Lesson Planning Assignment Sample

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Lesson 1

Lecturer’s name: Mice Joe

Date: 01.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Subject: English

Topic: Introduction toAlphabets

Aims of lesson: Aims of the lesson called introduction of alphabets is the main and basic need of the students. It is the first step in learning the English language (White, 2021). Alphabets is the main root of English. Without knowing the term any one is able to learn and understand the English language. Most important aim of this lesson is developing the interest in the students so that they will be able to learn the basic fundamentals of English learning

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn what kind of words are there in the English language and also learn to recognize all the Alphabets. Implementation of the alphabets they will also learn. 

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the Alphabets. What is the term Alphabets called? What is the use of Alphabets and to build new learning of word framing by adding two or more than two Alphabets? That will take them to the first steps of learning the English language. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture (Khoiriyah et al. 2022). Learning the Alphabets students will be able to understand the use of all 26 letters of alphabets and their uses in the sentence. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process (Widiastuti and Press, 2018). Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation helps them to learn the words of alphabets by the image they will firstly understand the alphabets. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: As it is from the basics of the learning stage for the students. Teachers should be very careful about the teaching methodology because in the beginning the students will be immature. So they will take some time to perform in the class so it is the teachers responsibility to handle them in a better way so that there will not be any type of barriers in students' learning.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: As the students are very new in the learning stage. Teachers are very attentive and enthusiastic when teaching them. Firstly the teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the Alphabets. At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of articles, where it is going to be used and how the use of the noun we can do in our daily life (Liu, 2022). Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Teacher will explain the meaning of alphabets and write it on the black board.
  • Teacher will explain the types of alphabets.
  • Identifying the alphabets.

Student’s activity: In this learning stage the students are very new in the field of learning. When the teacher came and asked them to gather in the classroom. Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice (Buza and Murati, 2019). They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Students are able to know about the topic
  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to understand the topic.
  • Note down in their notebook.

Lesson 2

Lecturer’s name: Mice Joly

Date: 0.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Week: 2

Subject: English

Topic: Reading English

Aims of lesson: After understanding the term Alphabets now it will be time for learning how to read that Alphabets in the term of words and try to read the whole sentence on their own. Reading leads them to speaking the English language (Hurst, 2020). This will lead them to the second step of learning the English language. Most important aim of this lesson is developing the interest in the students so that they will be able to learn the basic fundamentals of English learning. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will learn how to read a word in whole and learn how to read all the sentences in whole. After some time they will be able to read the whole book and their reading capacity will increase day by day. 

Resources: PowerPoint presentation, Notebook and some assessments handouts. 

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the Reading Alphabets. What is the use of Alphabets and to build new learning of word framing by adding two or more than two Alphabets (Nurtanto et al. 2021)? That will take them to the second steps of learning the English language. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. Learning the Alphabets students will be able to understand the use of all 26 letters of alphabets in the term of sentence framing and their uses in the sentence. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process (Bleach et al. 2018). Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation helps them to learn the words alphabets in making the sentence. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: As it is from the basics of the learning stage for the students in terms of understanding the reading. Teachers should be very careful about the teaching methodology because in the beginning the students will be immature (Bates et al. 2020). So they will take some time to perform in the class so it is the teachers responsibility to handle them in a better way so that there will not be any type of barriers in students' learning.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: As the students are very new in the learning stage. Teachers should be very attentive and enthusiastic about teaching them. Firstly the teacher will ask to gather the students in the room (Montgomery, 2019). Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the Alphabets used in the sentence. At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of uses of alphabets in sentence making , Where it is going to be used and how the use of the alphabets in reading. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Defining the term reading.
  • Teaching basic fundamentals of reading.

Student’s activity: In this learning stage the students are very new in the field of learning. When the teacher came and asked them to gather in the classroom. Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice (Chervinko and Sippala 2018). They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Students are able to know about the topic
  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to read.

Lesson 3

Lecturer’s name: Steav smith

Date: 20.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Topic: speaking English 

Aims of the lesson: The students speaking power is to be improved and their speaking skills will be improved at the end of the lesson

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to improve their speaking abilities (Hedegaard-Soerensen and Pen Thin Grumellese, 2020). Improvement in their speaking skills, revision of the grammar that they have learned in the class previously, revision of vocabulary, working in the groups. 

