Legal Advice On Tenancy Rights To Lisa And Geoff Based On 10 Post Assignment Sample

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1st Post (Initial Post): Dated on: 20.01.2024

Choosing between joint tenancy and tenancy in common requires careful legal consideration. Whether you’re co-owning with a spouse or a friend, understanding your rights is crucial. If you're facing legal complexities, explore our help with assignment for students struggling with deadlines to get expert guidance and timely assistance.

Discussion on ascertain questions to Lisa and Geoff and advice on appropriate tenancy rights

Lisa and Geoff want to buy a property together for which Lisa and Geoff required legal advice in whether the “tenants in common” is better or joint tenants[1].  Before providing the legal advice, the set of questions will be asked to Lisa and Geoff, which are as follows.

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Q.1. What is the relationship between Lisa and Geoff along with their common interest in the property purchases?

Q2. What will be the willingness of investment sharers for Lisa and Geoff for purchasing the property?

Q3. Will Lisa and Geoff have any separate inheritance or in common?

These are some basic questions that can be asked by Lisa and Geoff before providing legal advice on property shares. The first questions will be asked to understand the relationship between Lisa and Geoff because it helps to understand their common interests of. If Lisa and Geoff are “husband and wife” in reality then they should go for the joint tenants. The “Law of Property Act 1925” states the joint property share and the tenancy rights based on the common interest for the purchasing property[2]. The second question also helps to decide the equal tenancy rights based on individuals' investment share. If both have equal investment shares, then the clients can go for joint tenants or Lsa and Geoff can choose “tenants in common” based on separated investment shares.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

In the case of, the joint tenant's rights, if disagreements occur and one disagrees to pay the rent then other tenants must have to pay the tenants. In this situation, one partner can take the legal steps and Court case against also. However, if one partner between Lisa and Geoff dies, then the other can automatically get the ownership of the property sharers.



  • Bray, J., 2022. Unlocking land law. Routledge. Available at: [Accessed on: 21.01.24]


  • Karjalainen T, ‘The Battle of Power: Enforcing Data Protection Law Against Companies Holding Data Power’ (2022) 47 Computer Law & Security Review 105742

2nd Post: Dated on: 24.01.2024

Joint tenants and the “tenants in common” are two main types of tenancy rights before purchasing the new property together. Geoff and Lisa are the new clients who want to purchase a property jointly for which Lisa and Geoff need legal advice. Therefore, before giving legal advice, as a legal advisor I wanted to ask about the relationship between Lisa and Geoff. If I find that Lisa and Geoff are friends or co-workers then I will advise them to go for “tenants in common”. Based on the “Law of Property Act 1925 s.1(6)” describes in detail the common holding rights regarding the “tenants in common”[3]. I also took the information regarding monetary investment for purchasing the new property for giving the legal rights on properties based on the investment shares. The “tenants in common” will be appropriate for their relationship if Lisa and Geoff are good friends. It choices of this type of tenancy type help to give more flexibility based on a percentage of property shares.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

If the new clients Lisa and Geoff are friends, then they should follow the “tenants in common” because there exists ample opportunity to decide the percentage of ownership based on the investment shares, personal goals, interest, etc[4]. However, if a disagreement appears between Lisa and Geoff, then based on the property shares like (50/50) or the unequal type of property shares (70/30) or (90/10), the other partners can take legal action. In that situation, the higher property share owners can purchase, sell or take auctions for the properties.

Reference List


  • Parise A, ‘Owning the Conceptualization of Ownership: American Civil Law Jurisdictions and the Origins of 19th-Century Code Provisions’ [2019] Comparative Legal History 432
  • ‘Tenancy in Common, Joint Tenancy, and Tenancy by the Entirety’ [2021] Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Property Opinions 251

3rd Post: Dated on: 27.01.2024

Lisa and Geoff need legal advice regarding new property purchases either in the form of “tenants in common” or in the form of joint tenants. Before deciding the tenancy rights of individuals the existence of relationship status and future planning is very necessary. Suppose, Lisa and Geoff are a married couple and decide to purchase the new properties jointly by using the joint tenancy rights[5]. If Lisa and Geoff decide to stay in a happy married life then there will be no problem. In that case, Lisa and Geoff have equal rights. In that case, if one partner dies, then others can get an equal property share on behalf of other partners[6]. However, if disagreements occur between the couples then Lisa and Geoff can go for the following process.

