Managing People Assignment Sample

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Managing people or people management is also known the human resources management. It generally includes the process of m recruitment. Their training needs and management of employees to develop their career growth. Precisely managing people in the organization includes arranging their “compensation”, “reviewing their performance” “nurturing their talent” bases for ensuring effective workplace operation and communication. This reflective portfolio will assist in how people management can be ensured for specific parts of groups and teams in the organization.

Managing People

Brief Description

Managing People in an organization will pose many different aspects of managing the people in the organization and one such important aspect is the Group and teams. Group is a collection of people those having a certain interest or passion (Elizabeth, 2018). Teams on the other hand as particular goals or purposes having clear tasks and must work together with each other for the completion of the task. Groups are important in an organization because they help with the many factors that are filling the gaps in managers' abilities, it is also important in solving work problems. Channels of communication can be established and also to create better relations (Men and Yue, 2019). Moreover, a team is also an important factor in the organization as it provides the employee with an opportunity to create bonds with one another. Teamwork increases the accountability of every member of the team, particularly those working under people commanding for greater recipes within the commercials.

Group and team work in organization

 Fig : Group and team work in organization

Fig : Group and team work in organization
(Source: Men and Yue, 2019)

Reflection On outcomes

In this context, the outcome for the groups and team in the organization that I developed during my program was dependent on my skills and abilities. As for me, the benefit that I got during my program process for teamwork is improving my productivity. It creates a sense of innovation building which I would need during the job process in an organization. Also, for me when there was a program approach to learning and that is what teams are all about. I had developed that team working skills do not always come naturally to everyone, I generally understood that people can learn them so I did. Also, I was briefed that working well in the team does not that can be easily learned on training course it needs to be practically performed (Nisha and Rajasekaran, 2018). Within my field of learning approach, groups skills that I had achieved was by different methods such as “questioning strategies”, “group learning methods” and “community-based learning” approached which was accomplished by me.

Reflection on Process

Within my field of study, working within a group or team is mainly unavoidable for most people. We are typically involved in many activities such as sports teams, working teams, social groups, assignment groups, and various other groups and teams. In my view, each of these groups shares one common thing that is each of these needs communication for reaching and sharing goals for targets to achieve. So, it is authoritative to know and understand how to work and communicate efficiently with others to maximize the outcome and productivity. It has been proposed that groups need four stages: forming, “ storming ” “norming“ performing” and finally “adjourning”(Jones, 2019). Forming includes clarification of tasks, storming involves sorting out and gaining each other trust. Norming in groups and teams involves the initiation of resolving the difference and appreciating one strength. Next, performing includes a structured process that involves hard work and the process that applied will effectively achieve the goal, and lastly, adjourning involves how to end projects for the completion.

Reflection on Experiences of others

Accordingly, for me, my experiences with others over the group and teams have reflected my learning abilities during the program. With others, as a group and team choosing an appropriate boundary and being authentic with them would help both parties (Atwa et al., 2019). I would also state that experiences of others and for me withing a group would help people toa chive the common goal or result is a most effective way. With experiences of other of for me taking everyone ideas on the board will not the only way, rather for the betterment of the group as whole needs to be maintained.

Reflection on personal Experiences

According to my personal view, I had learned many instances of groups that is how a proper structure can be implemented. I had also learned the benefits of group projects that can reinforce skills that are relevant for both groups and my own experiences. It largely includes breaking complex tasks into parts and steps. Moreover, I had believed that planning and managing in groups and teams would help me to understand the task more easily. Accordingly, for the team, my role was very clear to me, which ease my work with “trust” and “collaboration”. Furthermore, I also found myself accomplishing in implementing the role effectively, and nowadays I am proud of myself and my team members.

Learning from Reflection

It is that learning from the program of groups and teams is what was cultured from the aspect of groups and what are the benefits that were established. I would also profoundly state that I would say breaking complex tasks into part a step has helped me learn the importance of tasks (Langley et al., 2019). Besides this during the group project planning and managing time is an important aspect for the learning experiences that were gained. In team learning it reflects for building trust among the team member is a foundation for effective teamwork and communication was much important to gain the most of the benefits of teamwork.

Action plan

Accordingly with the action plan for teams can be developed by knowing where I wanted to develop strategic planning is necessary for teams, creating measurable goals, listing the tasks that are needed to be performed, dividing the bigger tasks into smaller and more manageable parts, and creating a visual representation of the task plan for the teams (Gagné, 2018). Moreover, an action plan for the group can be done when groups of family, community, citizens and professionals are a reliable union.


Hence to conclude, currently, an organization has many tasks which have become complex Groups and teams typically become an important component of the organization process. Although the success of the team or groups rest in the successful management of their member and making sure that all the aspects and benefits of work are fairer enough for each member. Thus, the future of a team in an organization enables the teams to share their ideas and responsibilities and for groups, it helps the organization in accomplishing the important tasks, as it helps the organization to improve for their output and influences the attitudes.



