Flexible Working And Global Pandemic In Case Of COVID-19 Assignment Sample

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Introduction: Research Project Proposal: Flexible Working And Global Pandemic: In Case Of COVID-19

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The global pandemic bought extraordinary human challenges all over the world, as many firms across the world have risen to the ground, firms performing swiftly to defend their employees and to adjust them to new working because the pandemic have a huge impact on mental health and job satisfaction of employees working in firms (Rogers et. al. 2020). This research shows impacts of pandemic on the performance of the workforce and also the role of managers and leaders in the optimization of the mental health of employees at work. A flexible work policy provides uplift in the rising need for co-working and sharing workspace culture. The research report discusses flexible working and the global pandemic, and how the firms and its manager have managed their workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Background of the study

The reach of the pandemic has raised the question of whether company associates are exaggerated in their occupational performance by the great occurrence of limited COVID-19 variation and how an organization can interfere to avoid negative overflow of the external event on their employees (Sharmaet. al. 2020). Work output, remote working facilities, workers' satisfaction, flexible working hours, and workplace safety are a small number of significant concerns during the period of the global pandemic.

Problem statement

The main problem is how employees try to maintain an equal level between their work and health because of the effects of the pandemic and how companies can make efforts to provide job satisfaction to their employees (Sha and Sharma, 2020). The main problem is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the job fulfillment of employees.


  • The respective research's main aim is to develop an understanding about the Flexible Working and Global Pandemic.


  • To analyze and evaluate employee fulfillment at the place of work under the global pandemic circumstances.
  • To study the factors which are related to employee satisfaction in the workplace under the circumstance of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • To analyze the implication of global contagious disease outburst on employee’s working willingness under the pandemic situation
  • To analyze the role of digitalization in balancing effect on the employee satisfaction at organizationsin at the time of pandemic situation (Mehralian and Khazaee, 2022).

Rational of the research

The research has been conducted on the current global pandemic situation that has bought a vast change in the working lifestyle of people in companies all over the world, which has also affected the employee's job satisfaction in all the companies. The companies of both the private and public sectors have been trying very hard in coping with the contagious situation, whereas as the outcome of this pandemic there are so many other firms that have collapsed during this difficult time, many entrepreneurs have shut down their firms because of financial issues and employees’ requirements. The proposal highlights the impact of a global pandemic on the flexibility of employees during work.

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Research Methodology

Research method

Research methods are the methodologies, tools, and techniques used in accomplishing objectives. The purpose of the research is to deliver information that is helpful to the spectators. There are several methods of data investigation that use a diversity of data-collecting instruments. The best data collection method for the research is the "Qualitative Approach" (Gerring, 2017). All methods are proven to be effective for the organization's research. The techniques are flexible and customizable by research variables so they will perform great for the organization. Qualitative Research is the best research method for collecting information that is related to the research. The researcher can use the qualitative approach to collect detailed information about the organization (Vindrola-Padroset. al. 2020). The collected data could be utilized at the workplace to support achieving desirable goals.

Research approach

The research approach includes processes,strategies, and steps which are based on simplifications. An inductive research is used for the development that can be assisted with the learning outcome. This strategy will permit to collect of data related to the effects of a global pandemic on the employee's life. The study begins with a series of development and measurements from a wide range of events to particular experiences. The endearing factor is based on figures, information, evidence, and data collected.

Data collection

Data collection is the act of collecting and analyzing data about a convinced parameter that was used before an agreement. This will help to collect data that is useful to the business. This can be done using the secondary data assembling program. All information will be gathered from authorities such as publications, profit, and loss accounts, and general ledgers. Information about the company is compiled from many sources. The domestic factor will include financial information, balance sheet, and sales data. Newspapers, Official Records are just a few of the many sources. Secondary Research is extensive and cost-effective. This second method of data collection has many advantages. They can also save you time and money. Secondary data can be used to fill in any gaps or weaknesses in an organization's essential extra. Secondary data can be obtained from many sources, which makes research more efficient. The data-gathering strategy of the company is very effective. This information will help you to understand more about organization and its operations. Secondary data can be used to make decisions about efficiency, simplicity, cost savings, applicability, and other benefits.

