Research Skills Assignment Sample

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In the launch of blood assist app the support of safe blood transfusion developed by the medical department. In Qatar the center of blood donation camp meters about 100% of meat in voluntary donation of blood. The blood services of Qatar require the highest rate of donation at an average of 150 to 250 units of blood. In addition, over 21,000 volunteers registered from the year beginning added the biggest pillar in the help on a regular basis for saving thousands lives. The department of blood donation camp. During the weekdays the department of blood services receives the secure and safe supply of blood. In the ages between the years of 18 - 60 yeast are eligible to donate the blood. The potential donor of the blood is notified about the ongoing medication of the blood. In the circulation of donating blood the person suffers from the disease of hypertension, anemia must be prevented from the disease. 

2.0 Motivation and Overview 


In Qatar, every ten patients are required to donate blood on an urgent basis for the production of blood transfusion. In the level of awareness, the contribution factor requires the willingness to donate blood. In the cross-sectional survey, the construction conducted among the students is associated with the app of blood donation. For the self-sufficiency in the supply of blood over the last 10 years in Qatar, thanks to voluntary meets of blood donation camps have been registered since the beginning of the year (Khullar et al. 2021). In receiving the average rate of units in blood services around 150 to 250 units of blood are added to the registration from the beginning of the year.


An app Blood Donor is a worldwide app that requires managing and scheduling an appointment for the patients. In choosing to drive the map or saving time (Guru et al. 2021). This app helps a lot and there are various features in the app. It finds the local blood donation centres or drives quickly. It is an easy appointment for the patients in rescheduling and scheduling. In getting the notifications the reminders of the blood can tend to result in a shortage of alerts regarding the special message. Keeping track of the total donation of the special promotions requires the milestone to join or create the lifesaving teams. In the lifesaving donations the rank view for earning the batches in the leaderboard of the team (Kusum et al. 2020). In the registration of lifeblood, the managing or booking of appointments requires the booking of a blood donation camp. 

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3.0 Related to Literature Research & Background

In the research of appraisal data analysis, the literature reveals the quality of evaluating the tools in an individual consolidation. The varieties of samples used for the separate ranges of review in the meta-analysis of data. In the data of the blood donation camp, the transplant donation included the body weight of blood pressure and the challenges of developing the countries (Dhanya et al. 2020). A requirement of blood in an easy manner can be done through the availability of apps that can be easily downloaded from the medium of play store. In the case of developing countries, the apps are accessible but it is hard to operate such apps. In wanting to donate the blood, very few people are aware of such blood donation apps in developing countries due to less awareness of operating smartphones. Especially the people who belong to senior citizen groups face a lot of difficulties to operate such apps. In the benefits of donating blood people are required to suggest the collection of medical history in the group of collection in healthy activities (Rock et al. 2018) . The profile of blood groups are collected for the misinformation in transforming the benefits of blood taken by the transmission of blood with major challenges.

In the appropriate diverse range, the exclusion or inclusion collected the behavior of applied combination is lacking knowledge for the appropriate donation in blood. It is required to train the person for the upcoming apps and there must be a relevant video for the people so that the operation can be done easily. In the reduction of the number the variety of instruments for the data extracted in the possible varieties to fit the manual collection (Manideep et al. 2019). In the case of donating blood, the selected person must be healthy in each and every required test; the prescription must be uploaded in the app with the details of the person. In the process of blood transfusion, the donation interval is the strategy for recruiting voluntary donors. In the variance of knowledge, the male student of medical college belongs to the job in a joint family. 

In the process of blood donation, the awareness-based issues discussed the frequency of range in a blood donation camp therefore in such cases the age must be uploaded with proper proof of the donor (Navven et al. 2021). In the action attitude in the blood donation camp, the negative responses made for the lack of request for the unawareness in donating the blood. In the belief of donating the blood, the donor rather feels the need for compensation in money. In the negative attitude of donation, the weakness of blood donation rewards the feel of donation for the prior permission in the effect of requirements into the self-perception. In the practices of donation, several factors and knowledge of the media exposure is at a huge rate and it is also practised among the students (George et al. 2018). In the strategies of intervention, the donations are advisable in a mass rate of donors described in the requirements of blood. 