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Resources: Blackboard, Cardboard figuring and magnet. Student’s book + class work book

Assessments: Can students be able to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiations :All the variety of study plans have been delivered to the students and complete the concept of basic speaking techniques .Students have access through the main objective of the lesson plan (Smit et al. 2018). The students who have performed well have been given a challenging assessment or homework to do in the house. Students have a choice of their own. Whether they want to study or not. For example, students have chosen a topic of their own that they want to study. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of speaking or not. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning (Amalia et al. 2020). Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: content is not the basic need of a good study plan if students are unable to understand the things at the end of the lesson. Teacher may keep note of teaching time and has to complete the lesson on time. Always has the teaching materials and resources available with them. Keep on note that lessons do not take more than one period. Teachers keep note of what the students are doing and assign them classwork. Allocate the students in the groups and tell them to interact with each other this will help to develop speaking power.

Teach them remotely in labs, grading the papers, meetings, participation, and update students' parents about their performance and review the lesson plans. 

  • Teaching basic fundamentals of speaking English.
  • Let them to speak with each other 
  • Create a group for children.

Student’s activity: Listening and watching the activities in the groups, Buzz activities, communicating with each other. Using the performance and what should be there. Giving the feedback to the teacher and planning for the lesson, Listen to the question asked by the teacher or in the interaction within the students. Offered the answer to the teacher and the asking person. 

  • Trying to understand the fundamental of speaking.
  • Speaking with each other in group.

Resources: PowerPoint, handouts and blackboard. 

Lesson 4

Lecturer’s name: Juliet Marine

Date: 31.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Subject: English

Topic: Articles

Aims of lesson: To enable the students the basic need of understanding the Articles. This will help the students to understand what the term Articles means and how it is going to be used in the basic learning of English. Most important aim of this lesson is developing the interest in the students so that they will be able to learn the basic fundamentals of English learning. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn and understand the Articles and implement it in their daily life. That will be beneficial for their early learning. They will be able to learn and understand the thing. At the end they will be able to do the assigned work of the teacher. This will also help in improving the speaking ability of the students. 

Resources: Notebook, blackboard and assessment notes

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the Articles. What is Article and what is the use of article and to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. Learning the articles the students will be able to understand the use of articles and will know the difference between A, An and The.

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process (Corlett, 2021). Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation of the structure of sentence forming. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Studentshave to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of speaking or not. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning. Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the articles (White, 2021). At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of articles, where it is going to be used and how the use of the noun we can do in our daily life. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Introducing the term Article.
  • Define the key team.
  • Example of articles introduced.

Student’s activity: Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice. They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving the learning power (Obidjonovna, 2022). Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to understand the key term.
  • Noting them in notebook.

Lesson 5

Lecturer’s name: Harmit More

Date: 01.05.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Topic: Noun

Aims of lesson: To enable the students how to learn, speak and farming the sentence correctly. Enable the students in writing and speaking properly and effectively. Most important aim is to develop the interest of English in the students. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn the noun what it is called (Ibrahim-Ali and Guedez, 2021). They will get to understand and tell about the noun. Improvement in their speaking skills, revision of the grammar that they have learned in the class previously. At the end they will be ready to deliver the task that is assigned by the teacher. 

Resources: Notebook, blackboard and assessment notes

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the noun. What is a noun and what is the use of a noun and how to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process. Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation of the structure of sentence forming. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of speaking or not. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning.. Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them with a basic understanding of the noun. At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of the noun, where it is going to be used and how the use of the noun we can do in our daily life. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Defining the basic of noun.
  • Evaluating.
  • Gather the students in the room
  • Providing Classwork

Student’s activity: Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice. They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Students will gather in the classroom.
  • Listening to the teacher's advice.
  • Noting all the things.
  • Trying to understand

Lesson 6

Lecturer’s name: Michel Stock

Date: 10.05.2022

Week 6

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Topic: Introduction to pronouns and introduction, greeting, listening and speaking. 

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Aims of lesson: students should be able to great other people and able to introduced themselves. Able to communicate wells. 

Level: 1

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson Students should be able to learn new vocabularies related to the pronouns like You, I and we etc. (Janssen et al. 2019). Spoken language of the students will be increased. Enable the debate of introducing themselves in front of others. 

