all play an important role in the journey toward self-actualization. As a result, organisations trying to enhance employee job satisfaction should begin by addressing the most fundamental demands of their workers. It is becoming less common since it does not take into account the employee’s cognitive process and lacks actual data (Lussier, 2019). Some also take issue with the culmination of self-actualization. In the absence of a precise definition of self-actualization and intellectual knowledge, it is difficult to measure what the end aim is or when it has been reached.

2.6.2 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

Motivation and hygiene, according to Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory, are not two endpoints of the same continuum, but two distinct and sometimes unrelated ideas. Satisfaction with one’s job can only be achieved if the ‘motivating’ elements of one’s job are met. However, ‘hygiene’ elements (such as working environment, corporate regulations and structure, job security and contact with co-workers, and the quality of management) are linked to job dissatisfaction (Matei and Abrudan, 2016).

As a result, it is feasible that employees are neither content nor dissatisfied because both cleanliness and motivating aspects are considered separate. An employee is unsatisfied if his or her hygiene factors are low; if these variables are high, the employee is neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, according to this notion. The motivational elements determine whether or not a worker is content. Furthermore, it is assumed that when an employee’s motivations are met, he or she is content (Corlett, 2019). In order to better understand an employee’s sentiments, it may be helpful to separate their satisfaction and dissatisfaction from each other.

There has been minimal empirical evidence for the Motivator-Hygiene hypothesis, which was critical in defining job satisfaction from discontent in the first place, Herzberg’s original work was panned for using shoddy methods (Holmberg, Caro and Sobis, 2018). Herzberg has now corrected his mistakes. There have been inconsistent results in following studies, with some researchers supporting the idea, and others not.

2.6.3 Job Characteristics Model

As explained by the Job Characteristics Model (JCM), intrinsically motivating characteristics can lead to job satisfaction. Each of the following five work traits has an effect on three distinct states of mind: interest, motivation, and self-actualization. A variety of possible outcomes may be derived from the three psychological states, one of which is work satisfaction. It is hoped that by strengthening the five key job characteristics, organisations may create a better work environment and a higher level of employee happiness (Singh, Singh and Khan, 2016).

The JCM theory has gained greater empirical backing than Maslow or Herzberg’s views. While this approach is often used to examine the direct influence of fundamental job aspects on personal and professional results, it has also garnered criticism for neglecting crucial psychological states in many research. Despite this, three studies have examined the influence of the JCM on work satisfaction and found it to be effective. A meta-analysis of 13 investigations focused on the significance of important psychological states, and found these psychological states to have a vital practical and theoretical role in the JCM (Park, 2017).

2.6.4 Dispositional Approach

This dispositional approach indicates that job happiness is intimately linked to one’s personal characteristics. An individual has an inherent tendency to be satisfied with their life, and these tendencies stay steady throughout time. Indirect research and direct studies can be used to support this strategy (McLarty and Whitman, 2016). These areas have been examined in greater detail by Judge and his colleagues.

Studies that don’t explicitly measure personality provide the evidence in the form of inferential evidence. The National Longitudinal Studies in the United States found that job satisfaction measures tend to remain stable over two, three, and five years. Even major alterations in employment, such as a switch in employers or professions, are covered. A twin-based study looked at 34 identical twins who were raised apart from one another (Holienkova, 2018). Job satisfaction in later life was found to be influenced by genetic factors to the tune of 30 percent.

It is possible that other unaccounted for factors may be influencing job satisfaction levels in indirect studies. Consequently, these studies are more susceptible to criticism. To put it another way, this shows the relevance of research that focus on the function of personality. Self-esteem, self-efficacy, emotional stability, and a sense of agency are all part of a larger personality construct that affects how someone views themselves. As self-esteem, self-efficacy, emotional stability, and locus of control (the four affective concepts) were examined in 169 correlations with job satisfaction, self-reported levels of these constructs increased, and so did job satisfaction (Hassard, Teoh and Cox, 2016). Neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extraversion all have a moderate effect on job contentment, according to research into the five-factor model of personality.

The lack of empirical evidence for the hierarchy of demands and motivator-hygiene methods is problematic. The empirical evidence for the dispositional approach, on the other hand, and for JCM is growing. Even if we accept that personality or the JCM do not entirely explain job happiness, we cannot deny that motivational factors affect the surrounding environment and have an effect on employee satisfaction. As a result, Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene method and personality were coupled by Furnham and colleagues in order to better understand the combined influence on job satisfaction. According to findings, factors such as demographics and scores on the five most often utilised personality characteristics (such as extraversion and agreeableness) accounted for a considerable share of the work satisfaction of employees.

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