In an organization, one of the most important skills is the ability to manage people. People managing is a process of “training”, inspiring, and guiding the employees for optimizing the level of workplace and productivity to promote professional growth. In organization leaders like the team lead, “manager” and departmental head uses people management to oversee the workflow and boost the morale of employees for making their performance better every day. People management is also important as it aims to manage the behavior of professionals and create more satisfied teams. Mainly in people management is a portion of human resource management that encapsulates the process for optimizing the retention of talents in the organization (Knies, Leisink and Van De Schoot, 2020). Moreover, in the people management system support forming team member has a significant influence on their overall growth in the organization. Effective people, management needs manager for developing a clear empathetic relation of people those constitute with several team managing skills. The importance of managing people in the organization will assist to attract the very best people for the business and also support for being an “employer of choice”. The process will significantly lead to improved employee morale that would gain organization productivity more comparatively. The report will mainly analyze the important elements of organizational behavior and the importance of management practice for Polaris’s bank Limited. Further, it will also analyze how the work has been organized for the chosen site of the organization.

Accounting department

The main functions that the accounting department performs in Polaris Bank ltd include accounts payable, accounts receivable, revenue tracking, payroll, reporting and financial statements financial controls. These are the major roles of the accounting department for the organization. For performing these roles, the leadership approaches also play a major role (Andiola, Masters, and Norman, 2020). The role of the accounting department in the bank is unique. The accounting department works depending on a strong leadership approach that helps in developing a strong group. This strong point also helps in alleviating the burden that goes along with the work.

Leadership theories

Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership is the practice in which the leaders inspire the employees with positive changes. These leaders are passionate and energetic and also motivate their employees to bring a good outcome in the organizational task (Siangchokyoo, Klinger, and Campion, 2020).

Implementing the transformational leadership approaches the managers of Polaris Bank Ltd try to encourage employees and followers to develop creative ideas. With this, the employees can think innovatively and also do new things (Siangchokyoo, Klinger, and Campion, 2020). They also involve the employees in encouragement and support. The leaders also try to motivate the employees of the accounting department to handle the different needs and requirements of the clients.

The leaders try to listen to the appliances directly using their leadership skills. They also listen to the individuals in generating revenue in the departments. Leaders find difficult problems and challenges in the accounting sector that the customers or the employees face (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). By identifying the flaws, the leaders also provide relevant guidance to help them overcome the challenges.

Transactional leadership
Transactional leadership which is also known as managerial leadership is a leadership approach in which the leaders use rewards and punishments and incentives to improve the performance of the employees (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). The leader provides rewards to the employees for their achievements and also punishes them when their work does not get up to the standard. The managers provide rewards to the employees in the accounting department for accomplishing their tasks. It increases and motivates the employees to do their best jobs.

The leaders of Polaris Bank Ltd try to develop a communication system in the accounting department so that the employees feel comfortable in working with others and can share a mutual respect for one another (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). They also make personal contacts with the internal clients organizing meetings for connecting with the emails.

The team members of Polaris Bank Ltd are also motivated by providing them flexible working hours in the accounting department (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). Designing the organizational task and the type of the work accounting department needs to follow is also maintained by the leaders as per the requirements. For example, the accountants of Polaris Bank Ltd can face trouble in making financial operations or facing any challenges with a client or customers regarding finance. In that situation, the leaders help accountants in overcoming those financial challenges (Jensen et al., 2019). They also try to simplify the issues by supporting them in various ways to instruct them properly to reach the right direction.

Physical layout

The accounting department of Polaris Bank Ltd has a particular structure that is designed for various purposes. The main equipment present in the accounting department includes a computer, desk, cash counting machine, cupboard, desk to keep the files or records, sitting benches for the customers, and printer (Inuwa and Abubakar, 2017).

Sitting desks
The furniture used for the accounting department includes chairs for the person working in the accounting department, benches or chairs for the customers (Andiola et al., 2020). This machinery and furniture are important for the accounting department. The intended consequence of the furniture includes that the customers and workers can get comfortable workplace. These are kept in the accounting department to make the work process become comfortable. The customers having work that can take a long time may get space to sit and wait for long. These are important for helping the customers in getting comfortable with the work environment while coming to the accounting department for a particular purpose (Andiola et al., 2020).

The unintended consequence of the furniture and sitting desk include that without the proper sitting space the employees can face health related issues while working for a long time standing. Not having space the customers can also face issues to wait for completing their tasks. The sitting desk can also get damaged due to excessive use (Andiola et al., 2020). These artefacts can also get damaged while used excessively or not paying attention to the operating capability of the artefacts.

Working tools like the computers are used for checking the details of the customers for their financial records. There are five computers in the accountant department and each one is in active working condition. The intended consequence of the computers includes that the computers help the employee work systematically using technology and the machines to get their work complete quickly. These can also keep records of the customers securely in database.