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Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Based on the Joint tenancy rights, both the partners Lisa and Geoff have equal rights on property shares. In that situation, Lisa and Geoff can move for a legal court case and claim for fair and equal property distributions between them. The “Law of Property (Joint Tenants) Act 1964” provides the joint shares of individual shareholders of Lisa and Geoff.

Reference List


  • ‘Pro Se de Magia, pro Se de Magia (PO-Comm-ENG1)’ Apuleius Online
  • Vanaik A, ‘Landlords, Tenants, and Real Estate Firms’ [2019] Possessing the City 58

4th Post: Dated on: 31.01.2024

Assertain of the legal and formal ownership for purchasing the property together requires understanding the depth and the past history of the client's relationships. Understanding the relationship depth between Lisa and Geoff is very important because these types of property rights provide equal share distributions and rights (50/50 rights) for selling or purchasing or any new decisions regarding property ownership decisions[7]. This type of tenancy rights of joint tenancy also provides equal responsibilities and equal shares for payment, and improvements, for protecting the new property. Choosing of this type of property right also protects the individual owners from the legal and complicated procedures. Another important question also asked in this situation related to the income source of Lisa and Geoff. Because the percentage shares of investments of Lisa and Geoff also depend upon the source of the income. If both have a good income source, then Lisa and Geoff can go for joint tenancy and can earn equal shares Another big advantage of choosing the joint tenancy is that if one partner dies then it is not required to probabte the property shares.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Suppose, a disagreement between Lisa and Geoff occurs and one of partners wants to sell the property[8]. Then one partner must get the consent from other as Lisa and Geoff take the joint tenancy rights. Before purchasing the properties, Lisa and Geoff can sign a partition agreement based on mutual agreements, investment shares, co-owners shares, and future inherent of the properties in the absence of Lisa and Geoff.

Reference List


  • ‘General Principles of Good Governance in Execution in State Administrative Courts’ [2019] Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
  • Katz L, ‘Corporate Shares as Shares’ [2019] Modern Studies in Property Law

5th Post: 04.02.2024

The tenancy rights vary based on the relationships between the co-owners. Therefore, it is most important to understand the existing relationship between Lisa and Geoff. Therefore, the primary question for Lisa and Geoff is the existence relationship between them. Suppose, Lisa and Geoff are coworkers or friends who want to purchase the property jointly. In that situation, Lisa and Geoff can choose to sign for the flexible tenancy rights of “Tenancy in Common (TIC)”, by following “The Law of Property Act 1925 s 1(6)”. Because the TIC also provides affordability and updates the owners. Each owner can sell their parts separately. Using the TIC property rights, Lisa and Geoff can use equal usage of the newly purchased properties irrespective of the percentage shares[9]. Adoption of the TIC also helps to bear the collective and equal responsibility as a part of the mortgage payments, property taxes, expenses, and maintenance costs for future disappearances. Using these tenancy rights, Lisa and Geoff can transfer the legal ownership. 

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Suppose, a disagreement between Lisa and Geoff occurs and refuses to maintain the tenancy rights and responsibilities. In that situation, one individuals have the legal right to sell the property sales by other individuals. In that disagreement case, Lisa and Geoff can refuse to work together by partitioning the entire property. Therefore, Lisa and Geoff can divide the tenant's rights based on respective property shares[10]. Incase of a disagreement situation between Lisa and Geoff, one partner can take the transfer of the property share to other third parties without obtaining consent from other shareholders of the property.