Resources: Text book, worksheets and white board.

Assessments: Can students be able to build and learn new words and be able to learn the basics of introduction. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiation: All the variety of study plans have been delivered (Cuñado and Abocejo, 2019). Students have access through the main objective of the lesson plan. The students who have performed well have been given a challenging assessment or homework to do in the house. Students have a choice of their own. Whether they want to study or not. For example, students have chosen a topic of their own that they want to study. 

Key skills to be addressed

Communication and literacy: Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals. Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas (Gabriele et al. 2019). Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Registered the students' attendance. Teacher may keep note of teaching time and has to complete the lesson on time. Always has the teaching materials and resources available with them (Fujii, 2019). Keep on note that lessons do not take more than one period. Teachers keep note of what the students are doing and assign them classwork (König et al. 2020). Teach them remotely in labs, grading the papers, meetings, participation, and update students' parents about their performance and review the lesson plans.

  • Introduction to pronouns and introduction, greeting, listening and speaking.
  • Define the term Pronouns.
  • Assessment providing.

Student’s activity: Here the teacher explains the difference between the aims and the objectives of the lesson (Hong et al. 2020). Oral report where students share their research in front of the teacher. Goal oriented exercise should be there to encourage collaboration and competition between the students. 

  • Students will gather in the classroom.
  • Listening to the teacher's advice.
  • Applying the uses of Pronoun.
  • Trying to understand.

Resources: Registers and notebook, handouts

Lesson 7

Lecturer’s name: Macke Milen 

Date: 20.05.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Week 7

Topic: Introduction to verbs

Aims of lesson: Verbs are the key roots of English learning that will help them to understand what period of time is going on and how it is going to be (Soalablai, 2020). Whether the sentence is in past, present and future tense. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn uses of verbs and try to implement it in their daily making of sentences and this also helps in speaking in the right manner. 

Resources: PowerPoint presentation, Notebook and some assessments handouts.

Assessments: Can students be able to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of verbs. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process. Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation helps them to learn the words alphabets in making the sentence (Zhukova, T., 2018). Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Key skills that adhere in this lesson is that the teacher will use the right techniques in teaching the students well. By the power point presentation and many more teaching techniques. So they will take some time to perform in the class so it is the teachers responsibility to handle them in a better way so that there will not be any type of barriers in students' learning.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Firstly the teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the verbs used in the sentence (Crosthwaite, 2021). At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of uses of verbs in sentence making , Where it is going to be used and how the use of the alphabets in reading. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Define verbs.
  • Explaining the key term.
  • Assisting them some work.

Student’s activity: When the teacher came and asked them to gather in the classroom. Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice. They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well (Pratiwi et al. 2018). At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to understand.
  • Performing the key task.

Lesson 8 

Lecturer’s name: M. p Clark

Date: 31.05.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Week: 8

Topic: Tense

Aims of lesson: To plan and structure the activities what will be going to be done and all the procedures and strategies to follow up to perform the task. Teach them how to form a tense.

Level: 1

Lesson objective: By end of the lesson the students will be able to learn sentence framing and be able to learn the tenses and improve their speaking and writing abilities. Improvement in their speaking skills, revision of the grammar that they have learned in the class previously, revision of vocabulary, working in the groups (Kinasih and Hardiani, 2020). At the end they will be ready to deliver the task that is assigned by the teacher. 

Resources: Worksheets, Assignments handouts and PowerPoint presentation. 

Assessments: How the plan will be constructed and delivered to the students can students be able to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiation: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process. Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation of the structure of sentence forming (Nor et al. 2022). Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to:  Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of forming tense. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning (Skril, 2018). Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: content is not the basic need of a good study plan if students are unable to understand the things at the end of the lesson. Teacher may keep note of teaching time and has to complete the lesson on time. Always has the teaching materials and resources available with them. Keep on note that lessons do not take more than one period. Teachers keep note of what the students are doing and assign them classwork. Allocate the students in the groups and tell them to interact with each other this will help to develop speaking power.

  • Define tense.
  • Types of tense.
  • Explaining all the terms.

