Management Essay Assignment Sample

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a. Overview of what I will be discussing in the essay

In this essay, I have described my experience as a manager in an international clothing manufacturer and selling company, known as PLC Clothes. The company supplies clothing items like casual garments, formal garments, sports garments for customers in the USA, the UK, and some other European countries. It is a multinational company and I was employed by the company as the head of the management team responsible for cross-functional collaboration ((Mahrinasari, M.S., 2021). The essay has dealt with my experience during the tenure of my job, the explanation of the issues involved in the operations which I conducted, committed, or supervised. Then the job experience has been connected to the relationship with my experience, skill, and knowledge (Mahrinasari, M.S., 2021). After that, I have discussed the challenges which I faced and the significant factors in this job. The next section speaks about the steps which I will take in the future for better practices and improved outcomes. The essay concludes with the statement and the implications.

b. Thesis statement

The essay will provide significant insight into the job deliverables of a manager. Here the roles and responsibilities of a cross-functional head will be explored in detail and the relationship of the manager with other employees, the challenges they might face during their operations, and the steps which could be recommended to overcome those challenges will be explored (Griffin, R.W., 2021). The essay will reflect the experience and situation faced by the person involved in the tasks.

Reflective Discussion

 a. Reporting of my experience and explanation of the issues involved

My experience as a manager of PLC Clothes involved lots of challenges and learning curves. I learned a lot as a part of the corporate organization. The office environment was cordial and the employees were friendly to each other. They were also provided with opportunities for cooperation and collaboration (Annosi, M.C., 2021). It helped in improving their performance and overall work output. The organization was formed on three hierarchies from top to bottom tiers. The top tier has consisted of executive employees and directors. There was the CEO, COO, shareholders of the company, and the executive managers (Annosi, M.C 2021). The middle tier has consisted of employees associated with cross-functional collaboration and supervision of different departments. The departmental heads, project supervisors, team leaders, the heads of marketing, advertising, management, human resource, public relation, research, and development were in this group. The bottom level consisted of the major workforce of the company (Boon, Q.W., 2021). The employees in individual sections belonged in this group. I was in the second group as a manager.

As the head of the management team associated with cross-functional collaboration and supervision of consistency between the departments, my responsibilities included the maintenance of connection with both vertical and horizontal divisions. That means I had to maintain the line of communication between the top tier and the bottom tier (Boon, Q.W., 2021). The instructions given by the top tier had to be conveyed to the bottom level and I had to supervise if those instructions were received and maintained properly. The instructions had to be converted into policies, ideas, and guidelines and I had to see if those were disseminated to the workforce. Once the workforce was following the strategy and new policy then I had to collect information on their experience and their adherence to the guidelines. I had to collect their feedback and convey it to the executive members. Also, I had to supervise the improvements and the positive outcomes related to the policy implementation and how they were affecting the company.

As far as cross-functionality was concerned, I had to ensure that the departments tasked with different responsibilities were maintaining consistency with each other and had a positive relationship to the overall direction of performance for the company. The company had the task of manufacturing and selling clothes for daily wear, casual wear, formal wear, sports garments. Their operation was spread all around the world and they supplied products to the USA, the UK, and some other European countries. The products were manufactured in the USA and the UK and were supplied to the showrooms, retail shops, and online shopping platforms for clothing and accessories (Annosi, M. 2021). I had to supervise their operation and ensure consistency between the functions performed by research and development, manufacturing unit, quality control, marketing, advertising, etc.


 b. Relationship or connection of this experience with my past experiences, skills, or knowledge

My experience was limited to the responsibility of a sectional head. I was employed only for the management of a single section that looked into the marketing of the products manufactured by a company (Habib, M., 2021). The sectional head has to maintain the responsibility of the projects assigned to the team and look into the performance of the individual employees. They have to ensure that the project is completed before the deadline and the quality of the project does not get hindered because of the deadline (Boon, Q.W., 2021). So my responsibilities were limited in my experience. My skills were only related to the marketing aspect of the operations. I also had limited knowledge of other operations going into different departments and how they are related to the tea assigned for marketing and their activities.

In this company, I have been assigned to a more challenging role. My responsibilities included the supervision of the marketing team and other departments. The experience from my previous job came to help provide me support and insight for the responsibilities of the head of team assigned for cross-functional management (Habib, M., 2021). I could look into the responsibilities of different teams because I was qualified for handling different projects at a given time without compromising their quality. So I could maintain the supervision on the departments performing separate duties and provide instructions accordingly.

 c. Details on the significant factors or challenges underlying the issue or experience.

The most challenging situation I faced during my employment was the lack of digital support and virtual assistance. The department for marketing and advertising was not tasked with using digital media for maximum coverage and lead generation. It provided obstacles in meeting the target and put an added burden on the customer relation and public relations departments. The research and development wing also did not utilize sufficient online resource and their performance was hampered by their reliance on face to face interviews and interaction for market analysis. The customer relation and customer service departments were also relying on manual interaction for collecting feedback, registration of complaints, investigation of complaints, and so on, which created backlogs.

Another challenge I faced was the conflict of interest between departments and their operations. Each department wanted to remain on the priority as far as their operations and deadlines were concerned (White, L., 2021). They faced difficulties while compromising their schedule and job descriptions to collaborate with other departments. The departments were concerned about their team instead of the broader picture. Furthermore, I faced difficulties in coordinating between people from different socio-cultural backgrounds as their p

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