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4.0 Objective and Aim of the project 


In the detailed objective of required donors which is needed for the predefined applications goals to the entity for the delivery of products needed. In working on the application the client needs to design and develop the software for blood donation, and develop and design the requirements for the software. In the collaboration of different apps, the aim of the virus is to form the disabilities for the important elements (Manideep et al. 2019). In leading the description of the project the local blood campaign donation is easy to redirect the communication and branding of local blood donation campaigns. 


The software things are required to focus on the engagement of apps. The important consideration of the app is the donation of blood to create a good relationship with the client. In the response to services, the workshop requires contributing the elements of the core app. It is most needed for the predictions of development and design. In such cases the development of the software gives a major role in the implementation of stages for the solution in deriving the next stage of the software (Saranam et al. 2019). It can help to communicate with the donor and the receivers. 

5.0 Justification and Project Methodology (Part A, Part B, Part C)

Part A

Blood donation is the common type of donation of the whole blood separated from its components in the plasma, red cells and platelets. During the duration of Apheresis, the hooked up machine collected and separated the components of blood. It includes the return of components and platelets donations (Chaitanya et al. 2019). Platelet donation collects the cell and it helps to stop bleeding through the formations of clumps and plugs forming. In the donation of platelets, the common issues clotted in the vessels of blood have the transplant of organs and plugs out in the form of blood vessels. In the case of double red cell donation, it allows donating the concentrated amount of blood in the delivery of oxygen for severe blood loss. Whereas RCB are typically given for the severe loss of blood. Plasma Donation collects the portion of the liquid from the blood that helps to clot the blood and it contains the antibodies which help to fight infections (Alghamdi et al. 2019). In the collection of liquid, the situation of trauma helps to stop bleeding in the situation of emergency. 


In the donation of blood, the level of blood falls due to an incident that occurs from an accident or severe illness which does not function properly in not maintaining the requirements of vital organs. In the whole blood process, the oxygen of nutrients which maintain the components of the blood group related to the issues of clot provides the antibodies to fight against the diseases. In the donation of blood, the conditions of health require having external and internal bleeding due to the injury. It has a sickle skin disease that affects blood for the undergoing treatment in cancers (Alsalmi et al. 2019). In undergoing surgery for orthopedic and cardiovascular the inherited blood transplant in the treatment needs to involve the other product of the blood. 


In the doubt of donation of the blood about 36,000 of the pins, blood is required for the minor side effect of blood. In the donation of the blood, the donor of the blood with the physical examination has the minor side effects which include continued bleeding, bruising, nausea, pain and physical weakness of the body (Kranthi et al. 2021). Donating the safe process of blood is knowing the physical appearance of the body. 

Steps of blood donations:

There are four individual steps in the steps of blood donation and those are registration, donation, refreshments and mini-physical with medical history. 

Figure 4.2: Analysis of blood donation 

(Source:, 2020)


On the arrival of registration, the blood drive for the bank requires to show the identity of the donor. In the complete paperwork, the general information requires the address, anime and phone number of the donors.

Mini Physical and Medical history:

Before the donation of the blood, there are different confidential questions required to ask about the lifestyle or health in the mini-physical test of the employee. The blood pressure or pulse rate with the temperature takes a small amount of blood to test (Almalki et al. 2019). There are various medical histories required for the patients and those are health history, travel, sexual activity and medications.


In terms of donation about 1 pint of blood requires a process which takes less than 10 minutes. In the donation of platelets, it can take a process longer than 2 hours. The raise of donation put little pressure on the process of appraisal in the adhesive strip on arms (Saha and Chandra 2018). In the part of the donation, the pressure with the adhesive strip for the blood clot is required in an adhesive arm of the strip. 


After finishing snacks and drinks the body gets back into the loss of some liquids. It is a kind of side effect needed to hydrate the drink of alcohol with the non-beverages donation of blood by donating it from the duration 24 to 48 hours of time (Alsamani et al. 2019). In the little bit of bleeding the spot was donated by applying pressure in the raise of a few minutes. The bruising area can be made for the ice pack on it. 