Teach them remotely in labs, grading the papers, meetings, participation, and update students' parents about their performance and review the lesson plans. Teacher encounter question to the students. Allocation of then questions samples and analyzing the area of improvement in the teaching style. Taking the feedback from the students and improving the areas where the improvement has to be done. 

Student’s activity: Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving the learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject.
  • Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving the learning power
  • Trying to learn all key terms.
  • Providing feedback to teacher.



Janssen, N., Knoef, M. and Lazonder, A.W., 2019. Technological and pedagogical support for pre-service teachers’ lesson planning. Technology, Pedagogy and Education28(1), pp.115-128.

Cuñado, A.G. and Abocejo, F.T., 2019. Lesson planning competency of English major university sophomore students. European Journal of Education Studies.

Gabriele, L., Bertacchini, F., Tavernise, A., Vaca-Cárdenas, L., Pantano, P. and Bilotta, E., 2019. Lesson planning by computational thinking skills in Italian pre-service teachers. Informatics in Education18(1), pp.69-104.

König, J., Bremerich-Vos, A., Buchholtz, C., Fladung, I. and Glutsch, N., 2020. Pre–service teachers’ generic and subject-specific lesson-planning skills: On learning adaptive teaching during initial teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education43(2), pp.131-150.

Fujii, T., 2019. Designing and adapting tasks in lesson planning: A critical process of lesson study. In Theory and practice of lesson study in mathematics (pp. 681-704). Springer, Cham.

Hong, J.C., Ye, J.H., Ho, Y.J. and Ho, H.Y., 2020. Developing an Inquiry and Hands-On Teaching Model to Guide STEAM Lesson Planning for Kindergarten Children. Journal of Baltic Science Education19(6), pp.908-922.

Hedegaard-Soerensen, L. and Penthin Grumloese, S., 2020. Student-teacher dialogue for lesson planning: inclusion in the context of national policy and local culture. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy6(1), pp.25-36.

Smit, R., Rietz, F. and Kreis, A., 2018. What are the effects of science lesson planning in peers?—Analysis of attitudes and knowledge based on an actor–partner interdependence model. Research in Science Education48(3), pp.619-636.

Amalia, L.L., Widiati, U., Basthomi, Y. and Cahyono, B.Y., 2020. Reflective practice on lesson planning among EFL teacher educators. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics10(1), pp.153-160.

Kinasih, I.P. and Hardiani, N., 2020. Role Playing and the Changing of Teacher Understanding to Middle School Mathematics Lesson Planning within ELPSA Framework. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika14(2), pp.183-198.

Nor, H., Hizriani, N. and Kadariyah, N.L., 2022. Teachers’ Materials Development, Lesson Planning, and Teaching Skills Readiness in Teaching English. PANYONARA: Journal of English Education4(1), pp.32-64.

Skril, I., 2018. Peculiarities of Lesson Planning and its Running in Teaching English for Specific Purposes for Prospective specialists in hospitality and restaurant service.

Ibrahim-Ali, A. and Guedez, R., 2021. MONITORING LESSON-PLANNING DYNAMICS IN PRE-SERVICE TEACHER TEAMS: A Retrospective Study. Caribbean Curriculum28.

Corlett, K.B., 2021. Investigating the Connection between Teacher Professional Development and the Lesson Planning Process (Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University).

Obidjonovna, R.G., 2022. THE IMPORTANCE OF LESSON PLANNING TO TEACH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE THROUGH GENDER DISCOURSE. Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture2(2), pp.210-215.

White, L., 2021. Building Future-Ready Learners: Constructivism and Lesson Planning: Pédagogie constructiviste et planification des leçons. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation12(2), pp.88-97.

Khoiriyah, K., Widiati, U. and Cahyono, B.Y., 2022, February. A Closer Look at Collaborative Lesson Planning: Shaping Pre-Service Teachers Professional Identity in the Teaching Practice Program. In 67th TEFLIN International Virtual Conference & the 9th ICOELT 2021 (TEFLIN ICOELT 2021) (pp. 142-145). Atlantis Press.


Liu, C., 2022. The Influence of a Group of Chinese EFL Teachers’ Beliefs on Lesson Planning with Video-Based Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study (Doctoral dissertation, Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa).

Hurst, H., 2020. Inspired Alchemy: Reconceptualizing Lesson Planning as Creative Work. English Education53(1), pp.94-100.