Reference List


  • Braitenberg C [2021] Comment on SE-2021-90
  • Stephens M, ‘Social Rented Housing in the (Dis)United Kingdom: Can Different Social Housing Regime Types Exist within the Same Nation State?’ [2020] Transforming Social Housing 9

6th Post: Dated on: 08.02.2024

Different types of tenancy rights have different types of benefits and disadvantages. Therefore, before, it is very important to understand the common interest, investment share, and future goals from the purchasing properties, and it is important to provide advice to Lisa and Geoff. The first question will be asked regarding the common interest of Lisa and Geoff in purchasing the new property[11]. Because, this question also helps to understand the financial investment shares, of the individuals of Lisa and Geoff. Suppose, Lisa and Geoff are the business partner and want to purchase the properties together. In that case, the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)” will be the best approach for tenancy rights for Lisa and Geoff. This type of TIC property rights provides flexible rights based on the investment shares and the financial shares. Based on the TIC agreements, Lisa and Geoff can sign the distribution shares of equal amount (50/50) or the other distribution shares. The next question will be the future goals of both the business partners from the given properties. Therefore, using the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)”, Lisa and Geoff can dispose of the legal ownership.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Suppose, there occurs some disagreement between Lisa and Geoff for the percentage share of the purchasing properties[12]. In that situation, one partner can claim the ownership or legal rights based on the property shares from the property shares. The “Transfer of Property Act, 1982” can be applicable in this situation to address the transferable property rights of other individuals.

Reference List


  • Urs AB, ‘Comprendre Le Conflit Actuel de l‘ituri’ [2021] Analele Universit??ii din Oradea. Seria: Rela?ii Interna?ionale ?i Studii Europene 209
  • Soaita AM, ‘Everyday Activism: Private Tenants Demand Right to Home’ [2022] Housing Studies 1

7th Post: Dated on: 12.04.2024

The identification of the appropriate tenancy rights is the most important factor before buying any joint property between two partners. There exist different types of factors that are also responsible before providing legal advice to Lisa and Geoff. Therefore, the first question will be asked about Lisa and Geoff’s relationship and bonding between them. Suppose, Lisa and Geoff are partners and will married in future[13]. Now, Lisa and Geoff want to purchase the new property for which they asked for appropriate legal tenancy rights. Based on the “Landlord and Tenant Act 1985”, the adoption of the Joint tenancy is appropriate for taking the legal agreement between Lisa and Geoff. The joint tenancy right provides benefits to the joint partner for taking the tenancy rights, and property shares without taking any legal court case. In this situation, the joint tenancy provides the full legal rights to both partners, Lisa and Geoff therefore can adopt the Joint tenancy. Therefore, when Lisa and Geoff get married will receive equal shares from the newly jointly purchased property[14]. The second most important question is related to the yearly income sources. For analysing the joint tenancy rights, it is necessary to invest an equal amount of share during property purchases and this can be based on both the partner's consumer. In some situations, only one partner works and invests the entire amount for purchasing the new properties. However, due to matrimonial rights, the other partners can get the joint shares from the partner's property shares. Therefore, joint tenancy is better in that situation.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Now, suppose, a disagreement between the partners occurs and one partner can deny the other's contribution and the legal rights from the property purchase. In that situation, the other partner can move with the joint tenancy rights and claim equal property rights.

Reference List


  • Dhanireddy S, Kurochkin P and Dosakayala N, ‘Incidence of Endophthalmitis, Then and Now’ [2020] Journal of Ophthalmology Research Reviews & Reports 1
  • Nettling P, ‘Tenant Activism and the Demise of Urban Renewal: Tenants, Governance, and the Struggle for Recognition at Habitations Jeanne-Mance in Montreal’ (2020) 48 Journal of Urban History 523