Part B

In the most effective promotion of the app, the selected donation for the participant has raised the awareness for the donation of camp blood. In providing the systems of blood donation camp the system of percentage raising the awareness of 81.3. For the system of blood donations, the mobile provides about 62.1 % (Kumar et al. 2018). In the promotion of blood donation, 49.4% can agree bly and 33.7 % agree with the viewing of locations in the unit of mobile donations. 

This application is successfully used in other countries, especially in developed countries like U.S.A and U.K used this app rapidly in the country. This app has taken a huge market in these nations. The app has taken a marketplace which has the major growth between the donor and the camp. In the developed nations this app is found as a lifesaving app in the case of donating blood. In the promotion of phone application, the promotion of the blood is preferred by the addressing of donors in blood groups for the benefits of blood in the collection of raising and benefits of the funds (Bharadwaj et al. 2021). In the suggestions of necessary the presence of collection in the facilities of effectiveness required for the policy of new communications. 

Part C:

The blood donation app can be accessed from the play store. It can be installed easily by searching the blood donation app (Singh et al. 2018). The criteria are mentioned inside the app. It can be accessed easily by the user with unawareness of the app. The sign in and log in criteria are also easy in the app. It can be done manually by the google account and if required there is an option to do it directly by typing username and passwords. In the medical history of the patients, it is required to select the donation date and period of time. There is a notification alert confirmed by the app after creating the account (Zeebaree et al. 2021). The GPS location is also there in the app. 

6.0 Work plan

In the core plan, the applied link of the blood bank required the donors or the recipient to use the license of the hospital. In the interval of the solution provided for the developed studio of android providing the backside of the time required into the result of donors. In the conducting survey of donations, it requires the proper information about the donors. The donors are required to provide the proper information so that the blood taken from the donors must be taken as a proper checkup. The blood group plays an important part in the donation (Maji et al. 2019). Many blood groups are there which are not capable of donations. 

Figure 6: Types of donor with different blood group


Therefore, in such cases, the application must have the proper form with the medical requirements and the form is required to fill up. The form must be filled with proper systems of management and the technical teams are required to care for the apps. The apps must be up to date when the new update version comes, it must be notified to the donors and rewards must be given to the users. The redeem rewards can be scratched and different valid offers can be provided among the customers (Dutta et al. 2019). The awards are in the form of digital money or gifts. 

7.0 Consideration Ethics 

In the strict confidential information of personal donors, the result for testing the effects of breach negatively can ensure the record and unique numbers for the donation of blood. In the negative effect of the records, the relationship effects between the infection markers require the code of serving the community (Thakur et al. 2018). In the medical data, the application is required for the obligation of privacy respect the counseling in the design of setting for visual privacy and reasonable audio. In the addition of data for the maintenance of privacy the camp is required to keep the information of the donors privately. The training of the staff requires a handful in the manner of privacy to ensure of the staff. In the consent of privacy, the staff is required to adverse the reaction of the donors to the potential process of blood donation. In the test performances, the test results included the communication made by the donors (Kumar et al. 2018). In the application of sample blood collection, the unit used for the abnormal test results can be added for national politics. 

The treatment or support for the transmission of blood fulfills the donors in accordance with obtaining the information. In the social act of the donation, the public session can be done for general counseling for the session of settings into the communication. In an explanation, the positively reinforcing tools can be attempted to care for the donors. In terms of special consideration, the prevention of HIV treatment requires the countries suffering from the treatment of TTI care among the donors (Chauhan et al. 2018). In the risk of donation of the blood, the donors must be taken care of by the blood bank so that people are able to donate the blood properly again or else if complications are found in the body then it will be harmful to the receiver. 

8.0 Conclusion

It is to be concluded that the application of blood donation groups is reliable to the platform in the communication to create the channel in the need of a donation of blood. The application is found to be useful in the manner of donating. In the web application of the clinic the activity done by the camp of blood donations is taken by the registration made by the people. For the convenience of patients, the donor of the circle requires a compatible group of stock in the blood bank. In the access of requirements of blood the components of every time eligible to donate the products of the blood. In finding the donors in the blood bank it is required to search for specific donors with healthy habits. The application is found to communicate with the requirements of blood. 

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