Unintended consequence of computers includes hacking of the data and information, malfunctioning and data theft. These can happen when the computers are misused by some third party. It can hamper the work process. It can happen damage in these devices.

Cash counting machines
Cash counting machines are used for counting money or cash effectively and efficiently (Andiola et al., 2020). These are very important for counting the cash for financial transactions in the bank.

The intended consequences from cash counting machine can arise include that the accounting personnel can provide accurate amount of money to the customers. They can also make financial transactions in an accurate manner. A better quality services to the customers and the customers can also be provided to meet their desired outcomes (Inuwa and Abubakar, 2017). These have also a better consequence in which the customers can increase their satisfaction and trust in the organizational operations and functions. It also reduces unnecessary time consumption in counting a large amount of money.

Malfunctioning in the devices can make delay in completing the work in accounting. Delay in work can also happen or unsatisfied tasks can also be delivered by the people and employees. It may take long time to count the money or even mistakes in counting can also happen. It can lead to the destruction of the satisfaction of the customers (Inuwa and Abubakar, 2017).

Working pattern

This is a type of work in which the employees provide accounting services to the customers in accounting, their payroll, receivable, and payable. Much financial assistance and guidance are provided to the customers. The accounting department keeps an eye on the advantages of saving money (Andiola et al., 2020). This department also maintains the incentives and discounts which are available for the customers and vendors. The accounting employees track and create invoices for the customers. They also show the customers to pay their invoices at the right time. Payroll is also another function that the accounting department performs. It includes assuring the employees about their accurate and timely payment (Andiola et al., 2020).

They also report about the financial statements. The accounting department prepares reports related to various financial statements, for example, budgeting. These reports are required for communicating with banking professionals and investors (Andiola et al., 2020). By providing the customers a timely payment is the mean function of the accounting department. By doing this the accountants try to maintain a good relationship with the customers. Accounting payable can be scheduled to assure that a limited amount of money can go out per payment and it doesn't include any payment charge. The accounting department also tracks the receivables.

Design of work

There are some regulations and controls that the organizational personnel follow. There are some internet controls that the department follows. These procedures and policies include:

Protection of the assets is the main significant internal control area. The accounting department of Polaris Bank Ltd tries to protect the assets from loss from accidents or fraud cases (Andiola et al., 2020). Maintenance of reliability is another internal control that shows that the management department has complete timely and accurate data and information. By creating an environment, the employees and managers can increase effectiveness and efficiency with the help of internal controls (Andiola et al., 2020).

The main regulations in the accounting department include how and when the various financial events are displayed, recognized as well as measured. The bank depends on the financial regulations or accounting regulations for ensuring accurate and relevant data is being provided to the customers about the entity (Andiola et al., 2020). The regulations of the accounting department in the organization include prevention of money laundering, banking regulation act. These are regulating the accounting services in the bank.

Scientific management of Polaris Bank Ltd is a crucial mode of working design in the accounting department. It helps in synthesizing and analyzing the workflows in the department. The main aim of scientific management is to improve the productivity of the labor and economic effectiveness (Andiola et al., 2020).

The scientific method has helped the accountants and leaders of the accounting department in determining the particular and standard time which is required for accomplishing the tasks. Using this scientific management process, the leaders try to determine a flexible and fair working time for the employees (Wahyuni, Purwandari, Syah, 2020). It is helpful for the employees to get the required accounting services in the bank. Scientific management has also been designed the development cooperation between the workers and the management department. Using the process, the managers of Polaris Bank Ltd try to create harmony between the employees in the accounting department. It increases the opportunities of developing cooperation between the employees as well as the customers.

The leaders play a very crucial role in equalizing division between responsibility and work using scientific management. The managers provide equal responsibilities to the accountants in the organization (Lubis and Hanum, 2020).

Using a scientific management approach, the leaders can promote cooperation between the employees and the accounting department. Avoiding interruption or conflicts arise between the employees and customers are dealt by leaders for avoiding any effects in the work process purely within the department. It thereby helps in reducing low productivity among the employees (Lubis and Hanum, 2020).

The activities in the accounting department are performed with the help of different groups and teams. Some teams have generated that focus on the operations of providing pay rules and payment-related services to the customers. Group or team focuses on the checking for revising the financial accounting statements of the organization (Lacerenza, Marlow, Tannenbaum, and Salas, 2018). There is also another group in the organization that creates budgets for tax rates accounting for financial regulations and rules. Budgeting is another important formulation that the group or team of the accounting department creates.

The team also delivers related services to the customers. “Billings” is another part of the operations in the accounting department. The building group collects information and data from the customers to generate invoices that are sent to the customers (Stouten et al., 2018). Instead of limiting productivity, both managers and employees of Polaris Bank Ltd strive for the highest performance. Bigger pay for employees and enhanced profitability for leadership can follow from the maximum output. Productivity increases are also beneficial to customers (Stouten et al., 2018).

