Management Information Systems Assignment Sample

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In this report, the discussions will be going about management information systems in different organizations. And look forward to understanding and evaluating the present management information system of different organizations. This report will be divided into three different tasks the first one is going to discuss a formal business report about management information systems of different organizations. In the second task, discussions will go about queries from the senior management team that how they can raise their information systems by using e-strategy and all the benefits of search upgraded information systems(O'brien, et al., 2006). Last but not least task 3 going to discuss a case study paper that contains the determinations about information systems requirements for a specific organization and introduce the plan to manage the information systems of that particular organization.

TASK 1: Formal Business Report

Information Systems are used in Different Organizations

An information system is a combination of some components that help to provide security and manage all the data processing and storage of an individual organisation. If talking about the combination then eat carry communication keeping the records of company facts of decision making data analysis and others also included under this combination of components that will help the organization to make their future more glorious (Gorry, et al., 1971). Generally, all the organizations used this kind of information system and try to upgrade their systems to improve the company's operational strategy and make decisions more accurate to improve in Company's profitability margin.

In modern technology information system is one of the important facts for any organization to upgrade their activities and make an expand business towards business glory (Laudon,et al., 2011). Also, information systems help to adopt the global upgraded technologies that can easily help the individual organization to make a change in productivity; in that way, a production house can get help from information systems.

At the same time, it helps the organizations, those who engaged in the man-maid production system to reduce human errors by using appropriate technology. Information Systems also help to reduce time waste because when the organization and the organization heads know the core area of business then that will help to waste time behind collecting information and data from all over different companies and different organizations to make an up-gradation of that particular organization.

Those organizations that are engaged in marketing and selling businesses will also take helps from Information Systems to make better communication and information easily through marketing and selling by using proper information systems (Mason, et al., 1973).

So these are the different ways that the information system is used in different kinds of organizations, to provide them more advantages for organizational growth. And help them to put more efficiency to the organization’s internal power.

In nutshell the ways information systems are used in various companies are listed:

  • Companies make use of information system to make their functioning additionally faster, appropriate as well as superior in order to forecast the upcoming events and funds types in chronological information.
  • Secondly company make use of information system to accumulate, administer as well as evaluate information crossways various fields like from production to finance as well as reporting.
  • Information system also offers significant experiences and assists the companies with settling on the subsequent stages. It additionally makes it more straightforward to accomplish administrative consistence, increment information security and divide data among divisions.
  • Companies make deployment information systems to gather information and cycle it as indicated by the necessities of the expert, supervisor or entrepreneur. 
  • Organizations work all the more productively by utilizing changed data frameworks to collaborate with clients and accomplices, diminish costs and create incomes.

Role of Information Systems and Technology is in Transforming Organization

Information systems and technology are becoming a very helpful component for business up-gradation and maintaining business goodwill nowadays. Information Systems help an organization to collect and calculate data and information at the same time it not only collects the background data but also help to trend analysis (Hendriyati, et al., 2022). If any concern taking such helps from system information then they will execute progress towards company growth may be in the short or long term it depends on execution. Modifications in innovation and new creative plans of action have changed public activity and strategic policies. Cell phones, person-to-person communication, messaging, along with Webinars have all turned out to be fundamental instruments of business since might be identified at is where the clients, contractors, along with associates can be found. Organizations are too fast modifying client interest, lessen inventories to the most reduced potential levels, and accomplish more significant levels of functional productivity. Supply chains have become all the more quick moving, with organizations of all sizes relying upon in the nick of time stock to diminish their upward expenses and get to advertise quicker. Data innovation encourages advancement in business. Information system consequences in more brilliant applications, further developed information capacity, quicker handling, and more extensive data appropriation. Advancement makes organizations run all the more proficiently. Also, advancement increments esteem improves class and lifts efficiency. Below mentioned is some of the notable function of Information system in transforming companies. 


