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HR plays an important role in an organization to make connections between internal employees and external audiences along with customers. Customer value is important in the organization to maintain and to give satisfaction through relationship management. According to Barnová et al. (2020), HR connects all the human resources in the organization and notes their problem or feedback so that a problem-solving decision can be taken through an effective communication process. Human resource management is essential to progress in the reputation of the organization by developing some skills each year in a professional way which can give attributes to high professional work.
An HR should be organized as in an organization the management with information flow and needs to maintain all the rules and regulations by recruiting employees and handling customers (Morales, 2018). Therefore, being organized with organization skills and proficiency in the work helps to make an effective personality of HR.
Effective communication
HR has to interact with many people as the organization employees staff job applications along with the customer clients and investors. Therefore, effective communication is required so that human resources can gain influence and feel more attracted to the organization. HR has to manage the meeting with the client's investor or the staff and also has to reduce the conflict between employees with the discussion of new policies. Effective communication is very important to influence anybody who is engaged in the organization because the benefits can come from influence and motivation.
Problem-solving skill
HR has to deal with other members of the organization and also the customers' clients. Everyone faced a problem as employees can suffer from organization processes or anything the internal issues of the organization, client coordination, or problems of strategic management can be increased and customers' negative feedback with their expectation level have to be handled by the HR with the effective skill of solving by their creative thinking (Elsheikh et al. 2018). Sometimes communication can solve the problem so communication is also important equally with any other skill.
Comfortable in hard decision making
HR required creative skill and management skills with maintaining their cool and calmness along with patience when any type of risks or difficulties arise. It is hard to be comfortable in difficult situations but each needs to have those skills to control themselves.
HR manage every department issue so they need to know a little bit about every department and have to proceed with multi-tasking by maintaining professionalism as they have to maintain employees to customers but also have to work with the recruiting process administrative benefits and have to work with the rules and regulations on employees.
Kindness and understanding
As recommended by Santos, and Miguel, (2019), HR as having to deal with many peoples and have to communicate with them so kindness is required by maintaining professionalism and understand everyone's approach many people or customers are hyper so their approach or attitude needs to understand and have to manage them with understanding level so that that hyper person can fill motivated. Indian organizations many times unethical practices, harassment, abuse, and difficult issues are reported. Each would have to handle all these unethical issues by understanding the kindness and listening of those victims to make a solution for the victim sides and also from the organization's reputation sites.
Ethical learning
Learning is very important for any employee as every day many rules, regulations, and techniques are changed so everyone has to be a learner at any age but have b ethical views to maintain ethics and laws with confidential information (Gumu, 2019). As security can be understood through the passion of interest in learning by understanding ethics.
Awareness and cultural ethics
An ether has to be concerned with awareness and has to be cultural with the organization's policy. Social awareness needs to be kept in mind to make any policies in the management and have to maintain the culture along with self-management capacity.
As an HR I have some strengths from the above discussion skill and also have some weaknesses as this all can be improved to use the opportunities and to overcome the threats. This strength will help me to be prepared for a good HR role. All this SWOT needs to be analyzed to be aware of the market opportunities for HR roles.
Strength I have good effective communication skills as it has increased because of the good motivation from my family and friends. They always appreciate my communication skills and speaking skills which influence them and make them feel like friends. I can think about any problem to get a solution by researching different areas, how to gain experience, or ethically solve the problem. My patience is the best part of the HR role as I am cool and come and can keep patience whatever the situation is. I never lose my temple in any situation and can control the situation with good communication vibes. |
Weakness I have a kind quality that can hinder the situation as if anyone wants to manipulate me. I tried to be more kind but it's one of my weaknesses to not maintain the ethical rules. I am not much organized which is required In an organization to be in a hierarchical position or in an HR role. I am not very punctual and cannot maintain time properly. I have minimum ethical knowledge which is required in a more productive way to handle an HR role. |
Opportunity Opportunities seen in the market are good comments and communication skills to convince others can help to be an HR. Digital transformation helps them to be more active to be her. hr reduces the problem of communicating directly. Over the message or male, it is easy to write down any advice. It needs some time to think which helps to increase proficiency. Getting feedback from the customer clients and any other parties helps to know the rating rate by identifying the most difficult issues. |
Threats Miscommunication can increase the threat for the HR as if the HR meets and understands any topic which can lead to a complication in the organization or management. Risk can become a certain way if the strategy is going wrong then it can make the HR burden for progressing in the role. Bad practices or an abusive environment can increase the risk for HR as the management rule would be in a debate or argument situation. |
Table 1: SWOT Analysis
S |
M |
A |
R |
T |
Over kindness, quality needs to be control |
In the professional field, kindness can make the wrong way so it should be measured how much kindness needs to be shown |
It can be concluded or achieved through understanding the psychology of the victim or knowing the ethics and laws of a company. |
