Enhancing Insurance Services with Expert Consultancy Assignment Sample

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Project management is an important aspect for which effective consultancy from an expert is required. This study aims to identify the possible project that can improve the Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd insurance company effectively to support its globalisation. Details about the organisation are mentioned here that shows presence of 28 employees along with presence of $7 million revenue. The two projects that this organisation can adopt are technology-based improvement of insurance service for automation and innovation in insurance policies. However, the technology-based service is the chosen project by senior manager that requires support from board of directors. Agile methodology is the strategy that this organisation can select due to presence of advantages such as breaking of work, easy tracking and fast process. Project managers have important role in managing the stages of project along with the support of other members in the project management group. It is estimated that almost £250000 will be required to implement this project. This project can face different issues regarding increase in budget, reduction in skills of team members, increase time, and shortage in materials. However, it can be reduced by providing training and managing time. System design indicates effective customer-centric design strategy of this new technology-based insurance service. Contingency plan indicates planning if extra time cost along with maintenance of proper relationship with stakeholders for budgetary support. Recommendations include training of staff, use of KPI, identification of requirements of customers along with implementation of proper security.

Consultancy practice indicates the availability of advice from an expert in a particular field using which an organisation can improve their business functions. This study is based on the consultancy to the client organisation such as Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd for improvement of their insurance policy as well as services. A brief description of this chosen organisation along with its objectives will be the key aspects of discussion in this study. A proper methodology that will be required to improve the business functions for this organisation will be discussed here. Further, respective planning for the project along with the controlling strategy for that chosen project will be discussed in this study. Based on the current situation, recommendations will be provided to the client organisation for the betterment of their insurance policies for customers.

Task 1: Project identification

Brief introduction

Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd is a renowned insurance providing company of Ghana that provides potential services to its customers. The headquarter of this insurance organisation is at Sunkwa in Ghana (Ghanaunionassurance, 2022a). This insurance company is large enough in terms of providing effective insurance policies to its customers. Recent statistical data indicates that this insurance company has ranked seventh in terms of the policyholder inflows (Nicgh, 2019). Therefore, this organisation has enough potential in the improvement of their service for the development of their rankings in the insurance service list of Ghana. This organisation is termed as the medium-sized insurance company of Ghana with the presence of almost 28 employees who provide services to potential customers. The revenue that is observed for this organisation is almost $7 million that indicates its potential in maintaining growth in the insurance sector of Ghana (Zoominfo, 2022).

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Therefore, requirements of strategic improvements are necessary for this insurance organisation to compete with other rivals in the market of Ghana. The major advantage that this organisation has is its strategy of providing services to its customers in a trustworthy manner as well as in a transparent way. The holistic approach for risk mitigation in service to its customers is an essential aspect that has helped this insurance company of Ghana to increase its customer base (Ghanaunionassurance, 2022b). Different types of policies are present in this organisation for their potential customers that have made this organisation versatile. Data suggests that in 1992, the commercial assurance company of UK has sold the entire part to Ghana insurance to make it a unique insurance body of Ghana (Gualife, 2022).


The objectives of the insurance business of this organisation are to optimisation of the business approach on a 360-degree basis to provide equal services to all customers, to maintain a low-risk attitude that indicates the possibility of losing the financial aspect of customers are less (Ghanaunionassurance, 2022b).

The vision of this insurance organisation is the implementation of change and revolution with the support of technology to maintain better service. The mission of this organisation is continuous support for strategic corporate as well as tactical responses to eliminate the challenges during the globalisation of business (Ghanaunionassurance, 2022b). The core value that this insurance organisation follows indicates the presence of a total of six core values that are an integral part of the service identity of this company. Providing insurance to almost every aspect is the main objective such as insurance in motor, bonds, travel, fidelity, machine breakdown and so many other fields.

Potential projects

Potential projects that can enhance the service, as well as the growth of this insurance organisation, are the use of technology such as AI and robotics-based service strategy to attract more customers with easy functioning and innovation in insurance policies with better coverage in different incidents. These two projects can help Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd to improve their business in Ghana with the maintenance of proper competitive advantage with other rivals. Technology can be termed as an important weapon for the reduction of the inequalities in health insurance or other sectors (Nayak et al. 2019). Therefore, this organisation can easily improve their budget in the implementation of technology to automate the insurance service. However, innovation has already created tough competition between insurance organisations in the insurance industry including different challenges and potential pressure (Rajapathirana and Hui, 2018). Use of screening model strategy such as realism, capability, flexibility, ease of use, cost and comparability can support growth of this insurance company of Ghana.