The most effective and important fact that will be upgraded after using accurate and proper information systems is the efficiency level of the company, production, and all the employees. If a company became more efficient about their particular job circle then they will produce more quality and quantity of product that will help the organization to earn their expected profit margin and at the same time helps to expand its business area (Daneshvar et al., 2019). Efficiency is one of the success pillars of the company; so, if the organization can maintain their quality efficiency level and if organization starts functioning in a very efficient way then it will reach the company's expected financial goals.

Business Research

Another big fact on information systems is the research work about the company and the present scenario of the particular industry in the global market. This research work will help the organizations to finalize their strategic planning and helps to set the company goals after understanding the market situations and all other competitors. The result of report of this research evaluation helps to understand the need of new products and all the key factors about new products. In the research work, we also help the company and all the employees to upgrade their service systems to meet all the customer's needs to satisfy them (Kumar, et al., 2020). So overall Business models can be changed after proper use of an information system is possible.

Behavioral changes

The information system can help to upgrade the communication skills of each employee and that will make a better internal environment for any organization. And if the communication skills get better then this will help the organization to understand the culture and demands of every consumer. For organizational goodwill, this boosts all the employees from their confidence levels and at the same time, the consumers will feel free to share their expectations from the organization with the employee (Beyond-Davies, P., 2019).

From all the above evaluations it is very clear that information systems hold a huge role in transforming organizations and help to make far better and b strategic decisions.

Information Systems' role in Global e-business

For e-business the information system used is generally, electronic business taking bits of help from using digital technology. Online business is turning out to be additional noticeable constantly. Each business in the present has either integrated it within its functions or is investigating the chance of involving web-based business as a road of serving their clients. An online business can be dealt between two business substances, business-to-business (B2B), between two clients who are alluded to as client to-client (C2C) and between a business element and its clients, this can be business to client (B2C) or client to business (C2B). The online business incorporates different IT frameworks that assist to lessen managerial expenses along with smooth-out courses. Business data frameworks are utilized in online business for controlling the stock as well as production network administration. Client experience is likewise a critical part of online business. Organizations use client the executive's frameworks as an important tool of information systems to develop their client support. Client the board frameworks stocks put together and plan the contacts the business has created with clients. They likewise acquire information from the clients which is put away and can be gotten to by the business for investigation purposes, designated promoting, or any reasons for which the business requires it. Those organizations are engaged in e-business, e-Commerce they used the digital formation of Information Systems to develop organizational strategy.

Market Search

For e-business, Information System helps to understand the market area or the age group of the particular product to make the marketing strategy more accurate (Gregory, et al., 2018). Also, various search engines' information systems always trying to help the individual organizations to find their customers and make the organization more popular among the crowd.

Knowledge management system

The concept of a knowledge management system can be defined as any sort of IT framework that stores and recovers information to work on grasping, joint effort, and cycle arrangement. Information the board frameworks can exist inside associations or groups, yet they can likewise be utilized to focus the insight base for the clients. E-business information systems help to collect data about all the buyers and sellers. Under information systems, the organization and their managers can easily get the opinion of customers via their review system (Talón-Ballestero, et al., 2018). That will help the organization to meet the necessity of each customer and make them happy by providing their expectations.

Resource Planning

Information System helps all the e-business partners find the best resource system. It has to make a b supply chain and also resource planning helps the organization to build a b enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Relationship between Information Systems, Organization strategy, and E-Strategy

Information Systems help to analyses and evaluate all the organizational strategies that will help to make changes in strategic decision making for an organization. Also, another side of E-Strategy Information Systems helps them equally by providing the Global resources planning and review from all other competitive organizations worldwide(Pappas, et al., 2018). So, it is very clear that relationships between information systems and organizational strategy are very b at the same time the equal strength is between E strategy and information systems are being present nowadays. Within the business level of technique, data frameworks might be utilized to assist organizations with turning into the minimal expense makers, separate items along with administrations, or serve new business sectors. Data frameworks can likewise be utilized to secure clients and providers by utilizing productive client reactions and store network administration usages. Tactical Information Systems will be frameworks that assist associations with adjusting their business procedures, designs, or framework. They are likewise deployed to rush the response season of the ecological changes and help the association to accomplish an upper hand over its rivals.