Bates, G., Littler, R., Findlay, M. and Salehjee, S., 2020. Supporting beginning teachers with lesson planning. In Mentoring Science Teachers in the Secondary School (pp. 73-92). Routledge.

Montgomery, B., 2019. Teaching Lesson Planning in Family and Consumer Sciences. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences Education36.

Soalablai, S., 2020. Teachers’ Use of Technology in Lesson Planning and Presentation in Palau (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).

Zhukova, T., 2018. Importance of english lesson planning.

Crosthwaite, P., 2021, August. Integrating corpus use into trainee EFL teachers’ lesson planning: Building corpus-focused TPACK for the future. In Book of Abstracts (Vol. 12, p. 93).

Pratiwi, D., Susilo, H. and Rohman, F., Teacher Competency and Perception in Lesson Planning using a Software Prototype.

Chervinko, Y. and Sippala, T., LESSON PLANNING MODELS. ??????, p.210.

Bleach, J., Reading Comprehension: Reflective Lesson Planning.

Buza, V. and Murati, A., 2019. Inclusion of Children with Emotional Disorders in Lesson Planning by Educators. Thesis8(2), pp.31-63.

Nurtanto, M., Kholifah, N., Masek, A., Sudira, P. and Samsudin, A., 2021. Crucial Problems in Arranged the Lesson Plan of Vocational Teacher. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education10(1), pp.345-354.

Lesson 1

Lecturer’s name: Mice Joe

Date: 01.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Subject: English

Topic: Introduction toAlphabets

Aims of lesson: Aims of the lesson called introduction of alphabets is the main and basic need of the students. It is the first step in learning the English language (White, 2021). Alphabets is the main root of English. Without knowing the term any one is able to learn and understand the English language. Most important aim of this lesson is developing the interest in the students so that they will be able to learn the basic fundamentals of English learning

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn what kind of words are there in the English language and also learn to recognize all the Alphabets. Implementation of the alphabets they will also learn. 

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the Alphabets. What is the term Alphabets called? What is the use of Alphabets and to build new learning of word framing by adding two or more than two Alphabets? That will take them to the first steps of learning the English language. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture (Khoiriyah et al. 2022). Learning the Alphabets students will be able to understand the use of all 26 letters of alphabets and their uses in the sentence. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process (Widiastuti and Press, 2018). Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation helps them to learn the words of alphabets by the image they will firstly understand the alphabets. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: As it is from the basics of the learning stage for the students. Teachers should be very careful about the teaching methodology because in the beginning the students will be immature. So they will take some time to perform in the class so it is the teachers responsibility to handle them in a better way so that there will not be any type of barriers in students' learning.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: As the students are very new in the learning stage. Teachers are very attentive and enthusiastic when teaching them. Firstly the teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the Alphabets. At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of articles, where it is going to be used and how the use of the noun we can do in our daily life (Liu, 2022). Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Teacher will explain the meaning of alphabets and write it on the black board.
  • Teacher will explain the types of alphabets.
  • Identifying the alphabets.

Student’s activity: In this learning stage the students are very new in the field of learning. When the teacher came and asked them to gather in the classroom. Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice (Buza and Murati, 2019). They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Students are able to know about the topic
  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to understand the topic.
  • Note down in their notebook.

Lesson 2

Lecturer’s name: Mice Joly

Date: 0.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Week: 2

Subject: English

Topic: Reading English

Aims of lesson: After understanding the term Alphabets now it will be time for learning how to read that Alphabets in the term of words and try to read the whole sentence on their own. Reading leads them to speaking the English language (Hurst, 2020). This will lead them to the second step of learning the English language. Most important aim of this lesson is developing the interest in the students so that they will be able to learn the basic fundamentals of English learning. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will learn how to read a word in whole and learn how to read all the sentences in whole. After some time they will be able to read the whole book and their reading capacity will increase day by day. 

Resources: PowerPoint presentation, Notebook and some assessments handouts. 