Task 2: Feasibility of project and methodology


Between these two mentioned projects for the improvement of this organisation, the senior managers of this insurance organisation are interested in the implementation of technology such as AI and robotics for the development of the project. Therefore, it is an important requirement for the board of directors of this organisation to look into this proposal of the project to improve the business functionality. Risk management is an important aspect that helps in the reduction of different uncertainties along with increasing the chance of success in any technology-based project (Tavares et al. 2019). Risk identification for such technology-based innovation in this insurance organisation includes a complete change of systems for up-gradation, use of proper security software along regular checking systems to make the service unhampered for customers.

The feasibility of any project indicates the risk-free progress of the project to achieve success. Impact of improper security usage, lack of maintenance can hamper the service due to issues of hacking and change of code for service. Project management generally includes an effective strategy of planning setting capital along with employee performance management for success (Kaplan and Norton, 2006). Therefore, effective planning will be beneficial along with the installation of anti-malware in the system, segregated space for vulnerable data in the database along training of staff to handle the system securely. Risk management will be essential for maintaining the resources for the success of this project in the insurance organisation (Saeidiet al. 2019). Therefore, effective risk management along with the utilisation of technology-based services can be beneficial for this insurance organisation of Ghana to globalise its business.

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Structure of project management


Different types of methodologies are present to manage any new project such as the traditional, approach of critical change, approach of an event change, waterfall, agile, scrum, Kanban, lean and so many. A review of those methodologies indicates that a waterfall style is a traditional approach in which tasks are completed linearly. However, the agile method is fast as well as a collaborative approach to achieve success in new projects. Scrum is another outcome of agile strategy in which tasks are divided into short cycles. The lean methodology generally includes lean principles for maximisation of the value with minimisation of waste. Since this project indicates technology-based development of insurance services for Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd for maintaining a competitive position in Ghana, the chosen methodology will be agile.
The agile method will be an important methodology for success in this project of technology-based modification of insurance services. Agile methodology provides advantages by breaking the task into several phrases. Agile methodology is widely used in the fast development of new technology for software-based projects along with a high success rate (Özkan and Mishra, 2019). Therefore, the use of agile methods will break the task of conversion of insurance service automation into several parts using which effective conversion can be possible in this organisation of Ghana.
The advantages that agile methodology will provide in this project includes effective individual interaction, comprehensive documentation of tasks, effective collaboration with customers and identification of change. Planning of road map, general planning, release planning, sprint planning, daily review and sprint review are important stages of the agile method. Three important aspects that will help in this project to choose agile as the most preferred methodology are collaboration, contentious focus on the values of business and maintenance of a level of quality. The agile approach of methodology is effective in emphasising the individuality of a project along with management qualification level for a project team (Buganová and Šimí?ková, 2019). Therefore, advantages such as maintenance of superior quality in products, a satisfaction of customers, better control of project stages, increase of productivity and maintenance of flexibility with reduction of risk are important for choosing an agile method in this project.

Role of project manager

The project manager (PM) has great importance in maintaining this project successfully. PMs are a crucial part of any project as they help in planning, organising as well as directing every stage of a project. PM enhances teamwork by improving collaboration between team members of a project (Gandomaniet al. 2020). PMs obeys the role of scheduling small tasks in agile methodology along with delegated assignments within deadline and budget. Risk management strategy is an important aspect that a PM needs to consider on a daily basis (Laufer et al. 2015). This project will support the business objectives of this insurance organisation to improve loyalty, flexibility in service, transparency, 360-degree service and globalisation of the insurance policies.

Extension activities
Suitability of agile methodology and skills of PM
Use of agile methodology motivates organisational transformation, and thus, services business objective of Ghana Union to integrate flexibility. Besides, agile transformations include benefits of higher employee engagement, which helps to fortify consumer loyalty, and thus, achieving organisational objective (Marek et al. 2019). A PM in this project needs to identify the requirement of change for technology implementation along with maintaining proper relationships with different stakeholders.
Analysing project contribution
Integration of agile methodology can contribute to automation of workflows alongside enhance employee and consumer satisfaction. In addition, it allows PMs to deal with corporate risks efficiently, derived by ever-changing laws through globalisation, and thus, meeting business objectives.
Justifying chosen management structure and other teams’ contributions
The chosen management structure emerges to be effective, as apart from being flexible, it can embrace changes. In this context, other team members such as finance manager, staff, partners and other members can contribute by conducting their task effectively to support the PM during the project.