Role of information systems in developing organization Strategy

Information systems provide a huge input towards the development of organization strategy. It helps an organization from all angles to upgrade and update organizations’ community skills to efficiency level in each segment.

Business Intelligence

Information Systems can provide the based and accurate technology that can make the organization’s production faster than before. It helps to make better business decisions and more efficiency between organizations’ operational strategies (Eltweri, et al., 2020). If any organization can properly use an information system then they will get all the benefits of such technology.

Review of Business Operation

Information Systems also helps an organization to find all the 360-degree review from buyers and sellers. It helps an organization to understand public demand globally. Review is one of the finest ways to understand the consumer and helps to meet their culture and basic needs (Ford, J.B., 2020). At the same time review of the business and operation helps to set organizational strategic goals.

Cost Management

For cutting costs information systems are one of the basic components that can help to plan for developing organizational strategy. Without reducing costs or proper cost management planning an organization will never be able to reach the expected profitability margin of the individual organization. Proper Resource Planning and a b supply chain also help to reduce costs (Masud, et al., 2022). And Information Systems helps to find proper resource plan and a b supply chain. So, here it is very clear that information systems help an organization develop their organizational strategy from all the corners of the firm.

Challenges to developing Global Information System

Developing Global information systems is not always very easy due to some inconveniences and environmental issues. Like technology barriers, different rules and regulations of various countries, different cultures and different languages for E-Business, different measurement standards, and also another important factor are the legal barriers between the various country and currency issues (Stair, et al., 2020).

The Contribution of Information Systems to Achieving Competitive Advantage

There are a huge amount of contributions of Information Systems towards the organizational competitive advantages. It additionally assists in modifying the industry structure as well as, in this manner, modifies the principles of the rivalries It makes the upper hand by offering organizations better approaches to beat their opponents. It produces totally different organizations, frequently from inside an organization's current tasks.

Understanding Opponent

The research work of Information Systems will help to understand the competitors from global markets. It also analyses why the consumers are preparing for other competitors. This will help the organization to change the operational strategy of the organization and make some changes in the strategic decision for achieving comparative advantages (Bajgoric, N., 2018).

b Supply Chain

By using information systems an Organization can easily make a b supply chain and resource planning management. It will help the organization to maintain a low cost than other competitors (Sousa, et al., 2019). These low-cost factors will help the organization to make a change in the price listing system. If the company can be able to provide the same product at a little low price then it will take an advantageous position.

Differentiating between Products or Services with other Competitors

The research work on information systems and all the component of information system sales to understand all other competitors' product quality and service quality. These evaluations will help an organization to make differentiations in the quality of products and services to achieve comparative advantages. The systems will also help to understand the quality that customers want and the quality and organization provided and that will be in respect of how much price.

Impact of Internet Technology and Social media on Traditional Business Models

Internet technology and social media provide the traditional Business models more open market. Nowadays click-through rate (CTR) is indicating that the people who were saying the specific advertisement of organizations and clicking on it (Chen, C.J., 2018). It helps to calculate whether the marketing strategy of particular organizations is effective or needs to be made changes in organizations marketing strategy. At the same time, it helps to find the cost per mile (CPM) ( Grover, et al., 2018). And the conversion rate of customers from watching an advertisement or promotional campaign to buying a particular product helps to understand an organization to make changes between their organization’s strategic decisions and planning. So, from all the end internet technology and social media are now providing a huge impact over traditional Business models to make a worldwide impression and help to make changes to organization’s strategic goals and operational strategy.

Task 2 – Queries from SMT

Answers to Query 1

Making use of the right web-based strategic systems for any sort of company can take the organization to a higher level. It might assist the companies with creating leads and deals devoid of spending a fortune. As per OptinMonster, 93.5% of web clients worldwide have made a buy on the web. The figure is glaringly obvious of how worthwhile running an internet business store can be. It can likewise be a pointer, notwithstanding, of how will the opposition is in the web based business space. The very first need to know that e-strategy is not only for internet businesses it is also essential to any organization those who are conducting business over the internet. At the same time, there is no barrier to short-term or long-term business goals it is all about involvement more attention and skilled planning. There are various types of e-business strategies that can help an organization to develop its operation and make easier strategies for decision making.