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the Reading Alphabets. What is the use of Alphabets and to build new learning of word framing by adding two or more than two Alphabets (Nurtanto et al. 2021)? That will take them to the second steps of learning the English language. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. Learning the Alphabets students will be able to understand the use of all 26 letters of alphabets in the term of sentence framing and their uses in the sentence. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process (Bleach et al. 2018). Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation helps them to learn the words alphabets in making the sentence. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: As it is from the basics of the learning stage for the students in terms of understanding the reading. Teachers should be very careful about the teaching methodology because in the beginning the students will be immature (Bates et al. 2020). So they will take some time to perform in the class so it is the teachers responsibility to handle them in a better way so that there will not be any type of barriers in students' learning.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: As the students are very new in the learning stage. Teachers should be very attentive and enthusiastic about teaching them. Firstly the teacher will ask to gather the students in the room (Montgomery, 2019). Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the Alphabets used in the sentence. At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of uses of alphabets in sentence making , Where it is going to be used and how the use of the alphabets in reading. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Defining the term reading.
  • Teaching basic fundamentals of reading.

Student’s activity: In this learning stage the students are very new in the field of learning. When the teacher came and asked them to gather in the classroom. Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice (Chervinko and Sippala 2018). They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Students are able to know about the topic
  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to read.

Lesson 3

Lecturer’s name: Steav smith

Date: 20.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Topic: speaking English 

Aims of the lesson: The students speaking power is to be improved and their speaking skills will be improved at the end of the lesson

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to improve their speaking abilities (Hedegaard-Soerensen and Pen Thin Grumellese, 2020). Improvement in their speaking skills, revision of the grammar that they have learned in the class previously, revision of vocabulary, working in the groups. 

Resources: Blackboard, Cardboard figuring and magnet. Student’s book + class work book

Assessments: Can students be able to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiations :All the variety of study plans have been delivered to the students and complete the concept of basic speaking techniques .Students have access through the main objective of the lesson plan (Smit et al. 2018). The students who have performed well have been given a challenging assessment or homework to do in the house. Students have a choice of their own. Whether they want to study or not. For example, students have chosen a topic of their own that they want to study. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of speaking or not. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning (Amalia et al. 2020). Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: content is not the basic need of a good study plan if students are unable to understand the things at the end of the lesson. Teacher may keep note of teaching time and has to complete the lesson on time. Always has the teaching materials and resources available with them. Keep on note that lessons do not take more than one period. Teachers keep note of what the students are doing and assign them classwork. Allocate the students in the groups and tell them to interact with each other this will help to develop speaking power.

Teach them remotely in labs, grading the papers, meetings, participation, and update students' parents about their performance and review the lesson plans. 

  • Teaching basic fundamentals of speaking English.
  • Let them to speak with each other 
  • Create a group for children.

Student’s activity: Listening and watching the activities in the groups, Buzz activities, communicating with each other. Using the performance and what should be there. Giving the feedback to the teacher and planning for the lesson, Listen to the question asked by the teacher or in the interaction within the students. Offered the answer to the teacher and the asking person. 

  • Trying to understand the fundamental of speaking.
  • Speaking with each other in group.

Resources: PowerPoint, handouts and blackboard. 

Lesson 4

Lecturer’s name: Juliet Marine

Date: 31.04.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Subject: English

Topic: Articles

Aims of lesson: To enable the students the basic need of understanding the Articles. This will help the students to understand what the term Articles means and how it is going to be used in the basic learning of English. Most important aim of this lesson is developing the interest in the students so that they will be able to learn the basic fundamentals of English learning. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn and understand the Articles and implement it in their daily life. That will be beneficial for their early learning. They will be able to learn and understand the thing. At the end they will be able to do the assigned work of the teacher. This will also help in improving the speaking ability of the students. 

Resources: Notebook, blackboard and assessment notes

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the Articles. What is Article and what is the use of article and to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. Learning the articles the students will be able to understand the use of articles and will know the difference between A, An and The.

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process (Corlett, 2021). Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation of the structure of sentence forming. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Studentshave to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of speaking or not. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning. Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the articles (White, 2021). At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of articles, where it is going to be used and how the use of the noun we can do in our daily life. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Introducing the term Article.
  • Define the key team.
  • Example of articles introduced.

Student’s activity: Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice. They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving the learning power (Obidjonovna, 2022). Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to understand the key term.
  • Noting them in notebook.

