Research Project 3 Assignment Sample

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Conducting a proper research project in itself is very tough work that needs very appropriate tools and procedures to accomplish it. Thus from this point, it can be clear that one of the main objectives behind conducting this study is to facilitate the researcher as well as to make the reader understand the intellect, comprehension as well as aptitudes needed to conduct a proper research study, in addition, to also what need to be considered to create a good research proposal. The study has been divided into four min segments in which the first three parts of the study will explain in detail the steps to do proper research added to the fourth part of the study will reflect on own learning with an action plan to deal with the gaps that will be identified at the time of conducting the study (D?wigo?, 2019).

Task 1 – Planning a Research Project

The scope and objectives for a valid research question or hypothesis

A research question or research hypothesis comes before the research objectives part of a research project. The main motive behind creating a research question or hypothesis is to find out the issues in the study that will be further solved in the study. In general, the scope of the research questions defines the range or narrowness of the question which helps in the further creation of the reproach hypothesis as well as research objectives. In addition to this, the scope for valid research questions additionally assists the discussing the fresh outcome as well as also assist in comparing them with the old study. It also assists in addressing the various examinations tactics a researcher deployed to refine their examinations. Commonly, an examination question provides its focal point around the exploration, decides the philosophy as well as speculation, and guides all phases of request, investigation, and announcing (Onghena, Maes, and Heyvaert, 2019). With the right examination questions, a researcher will become capable of accumulating helpful data for your examination. Some of the main objective behind writing a research question or hypothesis is discussed in detail below:

  • The first main objective of creating a research question or a research hypothesis is to stipulate the particular issues in the study that will be solved by doing a proper methodology part.
  • The second objective of creating a valid research question is to create a settlement on what the writer or researcher needs to have an idea on the concerned issues 
  • The third objective behind creating a valid research question is focused on ensuring that all the questions are answerable based on which hypothesis can be created for the study.
  • Last but not least a valid research question also helps in checking to facilitate whether is created question is not very wide or very narrow to the study. 

Presenting a proposal 

A research proposal is usually a kind of write-up that proposes a research venture usually in an academic field. The main reason behind creating a research proposal is to evaluate the expense as well as the prospective effect of the identified study as well as on the richness of the furnished plan for conducting it (Abutabenjeh, and Jaradat, 2018). In the segment of the study, a small topic will be selected to properly show the comprehension of creating a research question. While creating a research proposal few important things need to keep in mind which is:

  • Creating an appropriate topic
  • Identification of the research issues
  • Creating research question/ hypothesis
  • Creating research objective
  • Developing research methodology
  • Statement of the defined result of the study 

To present this understanding a small example of creating a proposal will be discussed in the below part:

Topic : The place of communication in effective management

  • Research Issue:

The research issue related to this topic is mainly the broadness of the topic which might create problems in getting an accurate result.

  • Research questions: 

The research question related to the study is:

  • What is the role of communication in effectual management? 
  • How proper communication can create effective management?
  • What are the benefits of proper communication in creating proper management? 
  • Research Objective: 
    • To identify the role of communication in effectual management
    • To study ways communication can create effective management
  • To study the advantages of proper communication in creating proper management
  • Research Methodology 

The research methodology selected for this study purely depends on the secondary data collection method where data will be gathered from various research papers, websites, and journal articles. 

So, it can be understood from the above proposal that selecting a proper topic is of the utmost importance for creating any proposal (Cypress, 2018). Now based on the topic selected research questions or hypotheses are being developed following which proper research objectives are created.

Research methods and techniques used in conducting research

A research method can be defined as an explicit techniques use for accumulating as well as evaluating facts and figures.  Building a research procedure is considered to be an important segment of a research plan. At the time of designing the procedure, this will help in getting proper facts and figures related to the study. There are two main types of research methods quantitative and qualitative research method. 

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research technique is that type of research technique in which facts and figures are gained from first-hand monitoring, interviews, focus-team, and questionnaire. 

These data are usually non-numeric (Lê, and Schmid,  2022).

Quantitative exploration is an examination technique that provides the focal point for evaluating the assortment and investigation of information. It is framed from a logical methodology where accentuation is put on the testing of hypothesis, formed by empiricist and positivist ways of thinking.

These are usually numeric.


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Based on the selected research method, a data collection technique is being selected. For example, if the study is based on qualitative research then the data collection method will be focused on using secondary data. However, if the research study is based on quantitative research then the data collection method used will be focused on selecting primary data. 

Considering the present study the research method which has been selected is the qualitative research method. The main reason behind selecting this particular research methodology is because of the topic. The topic selected to explain the first two segments of the study is very broad in itself due to which proper numeric data cannot be collected and it will be also risky to collect numeric data (Cr, 2020). To conduct the proper data analysis, simple research will be needed which can be done through the use of journal articles, websites, etc. 

