Leadership Assignment Sample

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1. Introduction

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First part of the assignment covers the leadership practices that are being made to solve organizational disputes, and it mainly focuses on the role where the leadership rules are followed. In this segment of study skill of motivating the follower have analysed by evaluating the major innovative strategies of the leader. It has been considered that transferable skills are also essential for the engendering motivation among the followers. It also comprises the personal experience of leadership which has been discussed below.

Second part of the study covered leadership theory that helps to focus on the skills, attributes, and knowledge required to develop based on the analysis and the experience based on the real life examples. Leadership is nothing but inspiring original and effective way to communicate source. With these skills leadership also comprises the effective communication skill for imparting what the followers and the audience required in the mean time. Technical skills are also required to foster a better leadership skill in the individual. Need to handle both original and borrow the act to manage role (Kanat-Maymon et al. 2020). It plays an effectively role to communicate to engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to act.

Executive summary

The assignment is made in two parts giving proper guidance to understand and critically evaluate the situation and the leadership skill that is lacking. In the first of this assignment, the researcher has assumed the leadership quality that is required for the development and management of the organizational aspect. Leadership qualities also rely on real-life situations that manage to overcome the problem faced in making a perfect leader. Here, the role of decision making become the cardinal element for judging the quality of a leader

In the second part, we have made the analysis of Boris Johnson’s leadership style that is being followed by him to make a perfect example of vibrant leader. As a leader he has taken some attractive decision which is a basic element of any leader to take appropriate and timely decision. The perfect leader is formed who has the ability to solve the disputes and problem that arises according to the situation.

Part 1

The two leadership experiences that I have experienced are voluntary work and student experience in working in a group. My experience as a coordinator of open days for young adults in my local library was priceless as it enriches my leadership skills. My task was creating presentations about their favourite novels and author with phase of words. I also look after the requirements and guide them through the creation of their events, which taught me to manage time, communication, and compassionate mentoring. I was responsible for guiding young adults and communication and mentoring through the program to make sure they achieve success.I have followed transformationalleadershipbecause the leadership style after outlining the experience. 

According to Kanat-Maymon et al. (2020), the leadership process related to my life's voluntary experience was drawn from the situational leadership theory of leadership that helps me assume the changes that are required from situation to situation. Through the facing situation, I have come up with the experience of managing my time and developing effective communication. On the other hand, Kwan (2020) stated that the situational leadership theory has helped with making the right decision that depends on the situation. It is the task of the leader to act by looking into the situation that has happened. 

The leadership style followed is the Telling leadership style. It helps to take the descriptions in time and provide the benefits of the experience required for the communication to form the leader. Through looking into the situation, I have to develop my situation by gaining good experience and the skills that will help me in future development. The other aspect that is required for the development is the acceleration power.

Another experience that I have faced as a student working in a team is when I was in the final year and given the task of working on a project: we had to do the teamwork where there were four members, and one particular was looking after the task that was being made. In doing the work in a team, I have experienced that people have good communication and time management skills that help to overcome any problem that is being faced. My task was to communicate and collaborate among the group. 

According to Tourish (2019), the leadership theory that is related to the students working in a team is a team leadership theory that does not discriminate between the leaders and the other members who are working in a team. On the other hand, James et al.(2018) stated that team leadership theory and collaborative leadership style are being followed, which is required for the development of leadership is to achieve the goal and establish the team rule and the purpose that is required for effective management.

Part 2

According to Muff et al. (2020), it is stated that Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, follows the GREAT MAN Theory of leadership. It helps to experience the necessary born and attributes that are set apart from each other. To raise the trait, assign the power and the authority responsibly that is required to achieve the goal of the organization. On the other hand, Endres and Weibler (2020) stated that the prime minister should launch from the crises and self-imposed pother; the power to reach the management is also required to avoid the threshold of the letter that is being reached. 

According to Rathore and Pandey (2018), it was stated that the great man leadership theory helped Boris Johnson in that they became larger as they understood the quality that is required to measure the individual qualities and the performance that indicate the majority of the leaders are fluctuate of the rules that are being followed to identify the significance of their performance. The development also helps in managing several operations in the field of leadership management (Jensen et al. 2018). On the other hand, it can be said that the effectiveness of Boris Johnson’s qualities helped him to become a great leader as he followed the great man leadership theory and has the qualities of the entire leader that is required for the management and administration work. Great man leadership theory helps leaders to identify their personal traits and according to this theory, leaders are born, not made.