Lesson 5

Lecturer’s name: Harmit More

Date: 01.05.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Topic: Noun

Aims of lesson: To enable the students how to learn, speak and farming the sentence correctly. Enable the students in writing and speaking properly and effectively. Most important aim is to develop the interest of English in the students. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn the noun what it is called (Ibrahim-Ali and Guedez, 2021). They will get to understand and tell about the noun. Improvement in their speaking skills, revision of the grammar that they have learned in the class previously. At the end they will be ready to deliver the task that is assigned by the teacher. 

Resources: Notebook, blackboard and assessment notes

Assessments: Students will be able to understand the basis of the noun. What is a noun and what is the use of a noun and how to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process. Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation of the structure of sentence forming. Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of speaking or not. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning.. Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them with a basic understanding of the noun. At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of the noun, where it is going to be used and how the use of the noun we can do in our daily life. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Defining the basic of noun.
  • Evaluating.
  • Gather the students in the room
  • Providing Classwork

Student’s activity: Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice. They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Students will gather in the classroom.
  • Listening to the teacher's advice.
  • Noting all the things.
  • Trying to understand

Lesson 6

Lecturer’s name: Michel Stock

Date: 10.05.2022

Week 6

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Topic: Introduction to pronouns and introduction, greeting, listening and speaking. 

Aims of lesson: students should be able to great other people and able to introduced themselves. Able to communicate wells. 

Level: 1

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson Students should be able to learn new vocabularies related to the pronouns like You, I and we etc. (Janssen et al. 2019). Spoken language of the students will be increased. Enable the debate of introducing themselves in front of others. 

Resources: Text book, worksheets and white board.

Assessments: Can students be able to build and learn new words and be able to learn the basics of introduction. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiation: All the variety of study plans have been delivered (Cuñado and Abocejo, 2019). Students have access through the main objective of the lesson plan. The students who have performed well have been given a challenging assessment or homework to do in the house. Students have a choice of their own. Whether they want to study or not. For example, students have chosen a topic of their own that they want to study. 

Key skills to be addressed

Communication and literacy: Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals. Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas (Gabriele et al. 2019). Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Registered the students' attendance. Teacher may keep note of teaching time and has to complete the lesson on time. Always has the teaching materials and resources available with them (Fujii, 2019). Keep on note that lessons do not take more than one period. Teachers keep note of what the students are doing and assign them classwork (König et al. 2020). Teach them remotely in labs, grading the papers, meetings, participation, and update students' parents about their performance and review the lesson plans.

  • Introduction to pronouns and introduction, greeting, listening and speaking.
  • Define the term Pronouns.
  • Assessment providing.

Student’s activity: Here the teacher explains the difference between the aims and the objectives of the lesson (Hong et al. 2020). Oral report where students share their research in front of the teacher. Goal oriented exercise should be there to encourage collaboration and competition between the students. 

  • Students will gather in the classroom.
  • Listening to the teacher's advice.
  • Applying the uses of Pronoun.
  • Trying to understand.

Resources: Registers and notebook, handouts

Lesson 7

Lecturer’s name: Macke Milen 

Date: 20.05.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Week 7

Topic: Introduction to verbs

Aims of lesson: Verbs are the key roots of English learning that will help them to understand what period of time is going on and how it is going to be (Soalablai, 2020). Whether the sentence is in past, present and future tense. 

Lesson objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to learn uses of verbs and try to implement it in their daily making of sentences and this also helps in speaking in the right manner. 

Resources: PowerPoint presentation, Notebook and some assessments handouts.

Assessments: Can students be able to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of verbs. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiations: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process. Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation helps them to learn the words alphabets in making the sentence (Zhukova, T., 2018). Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to: Key skills that adhere in this lesson is that the teacher will use the right techniques in teaching the students well. By the power point presentation and many more teaching techniques. So they will take some time to perform in the class so it is the teachers responsibility to handle them in a better way so that there will not be any type of barriers in students' learning.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: Firstly the teacher will ask to gather the students in the room. Assist them with some work and provide them basic understanding of the verbs used in the sentence (Crosthwaite, 2021). At the end he provides some study materiel to the students that will help them to understand the basis of uses of verbs in sentence making , Where it is going to be used and how the use of the alphabets in reading. Provide them some home tasks and for better understanding of the students.

  • Define verbs.
  • Explaining the key term.
  • Assisting them some work.

