Principles Of Marketing Assignment Sample1

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Porter’s five forces


Current competition

The difference in the price of the products is identified by the competitors. The rival companies try to snatch the market share. The price of the products in the retail companies remains the same and they try to develop promotional and advertising strategies. Therefore, their costs for marketing increase (Aldi Stores Limited, 2022). They try to keep the product's price low. Aldi tries to minimize the fixed cost of the products like its other rivals. Therefore, the competitiveness of the company is high.
Potential competition (or threat of new entry)
The need for capital investment and a big establishment enhances the barriers for the new companies. For developing a new establishment, developing the brand for the company, reaching a specific economy of scale it is important to have a quality investment and time. It thereby can hamper the new companies to be developed (Aldi Stores Limited, 2022). Local supermarkets can provide similar products and services to Aldi resulting in a decline in the profit of Aldi. Therefore, the threat for new entrants for Aldi is medium.

Bargaining power of buyers

The bargaining power of the customer increases when they have more options to choose from. There are numerous retail companies providing the same products and services to the customers. It has increased the chances of customers shifting to the other company in case of a slight change in price or quality of the product (Min, Liangwen, and Yue, 2018). It has therefore provided a huge bargaining power to the customers of Aldi UK. Moreover, the locations of the retail companies are near to one another. Therefore, the customers have options to choose products from any company. Customers can also shift their p

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