Management and Organisational Behaviour Assignment Sample

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Organizational behaviour (OB) implies for the study of human activities or actions within an organization. OB is significant for every business because it helps in enhancing the culture of the business and also educates the managers about how culture donates to the employee retention and productivity. OB influences the performance within business by enhancing the customer service, enable effective teamwork, encourage innovation, creativity, creating positive atmosphere and promote the effective leadership (Griffin, Phillips and Gully, 2020). In addition, the report will be based on the management and organizational behaviour of Marks and Spenser (M&S). It is one of leading major British International retailer whose headquarter situated in London, UK. The portfolio of this organization includes clothing, beauty, food and home products (M&S, 2024). Apart from this, the report will highlight the culture, power and politics of the chosen business as well as implementation of motivational theories and techniques.

Main Body

Overview of organization’s culture, politics

Organizational culture is a set of beliefs, values, rules, systems and attitudes that outline as well as encourage the behaviour of the employees within the business. The culture of M&S is positive from this the employee feel motivated and encouraged to do work which positively impacts both profitability as well as productivity (Paais and Pattiruhu, 2020). The positive culture of the chosen business helps in enhancing employee’s health and wellbeing as well as increase the customer satisfaction. To analysis the culture, M&S is using Hofstede model and it focuses on six particular elements that help it to take the significant strategic decisions and design the optimal marketing activities and plans. Along with this, organizational politics refers to activities that are undertaken by the employees at the place of work in order to gain power and accomplish the desired results.

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The politics of M&S helps in creating the positive atmosphere by fostering the healthy competition and influencing the workforce to endeavour for excellence. Apart from this, organizational power is described as capability of an individual or group within the business in order to encourage the behaviour of other people for the accomplishment of the desired goals and objectives (Buchanan and Badham, 2020). The chosen organization also has positive power that helps in offering a sense of direction to the employees towards the organizational goals and objectives. On the other hand, power is a potential to encourage others and influence tactics are the actual behaviours that utilized by the people in order to change their opinions, attitudes or behaviours of the target individual. For example, inspirational appeals, ingratiation, exchange, rational persuasion, legitimizing tactics, consultation etc. are the types of influence tactics that used by the companies to enhance the organizational behaviour within the business (Wiewiora, Chang and Smidt, 2020).

Motivational theories and techniques

Organizations implement wide range of motivational theories and techniques in order to enhance the performance of the employees. For example, Maslow’s Hierarchical need is one of the significant theory of motivation. M&S can also use this motivational theory to improve the employee’s performance from which they feel motivated and encouraged to give their best performance. This theory is consisting of physiological, safety, social, self-actualization and self-esteem needs of the people (Bowen, 2021). With the help of this theory, the leaders of chosen organization can determine the needs of team members and try to fulfil or meet them. If the company fulfil the all needs of the employees then they feel influence and encourage to giving their best performance which positively impacts the organizational behaviour by increasing profitability and productivity (Ihensekien and Joel 2023).

Maslow hierarchy needs theory

Figure 1: Maslow hierarchy needs theory

In addition, McClelland’s need is also considered as one of the important motivational theory that is adapted by the business to improve the performance of staff. This motivation theory is consisting of achievement, power and affiliation (de Andrade Baptista et al. 2021). Implementation of this theory can be beneficial for the selected company in order to improve the performance of the employees. For example: By giving rewards to the employees for their best performance M&S can motivate the workforce. Further, by empowering personnel for taking decisions about their work M&S can evolve high level of motivation among them. This in turn positively contributes in organizational productivity and thereby overall performance. Apart from this, to motivate the employees the companies are also implement the various techniques such as feedback, provide flexibility, create positive workplace culture etc. To motivate and encourage the employees, M&S can also provide feedback of its team members.

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Offering continuous feedback to the employees is beneficial for the business because it helps in building the strong relationship among the leaders and their team members (Lee, Choi and Kang, 2021). From this, the employees can easily recognize their weak areas and put all the efforts to improve the same. Continuous feedback can be useful technique for M&S because it helps in improving the productivity and engaging employees. If the workers feel engaged and influenced then they are more likely to retain with the company which ultimately positively impacts the profitability and productivity as well as organizational behaviour (Hood and Bartunek, 2022). Creating the positive environment of workplace is also another significant technique to influence and motivate the employees. From this the employees are likely to put all the efforts to accomplish the desired goals and objectives.

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Type of team arrangements

In every organization, there are five types of team arrangements such as functional, cross-functional, self-managed, virtual and multi-team. Functional team arrangement is regarded as one of the most traditional corporate unit that is generally demonstrated by the departments. In this, team arrangement all the team members belong to the similar department. This team arrangement is beneficial for the business because it facilitates easier task allocation, operational speed, skill growth and coordination (Abarca, Palos-Sanchez and Rus-Arias, 2020). Additionally, cross-functional team is composed of participants of several departments that have different functional skills and expertise but work on the similar goals and objectives. This type of team arrangement enables diversity of perspective, capabilities, organizational alignment and accountability. Another type of team arrangement is self-managed teams. It is a group of workers who work collaboratively and take responsibility for both final outcomes as well as work processes. Self-managed team are focusing more on customers and enable higher motivation which directly positively impacts the efficiency and productivity of the business. Furthermore, M&S can focus on functional team arrangement to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the team members.