8th Post: Dated on: 16.04.2024

Geoff and Lisa have the wish to purchase the joint property together for which, Lisa and Geoff need legal advice regarding appropriate tenancy rights before proceeding with the purchasing parts. In this situation as a legal advisor, the first and foremost important task is to asserted to collect the personal details, purchasing motives, future goals, and partnership bonding between Lisa and Geoff[15]. Therefore, as a legal advisor, the first questions will be relationship status and the purchasing motive. Suppose, Lisa and Geoff are a married couple and want to purchase an asset property for their future inheritance. In that respect, Lisa and Geoff can take the joint tenancy as ownership of property inheritance. As Lisa and Geoff are in a marriage relationship, therefore, the joint tenancy can provide peaceful and happy enjoyment shares for the new property purchases. The joint tenancy also possessed the same and equal rights regarding taking any new decisions. This joint tenancy also provides the simplified transfer even if after the death of one partner based on “The Rent Act 1977”. So, the joint tenancy will be best if the clients are in a legal, marriage relationship.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Suppose, Lisa and Geoff have entered into a disagreement regarding the ownership of the property rights due to any conflicts and the breakdown of the legal relationship. In this situation, one partner of Lisa and Geoff can move to legal procedures[16]. Then the court can transfer the legal tenancy rights to the other joint partners based on the joint tenancy rights. Therefore, by following the “Rent Act 1977” the partners of Lisa and Geoff can claim the property rights of other partners.

Reference List


  • Kehoe DP, ‘Private Property Rights and Public Claims on Land in the Roman Empire’ [2022] Law and Economic Performance in the Roman World 25
  • Tardanico R and Oslender U, ‘Dividing a City: Real Estate Mega-Speculation and Contention in Miami, Florida.’ [2021] Astrágalo. Cultura de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad 103

9th Post: Dated on: 20.04.2024

Different types of tenancy rights play an important role in providing legal tenancy rights for purchasing new properties. Lisa and Geoff are the new clients who want legal advice before purchasing a new joint property. Some necessary question is asked to Geoff and Lisa before providing the advisory session which is related to their existing relationship, objectives and goals, property rights, relationship bonding, etc[17]. Suppose, I found that Lisa and Geoff are both good friends who wanted to purchase some joint property for future business purposes. In this situation, I will ask them about the friendship bonding, and trust factory by which the tenancy advice will be provided. Next, I will also ask about the financial stability of both the partner and willingness to invest in contribution[18]. Now, I will be suggested to adopt the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)” by which Lisa and Geoff will have flexible rights from the property shares. Based on this agreement Lisa and Geoff can also move in a separate path from the joint properties.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

Another important fact that also needs to be considered is suppose, there exist some disagreements between Lisa and Geoff. In that situation, Lisa and Geoff can have the legal freedom to move on to their properties. The “Tenancy in Common (TIC)” also provides the freedom of flexible property share based on the purchasing investments of both Lisa and Geoff.

Reference List


  • Bonfert B, ‘“The Real Power Must Be in the Base” – Decentralised Collective Intellectual Leadership in the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City’ (2021) 45 Capital & Class 523


  • Ispas, P.E., 2021. The Joint Tenancy over Property. Conferin?a Interna?ional? de Drept, Studii Europene ?i Rela?ii Interna?ionale, (IX), pp.294-299. Available at: [accessed on; 21.01.24]

10th Post: Dated on: 24.04.2024

Tenant rights play an important role because they help to protect the live properties and the joint shares from the purchased property between the joint partners. Geoff and Lissa are both our new clients seeking legal advice for joint tenancy rights before proceeding with the property purchase. In this regard, the first important question asked by our clients Lisa and Geoff is related to their relationship status. Suppose, Lisa and Geoff are cousins in a relationship and want to purchase the joint property[19]. In this situation, Lisa and Geoff need to adopt the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)”. The TIC provide flexible rights and opportunities for property shares for Lisa and Geoff. Therefore, applying the TIC tenancy rights, Lisa and Geoff can purchase new property shares based on a percentage amount of shares on joint property. Whether it is on 50/50 shares or 75/25 shares based on the purchasing goal, or financial investments on new joint properties.

Advise Lisa and Geoff regarding disagreements based on ownership

However, if the relationship between Lisa and Geoff tends to deteriorate and any disagreement occurs related to the property sold, purchase or any new decision, in that case, Lisa or Geoff can take their own legal rights on the joint properties based on the property share and without info\rming other partners.

