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Executive summary
BMC has been expanding its business in several places and successfully maintaining the growth. However, the requirements of the market are changing and services are also to be changed with that. Pandemic has changed the working process as the necessity of human beings is changing gradually. The report reflects several components of the employee lifecycle within the organization and the importance of organizational structure in people practice. Advantages and disadvantages of organizational practices are also mentioned here. The association of organizational strategy, products and services is also discussed here in the report. Practices are considered one of the five key elements of organisations such as philosophy, practices, purpose, projections, and priorities.
A different organisational structure is present in the economy to deal with various aspects. For example, centralised and decentralised organisational structure.
In a business or organisation, it is quite important to bear the strategies to give perfect shape to the company. Various kinds of elements and factors are included to gain perfect shape. A strong set of organisational strategies is shaped by its mission, vision, and values. However, there are other reasons through which a company can gain an increased level of share in the market. As per the opinion of Anser et al. (2018), these high shares are gained through good mergers and acquisitions to attract more customers to their business. An increase in the customer base and development of product range can lead to the organisation's revenue increment. Corporate strategies are being developed by the company to assess its strengths and weaknesses in the economy. Identifying various strengths and weaknesses can help the organisation deal with competitive advantages. However, companies use SWOT, PESTLE, and many more tools that provide practical knowledge about their potential abilities and drawbacks (Kamalaldin et al., 2020).
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However, organisations having the quality to switch their strategy development are known for their strong set of CSR. Moreover, these switching techniques develop from a top-down rational approach to create more dynamic approaches toward the economy and satisfying the customer needs. Moreover, this facility provides better responses to make changes in organisational strategies and is better linked with the products and customers. As mentioned by Anshari et al. (2019) further, this kind of service provides experience and expert opinion to the organisation to increase their diversified atmosphere and products and services. It can be said that organisation can shape their overall company through effective handling of the market reach, customer value proposition, and customer relationship with the company.
Further, it can be said that organisational strategies are developed by driving the company's scope and range of products (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). Moreover, it is seen that through effective contributions and market strategy, companies and organisations provide effective services to their customers. This includes various kinds of channels, target markets, and offers provided to the customers. By using the right resources and human resources, a company can develop their strength and enable a competitive advantage over other companies. However, the role and availability of resources create further strength for the company and create more opportunities. Anser et al. (2018) observed that this includes the channel, market decision, and product difference. Moreover, the relationship between resources and market interaction is quite important to identify the needs of the people. This will further lead to the development and expansion of the business.
The political factors state the government that can hold extensive power over other industries (Hearld et al., 2019). However, peer pressure during presidential elections is one of the most important political aspects that create issues. Moreover, various travel bans can create disturbance in the hotel industry.
In the economic factors, like increase in VAT, increase in tourism, change in currency and increased factors for BMC (Geissdoerfer et al., 2018). However, a weakened currency and tailoring to patrons in varying locations can increase the economic factors.
In the socio-culture factors, BMC can have bigger issues with other organisations, and the organisation's location plays a great deal (Anshari et al., 2019). However, connection with social-media platforms can create social culture platforms and other discrimination against the organisation.
The technological factors deal with the fast and easy access to the organisation and better services to their customers (Figueroa et al., 2019). Fast and reliable technology will better help the customers to better satisfy them.
The legal factors deal with the overall rising in the crime rates and innkeeper laws that will affect the general legal issues in the economy.
The environmental factors deal with the excessive release of carbon footprint in the economy and change in the climate (Ate? et al., 2020).
The two strategic priorities are mentioned below;
In this section, BMC has to create a strategic plan that will allow them to create step-by-step instructions that will meet the actionable strategic priorities. This will provide effective help to the company in planning and allowing them to take priorities beyond wanting to do their work. As mentioned by Hearld et al. (2019), it can be seen that due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the number of workers gets reduced to the nominal. Therefore, it becomes necessary for BMC to prioritise their employees and retain them by obtaining various sources. They have to try harder to increase their output to a higher level than earlier. Moreover, it can be said that BMC can implement some steps that will make their work easier. To mitigate their workflow risk, they have to set the required number of employees they need every month. This will help them provide real guidance to their employees to work in BMC (Figueroa et al., 2019).
An organisation like BMC can try to know their priority level in the company. As of now, they are lacking in the workforce after the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Therefore, they have to work hard to conduct new recruitment for mitigating their employee's workflow. As per the opinion of Ate? et al. (2020), however, due to the lack of workflow, work pressure directly falls on the other worker workers there. Moreover, prioritising level will help BMC assign factors related to their objectives, timing, resources, and other importance. Later, identifying these prioritising levels will help BMC decide their objectives clearly that will be included in its strategic plan.