Apart from this, to make the teams effective the chosen organization need to build diverse & inclusive teams, clear describe the roles and responsibilities, build trust and influences frequent as well as clear communication (Stahl and Maznevski, 2021). The selected organization can also require giving autonomy to teams in decision-making and also provide the team with the learning opportunities. Through which they feel motivated and put all the efforts to accomplish the goals and objectives which directly impacts their effectiveness.

Ways to improve organizational behaviour

 It is crucial for the business to enhance the organizational behaviour because it helps in increasing employee satisfaction, innovation, customer satisfaction, build trust between the management and employees. Consequently, this ultimately positively impacts the productivity and employee performance. To enhance the organizational behaviour M&S can implement the path-goal theory. This theory is a belief that leaders can influence the performance of employees by adapting their leadership styles according to their needs and requirements. This theory is consisting of achievement-oriented, directive path-goal clarifying, participative and supportive (Sutianingsih and Handayani, 2023). Adaption of this theory is useful for the chosen business to enhance the organizational behaviour because it assists the leaders to provide clear direction, set high goals and support the employees from which they feel motivated and valued. With the help of path-goal theory the leader of company can develop a supportive plan for the workforce success relied upon the particular goals and objectives achievements. Execution of path goal theory is beneficial for the business because it helps in build the agile teams and leaders, boost motivation, productivity, confidence, persuades support network and build the positive work culture and environment which directly impacts the behaviour of the business (Steenkamp and Ziaei, 2021).

Principles of path goal theory

Figure 2: Principles of path goal theory

Apart from this, M&S can also implement the situational leadership approach to improve the organizational behaviour. In this leadership approach the leaders are adapt their style according to the needs and requirement of the team members as well as that suits to the present work environment. In the context of human, adaption of this leadership approach is valuable because it helps in assess the maturity level of individuals within the business, encourages socio-emotional support and provision of guidance and direction for the workforce (Wuryani et al, 2021). This theory helps in enhancing the organizational behaviour by increase the awareness of current business situations, countering the volatility and uncertainties.


It has been concluded that, it is crucial for the business to have the positive organizational behaviour because it helps in influencing innovation and creativity as well as creating positive atmosphere which directly impacts the productivity and efficiency. The culture of M&S is positive and it can use Hofstede model to analyse the culture. To motivate the employees M&S can Maslow’s Hierarchical needs and McClelland’s need theories. To influence the employees the chosen business can provide the continuous feedback and improve the working environment. Apart from this, it has been recommended that the management of M&S can focus on providing training opportunities to its employees in order to enhance performance to meet goals and objectives. Training opportunities helps in increase the knowledge and improve skills which help in enhance their performance.


Books and Journals

  • Abarca, V.M.G., Palos-Sanchez, P.R. and Rus-Arias, E., 2020. Working in virtual teams: A systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis. IEEE access8, pp.168923-168940.
  • Bowen, B., 2021. The matrix of needs: Reframing Maslow’s hierarchy. Health13(5), pp.538-563.
  • Buchanan, D. and Badham, R., 2020. Power, politics, and organizational change. Sage.
  • de Andrade Baptista, J.A., Formigoni, A., da Silva, S.A., Stettiner, C.F. and de Novais, R.A.B., 2021. Analysis of the Theory of Acquired Needs from McClelland as a Means of Work Satisfaction. Timor Leste Journal of Business and Management3, pp.54-59.
  • Griffin, R.W., Phillips, J.M. and Gully, S.M., 2020. Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations. CENGAGE learning.
  • Hood, E.A. and Bartunek, J.M., 2022. Encouraging employees’ active feedback & participation when rolling out major changes. Behavioral Science & Policy8(1), pp.47-58.
  • Ihensekien, O.A. and Joel, A.C., 2023. Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation Theories: Implications for Organizational Performance. Romanian Economic Journal26(85).
  • Lee, W.R., Choi, S.B. and Kang, S.W., 2021. How leaders’ positive feedback influences employees’ innovative behavior: The mediating role of voice behavior and job autonomy. Sustainability13(4), p.1901.
  • Paais, M. and Pattiruhu, J.R., 2020. Effect of motivation, leadership, and organizational culture on satisfaction and employee performance. The journal of asian finance, economics and business7(8), pp.577-588.
  • Stahl, G.K. and Maznevski, M.L., 2021. Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A retrospective of research on multicultural work groups and an agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies52, pp.4-22.
  • Steenkamp, I. and Ziaei, S.M., 2021. Critically Assess the" Path–Goal Theory. Journal in Management Sciences7(1), pp.34-42.
  • Sutianingsih, S. and Handayani, R., 2023. Individual Characteristics in Path-Goal Theory to Increase Productivity. Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen16(2), pp.142-151.
  • Wiewiora, A., Chang, A. and Smidt, M., 2020. Individual, project and organizational learning flows within a global project-based organization: exploring what, how and who. International journal of project management38(4), pp.201-214.
  • Wuryani, E., Rodlib, A., Sutarsib, S., Dewib, N. and Arifb, D., 2021. Analysis of decision support system on situational leadership styles on work motivation and employee performance. Management Science Letters11(2), pp.365-372.
  •  Online
  • Channell, M., 2023. Principles of path goal theory. [Online].Available through:< >.
  • M&S, 2024. About us. [Online].Available through:<>.
  • Mcleod, S., 2024. Maslow hierarchy needs theory. [Online].Available through:<>.

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