Understanding Person - Centered Care PrinciplesAssignment Sample

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Empowering Healthcare Through Person-Centered Care: A Comprehensive Approach

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Introduction: Person-Centered Care: Principles, Benefits, and Challenges

Healthcare services have become one of the crucial factors in recent days. The study has focused on analysing several aspects and factors of personal care. It has defined “Personal Centred Care” (PCC) and provided the importance of personalised care and provided principles of these health care services. It will also provide insights of several social and cultural aspects that affect PCC. 

Defining PCC 

PCC focuses on individual care with respect, which enriches individuals’ healthcare rights.

Importance of PCC

  • Provides effective treatment plans for patients by taking medicine on time.
  • Reduces the burden from healthcare services and increases individuals' health well-being. 
  • Enhances positive health behaviour of patients
  • Mitigates risks of emergency or uncertain situations 
  • Effective to feel positive and comfortable
  • Cost-effective and less time consuming 

Four principles of person-centric care 

Four principles of PCC are as follows 

  • To enable individuals’ treatment with full “dignity”, “compassion” and “respect”.
  • To enhance coordination in individuals’ healthcare care treatment.
  • To provide personalised care, treatment to patients. 
  • To support people's healthcare behaviour by recognising strengths and enabling healthcare independence (Moodyet al. 2018).

Individual Approaches 

A person-centred approach is defined as providing healthcare service and treatment as a person, which focuses on a person rather than his disabilities. The study has identified different personal care approaches (Buckleyet al. 2018). The goals of PCC approaches are 

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  • To enhance engagement of people in healthcare services 
  • To Manage health risks collaboratively
  • To support people in healthcare and treatments 


  • Enhance communication and collaboration with people to support the decision-making process of people's care. 
  • People's age, gender, culture, language, beliefs and other factors need to be taken into account for making personalised treatment plans (Moore et al. 2017). 
  • To enable flexible health care services for people. 
  • Enhance communication to understand the needs of individuals and provide effective healthcare services. 
  • Provide support to the health care institutions in case of health emergency situations by building a support network. 

Challenges in PCC 

There are several barriers and challenges that affect the implementation of PCC. 

  • PCC has disadvantages in installing several clinical settings for personalised treatment which increases the cost of treatment. Due to high financial costs, there are some certain groups in society who are excluded from availing of personalised care services (Summer Meraniuset al. 2020). 
  • The care services are also dependent on the efficiency of PCC professionals hence the quality of medication and treatment depends upon the knowledge and skill of care staff. 
  • Lack of communication between care staff and people may lead to ineffective PCC. 

PCC training

Training for PCC is one of the effective ways to reduce and mitigate the negative impacts of various challenges in the implementation of PCC. The effectiveness of PCC training is as follows.

  • Training and education is effective to enhance knowledge and skills of PC professionals which is appropriate for implementing PCC efficiently (Moore et al. 2017). 
  • Training is also effective to enhance the communication skills of practitioners or professionals to collaborate and communicate with people for enhancing support to the decision making process. 
  • Effective training also enables professionals to understand the strengths and disabilities of a patient and take proper treatment plans (Moore et al. 2017).
  • Communication is effective to provide services to patients by considering their age, gender, belief and others during the treatment. 

The biopsychosocial model

BPS model and case study 

An application of the BPS model is effective to implement treatment plans based on three factors; these are biological psychological and social factors which play a crucial role in mediating negative impacts (Kusnantoet al. 2018). 

Case study 

A patient is suffering from “chronic fatigue syndrome”, that is, the person is suffering from cognitive impairment, fatigue issues, pain and sleep disturbance (Kusnantoet al. 2018). Here neither application of psychiatric treatments alone nor pathophysiological treatments is effective to mitigate fatigue syndrome. There are several negative consequences, such as stigmatisation, which states that “chronic fatigue syndrome” is a mental illness. An application of the BPS model is the most effective way to manage the syndrome.

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Why needs to implement PCC

  • To mitigate negative issues of the syndrome by taking personal care 
  • Provide psychological support to patients 

Ways to promote PCC along with the BPS model 


  • Counselling of patients for the understanding of issues and its root causes.
  • Addressing sleeping problems of patients 


  • Proving proper medication to mitigate the impacts of syndrome affects
  • Daily exercise is effective to reduce pain 


  • Enhancing communication with friends and family members
  • Social engagement to make the patients feel comfortable and better.

Legislation PCC (The Care Act 2014)

NHS Long-term Plan 

NHS long term plan focuses on reducing 150,000 diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and other mental health issues (Gov.uk, 2022). PCC is effective to reduce the number of heart attack patients and the impact of stocks and other mental issues by providing personalised healthcare services to different people.

  • PCC is effective to provide a treatment plan to people who are suffering from several issues by providing primary health care services. 
  • This is also effective to provide personalised psychological support to people who are suffering from mental issues such as fatigue. 
  • PCC is effective to provide quality health services to individuals to enhance health wellbeing (Alexander, 2021). 

Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care

This comprehensive model focuses on providing support to the people in case of personal care to increase physical as well as mental health well-being (England.nhs.uk, 2022). This model has several companies that provide personal care for two people.

  • Planning of personal care and support to individuals
  • Enhance a collaborative and shared decision-making process for the well-being of people 
  • Providing health service along with promotion of health rights, individuals' dignity and choice of people. 
  • Enabling personal budget for health and integrated budget for increasing health wellbeing in society. 
  • To provide community support and social prescribing for effective implementation.
  • Trainable and support self-management of health behaviour.