Scientific management plays an important role in the collaboration between managers and staff members. Managers of Polaris Bank Ltd can generate more revenue when employees do their responsibilities successfully, leading to improved value, and cheaper expenditures. Personnel can earn higher salaries when managers offer them construction products, conventional equipment, regulated workplaces, and conventional technique training (Stouten et al., 2018).

People behaviour

The managers of Polaris Bank Ltd set different rules and regulations to maintain anti-discrimination laws, equal pay for equal work and consumer protection laws for the accounting department in the organization which every employee needs to follow to maintain a good ambiance in the department. Rules are also set for the customers that they need to obey in the department (Stewart, Courtright, and Manz, 2019). The managers set the rules for the employees for entering the organization at the right time and collecting all the details of the accounting operations and functions. The employees also need to provide the customers with their desired services. An important part of the accounting department is to maintain the rules and regulations. Regulations are set by the managers in the organization to maintain the safety and data protection of the customers in the organization (Stewart, Courtright, and Manz, 2019). The accounting department of Polaris Bank Ltd also follows some rules in which the customers have been provided with a limited restriction.

The rules and regulations also follow the implementation of the cultural diversity plans and awareness programs among the employees which can help them to behave properly. (Stewart, Courtright, and Manz, 2019). The employees of Polaris Bank Ltd need to cooperate and they can also share their issues, problems, and work-related information. Thereby It helps to have to develop a robust team in the company.

The behaviours of the people and employees in Polaris Bank Ltd are managed by the managers. The manager provides relevant information to the employees to guide them properly to behave with the customers. Effective behavioural training is also provided to the employees to improve their behaviour. The managers develop a team in which the employees worked collaboratively. It also helps in improving the behavior of the employees (Forth and Bryson, 2019).

The manager of Polaris Bank Ltd tries to develop a communication system between the management and employees which helps the workers work in a team. The communication system also helps the employees in properly interacting with the customers. The customers can receive the benefits of various activities when their communication skill is good in the organization. It also reduces unnecessary hassle in the working pattern (Appasani and Mohanta, 2018). The developing communication skill allows the managers to try to sort out different problems, conflicts, and a misunderstanding in the team by lifting the spirit of the team. The manager also uses the policies of keeping patients within the work environment. During choosing an employee the manager focuses on the behavioural approaches of the person.

The managers try to motivate the employees to provide their best efforts. By sharing knowledge with the employees, the managers try to shape the behaviour of the employees (Stouten, Rousseau, and De Cremer, 2018). When the employees make some achievements in the accounting department the managers also provide them good rewards and incentives which is a significant part of developing behaviour.

The employees are also invited to take part in the decision-making process of the organization. They are also provided the opportunity to share their opinions and thoughts which can help the managers make effective decisions. It helps in shaping the behaviour of the employees. They also treat the employees as individuals (Forth and Bryson, 2019) The employee is valuable to the managers and thus they improve their behaviour and working pattern for achieving organizational goals.

The behaviour of the employees is influenced by management practices. The process of treating the employees is another factor that influences the behaviour of the workers. The way managers treat the employees helps them develop good organizational behaviour (Gagné, 2018). The managers are passionate and enthusiastic and they try to evolve a good ambiance within the organization that helps the employees behave properly. Maintaining an organizational culture is also another part that significantly shapes the behaviour of the employees.

By practicing fair and equitable implied conduction helps the managers develop a good organizational culture. The managers avoid discriminatory practices and help the employee in participating equitably in all the organizational tasks (Lubis and Hanum, 2020). It is therefore significant for the employee to behave properly. Another approach that the managers of Polaris Bank Ltd used for maintaining organizational behaviour is that they provide behavioural training to the employees (Gagné, 2018). When the employees see that their managers treat them properly and interact with them fairly it motivates them to behave properly (Lubis and Hanum, 2020).


Hence, to conclude, in organization people are the most important pillar for productivity and performance. Managing people and nurturing talents generally need more sophisticated talents. An effective organization needs better people that will either get where it needs to be provided for the efforts in producing a scalable system. It is that the right person and right job during the right time will essentially behave the organization operations and scalability. Moreover, it can also be said that adding people to an organization might also increase the organization's productivity. However, an average production of an individual might slow down only if the people are not managed well. In addition, Polaris’s bank Limited is a private firm where it can be looked at as an organizational way when ensuring the employees are getting the compensation which they deserve. The human resource department must make sure that each of Polaris bank's limited staff and the team has the resource they need. The most important aspect for managing people for a banking organization like Polaris Bank limited is that employees’ wellness resource is to be met all time and that need for motivation during work remains constant. Finally, for this banking organization's training and progress, talent management with proper leadership approach skills of human resources would help to develop the confidence and enthusiasm for the people and realize the potential. It has also been suggested that the scope or future aspects of banking organizations would be needed to develop better recruitment policies that would improve the candidate experience and also provide a “hassle-free” employee onboarding process with proper training and talent needs.

