Management Of Care Assignment Sample

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Question 1

The organization to be discussed is a multi-specialty hospital in the UK named "Cambridge University Hospitals”.

In 1719, John Addenbrooke left £4,500 for installing a hospital voluntarily within Cambridge before he died. In 1766 a hospital was opened with only 20 beds and a minimal number of 11 patients were provided treatment in the first week. The initial matron was Ann Perry and the first physicians were Plumptre, Glynn and Collignon”. The first surgeons to operate there was Hayles, Hopkins and Thackeray Lefebvre”. In 1838, Cambridge Union Workhouse” was built on Mill road and after a series of procedures it was renamed Mill road Maternity hospital” in 1948 ( 2021). Since then, this hospital went through a series of official procedures related to the opening of new departments and the last development was the opening of the “Hemophilia and Thrombophilia Center” in 2013.

Their area of specialization is the “Cancer Research Department” where they provide treatment to more than 4000 people every year. The chemotherapy services they provide services both for their local service in Cambridgeshire as well as for the “Anglia Cancer Network”. They are specialized in the treatment of cancers originating in the biliary tract, brain, breast, bladder, kidney, head, lungs” etc.

The Cambridge University Hospitals makes annual sales of nearly 804.41 million dollars and that can be analyzed based on the better payment practice code” ( 2020):

The “Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT)” organized by the “Cambridge University Hospitals” aims to introduce innovation in the caring of patients. This charity is based in the “Addenbrooke's and Rosie” hospitals and focuses on the betterment of resources, facilities, and research work.

This can be concluded that this hospital is based on a trusted source from the NHS and has been one of the renowned hospitals in the UK for a long time. This organization values patient life and their existing and upcoming development plans act as evidence in this matter.

Question 2

The chosen department from the CUH is Children’s Services and as evident from the name it represents a “local pediatric center” within Cambridge although it serves other regions too. More than 3000 patients are admitted every year to this department and its treatment plans range from normal check-ups to surgeries.

Different workers belonging to separate departments can accumulate within the same department and this situation is known as skill mix (Khan et al. 2019, p.24).There are several factors influencing skill mix and the most important ones among them are the number of workers, characteristics of the hospital, and “complexity and diversity of services” being provided (Nelson et al. 2019, p.489). To achieve a successful skill mix, there must be enough people to be participating in the mix. As said by Hegney et al. (2019), in case the hospital is understaffed or does not have nurses workers all being equally qualified, skill mix would not be possible. The second factor affecting skill mix would be the size and other features of the hospital because unless it is huge enough it might not be able to accommodate a lot of workers (Twigg et al. 2019, p.3404). Also, the services being provided need to be up to date because without proper equipment no professional might be able to handle critical situations regardless of their qualifications. There are other factors affecting skill mix like the need of the patients and what their dependency is.

As per the statistics of the NHS, the nurses being funded by the NHS experienced a 16% drop in number resulting in only 2500 nurses in 2017 ( 2017). This might have been a result of investment issues or a majority of nurses not having the proper qualifications required for pediatric care.

Band 7 nurses will have the capabilities of a very high level and that might include technical capabilities as well as interaction abilities with the patients. Considering this is a pediatric department, proper communication is mandatory along with other skills. The nurses belonging to the lower bands like bands 6 and 5 will have fewer capabilities compared to Band 7 and so they can be mixed with the band 7 nurses while allocating shifts. This will help the low band nurses to have practical training on the treatment of the patients and improve their communication skills. The same staff mix can be followed to mix the staff associated with banking procedures of the organization with the permanent employees (Jackson et al. 2020, p.1235). This will increase the speed of loan approval processes because the financial needs of the organization will be known quicker than before.

Question 3

TheChildren Services Departmentof CUHchosen in the previous question has sub-divisions of “Pediatric rheumatology, Eye service, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutrition, Oncology” and several others. The other divisions include “Surgery, Respiratory services, Urology, trauma and Orthopedics, Cardiology, Immunology, Endocrinology, Diabetes, Physiological medicine service and also Music Therapy”.