Evaluation of the chosen research methods and techniques

The selected research method for this study is related to the qualitative data research method. As discussed in the previous part that the topic is broad enough to get proper numeric data as a result theoretical study will be better for this. With the help of the selected research method proper analysis can be done which will help in justifying the stated research objective. For instance as per the stated research objectives if proper journal articles and work done by another author on the same objectives can be identified it will help in creating an influential report. Secondly, the selection of this research method will also help in narrowing down the entire study which will help in further research. The subjective examination focuses on helping a superior comprehension using direct insight, honest accounting, and citations of genuine discussions (Wickham, 2019). It expects to comprehend how the members get significance from their environmental factors, and how their importance impacts their way of behaving. The use of the qualitative research method is pointed toward acquiring a profound comprehension of a particular association or occasion, instead of a surface portrayal of an enormous example of a populace. It expects to give an unequivocal delivery of the design, request, and wide examples found among a gathering of members. Overall from the discussion, it can be said that this will be the best-selected method for this study as it will help in defining the research objective clearly which will ultimately help in providing a proper research-based proposal. 

Task 2- Conducting the Research

Research methods to gather primary and secondary data to address the research question or hypothesis 

The primary data collection methods for a research study have a b influence on the results of the study. The methods you choose to collect your data can also make or break your research. For example, if you choose to collect data through a survey and the questions are poorly worded or if you don’t properly randomize the order in which questions are asked, your data collection methods could lead to biased results. However, if your survey is well-designed and the questions are relevant to your research, you’re more likely to get accurate results. In this study, the research, we take some research questions which are as follows:

  • What is the role of communication effectual management?
  • How proper communication can create effective management?
  • What are the benefits of proper communication in creating proper management?

Secondary data collection can be termed as the process in which the data is collected by some other for a research project with statistical analysis. This information is typically gathered from sources and then made public (van den Akker, and, 2021). To put it another way, secondary data is information that has been obtained by a third party. A researcher may enlist the help of others to gather information or gain information from other sources. To improve the overall effectiveness of a study, existing data is often compiled and summarised. 

 There are some methods of data collection for secondary data for addressing the research questions which are as follows:

Online- In the current time, this method is most popular as the internet provides a wide range of information and research resources are easily available for the work. It is considered a virtual aggregation of all the different sources of secondary research. This online data collection technique helps in understanding the role of communication for effective management. It will be an easier process to deal with the  

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Data from institutions of learning- This is another method of collecting data as many educational facilities such as colleges and schools are considered a huge source of secondary data in the process of academic research. This method is highly appreciated in the research project and considering its techniques as a major part of identifying how proper communication can create effective management at the workplace. 

Data from libraries- the research material can be easily accessed with the help of public and private libraries. Along with this, the newsletters, directories, and annual reports that can be helpful for the research data are gathered and stored in the libraries. The data from libraries help to understand the benefits of proper communication in creating proper management. Enhanced communication, especially from managers, allows them to effectively train and advise their employees on specific tasks, goals, and overall performance expectations. As a result, the chances of making a mistake are reduced, as is the likelihood of employee confusion (Weston, and, 2019).  

Thus, the secondary data is also categorized into qualitative and quantitative data collection. Quantitative data collection includes online surveys and questionnaires that provide details about the various areas of business. On the other hand, the qualitative research method works on the data collected from interviews or experiments which helps the company to analyze the needs of their customers. All of the secondary methods help to address the research questions related to the role of communication ineffective management in its importance in the workplace.     

How data in the portfolio and its analysis of information gathered from it 

The data collection is not always about developing a survey but it can be a simple finding in a structured way to assess the things which are occurring every day. In this, we take a case as an example in the research on the place of communication ineffective management. 

  • It promotes employee motivation by informing and clarifying the project to be performed, how it is being completed, and how to improve their performance if it is not up to par. Communication serves as a source of information for organizational members during the decision-making process, since it aids in the identification and evaluation of various courses of action. Communication is also important in changing people's attitudes; for example, a well-informed person will have a better attitude than a less-informed person (Barrett, and Twycross, 2018). 
  • Employee attitudes are shaped via organizational magazines, journals, meetings, and other types of oral and written communication. It is also beneficial when it comes to socializing. In today's world, communication is facilitated by the mere presence of another person. It is also claimed that without communication, one cannot thrive. Communication, as previously said, aids in process control. It aids in the regulation of organizational members' behavior in a variety of ways. Employees in an organization must adhere to several levels of hierarchy as well as particular concepts and norms (Rahman, 2020). 
  • They must follow organizational policies, perform their job duties effectively, and report any work-related issues or grievances to their supervisors. Thus, it helps in controlling the functions of management. Managerial skill in sending and receiving communications is required for an effective and efficient communication system. A manager must identify numerous communication barriers, assess the causes for their development, and take preventative measures to avoid them. As a result, a manager's principal task is to establish and maintain an effective communication system in the firm.    