Reference List


  • , (2022), Available at:,that%20he%20is%20so%20interested. [accessed on; 21.01.24]

Summary of the Post

The tenancy rights are an important factor for purchasing any new properties in joint venture ships. The above 10 posts helped me to learn and understand the tenancy rights for the joint partnership in the context of different relationships, different goals, and different objectives. In the first introduction stage of those posts, I found that Lisa and Geoff are the clients who are asking for legal advice for purchasing the joint properties. In the second feeling stage, I also feel that the two distinct types of tenancy rights the joint tenancy rights and the “tenant in common” play important roles in joint partnership rights. In the Evaluation stage, I evaluate that there exist some disadvantages and benefits of the joint tenancy and the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)”. I also understand that the Joint tenancy is more flexible for the marriage relationship between the partners. However, the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)” is better for friends, or business partners who want to take any business relationship and purchase the new properties. In the last conclusion stage, I analysed the 10 posts which were posted on separate dates and discussed the legal advice provided to Lisa and Geoff for the joint purchase of new properties. the “Law of Property Act 1925” also helps to understand how the joint tenant and the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)” provide the legal joint rights to Lisa and Geoff. Lisa and Geoff also take the joint tenant rights or the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)”. If Lisa and Geoff are in a matrimonial relationship, then they can add joint tenants by which both the partners can share equal opportunities and rights for the joint sharers on the newly purchased properties even if died of one partner. On the otherhand, if the “Tenancy in Common (TIC)” is adopted, the partners have the flexible rights to share the joint properties based on the percentage share of the property.

  • Bray, J., 2022. Unlocking land law. Routledge. Available at: [Accessed on: 21.01.24]
  • Karjalainen T, ‘The Battle of Power: Enforcing Data Protection Law Against Companies Holding Data Power’ (2022) 47 Computer Law & Security Review 105742
  • Parise A, ‘Owning the Conceptualization of Ownership: American Civil Law Jurisdictions and the Origins of 19th-Century Code Provisions’ [2019] Comparative Legal History 432
  • Tenancy in Common, Joint Tenancy, and Tenancy by the Entirety’ [2021] Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Property Opinions 251
  • Pro Se de Magia, pro Se de Magia (PO-Comm-ENG1)’ Apuleius Online
  • Vanaik A, ‘Landlords, Tenants, and Real Estate Firms’ [2019] Possessing the City 58
  • General Principles of Good Governance in Execution in State Administrative Courts’ [2019] Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization
  • Katz L, ‘Corporate Shares as Shares’ [2019] Modern Studies in Property Law
  • Braitenberg C [2021] Comment on SE-2021-90
  • Stephens M, ‘Social Rented Housing in the (Dis)United Kingdom: Can Different Social Housing Regime Types Exist within the Same Nation State?’ [2020] Transforming Social Housing 9
  • Urs AB, ‘Comprendre Le Conflit Actuel de l‘ituri’ [2021] Analele Universit??ii din Oradea. Seria: Rela?ii Interna?ionale ?i Studii Europene 209
  • Soaita AM, ‘Everyday Activism: Private Tenants Demand Right to Home’ [2022] Housing Studies 1
  • Dhanireddy S, Kurochkin P and Dosakayala N, ‘Incidence of Endophthalmitis, Then and Now’ [2020] Journal of Ophthalmology Research Reviews & Reports 1
  • Nettling P, ‘Tenant Activism and the Demise of Urban Renewal: Tenants, Governance, and the Struggle for Recognition at Habitations Jeanne-Mance in Montreal’ (2020) 48 Journal of Urban History 523
  • Kehoe DP, ‘Private Property Rights and Public Claims on Land in the Roman Empire’ [2022] Law and Economic Performance in the Roman World 25
  • Tardanico R and Oslender U, ‘Dividing a City: Real Estate Mega-Speculation and Contention in Miami, Florida.’ [2021] Astrágalo. Cultura de la Arquitectura y la Ciudad 103
  • Bonfert B, ‘“The Real Power Must Be in the Base” – Decentralised Collective Intellectual Leadership in the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and to the City’ (2021) 45 Capital & Class 523
  • Ispas, P.E., 2021. The Joint Tenancy over Property. Conferin?a Interna?ional? de Drept, Studii Europene ?i Rela?ii Interna?ionale, (IX), pp.294-299. Available at: [accessed on; 21.01.24]
  • , (2022), Available at:,that%20he%20is%20so%20interested. [accessed on; 21.01.24]

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