Student’s activity: When the teacher came and asked them to gather in the classroom. Students will gather in the classroom. Listening to the teacher's advice. They are ready in making the assignment and Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving their learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well (Pratiwi et al. 2018). At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Listening carefully.
  • Trying to understand.
  • Performing the key task.

Lesson 8 

Lecturer’s name: M. p Clark

Date: 31.05.2022

Duration: 45 minutes

Subject: English

Week: 8

Topic: Tense

Aims of lesson: To plan and structure the activities what will be going to be done and all the procedures and strategies to follow up to perform the task. Teach them how to form a tense.

Level: 1

Lesson objective: By end of the lesson the students will be able to learn sentence framing and be able to learn the tenses and improve their speaking and writing abilities. Improvement in their speaking skills, revision of the grammar that they have learned in the class previously, revision of vocabulary, working in the groups (Kinasih and Hardiani, 2020). At the end they will be ready to deliver the task that is assigned by the teacher. 

Resources: Worksheets, Assignments handouts and PowerPoint presentation. 

Assessments: How the plan will be constructed and delivered to the students can students be able to build and learn new words and try to speak the words. And be able to learn the basics of speaking. Writing, grading, marking, feedback from the students, Formative assessment during the time of capture. 

Differentiation: In this stage the teacher creates a group and Different kinds of learning styles should be adopted and implemented in the learning process. Visualization of the PowerPoint presentation of the structure of sentence forming (Nor et al. 2022). Let them listen and speak in the classroom and discuss the topic in the class. Target based questions should be given to the students to perform their task and note it down. 

Key skill to be adhered to:  Has to analyze the area of development that should be adhere to meet students' goals, that is whether they are able to learn the basics of forming tense. If not the basic development and helping them to understand the thing is the key skill to be adhered to at this time of the learning (Skril, 2018). Keep examining their strengths and weak areas of the students. Work for developing the weak areas. Teachers speak and listen to the students. If the students have any kind of problem regarding the study or lesion this should be resolved by the students.

Information Technology: All the lesson plans should be word-word processed in the terms of assignments. Resources should be accessed in the module. 

Content & Teacher Activity: content is not the basic need of a good study plan if students are unable to understand the things at the end of the lesson. Teacher may keep note of teaching time and has to complete the lesson on time. Always has the teaching materials and resources available with them. Keep on note that lessons do not take more than one period. Teachers keep note of what the students are doing and assign them classwork. Allocate the students in the groups and tell them to interact with each other this will help to develop speaking power.

  • Define tense.
  • Types of tense.
  • Explaining all the terms.

Teach them remotely in labs, grading the papers, meetings, participation, and update students' parents about their performance and review the lesson plans. Teacher encounter question to the students. Allocation of then questions samples and analyzing the area of improvement in the teaching style. Taking the feedback from the students and improving the areas where the improvement has to be done. 

Student’s activity: Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject. Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving the learning power. Tries to deliver all the answers in a systematic way. Giving feedback will help them to understand the lesson very well. At last lesson planning should be there to improve the learning outcomes. 

  • Tries to develop the learning power and links between the objective of the study and to their subject.
  • Buzz activities involvement in the groups will help them in improving the learning power
  • Trying to learn all key terms.
  • Providing feedback to teacher.

Reference List


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Cuñado, A.G. and Abocejo, F.T., 2019. Lesson planning competency of English major university sophomore students. European Journal of Education Studies.

Gabriele, L., Bertacchini, F., Tavernise, A., Vaca-Cárdenas, L., Pantano, P. and Bilotta, E., 2019. Lesson planning by computational thinking skills in Italian pre-service teachers. Informatics in Education18(1), pp.69-104.

König, J., Bremerich-Vos, A., Buchholtz, C., Fladung, I. and Glutsch, N., 2020. Pre–service teachers’ generic and subject-specific lesson-planning skills: On learning adaptive teaching during initial teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education43(2), pp.131-150.

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Corlett, K.B., 2021. Investigating the Connection between Teacher Professional Development and the Lesson Planning Process (Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University).

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White, L., 2021. Building Future-Ready Learners: Constructivism and Lesson Planning: Pédagogie constructiviste et planification des leçons. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation12(2), pp.88-97.

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