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Managing People

Managing people or people management is also known the human resources management. It generally includes the process of m recruitment. Their training needs and management of employees to develop their career growth. Precisely managing people in the organization includes arranging their “compensation”, “reviewing their performance” “nurturing their talent” bases for ensuring effective workplace operation and communication. This reflective portfolio will assist in how people management can be ensured for specific parts of groups and teams in the organization.

Brief Description

Managing People in an organization will pose many different aspects of managing the people in the organization and one such important aspect is the Group and teams. Group is a collection of people those having a certain interest or passion (Elizabeth, 2018). Teams on the other hand as particular goals or purposes having clear tasks and must work together with each other for the completion of the task. Groups are important in an organization because they help with the many factors that are filling the gaps in managers' abilities, it is also important in solving work problems. Channels of communication can be established and also to create better relations (Men and Yue, 2019). Moreover, a team is also an important factor in the organization as it provides the employee with an opportunity to create bonds with one another. Teamwork increases the accountability of every member of the team, particularly those working under people commanding for greater recipes within the commercials.

Group and team work in organization

 Fig : Group and team work in organization

Fig : Group and team work in organization
(Source: Men and Yue, 2019)

Reflection On outcomes

In this context, the outcome for the groups and team in the organization that I developed during my program was dependent on my skills and abilities. As for me, the benefit that I got during my program process for teamwork is improving my productivity. It creates a sense of innovation building which I would need during the job process in an organization. Also, for me when there was a program approach to learning and that is what teams are all about. I had developed that team working skills do not always come naturally to everyone, I generally understood that people can learn them so I did. Also, I was briefed that working well in the team does not that can be easily learned on training course it needs to be practically performed (Nisha and Rajasekaran, 2018). Within my field of learning approach, groups skills that I had achieved was by different methods such as “questioning strategies”, “group learning methods” and “community-based learning” approached which was accomplished by me.

Reflection on Process

Within my field of study, working within a group or team is mainly unavoidable for most people. We are typically involved in many activities such as sports teams, working teams, social groups, assignment groups, and various other groups and teams. In my view, each of these groups shares one common thing that is each of these needs communication for reaching and sharing goals for targets to achieve. So, it is authoritative to know and understand how to work and communicate efficiently with others to maximize the outcome and productivity. It has been proposed that groups need four stages: forming, “ storming ” “norming“ performing” and finally “adjourning”(Jones, 2019). Forming includes clarification of tasks, storming involves sorting out and gaining each other trust. Norming in groups and teams involves the initiation of resolving the difference and appreciating one strength. Next, performing includes a structured process that involves hard work and the process that applied will effectively achieve the goal, and lastly, adjourning involves how to end projects for the completion.

Reflection on Experiences of others

Accordingly, for me, my experiences with others over the group and teams have reflected my learning abilities during the program. With others, as a group and team choosing an appropriate boundary and being authentic with them would help both parties (Atwa et al., 2019). I would also state that experiences of others and for me withing a group would help people toa chive the common goal or result is a most effective way. With experiences of other of for me taking everyone ideas on the board will not the only way, rather for the betterment of the group as whole needs to be maintained.

Reflection on personal Experiences

According to my personal view, I had learned many instances of groups that is how a proper structure can be implemented. I had also learned the benefits of group projects that can reinforce skills that are relevant for both groups and my own experiences. It largely includes breaking complex tasks into parts and steps. Moreover, I had believed that planning and managing in groups and teams would help me to understand the task more easily. Accordingly, for the team, my role was very clear to me, which ease my work with “trust” and “collaboration”. Furthermore, I also found myself accomplishing in implementing the role effectively, and nowadays I am proud of myself and my team members.

Learning from Reflection

It is that learning from the program of groups and teams is what was cultured from the aspect of groups and what are the benefits that were established. I would also profoundly state that I would say breaking complex tasks into part a step has helped me learn the importance of tasks (Langley et al., 2019). Besides this during the group project planning and managing time is an important aspect for the learning experiences that were gained. In team learning it reflects for building trust among the team member is a foundation for effective teamwork and communication was much important to gain the most of the benefits of teamwork.

Action plan

Accordingly with the action plan for teams can be developed by knowing where I wanted to develop strategic planning is necessary for teams, creating measurable goals, listing the tasks that are needed to be performed, dividing the bigger tasks into smaller and more manageable parts, and creating a visual representation of the task plan for the teams (Gagné, 2018). Moreover, an action plan for the group can be done when groups of family, community, citizens and professionals are a reliable union.


Hence to conclude, currently, an organization has many tasks which have become complex Groups and teams typically become an important component of the organization process. Although the success of the team or groups rest in the successful management of their member and making sure that all the aspects and benefits of work are fairer enough for each member. Thus, the future of a team in an organization enables the teams to share their ideas and responsibilities and for groups, it helps the organization in accomplishing the important tasks, as it helps the organization to improve for their output and influences the attitudes.