Proper Evaluation

While an organization planning for e-strategies then the chances of doing error will reduce instantly. By using e-strategy an Organization can easily make a proper and accurate operational strategy and take a perfect decision for company’s future and glorious prospects. While the other organizations use normal strategies there may be some fall that can happen and sometimes the accurate figure will not be available so the forecasting and planning will not be proper and accurate this is a huge advantage between all other exiting competitors.

Change in Marketplace

Well, organizations planning for E strategies will be shifting towards e-business. And e-business boosts each organization in front of the global market. So, the expansion of business makes the company's profitability margin high and also helps to create new customers globally (Oyemomi, et al., 2019).

Pre-existing market

If an organization plans for E strategies then the expansion over the world will help the organization to make easier marketing strategies. For existing industries maximum time the consumers are well knowledgeable about the product and key features of the product so the organization will be helpful from pre-existing template of a particular industry.


The most effective factor of e-strategy is an online advertisement. Developing a website or making advertisements on social media will create another level of customers globally. It makes more engagement in Business and helps the manager to make more sales (Saleh, et al., 2022). If the sales value of the organization gets high then the overall production and the profit amount will always be raised simultaneously. Taking advantage of advertisement support the organization can think about developing e-strategies.

Resource capabilities

By using e-strategies an organization can easily maintain their Resource Planning and make a b supply chain in over worldwide. As per the advertisement supports if the company be able to expand their services and make more sales then it is very necessary to upgrade their productions. And the up-gradation of production is not only about the efficiency of workers sometimes it is about the availability of raw materials. It is not possible without upgrading the resource and capabilities by using e-strategies.

Answers to query 2

An application can be defined as programming that groups together specific elements in a manner that is open to a client. There are a huge number of applications on both the App Store and Android application stores, offering administrations. Virtual Entertainment or in common language social media can be defined as an aggregate term that provides its focal point on correspondence, local area based input, communication, content-sharing and coordinated effort. Individuals utilize virtual entertainment to keep in contact and collaborate with companions, family and different networks. In modern business strategies, social media can provide social capital to an organization. Social media and apps have a huge impact on the potential changes of an organization. If an organization start using information systems via using social media and applications then they will understand the changes in their operational strategy within very few days (Sun, et al., 2022). The biggest social media and online applications help the organization to expand their services and business over the world.

It changes the market places from a small area to worldwide. It helps to generate new customers and the company will be able to meet new customers, new cultures and new expectations. So if an organization can use social media or applications in a very perfect way for company marketing and expansion then it will provide a huge change in Customer services and Company selling within a very few days.

At the same time changes between selling amounts and productions help the company's overall financial strategies. By using social media and online applications if the company make their employees more efficient and upgrade the overall communication skills of each employee then they will meet up all the Expectations of new customers and that will make a new glorious period for the organization.

In the field of management information systems, there are 4 key factors. The suppliers of hardware, making investments from business firms seeking managers and employees to achieve business value and at the very least the social-cultural and legal context of each business and its operating systems. In the area of digital marketing, the use of online applications and information systems via social media is very necessary for becoming a Business expansion over the world.

Nowadays it is very easy to expand business globally, make a b supply chain and increase business engagement worldwide. So there is no second way of thinking without using social media and apps to make a global expansion of business (Corcoran, et al., 2018).

At the same time need to analyses some risk factors of using social media and apps. Sometimes using social media for information systems of an organization becomes harmful to organizational security. If the organization was not able to recruit the accurate person in such Information Systems then maybe all the company essential documents may be licked or damaged by some viruses. So if the organization looks to shift abs and social media for Information Systems then they must be careful about these risk factors.

Answer to query 3

Big data means more Complex data sets and especially for new data sources that make create some noise towards business future and security. The concept of big data alludes to informational indexes that are excessively enormous or complex to be managed by customary information handling application programming. Information with numerous segments offers more noteworthy measurable power, while information with higher intricacy might prompt maximum errors. Though there are various uses of big data still some issues are associated with it due to which many companies refrain from using the application of big data. Below mentioned are some of the notable issues related to the use of big data.