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It can be concluded that PCC is effective to provide value and quality care services to people, which is not only effective to provide services but also mitigate mental issues and negative impacts of diseases and uncertain situations such as heart-attacks, strokes, as primary treatment or healthcare services. 

Verbal comments 

Personal health care focuses on the personal care of individuals with respect and dignity and enables the health care rights of individuals. Person-centred care is crucial in recent days as it enhances the reduction of healthcare risk and is effective to make patients feel more comfortable and positive. It focuses on personalising treatment plans to take proper medication and reduce the risk of uncertainty and emergencies of patience. Moreover, the approach is also becoming important as it reduces the burden on health care service institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes by enabling personal care of patients at home. It is also a cost-effective and less time-consuming process to take positive meditation plans and increase the health and wellbeing of individuals. Moreover, it enables positive health behaviour of patients. 4 principles of personal centre care focus on providing support and treatment to the patients with full dignity, compassion and respect. It also enhances coordination in individual health care and provides personalised care to the patients. Personal treatment is also enabled by recognising the strength and disabilities of and patience and focuses on maintaining individual’s health independence. 

Approaches of individuals focus on persons rather than their disabilities. The study has provided several PCC approaches such as collaboration supporting and providing flexibility in health care services. PCC approaches focus on enhancing engagement between people for the betterment of healthcare services. It focuses on managing health risk by collaborating with his care institutions and people as well as supporting people by providing effective treatment. Health care approaches are focused on establishing and increasing communication and collaboration with people to provide effective support in health decision making. The pictures also include taking account of individuals' age, gender, culture, language beliefs for effective planning of treatment. The approach also includes flexibility in health care services for people by providing personalised care. Communication also focuses on understanding the needs of individuals for increasing the well-being of individuals as well as society. 

The study has also focused on evaluating challenges in implementing PCC for mitigating the challenges by taking effective measures and strategies. PCC is associated with the high cost of treatment as sometimes it requires installing Pinnacle equipment for personalised care at home. It leads to high financial costs where some groups of people cannot afford the cost of treatment hence they are excluded from the PCC services which reduce its effectiveness for all sections of society. Moreover, care professionals are playing a crucial role in providing PCC. Lack of knowledge among the professionals may affect the treatment quality which is one of the concerns of PCC implementations. During emergencies, the professionals need to make decisions carefully for patients, where skills and knowledge, as well as experience, is one of the major factors. Training for PCC professionals is effective to mitigate challenges of skills and knowledge as well as collaboration. However, cost-effectiveness is established when there is no requirement for the installation of clinical equipment. 

The study has also applied the BPS model on a case of chronic fatigue syndrome where the application of psychological treatments and psychiatric treatments are not effective to reduce the negative impacts of the synonyms. The syndromes need to be addressed by adopting a multidimensional model for treatment such as the BPS model which has three components that are biological, psychological and social. The application of the model enhances the adoption of counselling and provides psychological support to the patients. Moreover, psychological support to the patients is effective to address the issue of sleeping and investigating root causes of fatigue by resolving the issues. Here, biological factors such as negative impacts of syndromes on patients can be mitigated by adopting proper medication and daily exercise for reducing pain. These two factors are more than sufficient to mitigate negative impacts and resolve the issue of chronic fatigue syndrome. However, the social factors of the BPS model focus on enhancing communication with neighbours, friends and family members to gain the support of people to reduce. The application of the PPS model also focuses on enhancing social engagement to make the patient feel confident and comfortable. Hence, the application of the BPS model is effective to reduce several impacts such as fatigue that can be mitigated by adopting a multidimensional treatment process. 

Several governmental plans and strategies are also effective to reduce the negative impacts of several diseases in society by providing primary effective healthcare services. The study has adopted two legislation policies to evaluate PCC and its impact on increasing social well being. 

The study has considered the NHS long term plan which focuses on m getting several heart attack stroke patients as well as other mental issues among the children and working professionals. In that case, the adoption of PCC is effective to mitigate these issues by providing primary healthcare services as well as enhancing proper treatment plans of people requiring care to avoid uncertain situations. Emergencies and uncertain events such as heart attacks, strokes and other diseases can be mitigated before it occurs by taking several measures: exercising, taking proper medications and maintaining a healthy diet. PCC enables people to get personalised healthcare services and mitigate psychological issues of people by providing proper counselling and effective measures. PCC is also effective to reduce the burning of emergency patients from the hospitals of the UK. The introduction of PCC is effective to mitigate health issues and increase the well-being of society. 

The study has also considered a comprehensive model for personalised care which focuses on enabling and managing physical as well as mental care of individuals by building affecting community support for the people. The model has mentioned that adoption of personalised care in hands long term growth of physical and mental well-being of people which are based on some packages such as information-based decision-making process promote legal rights and healthcare rights of people, enhance social prescribing, promotion of self-management and inclusion of personal health projects for the well-being of society. It has also focused on personalised care to support the health care services of people.

Reference list

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  • Gov.au, 2022.What is a person-centred approach? Available at: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth/psychosocial/principles/Pages/person-centred.aspx#:~:text=A%20person%2Dcentred%20approach%20is,not%20their%20condition%20or%20disability.&text=supports%20the%20person%2C%20at%20the,making%20decisions%20about%20their%20life [Accessed on 29 January 2022]
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