It is also discussed that Boris Johnson has also followed the trait and the behavioural theory. According to Cho et al. (2019), it is stated that Boris Johnson displays and follows traditional traits. As example it can be said that traditional leadership generally goes with past or traditional style based. This helps the leaders to know about the problem of the public, and he helps them to provide the solution. Johnson's strategic approach will be irrelevant and put the UK at risk. That is the strategy that is followed. Traditional leadership approach promotes disrespectful behaviour and it does not promote hard work and talent (Kompi, 2018).As example, in case a leader has adopted this style then the leader uses his power on illegal activity and another name this leadership theory is dictatorship.

On the other hand, Blythe (2021) stated that situation and the cognitive theory are being made by Johnsons through the implication of the great leadership theory. This theory will help them to overcome the problem that is being faced by the UK. After looking into the promise of Johnson's leadership style he tries to follow and the rules that are boyish, public school personnel that has left with a unique appeal in the UK culture. The impact and challenges in the upcoming EU negotiation are aligned with the theories. It is also observed that Johnson's leadership style will be put into negotiation with the vital role that will leave with the EU that in fact, will lead to troubling people. 

According to Korzynskiet al.(2021), the transactional theory of leadership is being followed by Johnson to improve the management in the areas that are required for the management to organize and maintain teamwork that helps them to form the basis of the leadership style Johnson required this action in order to follow the supervision and the rules that help him to become a good leader and manage the work that is required to fulfil the satisfaction of the employee who is working in that particular company. As example, transactional leadership helps the leader to work as a group and this also helps in managing individual performance. Along with this Microsoft has adopted transactional leadership style and due to this, they can provide automation in their industry. In respect to this, Johnson can use this leadership style to manage and regulate their members. This leadership theory mainly uses in an organisation to provide reward to their employees for their performance and this theory also helps political party leaders to provide promotion and reward to their workers for their performance (Berkovich and Eyal, 2021). Johnson uses the distribution leadership theory to understand and analyze the situation that helps them to understand the approach and maintain the rules and the regulation that is required for the development of the management. This theory not only promotes self-obedience but also provides autonomy while implementing any task . On the other hand, Gibbs et al.(2019) stated that the primary obligation is the important space in the management that helps them develop and primarily use educational research to develop leadership. Johnson follows the ethical and critical leadership theory to maintain and demonstrate the rules and the regulation that helps in the development and the management of the work to conduct the work and the interpersonal relation. As a political leader, it is important to adopt ethical leadership approach and with the help of this theory honesty and integrity can be developed in a leader (Berkovich and Eyal, 2021). As example, corruption and fraudulent activities can be reduced from the system of political party.

According to Khorakian and Sharifirad (2019), it is stated that the ethics of leadership in the individual helps to monitor and follow, which helps to demonstrate and promote the skills that is appropriate for Johnson's leadership style to follow the interpersonal relation and personal action. On the other hand, Ferkinset al. (2018) stated that the leadership style helps in managing the work in an effective way and also helps them to work for the appropriate and these leadership skills are required for the investor to feel good and likely to feel good when the leader is placed in the organization to solve the issue, and the disputes are being arisen.

The theory helps Boris Johnson to follow the rules and the regulations that are required for the management and an effective organization to follow and that make the UK learn more. Great man leadership theory helps to solve the disputes and the conflict that is being raised and the leader's work is to solve the disputes. On the other hand, this leadership theory can help to create self-awareness and this can also help in building relationships.Therefore, leaders can build trust with their team member’s and Johnson, with the help of this theory can manage and regulate their workers effectively. In this, the leaders should have the quality to understand, manage and make decision according to the situation. Johnson is at his best when the delegation of power and the actors act as symbolism to make him an effective leader. 

3. Conclusion

In the first part of this study, it has been discussed that the qualities of an effective leader include the intelligence, quality, and political stability that are required for the development of a successful leader. In this, the leadership style that is followed is the great man theory that helps to know the quality and the capability to become an effective leader and can solve disputes by our own. Along with this, my personal experience as a leader in the school. It has been found that mere trait and behavioural leadership does not suffice the ultimate credentials of a leader and therefore, facets of other leadership theory are also important. As an example, facets of transformational leadership and the situational leadership is also important for engendering an all-encompassing leadership skill.

In the second part of this study, it has been found that the trait theory and behavioural theory are the main aspects that are being followed by Johnson to solve the disputes. It has also discussed Boris Johnson: the British prime ministers’ leadership theory that should incorporate and regard leadership ethics. It is achieved when the leaders motivate the team and work along with the members. With these some situational and transformational leadership skills have also been observed in Boris Johnson. The whole discussion is made on the effective leadership style that is required to be followed by Boris Johnson to overcome any kind of conflict that is being raised.

Reference list

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Endres, S. and Weibler, J., 2020. Understanding (non) leadership phenomena in collaborative interorganizational networks and advancing shared leadership theory: an interpretive grounded theory study. Business Research, 13(1), pp.275-309.

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