The basic issue of big data is all about data integration. To collect accurate and effective information verifying data and how to utilize it is the most important fact about data collection and data use.


Another important fact of big data is known as data complexity. As the day is going and data flows the complexity of data are becoming more difficult daily (Jagtap, et al., 2019). While in an organization they colleague different information from different sources then the Clash between data makes data complex. It is a very difficult scenario for managers to maintain the appropriate source for proper data collection.


For online marketing and e-business, the most effective factor is data security. Maximum of the time the organization surfaced huge crisis due to inefficient data security plans. And if the security fails to save all the data and information of company secrets then it will generate the most dangerous issue for the company's future (Dwivedi, et al., 2018).

Storing Issue

From traditional storage to this online data collection and storing information systems are quite costlier.

Data Structure

Maximum of the time the sources of data and information will not be in a proper synchronized structure. Due to these unstructured data sometimes finding the proper data at the proper time will not be possible (Abubakar, et al., 2019).


Sometimes big data analysis violates the principles of privacy laws and that causes a huge danger for the organization and its future.


Also, big data can be manipulated by the customers. So if the record is get manipulated then analyzing these data will not be accurate and proper. And an inappropriate analysis will make disadvantages for the organization. Information control is a course of modifying information with the goal that it tends to be broke down, collected, and pictured. InetSoft's product can get to different Big Data sources from any place, making it more straightforward to control information since it's across the board place.

In nutshell the issues can be summarized as follows: 

  • Absence of information expertise
  • Absence of appropriate comprehension of huge information
  • Information development challenges
  • Disarray while Big Data Tool choice
  • Incorporating Data from a Spread of Sources
  • Protecting the vital information

Answers to query 4

The connection among the data framework and direction is a focal worry in the area of data framework (IS). The fundamental goal of data frameworks is assisting chiefs by giving exact and time based data helping them in pursuing the ideal choices in tempestuous climate. The administrative data framework might assist the companies and its board of managers with pursuing substantial choices by giving exact and state-of-the-art data and filling insightful roles. The companies also need to ensure the administration data framework they pick can work with the data designs accessible in your organization and has the highlights of what they want. There are very b bonding between information systems and decision making. If the decision making be divided into three different dimensions felt time dimension for my dimension and content dimension then all these dimensions are getting held by information system factors.

Time Dimension

For maintaining time and deadlines the information systems provide huge data to the company and the managers. For the time dimension Information Systems helps to calculate the time and make strategy with a correct degree of risk. So as per the time calculation, it is easy to arrange all the programs and make more accuracy during production time and sales time of the particular organization (Ghorbanifar, et al., 2019).

Formal Dimension

Under formal dimension, Information Systems provide the clarity and make a sequence for arrangements. Expert systems and artificial intelligence under information systems help to take formal dimensions of decisions to make the organization’s work frame easier, speedy, and appropriate.

Content Dimension

With the help of information systems; data, people, and procedures the content will be more accurate and complete for the particular organizations. It will also help the organization to make a b and accurate degree of participation in the decision (Ferraris, et al., 2018).

From all the above discussions it is very clear that there is a very effective and important relationship between information systems and decision making. Information Systems always trying to protect healthy, b, and easier decision-making procedures.

Information Systems also help to upgrade and improve organizational performance by providing accurate data. 

Data Sequence

Management information systems feature helps to identify and organized data to make the organizational portfolio more successful in the future. And most effectively when organizations need to have particular data then these organized data formations will help a lot.

No Crisis

Information systems analyses all the organization’s stocks and check their previous performances to maintain quality information systems and help the organization to be more successful.

Storage System

Information Systems provide proper and accurate storage systems for organizations that will help an organization to improve their performances via analyzing all those data and making b strategic decisions.

Decision Making

Information Systems help each organization to make b and accurate decisions by providing proper and effective data.


Under information systems and organizations, heads can easily understand the market situations and all the public demands that will help to make focused on the organization’s operating planning.