The Staff expenditure theory indicates performing “parliamentary duties” by meeting the costs “incurred within the provision”. As mentioned by Fiorentini, Robone, and Verzulli, (2018), the amount paid to staff including their salary and equipment is included within this section. The financial accounts of an organization being inspected after certain intervals come under the definition of Audit (Jackson et al. 2020, p.1235). In this case, the per capita income of the hospital balanced with the salary remuneration of staff and amounts paid on healthcare are to be provided at the time of audit.

The E-Rostering system is used in generating daily schedules of the employees in the organization with the highest possibility of avoiding manual work. This is software that uses manually inputs previous data and can be a very time-consuming process. The sensitivity of this software makes it very much tough to handle without proper prior knowledge and a slight change or mishandling might have repercussions (Jackson et al. 2020, p.1235). In the E-Rostering schedule created, an approximate number of 25 staff can be allocated in the morning shift. The same applies to the day shift but the night shift will have half that number considering most of the employees to be allocated for the night shift will be male. An estimated work time of 7 hours exclusive of break time will be allocated per worker and they will be allowed 1 sudden leave per month. Besides that, 1 left with prior notice will be allowed. This system will have a great impact on the skill mix procedure because workers under one particular shift will be from different departments (Soomro et al. 2018). The bank staff associated with loan verifications will benefit from this system as they will have the proper schedules of when and hope much loan is required.

The automation of programs like these ensures the reduction of manual labor and that is the primary requirement for stress reduction in the workplace. As mentioned by Soomro et al. (2018), by relying on software for making the schedules for the workers, the manager might no longer need to think about this problem and have time for critical thinking about other essential matters. This eventually reduces the workload of the staff too because they can choose their shift as per their situation. Applying for leaves can also be done through this and will surely help the nurses save some valuable time.

The payment of pending dues can be recorded in this software and by doing so, the fraud risk can be minimized by reducing the probability of double payment. Any kind of deductions from the salary can be noted particularly so that future problems can be handled while handling the payment. The ESR payment method ensures proper payment to all the staff based on its clock-in clock-out system that allows proper attendance (Soomro et al. 2018).
Question 4

Non-staff expenditure includes the salary remuneration of staff involved with non-technical activities. This expenditure also includes the purchases of all the items required in the hospital facility including technical and non-technical items. The amount paid on the inventory also comes under this expenditure and the coding required for keeping records all comes under this amount being spent. FIFO and FEFO strategies ensure the proper maintenance of surgery equipment and pharmaceutical products because they allow the use of the items that have been received first (Rezeki et al. 2022, p.9). The items that are being delivered to the hospital first have to be used first before they get expired and that way a proper record of the items required can be maintained.

One cost-cutting strategy might include relying on durable products that will help purchase products within short intervals and help save the budget. The FIFO and FEFO strategies will prevent purchasing of items that are already present in the inventory and that way the cost spent on items can be reduced.

Question 5

Management of an organization or a department like this requires much more than just qualification. In the case of a hospital, the responsibilities double up because this involves the life of several persons who had enough faith in the organization to choose it for their treatment. The purpose of management is to secure the efficiency of the organization by ensuring that both patient and equipment is being handled carefully (Dastane. 2020, p.27). This might require the maintenance of records, proper financial planning, and recruitment based on qualifications, etc.

A budget can be defined as a pre-assumed amount an organization might be able to spend on several aspects and it is subject to change. The budgeting principle includes proper planning based on the equipment that might be required, salary planning based on the number of employees being recruited, etc. As a manager, the primary skills that must be required are excessive patience and skills of leadership (Singfiel. 2018, p.64). The manager needs to have the ability to make decisions but also keep in mind that the decisions of the staff are not ignored. This can be maintained by communicating well with the sub staff and respecting their decisions because a good leader might not necessarily need to impose their ideas upon others.

The policy of Laissez-faire maintained the non-involvement of the Government in the policies of an organization like this. If the decisions being taken at the meetings within the organization are well planned, the Government is not likely to participate in the internal affairs (Torrallardona-Murphy et al. 2021, p.1338). As per the change model of Lewin, there are three steps to decision making and they are “unfreezing, changing and refreezing” (Uymaz. 2020, p.131).This three-step strategy includes planning for the change, taking steps towards that change, and then finally accepting that change as the new normal. This strategy is applied in the hospital organization for development purposes might prove beneficial to both the staff and hospital authority.

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