It can be achieved by knowing the boundaries of the company. |
15 days |
To be Organised is required |
Management and personality development can measure the weakness such as organization or not |
It can be achieved by maintaining professionalism within time and punctuality (Summers et al. 2019). |
The ambition and goal to go in a hierarchical position will help to achieve by being organized |
10 days |
Ethical knowledge needs to increase |
Organizational ethical knowledge need to be understood or measured by understanding the value and limitation of the company |
It can be achieved through the organization's ethics and laws |
It will help to achieve the goal with professional development by understanding very fast the limitation and boundary |
1 month |
Miscommunication needs to be reduced or avoided |
Group or organization human resources can increase miscommunication between group |
It can be reduced by using communication methods wisely and paying attention to the communication help to achieve the goal (Bornman and Louw, 2019). |
Calmness and senses can avoid the miscommunication |
1 month |
Debate and argumental quality need to be improved with proper strategy and understanding of the truth |
Bad practice can increase the debate and argument so the positive and truthness need to be adopted by HR to avoid conflict and to judge the real victim for these cases |
The capacity to find the truth and understand the truth is very important to achieve the debate or judgemental support |
Ethics rules and socialism need to be understood and can develop the skill |
1 month |
Table 2: SMART Plan Analysis
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Weaknesses and threats need to be overcome through the development of professionalism as the weaknesses are considered can bring failure in life if it does not progress with kindness. Quality is good and strength also but over-kindness can make the situation worse. As considered by Bergmark, (2020), Ethical rules and laws can be known in a very efficient way so that professionalism can be maintained. Punctuality and time management are very much important in an HR role so they need to be developed
Strength and opportunity give the idea and help to reach the destination where an HR wants to see himself or herself after some years of getting experience. The strength needs to be improved with the proper technology and time and also the weakness needs to be overcome with proper study.
Individual learning helps to increase or get experience in a particular activity or area over time. As concluded by Hanfsting et al. (2020), from childhood to adulthood people always learn anything from what they are going through. Improve the quality and skill between the individuals and complete the accuracy of the activity by increasing the learning.
Organizational learning is different in the sense of experience as the organization and learning help to get experience in a group and develop and create an experience with ethical knowledge and sense and give ideas about the farm to improve their professional life and helps to increase the efficiency in the development process.
Individual learning helps to participate in the first level of experience whereas organization learning helps to participate in different organizations after getting experience from one organization and getting more offers to get a job in another company with more opportunities (Lisle and Kohli, 2020).
Both individual and organizational learning is important as individual learning helps to move the learning curve and organizational learning helps to take training in a professional to improve the skill for the fit to the firm.
Continuous learning helps to meet or fill the gap in the Skill which has before and get more experience through learning and gain knowledge with different activities (Zhiyong et al. 2020). In the organization and learning, there are many departments and each has to deal with every department's human resources so learning the culture and knowledge is important to satisfy the skills of the organization by increasing the sustainability process.
Learning helps to gain a competitive advantage in the market where everyday new policies and changes with innovation are going through so to complete the market continuous learning is important to make planning and development in digital marketing project management, and financial analysis.
Continuous learning helps to make a sustainable environment for the organization by learning the culture and ethics of the organization and social behavior maintenance.
Learning cycles define the experience with concrete awareness and then reflect on the observation so that through watching and observing after the observation you need to think about the concept and need to analyze the concept with abstract conceptualization. The next process is the action which needs to do with active experimentation as the abstract gate concept about the learning cycle and experience gained through the learning therefore eat makes concrete experience after the action has taken place and this process will circulate with every work (Kornegay et al. 2020). This cycling process developed professional listening with a continuous professional development process as it identifies the plans and learns the activities that reflect the learning. After that, the experience or knowledge will help to apply to the action and after achieving the goal it will be shared.
High performance work defines organizational work with efficiency and the outcome after the impact of the job performance. High performance work is important to practice by promoting employee knowledge, motivation and commitment. Employees knowledge and performance helps to maintain the competitive advantage in the market and it can come through the employees’ encouragement by giving incentive, and good training for the business.
Benefits for employees as they are motivated through the different perks and benefits. Life insurance retirement plans, sick leave, flexible work wellness programs and loan processes can help to give benefits to the employees where employers get the best output from their group and employees. In HPW there are barriers with the individual issues conflict between the team which causes the performance may decrease. The barriers need to be overcome with the human resource management process as human resource Management helps to increase the performance with the positive motivation and good relationship with collaboration between employees. Stakeholders are related to the high performance work as they have provided the perspective and objectives to the project so that the performance is increased, therefore stakeholders have that much influence on the production process to suggest the right decision and opinion.