Importance of Balanced Portfolio of Information Systems

Utilizing a data framework empowers many organizations to break down stocks and keep an eye on their past execution to foresee any type of catastrophe. The MIS can monitor all edges and benefits so your business can have every one of the important information for expecting and attacking an emergency. The balanced portfolio of an organization helps to understand the current and future market growth and all the opportunities for the particular organizations and the particular product also. A balanced portfolio also helps to understand all the investments and how to invest to make a better future and maintain a sustainable profitability margin. So, the balanced portfolio of Information Systems helps organizations to upgrade their performances and improvement to the overall performance of the organization.

Impact of key emerging Information Technology on Business Performance

There are huge impacts on business performance and improvements in technology. Technology up-gradation can help to make decisions and to plan more accurate and perfect. Within a planet attracted by computerized arrangements, budding innovations keep on influencing the manner in which people stay, toil as well as communicate with each other. A significant number of these innovative changes are perfect: they increment people's efficiency, create the administrations people want more easily, and, in general, make stay of living simple and trouble-free. The reception of innovation answers for business permits little as well as medium-sized ventures to operate as effectively as the bigger organizations. Taking advantage of the advantages of high-velocity web and computerization programming considers the better treatment of essential errands.

  • Technology can easily evaluate all the data and make more efficient operating systems that will help the organization to earn its expected business goals. At the same time, Technology will help to reduce errors human errors may be reduced up to the level of zero ((Arfat, et al., 2020).
  • Information technologies provide synchronized data so that if organizations want some particular data at a crucial time then they will get it in a very easy way. And this accurate data will help to make perfect forecasting and b strategic decisions for the organization’s growth.
  • Information Technology also helps to evaluate the market condition globally. So the Business expansion is also attached to information technology and business performance.

Task 3 – Case Study Paper

Tesco is established in 1990 by Jack Cohen in London. Now Tesco holds the Top 10 places in world retail markets. In 12 different countries with 2318 stores and 326,000 employees, Tesco builds up its work family and provides huge satisfactory services with quality products at marginal prices.

For management information systems managers need to collect information from a mass of data. It is not possible without organized data and accurate or proper information. For Tesco they might plan for management information systems with the help of their various stages. At the very first need to identify all the problems of Tesco and its existing information systems. To maintain company’s goodwill and profitability margin proper information systems are very much required for Tesco (Rosina, et al., 2020).

Information Technology will help Tesco to understand the demands of each customer and the need for service changes to become more efficient and effective growth towards company profitability margin. World Company is looking for solid benefits then the key part of helping Tesco is information technology. Making effortlessly deal with sales of products, stock, purchase deals, provide value-added services to each customer and satisfy them is only possible after getting help from information technology.

Early almost 11 million people visit Tesco stores globally. So as a company is engaged with the word cross retail services they must need to assure all the data security of each customer and always need to crack everyone to maintain push sell services. As per the progress of the company in the last 10 years, the company provides services to this huge crowd. More than 750 000 active customers are now present for Tesco globally. So for data organization and collect the appropriate pieces of information about customers' choices and cultures Information Systems must be upgraded and it can provide a huge improvement to the services of the company (Evans, et al., 2018).

For such organizations, those who have established the largest global grocery retailers; always need to be very careful about customers' choices and the quality of products. At the same time need to maintain the availability of raw materials to meet public demands. It is only possible when the company uses accurate and proper information systems and maintains b supplies. If the company is not able to know the b supply chain sources and not be able to plan the enterprise resources planning adequately then they will not meet their prospected profits in present value. So, for making a more sustainable and high-profit margin it is very necessary to use information systems for such companies to reduce costs, make a b supply chain, and provide upgraded services to the customers.

Protecting all the employees and customers of Tesco needs to maintain a good risk management policy to avoid various risk factors. From the above discussion, it is very clear that Tesco is maintaining a good structure of the retail business with a connection of lots of people. Due to this huge connectivity if any error will happen in security checking then all the Private data of each customer and employee must be affected due to the virus and that will provide a huge risk to the company's success and goodwill.