The present global scenario has presented ample scope for the growth of any organization, and the number of competitors is increasing. Thus, employee and customer retention is becoming a more difficult task (Itamet al. 2020). A different base for the growth is to be achieved, and selecting these materials has been important to follow. Apart from the competition in the external business world, the present situation of the pandemic has created some difficulties in ensuring employee retention. The employee lifecycle is one important theme to consider for having major control over all the elements. The main motto of the organization is the foundation for forming all the strategies for work and employees. As opined by Obedgiu (2017), the holistic growth of any organization refers to organizational growth and employee satisfaction. Different other aspects are also to be maintained for having the maximum effect of these elements. However, BMC has practised top-down management for regulating organizational work. The external environment is changing, and with the rise of a pandemic, the organization is finding it difficult to serve locally produced food with a wider range.
The employee life cycle within an organization and people professionally is immense for any organization. The present situation has created difficulty in describing and adopting several elements, which will increase the efficiency of several elements (Medina and Partner, 2017). Thus, the importance and contribution of an employee in achieving organizational goals. Recruitment and onboarding are the two steps of the employee lifecycle that describe the employee's organisational culture. As viewed by Khan and Millner (2020), employee retention requires consideration of the scope for personal improvement of the employees. The gradual growth of the small branches is taking place. However, maintaining locally made food and a wide range of variety is problematic for the lack of suitable employees. Thus, the inclusion of value in the employee's professional life is important to consider for mitigating the challenges of the BMC. Through such consideration, it is not only possible to maintain the previous work culture (Obedgiu, 2017). But at the same time, it is also helpful for presenting new ideas within the local varieties. Holistic growth of the organization is possible to achieve by adopting ways that will create scope for employee engagement positively.
Pandemic has created much change within the workplace, and selecting these materials is necessary to maintain the development of these elements. Two themes that are influencing the workplace culture are a "healthy work environment" and "financial security and presenteeism" (Hughes et al. 2019). After the pandemic outbreak, mental health and physical health have become major issues that are to be mitigated for normalizing the process. However, several other aspects are also necessary to maintain major control of the organisation's human resources.
Healthy work practice is one variable that influences people's practice. Concern about basic health requirements in every living space has become more important (Burgelmanet al. 2018). During and after the pandemic period, most of the employees have stated that workforce stress is one major reason for not p[roceeding with the concerned assignment. Identification of stress of work and high organizational performance is being reviewed. As opined by Wang et al. (2021), the promotion of mental and physical wellbeing is one major aspect, and the organizational approach is to be exhibited through presenting several employee assistanceprogrammes that teach the art of managing the work role without creating stress within the system. Proper presentation of different other aspects is thus important to control for major assistance (Baylis, 2020).
The other aspect that is impacting people's practice is the financial stability that an organization presents. The unpredictable situation of the pandemic has increased the demand for financial security, and proper presentation of these elements is thus important to consider for having major control of the workforce of BMC. Presenteeism is the other aspect that influences employee retention in any organization (Gerichet al. 2020). Presenteeism refers to the decreased rate of productivity of any organization because of the decreased productivity of the employees. Physical presence is not only enough, as an employee may not perform at its full efficiency. Long term suffering of the employees thus causes monetary loss to the company (Rainbow et al. 2019). Apart from physical and mental health problems, organizational cultures are also responsible for creating adverse situations for the employees.
Choosing the right organizational structure is the first step toward ensuring growth in relevant fields. Proper presentation of several aspects has been important to consider for having major control of the final outcome. As mentioned before, the holistic growth of the organization is to be ensured by maintaining daily productivity with a satisfied employee experience (Abbas and Sa?san, 2019). The organizational structure for productivity and growth can be achieved through the selection of suitable ways. The people's practices will be influenced by the organizational culture. A flexible work culture that has scope for growth of the employees will increase the efficiency of the whole work. Robotic work of the employees following the selected rules will decrease the efficiency of these works (Van den Heuvel and Bondarouk, 2017). Maintenance of daily productivity is possible to ensure through these practices. However, per minute dictation no more supports employee retention.
Improvement of professional skills and mental satisfaction of work is one of the demanding aspects of the time. A stressed workplace environment will suffer from high employee turnover. Retention of employees is a difficult task because of the increasing scope of the existing market (Darwin, 2017). Thus, the top-down approach for managing organizational work partially creates an environment of micromanagement. Thus, workplace stress increases which is one of the reasons for employee loss. Financial loss is one major loss that will be faced by the organization. Apart from the financial loss, maintenance of continuity of services with local dishes is hard to maintain for the organizations. Positive engagement with the organizational decision-making process with the scope for presentation of thought is the other factor that will create scope for further development (Abbas and Sa?san, 2019). Recognition for good work and scope for contribution to the expansion will create a positive impact on the organization. Such an enriched work culture will attract employees with increased potential for positive contribution. Thus, people's practice is influenced by organizational structure and system.