Evaluation of the strength and limitations of data collection and analysis 

There are different data collection techniques and analyses and it has some strengths and limitations to the study. 


  • Telephone is considered the fastest technique of data collection
  • In mail technique, provides the best coverage and allows people for the most representative sample
  • Online data collection are low in cost and one of the fastest data collection method
  • On-site intercept is considered the best for personal interaction which clarifies the process (Roh,  Heo, and Whang, 2019)


  • Telephonic data collections are high in costs, where the interviewer must be trained as per the requirement.
  • Mail data collection method has a lower rate of coverage and the response depends on the group. However, many questions were left blank and the management can be labor-intensive.
  • On-site intercept is very time-consuming and difficult to train the interviewers. However, it is a very costly process to conduct due to geographical limitations.
  • Everything available on the internet is not true, for an open-ended general survey the data is not representative. Further, we cannot verify the actual respondents for the survey.

Thus, some of the strengths and limitations affect the process of survey and data collection methods. It can be beneficial or sometimes risky to believe the research activities. 

Task 3- Presentation of Research Findings 

Appraise the relevance and value of the information you collected 

The collection and analysis of data are at the heart of all research. Without data, the scientific method becomes little more than speculation and the empirical study of phenomena that occurred years, or even centuries, ago. The first modern scientific theories were developed by scientists who used data to support their hypotheses, rather than the other way around. Most of what we know in science and technology today would be impossible to discover without the use of data. One of the most important aspects of research is data collection. Without it, we can’t answer the questions that are important to our research goals. When data collection is the focus of a research study, the research team needs to have a very clear idea of the questions they want to ask and the variables they will be measuring (Murdoch, and, 2019). They need to be able to identify a source of data that will allow them to collect the information they need, and they also need to be able to measure the variables they are looking for.

By gathering more data, you increase the power of your research, which helps you find more meaningful results. This increased power gives you the ability to detect smaller effects, which makes it easier to generalize your results. Data collection is also the only way to know if your research hypothesis is correct. The collection of data is often the most time-consuming and difficult part of the research (Chen, 2019). It involves hours of tedious record-keeping and follow-up questions. The results of a research project can often hinge on the quality and quantity of data collected. When conducted efficiently, data collection can yield rich insights that are difficult to obtain any other way.

Data collection allows the research to develop more accurate theories and helps to build appropriate models for visualization. For implementing effective solutions, it is important to understand the activities at various locations where data allows you to do this activity. It is a necessary piece of a research study because it allows a researcher to make decisions and choices provided and to assess how useful the information is in moving the research ahead. The analysis of the acquired data is crucial because it aids the researcher in establishing a factual foundation on which to develop a conclusion (Trinh, 2018).

The most important aspect of data gathering is that it confirms the data's quality. The data obtained must be of good quality, that is, accurate, valid, and dependable, as well as relevant to the research topic. To guarantee the trustworthiness and validity of previously acquired data, the researcher may attempt to obtain the same data from other data sources. It is vital to determine the data's trustworthiness, such as whether it is repeating the same procedures and achieving the same findings. Validity refers to the ability to measure what is meant to measure. 

Review the validity of the research outcomes against stated objectives 

Based on objectives, there is a review of the validity of the research outcomes, here the objectives of the research are:

In-depth analysis of information and exploring the unknown and unlocking new opportunities for effective communication. 

The review of the validity of research outcome based on the objectives can be termed as a survey on research measures the accurate elements which are required to be measured. However, the reliability is not enough as well as valid. The research validity is divided into two parts, internal and external where the internal validity helps to know the reality of research findings, and the external considered the extent to which the findings can be replicated in the various environment (Ruggiano, and Perry, 2019). The review of validity is divided into five types which are as follows:

Construct Validity- This validity is mainly related to the assessment of the suitability of the dimension tool for understanding the phenomenon. For instance, as per the objective, its application can be effectively assessed by the questionnaire based on the operational level of employees regarding motivation regularly.   

Face Validity- This is the most basic type of validity which is associated with a high level of subjectivity and it is not on the aspect of the scientific approach. For example, the design of the questionnaire mainly analyses the problems of the employee performance which can be addressed validly. 

Criteria Related Validity- In this validity, mainly includes the basic comparison of the different tests along with the results. Further, it correlates the assessment with the other criterion of the assessment. For this type of validity, the nature of customer opinion for some specific companies can be examined through an organized focus group. If there is a high level of correlation among focus groups as well as findings of the questionnaire so there is a high level of criterion-related validity (Lê, and Schmid, 2022).

Formative Validity- Formative validity is the evaluation of a measure's ability to provide information that can be used to improve specific characteristics of a phenomenon. When establishing initiatives to improve the efficacy of organizational culture, for example, if the measure can detect specific flaws in the culture, such as employee-manager communication hurdles, the measure's formative validity can be considered adequate.