In an organization, one of the most important skills is the ability to manage people. People managing is a process of “training”, inspiring, and guiding the employees for optimizing the level of workplace and productivity to promote professional growth. In organization leaders like the team lead, “manager” and departmental head uses people management to oversee the workflow and boost the morale of employees for making their performance better every day. People management is also important as it aims to manage the behavior of professionals and create more satisfied teams. Mainly in people management is a portion of human resource management that encapsulates the process for optimizing the retention of talents in the organization (Knies, Leisink and Van De Schoot, 2020). Moreover, in the people management system support forming team member has a significant influence on their overall growth in the organization. Effective people, management needs manager for developing a clear empathetic relation of people those constitute with several team managing skills. The importance of managing people in the organization will assist to attract the very best people for the business and also support for being an “employer of choice”. The process will significantly lead to improved employee morale that would gain organization productivity more comparatively. The report will mainly analyze the important elements of organizational behavior and the importance of management practice for Polaris’s bank Limited. Further, it will also analyze how the work has been organized for the chosen site of the organization.

Accounting department

The main functions that the accounting department performs in Polaris Bank ltd include accounts payable, accounts receivable, revenue tracking, payroll, reporting and financial statements financial controls. These are the major roles of the accounting department for the organization. For performing these roles, the leadership approaches also play a major role (Andiola, Masters, and Norman, 2020). The role of the accounting department in the bank is unique. The accounting department works depending on a strong leadership approach that helps in developing a strong group. This strong point also helps in alleviating the burden that goes along with the work.

Leadership theories

Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership is the practice in which the leaders inspire the employees with positive changes. These leaders are passionate and energetic and also motivate their employees to bring a good outcome in the organizational task (Siangchokyoo, Klinger, and Campion, 2020).

Implementing the transformational leadership approaches the managers of Polaris Bank Ltd try to encourage employees and followers to develop creative ideas. With this, the employees can think innovatively and also do new things (Siangchokyoo, Klinger, and Campion, 2020). They also involve the employees in encouragement and support. The leaders also try to motivate the employees of the accounting department to handle the different needs and requirements of the clients.

The leaders try to listen to the appliances directly using their leadership skills. They also listen to the individuals in generating revenue in the departments. Leaders find difficult problems and challenges in the accounting sector that the customers or the employees face (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). By identifying the flaws, the leaders also provide relevant guidance to help them overcome the challenges.

Transactional leadership
Transactional leadership which is also known as managerial leadership is a leadership approach in which the leaders use rewards and punishments and incentives to improve the performance of the employees (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). The leader provides rewards to the employees for their achievements and also punishes them when their work does not get up to the standard. The managers provide rewards to the employees in the accounting department for accomplishing their tasks. It increases and motivates the employees to do their best jobs.

The leaders of Polaris Bank Ltd try to develop a communication system in the accounting department so that the employees feel comfortable in working with others and can share a mutual respect for one another (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). They also make personal contacts with the internal clients organizing meetings for connecting with the emails.

The team members of Polaris Bank Ltd are also motivated by providing them flexible working hours in the accounting department (Saeed and Mughal, 2019). Designing the organizational task and the type of the work accounting department needs to follow is also maintained by the leaders as per the requirements. For example, the accountants of Polaris Bank Ltd can face trouble in making financial operations or facing any challenges with a client or customers regarding finance. In that situation, the leaders help accountants in overcoming those financial challenges (Jensen et al., 2019). They also try to simplify the issues by supporting them in various ways to instruct them properly to reach the right direction.

Physical layout

The accounting department of Polaris Bank Ltd has a particular structure that is designed for various purposes. The main equipment present in the accounting department includes a computer, desk, cash counting machine, cupboard, desk to keep the files or records, sitting benches for the customers, and printer (Inuwa and Abubakar, 2017).

Sitting desks
The furniture used for the accounting department includes chairs for the person working in the accounting department, benches or chairs for the customers (Andiola et al., 2020). This machinery and furniture are important for the accounting department. The intended consequence of the furniture includes that the customers and workers can get comfortable workplace. These are kept in the accounting department to make the work process become comfortable. The customers having work that can take a long time may get space to sit and wait for long. These are important for helping the customers in getting comfortable with the work environment while coming to the accounting department for a particular purpose (Andiola et al., 2020).

The unintended consequence of the furniture and sitting desk include that without the proper sitting space the employees can face health related issues while working for a long time standing. Not having space the customers can also face issues to wait for completing their tasks. The sitting desk can also get damaged due to excessive use (Andiola et al., 2020). These artefacts can also get damaged while used excessively or not paying attention to the operating capability of the artefacts.

Working tools like the computers are used for checking the details of the customers for their financial records. There are five computers in the accountant department and each one is in active working condition. The intended consequence of the computers includes that the computers help the employee work systematically using technology and the machines to get their work complete quickly. These can also keep records of the customers securely in database.