Task 3: Plan of project

Planning of this project is presented below based on deliverables, responsibilities of stakeholders, accountabilities, breakdown structure of work, resources and costs.


This project will provide different deliverables to their customers through the use of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and many others. It is identified that with the help of AI, insurance companies improve the experience of customers by making it personalised and more data-driven regarding AI (Hoyer et al. 2020). This data represents the importance of AI in increasing customer experience. Similarly, the research study of Ameen et al. (2021) showed that improved AI-enabled services help to increase customer experience, the satisfaction of customers as well as enhance operational excellence. Therefore, it can be stated that this company will be able to deliver different types of services to their customers in case they invest their money in this project.

Responsibilities of stakeholders

The primary responsibilities of stakeholders in managing a project include providing support to a company for achieving strategic objectives through the contribution of their experience and perspective to the project (Smallbusiness.chron.com, 2022). Therefore, it can be stated that the stakeholders of this project will be responsible to provide support to this project to achieve goals through contributing their experience. A project manager is the most responsible stakeholder who plays a key role such as planning and development of project ideas, leading team members, monitoring progress of the project, ensuring the satisfaction of stakeholders, and evaluating the performance of the project as well.


Accountability refers to having check-ins for assessing the progress and performance of the project. Project managers along with other stakeholders have the accountability to achieve project goals. Therefore, it can be stated that this project will be able to manage the chosen project such as the implementation of technology in a significant way. The research study of Derakhshanet al. (2019) stated that different stakeholders have different accountability regarding a project. Based on this information, it can be stated that stakeholders of the chosen project can act as decision-makers, creators, and many others. This discussion represents that the stakeholders of this project can make decisions regarding different stages and activities of this project that will be helpful to implement new technology into this organisation to achieve customer satisfaction.

Breakdown structure of work

The stages of this project are –
I) Envision - In this stage, the project manager of this project will be responsible for making effective planning for the implementation of new technologies into this organisation. According to Blijlevenset al. (2018), during project envision, there is a need to identify all the personnel, groups and organisation. Therefore, the project manager will attempt to identify all the responsible participants who are included in this project. Required time for this stage is 15 days.
II) Speculate - In this stage, the project team is responsible for breaking down all the work from high-level milestones to low-level milestones. Moreover, there is a need to maintain the quality of project deliverables. Required time for this stage is 14 days
III) Explore - This phase is used for project execution as it includes transforming planning into actions. The research paper of Cooper and Sommer (2018) stated that through the implementation of new software, a company can provide new features to their customers. With the help of the explore phase, this organisation will be able to provide such features to their customers. Required time is 38 days.
IV) Adapt - In this phase, project members will be responsible to handle different kinds of situations. Requited time is 10 days.
V) Close - This phase ensures that the project gets completed in a significant way. There is a need to check all the updates and clear all the payments. Required time is 5 days.


This project requires different types of resources such as human resources, equipment resources, and most importantly technology resources. Different stakeholders like project managers, team members, suppliers, and many others are included in human resources. On the other hand, the implementation of new technology like AI and robotics needs different types of equipment that will be included in equipment resources. Lastly, technological resources include AI or robotics that will be helpful to achieve organisational goals.

Estimation of Cost

It is estimated that around £250000 will be required to complete this project. This is because the budget of this project will be included with different equipment, materials, salaries for stakeholders, and different technologies.