So, at the very first Tesco need to satisfy all the safety measures of risk factors and manage the security systems for each device that use to maintain the important data of consumers and employers both. The company needs to ensure that all the data they are capturing from employees and customers while they are providing services to them that all information is kept with a very safety and security maintenance. 

Under Information Systems the company needs to maintain a well cyber security system to avoid such risk factors and dangers while using upgraded information technology. The protection of each employee and customer's data is a very sensitive issue, and the company must need to assure its value. Tesco needs to meet all the expectations of customers and colleagues with ensuring the business goals and regulatory requirements of the organization.

If the company fail to protect all the information of customers and colleagues then it will a huge factor for company goodwill and risk. All the confidential information of the company must need to be protected otherwise such security factors will never be met by the organization; while the company is looking forward to upgrading its information systems.

Plan to manage an Information System for Tesco

Several areas need to develop via Information Systems management for upgrading and improving Tesco's services.

Selling and marketing

Previously the company used a Linux system for Digital Marketing and connecting with the customers. But after that company switched to the Oracle marketing platform to make a more secure digital marketing service and provide huge intelligence support to meet all the company targets while understanding the consumer's buying habits. By using upgraded Information Systems company can provide extra discounts on the loyalty basis of customers. Also providing various options for customers like purchasing to debit or credit card swipe systems helps customers to make payments faster and without carrying cash(Lin, et al., 2018). Also need to save all the data of consumers while they are buying their demands from Tesco for the very first time. 


For maintaining accounts like proper invoice details, inventory controls, and most commonly the details of each customer is very important to update day by day for maintaining farm activity present. For accounts needs to maintain all the supplier's details and need to track all the laser account of sales and purchase to figure out the exact amount of purchase and sales of each working day. It will help the company to identify the difference between productions and selling amounts and also can focus on the need for raw material purchases.

Cost Reduction

To maintain a proper and effective Information Systems Company can easily reduce they are cost by maintaining a b supply chain and planning for an efficient enterprise resource plan. If the company be able to make cost cut then they will provide the services at a lower level of price while the company can make high their profitability margin (Paavola, et al., 2021).

The implications of ethical and social issues for managing information systems in Tesco

Tesco is engaged with the business and provides services as one of the biggest retail businesses in 13 different countries. To maintain this huge crowd and provide the proper services as per their culture and demands is very difficult without maintaining a proper Information Systems to manage all the customer's ethical and social responsibilities(Ren, J., 2021). 

Radio Frequency Identification and SPY Technology

The concept of RFID can be identified as a tool which utilizes small microprocessors connected to scaled-down receiving wires to follow things in good ways. This chip and radio wire mix is called an RFID tag. Each tag contains an ID number that exceptionally distinguishes the thing to which it is joined. It resembles a Social Security number for things. Tesco uses such technology to avoid any inconvenience to customers. At the same time, the CCTV camera and all these technologies will help the company to prevent theft or other such issues. Radiofrequency identification also helps to make b connectivity for the store's internal environment.

Customer Relationship Management

In general a Client relationship the executives (CRM) is an innovation for dealing with all your organization's connections and cooperation’s with clients and possible clients. The objective is basic: Improve business connections. A CRM framework assists organizations with remaining associated with clients, smooth out processes, and further develop productivity. An information systems customer relationship management is another important fact that will help the organization to understand each of the customers once and their cultures to make them happy by meeting their expectations. Customer relationship management also helps to make better communication skills between customers and the employee (Peeroo, S., 2019).

Tools and Technology Tesco chooses to protect information system security


Maintaining is one of the important tools for every Tesco store to prevent any theft or such activities. It also secures the data of every customer and colleague. 


Radiofrequency identification helps Tesco to prevent any error or such activity that can be harmful to the company's future and make a danger to the company's growth. By using radio frequency identification company can track all the employees and items to make sure of the availability of stock and followed any issues at the time of transit (Boris, et al., 2021).


For maintaining an organized and secure database company will secure all the systems by providing anti-viruses to secure the data of each customer and employee (Pandey, et al., 2020).


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