Unintended consequence of computers includes hacking of the data and information, malfunctioning and data theft. These can happen when the computers are misused by some third party. It can hamper the work process. It can happen damage in these devices.

Cash counting machines
Cash counting machines are used for counting money or cash effectively and efficiently (Andiola et al., 2020). These are very important for counting the cash for financial transactions in the bank.

The intended consequences from cash counting machine can arise include that the accounting personnel can provide accurate amount of money to the customers. They can also make financial transactions in an accurate manner. A better quality services to the customers and the customers can also be provided to meet their desired outcomes (Inuwa and Abubakar, 2017). These have also a better consequence in which the customers can increase their satisfaction and trust in the organizational operations and functions. It also reduces unnecessary time consumption in counting a large amount of money.

Malfunctioning in the devices can make delay in completing the work in accounting. Delay in work can also happen or unsatisfied tasks can also be delivered by the people and employees. It may take long time to count the money or even mistakes in counting can also happen. It can lead to the destruction of the satisfaction of the customers (Inuwa and Abubakar, 2017).


Working pattern

This is a type of work in which the employees provide accounting services to the customers in accounting, their payroll, receivable, and payable. Much financial assistance and guidance are provided to the customers. The accounting department keeps an eye on the advantages of saving money (Andiola et al., 2020). This department also maintains the incentives and discounts which are available for the customers and vendors. The accounting employees track and create invoices for the customers. They also show the customers to pay their invoices at the right time. Payroll is also another function that the accounting department performs. It includes assuring the employees about their accurate and timely payment (Andiola et al., 2020).

They also report about the financial statements. The accounting department prepares reports related to various financial statements, for example, budgeting. These reports are required for communicating with banking professionals and investors (Andiola et al., 2020). By providing the customers a timely payment is the mean function of the accounting department. By doing this the accountants try to maintain a good relationship with the customers. Accounting payable can be scheduled to assure that a limited amount of money can go out per payment and it doesn't include any payment charge. The accounting department also tracks the receivables.

Design of work

There are some regulations and controls that the organizational personnel follow. There are some internet controls that the department follows. These procedures and policies include:

Protection of the assets is the main significant internal control area. The accounting department of Polaris Bank Ltd tries to protect the assets from loss from accidents or fraud cases (Andiola et al., 2020). Maintenance of reliability is another internal control that shows that the management department has complete timely and accurate data and information. By creating an environment, the employees and managers can increase effectiveness and efficiency with the help of internal controls (Andiola et al., 2020).

The main regulations in the accounting department include how and when the various financial events are displayed, recognized as well as measured. The bank depends on the financial regulations or accounting regulations for ensuring accurate and relevant data is being provided to the customers about the entity (Andiola et al., 2020). The regulations of the accounting department in the organization include prevention of money laundering, banking regulation act. These are regulating the accounting services in the bank.

Scientific management of Polaris Bank Ltd is a crucial mode of working design in the accounting department. It helps in synthesizing and analyzing the workflows in the department. The main aim of scientific management is to improve the productivity of the labor and economic effectiveness (Andiola et al., 2020).

The scientific method has helped the accountants and leaders of the accounting department in determining the particular and standard time which is required for accomplishing the tasks. Using this scientific management process, the leaders try to determine a flexible and fair working time for the employees (Wahyuni, Purwandari, Syah, 2020). It is helpful for the employees to get the required accounting services in the bank. Scientific management has also been designed the development cooperation between the workers and the management department. Using the process, the managers of Polaris Bank Ltd try to create harmony between the employees in the accounting department. It increases the opportunities of developing cooperation between the employees as well as the customers.

The leaders play a very crucial role in equalizing division between responsibility and work using scientific management. The managers provide equal responsibilities to the accountants in the organization (Lubis and Hanum, 2020).

Using a scientific management approach, the leaders can promote cooperation between the employees and the accounting department. Avoiding interruption or conflicts arise between the employees and customers are dealt by leaders for avoiding any effects in the work process purely within the department. It thereby helps in reducing low productivity among the employees (Lubis and Hanum, 2020).

The activities in the accounting department are performed with the help of different groups and teams. Some teams have generated that focus on the operations of providing pay rules and payment-related services to the customers. Group or team focuses on the checking for revising the financial accounting statements of the organization (Lacerenza, Marlow, Tannenbaum, and Salas, 2018). There is also another group in the organization that creates budgets for tax rates accounting for financial regulations and rules. Budgeting is another important formulation that the group or team of the accounting department creates.

The team also delivers related services to the customers. “Billings” is another part of the operations in the accounting department. The building group collects information and data from the customers to generate invoices that are sent to the customers (Stouten et al., 2018). Instead of limiting productivity, both managers and employees of Polaris Bank Ltd strive for the highest performance. Bigger pay for employees and enhanced profitability for leadership can follow from the maximum output. Productivity increases are also beneficial to customers (Stouten et al., 2018).