High-performance work increases the quality and empowerment with a psychological perspective to influence the engagement with work in a positive way. High-performance work increases productivity in an organization (Koty, 2020). Continuous training and development process with performance has a compensation system to connect human resources to practice. This process helps psychologically so that an individual can feel and control their feelings and get motivated to do something new and get experience through this act.
The Research and experience help to extend the job and involvement in the work with strategic maintenance by understanding the level of performance in the organization and individual. High-performance work systems develop the interconnect practice with either role and select staff, giving the training to increase the performance. Rewards flexibilities and participation increase the performance level as the motivation in the environment of the job are required with different rewards.
Employee engagement is very essential to make high-performance work. Therefore, the improvement can be considered with the clarity of engagement, nature of work autonomy, growth, fairness, relationship, workload, and recognition of the commitment. Focusing on these categories can improve the employees' engagement to make them more productive. The clarity in the concept can be developed with the proper training and it will help to change the nature of the work in the organization (Maher et al. 2018). Workload pressure in an organization will be there when the demand for the product will increase their food workload or work pressure can be given to the employees with compensation or benefits and they will be happy to or motivated to do work with their engagement or involvement. Impulse freedom is important to give their autonomy in the opinion setting but it's not mean that they will break the rules of the organization. Defining the freedom to share an opinion and giving importance and respect to everyone in the organization can help to increase performance (Emre, 2019). Organizational growth will come with employee growth in skills and activities as activities with fairness can increase productivity. Relationships with other employees help to motivate each other when they feel low or pressured with their organizational issues or personal issues. Recognition is important to identify the skill of the employees in the department as employees need to give that work which is the capability of the employees and that increase the productivity of an organization.
The benefits of high performance will help to increase the competitive advantage by understanding the market situation. Employee satisfaction is important and beneficial for increasing high performance. As opinion by Khimmataliev et al. (2021), Hyperformance also motivates the work culture to grow and also helps the career growth of the employees. Social awareness and social relations also will improve with the organization and also connectivity with the customer will increase with the social awareness. Brand alignment and workforce data will increase with the high-performance work. High performance will help to increase productivity and help to gain profit and that will encourage employee wellness and give compensation or benefits as the profits are high.
The process of performance management is highly essential. Performance management needs to follow the strategy which should be concerned by employees of the organization so that the focus of the project will not fluctuate. Performance can be effective with the management process.
Performance management
Performance management can be better with high-performance working. Cultural management in an organization is very much effective to maintain performance. Performance management can be managed with communication processes with the support of organizations by planning a smart plan to increase the performance of individuals or employees.
Performance management and the impact on learning and development
Performance management and impact on the learning and development can be defined with the organization and cultural management and the efficiency with the production level. Training can give the employees knowledge and the learning process needs to be very much crucial for performance management. Employees need to be concerned and have the encouragement to learn. Development can be done with the process of management. Knowledge can progress the strength in the performance and development can happen when the employees are active and participating in the strategy management with performance management routine or chart.
Different performance management systems
In order to get employees to change their shortcomings and by growing with them, HR must make a wise plan concerning their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Monitoring performance is necessary to gauge ongoing development and remove barriers (Koty, 2020). Receiving the performance might assist you assess the outcome and identify any problems or problem areas that need to be developed. In order for an individual to retain their performance and inspire themselves to improve, the company needs to offer rewards for good performance.
Collaborative working
An organization there required collaboration in the organization's performance (Elsheikh et al. 2018). Employee collaboration helps to motivate people to perform with group activities in an organization individual performance cannot make better progress for the organization so teamwork is essential for this community or group which also increases the cultural activities and performance in the organization.
People get more attracted to or customers feel or influence by the cultural performance of the organization. It also helps to increase the trust between the employees or the customer if the agger has maintained the collaboration working and will get success with the target audience.
Effective communication
Effective communication can be increased with the increase of listening power. HR always should be active in listening and verbal communication if they record any written communication they also need to influence the written communication or non-verbal communication.
Impact of organizational culture be both a facilitator and barrier to effective performance management
By teaching others or clients, presenters can induce cultural reflection through the presentation of any issue, according to Barnová et al. (2020). Presentation competence is also an effective technique to communicate. Through the influence of communication skills, cultural awareness rises to hold performance and helps to encourage trust in the company with a personal connection. Effective communication should be in a consciousness of mind and clarity with cursive completeness correctness and with concreteness by completeness in the act of inspiring or guidance. The culture and barrier can break the performance in the management with the technology advancement as the implementation of innovation and technology can transferred the organization performance with encouraging the employees and help to motivate them.
Reference lists
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