Task 4: Control of project

Identification of risks and ways of mitigating them

0-9 = Low Risk
10-15 = Moderate Risk
16-25 = High Risk

Risk 1: Increase of budget
Description - This project might include increased requirements of technologies and equipment. In his situation, this project can face issues regarding the increase in budget.
Mitigation - There is a need to manage all the processes included in the process of implementing new technologies.
Probability – 4
Impact – 5
Risk score - 20

Risk 2: Shortage in skills of team members
Description –This project is based on the implementation of new technology that requires immense knowledge in such specific technology. Therefore, it can be stated that this project can face issues regarding decreased skills in team members.
Mitigation – The project manager can provide training to the team member regarding implementation techniques of this technology (Khan and Abdullah, 2019). Through this way, team members will be able to identify the stages of implementing AI into an organisation.
Probability – 3
Impact – 4
Risk score - 12

Risk 3: Shortage in materials
Description – Implementation of AI technology requires different types of materials. Therefore, it can be stated that this project might face challenges or risks regarding the shortage of materials.
Mitigation – There is a need to manage all the resources in a significant way otherwise it will also make impacts on the budget of this project.
Probability – 3
Impact – 2
Risk score - 6

Risk 4: Increase time
Description –This project is based on the implementation of technology that is considered a lengthy process (Jacksiet al. 2020). Therefore, it can be stated that this project can face issues during implementing AI technology in terms of increased time.
Mitigation - There is a need to develop a milestone based on the priority level of work that will help to manage time efficiently.
Probability – 5
Impact – 2
Risk score - 10

System design and monitor

Systems will be designed for monitoring the progress of success by identifying the performances of employees along with the acceptance of the customers. Technology-based systems will be implemented for monitoring and storing regular progress data of the project. Effect training will be provided to employees who will be associated with this project. Online service facility for customers regarding satisfaction review will help to enhance the project success. Satisfaction generally indicates the good feel of customers that occurs from a better service quality (Aburayyaet al. 2020). Therefore, customer-oriented development of the technology-based monitoring process of service can help to improve the project progress. Further, performance-based appraisal of employees will be selected for making this project successful for Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd.

Contingency plan

Identification of risk factors that can delay the completion of the project is an important aspect of making the contingency plan. Listing of the risk factors to eliminate unnecessary hazards for project completion will help to Budget related issues due to delay can be eliminated by maintaining proper relationships with stakeholders. Extra time will be taken for any extension of the project work to eliminate the unnecessary burden of the deadline. Customer feedback will be granted as the main aspect to determine whether the project will be successful or not. Proper resources management for maintaining the project successfully will be helpful as a strategic contingency plan in this technology implementation project in insurance service. Brainstorming for plan updating, risk assessment along with create updates project related official policy will enhance the contingency plan for any delay. These tasks will effectively help to close the project with a success.

Review of success

KPI is an important factor through which the success of the project can be measured easily. KPI is an essential review factor in any project that helps in maintaining the effective performance of the company along with maintaining sustainability (Hristov and Chirico, 2019). Further, KPI will be helpful to determine the performance of the employees during the conversion of the traditional method into the technology-based method. Customer satisfaction identification from different feedback regarding technology-based service of insurance can be helpful to determine the success of this project for Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd. Proper functionality of the systems during service can be identified with regular testing of software for maintaining services.

Extension activities

Importance of reviewing projects after completion
Post-completion review of projects is essential to determine whether project objectives were met, and determine how effectively projects were run. Moreover, review assists in identifying best practices, while recognising gaps, which enhances one’s knowledge to perform better in future (Engelhardt, 2019). Thus, reviewing through KPIs in Ghana Union can determine success and gaps to benefits future projects from these.

Conclusion and recommendation


A consultancy is provided to the Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd. for the improvement of their insurance services in Ghana. This study has identified the recent position of the organisation in the insurance industry of Ghana along with the requirement of modification of the services. Proposals are provided for technology-based development along with the innovation of insurance policies. However, senior managers have agreed with technology-based service that requires a further appraisal from the board of directors. The feasibility and structure of this project are mentioned along with the selection of agile methodology to make the project successful. A complete plan of this project is mentioned here with possible accountability, cost as well as stakeholder involvement. Controlling includes contingency planning, monitoring of projects along identification of success rate using customer feedback and KPI.


  • Identification of customer requirements will be helpful to develop the customer-centric technology-based service of insurance for Ghana Union Assurance Co. Ltd.
  • The utilisation of proper security systems to protect confidential data of organisations, as well as customers, will be helpful to achieve success for this organisation.
  • Proper skilled staff implementation along with regular checking of progress by the project manager will be helpful for the success of the project.

Reference list


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  • Websites
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  • Ghanaunionassurance, 2022b. GHANA UNION ASSURANCE, Available at: http://ghanaunionassurance.com/about/ [Accessed on: 11/02/2022]
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