Scientific management plays an important role in the collaboration between managers and staff members. Managers of Polaris Bank Ltd can generate more revenue when employees do their responsibilities successfully, leading to improved value, and cheaper expenditures. Personnel can earn higher salaries when managers offer them construction products, conventional equipment, regulated workplaces, and conventional technique training (Stouten et al., 2018).

People behaviour

The managers of Polaris Bank Ltd set different rules and regulations to maintain anti-discrimination laws, equal pay for equal work and consumer protection laws for the accounting department in the organization which every employee needs to follow to maintain a good ambiance in the department. Rules are also set for the customers that they need to obey in the department (Stewart, Courtright, and Manz, 2019). The managers set the rules for the employees for entering the organization at the right time and collecting all the details of the accounting operations and functions. The employees also need to provide the customers with their desired services. An important part of the accounting department is to maintain the rules and regulations. Regulations are set by the managers in the organization to maintain the safety and data protection of the customers in the organization (Stewart, Courtright, and Manz, 2019). The accounting department of Polaris Bank Ltd also follows some rules in which the customers have been provided with a limited restriction.

The rules and regulations also follow the implementation of the cultural diversity plans and awareness programs among the employees which can help them to behave properly. (Stewart, Courtright, and Manz, 2019). The employees of Polaris Bank Ltd need to cooperate and they can also share their issues, problems, and work-related information. Thereby It helps to have to develop a robust team in the company.

The behaviours of the people and employees in Polaris Bank Ltd are managed by the managers. The manager provides relevant information to the employees to guide them properly to behave with the customers. Effective behavioural training is also provided to the employees to improve their behaviour. The managers develop a team in which the employees worked collaboratively. It also helps in improving the behavior of the employees (Forth and Bryson, 2019).

The manager of Polaris Bank Ltd tries to develop a communication system between the management and employees which helps the workers work in a team. The communication system also helps the employees in properly interacting with the customers. The customers can receive the benefits of various activities when their communication skill is good in the organization. It also reduces unnecessary hassle in the working pattern (Appasani and Mohanta, 2018). The developing communication skill allows the managers to try to sort out different problems, conflicts, and a misunderstanding in the team by lifting the spirit of the team. The manager also uses the policies of keeping patients within the work environment. During choosing an employee the manager focuses on the behavioural approaches of the person.

The managers try to motivate the employees to provide their best efforts. By sharing knowledge with the employees, the managers try to shape the behaviour of the employees (Stouten, Rousseau, and De Cremer, 2018). When the employees make some achievements in the accounting department the managers also provide them good rewards and incentives which is a significant part of developing behaviour.

The employees are also invited to take part in the decision-making process of the organization. They are also provided the opportunity to share their opinions and thoughts which can help the managers make effective decisions. It helps in shaping the behaviour of the employees. They also treat the employees as individuals (Forth and Bryson, 2019) The employee is valuable to the managers and thus they improve their behaviour and working pattern for achieving organizational goals.

The behaviour of the employees is influenced by management practices. The process of treating the employees is another factor that influences the behaviour of the workers. The way managers treat the employees helps them develop good organizational behaviour (Gagné, 2018). The managers are passionate and enthusiastic and they try to evolve a good ambiance within the organization that helps the employees behave properly. Maintaining an organizational culture is also another part that significantly shapes the behaviour of the employees.

By practicing fair and equitable implied conduction helps the managers develop a good organizational culture. The managers avoid discriminatory practices and help the employee in participating equitably in all the organizational tasks (Lubis and Hanum, 2020). It is therefore significant for the employee to behave properly. Another approach that the managers of Polaris Bank Ltd used for maintaining organizational behaviour is that they provide behavioural training to the employees (Gagné, 2018). When the employees see that their managers treat them properly and interact with them fairly it motivates them to behave properly (Lubis and Hanum, 2020).


Hence, to conclude, in organization people are the most important pillar for productivity and performance. Managing people and nurturing talents generally need more sophisticated talents. An effective organization needs better people that will either get where it needs to be provided for the efforts in producing a scalable system. It is that the right person and right job during the right time will essentially behave the organization operations and scalability. Moreover, it can also be said that adding people to an organization might also increase the organization's productivity. However, an average production of an individual might slow down only if the people are not managed well. In addition, Polaris’s bank Limited is a private firm where it can be looked at as an organizational way when ensuring the employees are getting the compensation which they deserve. The human resource department must make sure that each of Polaris bank's limited staff and the team has the resource they need. The most important aspect for managing people for a banking organization like Polaris Bank limited is that employees’ wellness resource is to be met all time and that need for motivation during work remains constant. Finally, for this banking organization's training and progress, talent management with proper leadership approach skills of human resources would help to develop the confidence and enthusiasm for the people and realize the potential. It has also been suggested that the scope or future aspects of banking organizations would be needed to develop better recruitment policies that would improve the candidate experience and also provide a “hassle-free” employee onboarding process with proper training and talent needs.



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