The BMC has been practising a top-down approach and centralized work routine for all the expanded branches. There lies one disadvantage of the top-down approach to management. Limited role of employees in creative contribution in the organizational work. Thus, the performance of the conventional work practices has increased the boredom of the work (Medina and Partner, 2017). There is no other scope for professional improvement of the staff. Thus, an adaptation of healthy work practices will be beneficial for BMC. Presentation of locally made dishes is possible through the adaptation of these elements. Flexible work environments will support the employees to contribute creative ideas for increasing the range of menus (Gerichet al. 2020). Financial stability is the other attracting factor that may support BMC in employee retention. The creation of healthy and financially stable work practices will thus support BMC.
The management system is to be modified for ensuring the growth of these elements. Thus, BNC can approach any consultant who can offer best practices for human resources. Efficient and satisfying human resources will increase the satisfaction level of the customers (Hughes et al. 2019). The space for growth has not stopped for BMC, but the presentation of services cannot be accomplished as per the plan. Thus, proper management experts have to be consulted. Consideration of the work culture of the organization and presentation of these elements is thus necessary to attract skilled employees.
The primary importance of several aspects has been necessary to consider for having major control of these works. However, the requirements and challenges faced by the organization are to be ensured first. The construction of a new organizational strategy is required as the previous strategy was facing several problems which are to be mitigated for having more control of the employee retention of the organization (Wang et al. 2021). Proper presentation of these elements is thus necessary to communicate. BMC is facing a problem delivering more locally produced foods. Thus, an increment in the quality of the foods will ensure the efficiency of all these matters. Local employees are thus considered to be included. Apart from that, the organizational management process is also to be changed. Measured freedom and practice of authority will increase the efficiency of production (Van den Heuvel and Bondarouk, 2017). Thus, considering the major portions where the organizational practices needed to improve. Formation of organizational culture should ensure scope for improvement of the employees.
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The study includes interpretations of theories, key influencers of organisational change, and their impact on organisations, impact of technologies, and the importance of wellbeing at workplaces, steps influencing organisational inclusion and diversity, and others.
Taylor’s theory of scientific management states that encouraging employees to increase their productivity is a strenuous task. On the other hand, management theory of human relations is based on importance of a healthy relationship between managers and employees.
Rewards are efficient to increase productivity of employees by enhancing their motivation level of employees. Relationships between employees and higher authorities can be influenced with the help of the theory. On the other hand, management theory of human relations can increase social interaction between employees and managers which can also improve their relationships.
Changes in managerial strategies, leadership styles, cultures, and values of organisations and others are related to internal key drivers of organisational changes. External key drivers of organisational changes include technological changes, globalisation, changes in social and political aspects, and others.
Organisational changes bring overall changes in different aspects of employees such as in their behaviour, productivity, creativity, and relationships with managers, stress, and others. Workers in certain cases feel frustrated in their job roles due to implementation of a new approach in organisations.
Scale of technologies in organisations can be used to measure capabilities of different technologies that can create a positive and negative impact on performance. Technological improvement can also increase efficiency of employees as technologies can minimise human effort in workplaces.
Technological changes in oragnisations have a direct impact on working procedures of employee’s organisations. Implementation of technologies includes requirements for diplomatic, social, and managerial skills.
Employee wellbeing is important as it can provide sustainable employee morale in organisations. It can improve retention of employees as well as their recruitment procedure in organisations. BMC has implemented strategies such as interviews with managers and others to measure employee satisfaction that can increase human wellbeing.
Sustainability at workplaces, equity in payment, justice, and rewards can also create an impact on human wellbeing at workplaces. Offering different health insurance for employees, economic security, and social support have a positive impact on employee wellbeing at workplaces.
Remote access and providing employees opportunities for working from home can help workers motivated and happy. The situation can increase human well-being in workplaces and workplace design is considered a powerful technique to ensure human wellbeing.
The inclusion council is efficient to deal with various factors related to inclusion in workplaces. HR departments can take initiatives to include inclusion such as understanding views of leaders about HR.
Organisations need to listen to workers and employees which in turn help them to include inclusion. Effective meeting at a regular interval is also considered an important step to influence diversity and inclusion.
Organisational structures are highly related to their culture and behaviour as employees maintain organisation culture and values in their regular job roles. Leadership principles, behaviour of external parties, and clients can affect organisational cultures. BMC Company has experiences and dissatisfaction from its internal members that can also affect its organisational culture.
Employee training, onboarding program, and competencies are also included in people practices of organisations that in return enrich organisational behaviour and cultures. On the other hand, organisational learning helps employees to streamline organisational cultures and behaviours.
It can be concluded that organisational practices are intertwined with organisational performance of a company and help to obtain competitive advantages in market places. Practices are considered one of the five key elements of organisations such as philosophy, practices, purpose, projections, and priorities.
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