Data analysis

The impact of global pandemic data was analyzed using the contented study methodology. The material technique of analysis will support the recognition of recording interpersonal communication. The data for flexible working and the global pandemic was collected from a diversity of counting news, sources, journals, articles, and quarterlies. The approach is effective for the congregation in dispensable data about the impact of COVID-19. For a clear investigation of secondary data, the content analysis method is the most successful. Across the board there are several employees with part-time hours, functioning flexi-time, condensed hours, job-share, term time working, annualized hours and the zero-hour contract has abridged significantly since the establishment of the global pandemic. There is a huge concern on data that shows a drop in all other forms of flexible functioning and planning since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Literature review

The study intended to research the present work-life equilibrium situation and recognized that work-life responsibilities have a huge impact on the personal life of employees. The research has collected data from 50 employees' home working during the global pandemic. The data is analyzed and initiated that there is a negative collision in the work-life balance and flexibility of the employees (Greenet. al. 2020) Accordingly, the workers are the one who determines the firm's growth and should be given the desired environment to improve their job satisfaction.

Research has concluded that home working has provided disadvantages and advantages for both the workers and the company and is accountable for the diminishing in employee productivity. In addition, the findings terminated the fact that working from home is normally not practicable because numerous areas of work cannot be completed from home, even though for many workers, functioning from home has given a work-life balance.

Flexible Working and Global Pandemic and its relevancy in the research

The effect of flexible working arrangements on 3 outcomes is work-life conflict, work stress, and satisfaction during the continuing global pandemic. Quantitative research using the probability-sample method was performed to collect the data (Gaši? and Berber, 2021). This research uses the technique of incomplete least squares to examine the research hypothesis. In a nutshell, it showed that presently there are major effects between flexible work pressure, working-time agreement, and work-life conflict with academic contentment. So far, both job pressure and work-life conflict do not contain a mediator role in the association between flexible working arrangements and the academic satisfaction of employees. The research outcome could be applied by human resource managers seeking to bring in a flexible schedule in the place of work in the circumstance of uncertainty. The studies make a narrative donation to the effect of flexible working on the approach academic throughout a pandemic crisis (Anderson and Kelliher, 2020).

Ethical measure

A collection of rules that direct the study designs and procedures are known as ethical concerns in research. Secondary data will be used in the study, so the study will not falsify the findings of others’ articles or research papers.

Source of information

Information sources will be the published articles both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed, newspapers, company reports, and government-published reports. The source of information will be authentic research and various innovative ideas


The research has concluded that there is a huge impact of a global pandemic on working management in almost all types of organizations. The research has also stated how the global pandemic is far-reaching the world, COVID-19 have left a great amount of the workforce not capable to convert to work, as to alleviate the extent of the disease. The research has also highlighted the qualitative and quantitative research on the result of the global pandemic has altered the lifestyle and work style of people everywhere.


  • Anderson, D. and Kelliher, C., 2020. Enforced remote working and the work-life interface during lockdown. Gender in Management: An International Journal.
  • Gaši?, D. and Berber, N., 2021. The influence of flexible work arrangement on employee behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Serbia. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies26(3), pp.73-88.
  • Gerring, J., 2017. Qualitative methods. Annual review of political science20, pp.15-36.
  • Green, N., Tappin, D. and Bentley, T., 2020. Working from home before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic: implications for workers and organisations. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations45(2), pp.5-16.
  • Ma, C., Rogers, J.H. and Zhou, S., 2020. Global economic and financial effects of 21st century pandemics and epidemics. Covid Economics5, pp.56-78.
  • Mehralian, M.M. and Khazaee, P., 2022. Effect of Digital Marketing on the Business Performance of MSMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Customer Relationship Management. In 37th Digital Marketing and Customer Behavior Science Conference (2022).
  • Sha, Y. and Sharma, S.S., 2020. Research on pandemics special issue of the journal emerging markets finance and trade. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade56(10), pp.2133-2137.
  • Sharma, P., Leung, T.Y., Kingshott, R.P., Davcik, N.S. and Cardinali, S., 2020. Managing uncertainty during a global pandemic: An international business perspective. Journal of business research116, pp.188-192.
  • Vindrola-Padros, C., Chisnall, G., Cooper, S., Dowrick, A., Djellouli, N., Symmons, S.M., Martin, S., Singleton, G., Vanderslott, S., Vera, N. and Johnson, G.A., 2020. Carrying out rapid qualitative research during a pandemic: emerging lessons from COVID-19. Qualitative health research30(14), pp.2192-2204.

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