Sampling Validity- Sampling validity assures that the measure's coverage area within the study area is extensive. Because no measure can include all items and elements inside an event, relevant items and elements are chosen using a specific pattern of sample selection based on the study's goals and objectives.

For example, when evaluating a leadership style used in a certain organization, examining decision-making style alone is insufficient; other factors related to leadership style, such as organizational culture, leader personality, industry nature, and so on, must also be considered.  

All of the above-mentioned different types of validity help to get a review of the outcomes based on the stated objective. It helps in understanding the process of research work that deals with changing environments.

Task 4- Reflective Log 

A reflection of own learning in carrying out research investigations 

From the research study, there is my learning from the investigations that is positive learning as well as negative to consider own effectiveness. I found my mentor's guidance to be extremely beneficial in terms of improving the quality of my Research Report and arming me with the knowledge necessary to conduct such research efficiently in the future. Furthermore, I found these three meetings with my mentor to be a tremendously motivating and educational experience because they have piqued my interest in performing business research. At various stages of producing the Research Report, as well as preparing for and giving the presentation, I have displayed my interpersonal and communication abilities. Furthermore, writing the Research Report and giving the presentation would have been extremely difficult without my interpersonal and communication abilities. For example, my listening skills came in handy when it came to comprehending crucial information from my mentor regarding improving the quality of my Research Report because these suggestions were thoroughly comprehended and put into practice.

 My communication abilities, on the other hand, were critical in making the presentation a success. Communication skills are the most important factor in achieving personal and professional success, as I have learned from my experiences both inside and outside of academic contexts. For example, a person may have extensive expertise in a certain field. However, if an individual cannot effectively communicate his or her ideas, expertise, and sentiments, the individual's total competency and degree of contribution to the organization will always be endangered. Although such a method of working appeared to be difficult and perplexing during the research process, I saw the need for critical analysis once the project was accomplished. The critical analytical skills that I gained and employed in the Research Report can readily be applied when I need to tackle genuine business difficulties in the future in my professional capacity. Furthermore, as a result of participating in the Research Report, my writing skills have substantially increased. Despite the common belief that, as information technology becomes more important, the practice of writing letters and reports would be supplanted by other forms of corporate communication, the necessity of writing will always be important for business managers. My self-assurance has risen as a result of my ability to complete the Research Report on time. Furthermore, the presentation experience significantly boosted my self-confidence since I realized that if I could give a great presentation in front of my mentor and co-workers, presenting multimillion-dollar projects in front of top executives was only a matter of time. By the end of the Research Report, I had also enhanced my organizational skills. This was because both the Research Report and the presentation had a deadline, and I needed to follow some time management concepts to complete my work promptly.

Identify and analyze the actions for improvement in a future research project 

To identify the actions for improving the future research project as it includes the process of handing own actionshandling important to focus on understanding the objective of research at the very initial stage and make the choice of appropriate research methods. Further, an individual can never prepare for the process of research and it is essential to consider changes and expect the unexpected. Trust me, after years of conducting research, you grow used to being out of your comfort zone the majority of the time.       

Recommendation of future opportunities for own professional learning based on the research and own learning

The recommendations include that Understanding what your customer wants to accomplish with the research is critical. If you don't know what you're looking for, you can end up using the incorrect methodologies, asking the wrong questions, and directing your analysis in the wrong way. Worse yet, you might report findings that aren't relevant to the customer. As a result, have numerous conversations with your consumer to ensure that you both understand and share the same goals. While the phrase empathy may not have much meaning, it is a state of mind that should be attained while conducting research. A huge breakthrough in the interview can be achieved by displaying your emotions and knowing how the other person feels and struggles. You probably won't get much out of the interview if you just ask questions like a robot. When analyzing data, however, you must retain neutrality and treat all interviews equally. 

Create a plan to improve your skills for future research

Make a plan- Sit down and write down exactly what you’d like to improve in your research skills. I like to improve my ability to find relevant articles.

Skills to develop- I need to ensure the skills which are linked to the research project and affect the vision. Thus, it is important to have clarity and be able to concentrate on the talent we have. 

Verify information from different sources- I have to be very careful about collecting data as there are many unreliable resources and consider changes according to the requirement of research.     


Thus from the overall discussion of the topic, it can by now be concluded that creating a good research project needs to go through various steps. By completing the entire study it can be said that identifying a proper research question or hypothesis is very important to creating a proper research objective related to the topic. Based on the first two parts of the study it has been identified why creating a good research question is important. The answer which is received is a good research question helps in creating a good research objective. Also based on this report, a proper reflection on my learning has been provided upon which a proper action plan has also been given to further fill up the gaps related to the study and learning. 

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