Investigation Into The Health Factors Assignment Sample

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1. Introduction

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Physical health is highly related to the mental health of a person and certain physical health issues generated through mental issues. Additionally, mental illness can be also generated through physical health-related issues. Difficult home situations and adverse family conditions contribute to homelessness in youngsters. On the other hand, a history of sexual, emotional and physical abuse is significantly contributing to homelessness in young people. Other factors contributing to this type of homelessness involve criminality, psychiatric disorders, and parental; addictions.

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1.2 Aim and Objectives 

The main aim of the study is to find out factors facilitating youth homelessness in recent years. 

Objectives are -

  • To identify various health factors influencing youth homelessness 
  • To investigate the reasons behind emergence of health factors contributing to homelessness in youngsters
  • To evaluate preventive measures that can resolve reasons behind youth homelessness 

1.3 Research questions 

RQ1: What is the factors health factors facilitating youth homelessness in the UK?

RQ2: What are the reasons behind emergence of health factors influencing homelessness in young people in the UK? 

RQ3: How preventive measures can resolve the reasons behind homelessness of youth?  

1.4 Background

Homelessness is considered a crucial issue in recent years due to the emergence of certain health-related factors as well as other issues. Study shows that nearly about 69% of homeless youth are suffering from problems of mental health (Ncsl, 2020). This statistic suggests that youth people are suffering from different mental health issues that facilitate homelessness in youth. Mental issues can result from different family-related issues such as physical and mental abuse, bad parenting as well as inherited traits. Human development plays an essential part in homelessness in youth people in the UK. As stated by Kelly (2020), mental retardation, lack of nutrition, complexities in birth, premature birth, and other medical factors give rise to mental issues among youth. Human development starts from neonatal stage of humans and continues till a certain age of people. Due to ineffective human development, people experience improper growth as well as mental development. Mental development of people is associated with physical development in certain cases such as gene-related issues. Inhibition, rational decision-making, reasoning, and planning are stifled until maturation of young individuals.

2. Literature Review

2.1Details of homelessness issues

Consequences experienced by youngsters in recent years are vast as well as need coordination between educations, welfare of children. Medical factors such as mental issues are hard to cure and it is the main reason behind the youth homelessness. Nearly about 80% of homeless individuals in the UK reported mental issues and among them, around 45% are diagnosed with it (Mentalhealth, 2019). One of the reasons behind this statistic is problems of mental health need a proper diagnosis that includes a sufficient amount of money. Majority of people fail to invest a huge amount of money in this case as they have other children and families to take care of. On the other hand, there is hardly any possibility to recover from certain mental health issues and parents have to make decisions on whether to invest in this case. The situation becomes worst for the patient and they detach from their families as well as face homelessness.

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On the other hand, youths who face homelessness issues are a great possibility to experience violence, health problems, and others. Other than medical factors certain factors such as poverty, family breakdown, and neglect from families contribute to youth homelessness in the UK in recent years. According to Kidd et al. (2019), certain chronic diseases such as genetic disorders, infections, surgery, mental disorders, and others can be reasons behind homelessness. Young people suffering from various health issues experience mental abuse from their friends and classmates as well as family members. On the other hand, the system of “Adoption and Foster Care Analysis” suggests that more than 600 children in the US ran away in 2019 from their foster homes and other placement (Ncsl, 2020). On the other hand, nearly about 62% of youth homelessness cases reported physical harm. Several factors are there that are contributing to youth homelessness and in majority cases, family issues are the huge ones. Additionally, youth people generally teenagers develop anger issues and other ego-related problems that also facilitate youth homelessness. Inadequate mental and physical growth can also term under medical factors facilitating homelessness cases among youngsters in the UK.

2.2 Health factors related to homelessness 

Mental issues such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia contribute to youth homelessness in recent years. Additionally, in certain cases, parents want to get rid of their mentally ill children. Relationship between mental health cases and homelessness can be 2 ways, nearly about 26% of homeless individuals in the UK show mental issues (Ourworldindata, 2018). On the other hand, homelessness of youngsters can give rise to mental complications such as depression, anxiety, and others. Sexual abuse, chronic disease, and other medical factors increase the risk of homelessness among young generations in this era. Addiction to alcohol and drugs can cause family issues and in several cases, young people have to face juvenile justice. This situation worsens the scenario by affecting mental health of youngsters contributing to homelessness. On the other hand, inappropriate housing conditions and other things can contribute to homelessness which is also related to health factors. Poor housing affects young minds and they feel neglected in their homes and detach from their families.

Physical health issues such as poor nutrition, lack of medical care, and dental complications also give rise to homelessness issues. Consumption of alcohol and drugs also arise family issues and young people are forced to leave their houses. On the other hand, consumption of alcohol creates health issues among youngsters and affects their mentality. As stated by Schwan et al. (2018), mental illnesses are a huge cause that worsens homelessness cases among young people in the UK. Poor health issues give rise to chronic diseases and complexities among youngsters make them vulnerable to homelessness. Additionally, sexually-transmitted diseases contribute to youth homelessness in the UK in recent years. People suffering from this type of disease become a burden to their families and they detach from their families and friends. STI-related issues are common in the country and several people are suffering from this disease it is also a contributing health factor in case of youth homelessness. This issue makes young people vulnerable to further complexities in homelessness conditions.

2.3Theoretical perspective

Conflict theory is beneficial for this study to understand views of society about homelessness among young people and health-related factors. Conflict theory provides a theoretical aspect telling about several conflicts that take place of limited available resources and health issues.

3. Methodology

3.1 Research philosophy

This study has included positivism philosophy as research philosophy to know about health factors influencing homelessness among young people. Positivism allows in-depth analysis for understanding reasons behind youth homelessness in the UK. According to Dougherty et al. (2019), this philosophy is associated with the social world that gives a way to know and understand the social environment in objective ways. This positivism philosophy is beneficial for the study as it gives a scope to know social aspects behind contributing health factors of youth homelessness.

3.2 Research approach

The study has utilised a deductive approach as a research approach to prove a pre-existing hypothesis based on the provided topic. According to Maarouf (2019), a deductive approach is helpful to prove an existing theory and an assumption and it provides a chance to find associated information related to the chosen pre-existing theory and assumption. This type of research approach has been helpful for testing various theoretical concepts to determine health-related issues as well as their importance on homelessness in youths.

3.3 Research design

The research has included a descriptive design as a research design to provide descriptive knowledge at the end of the study. This research design has been chosen as it provides flexibility in different stages of research and helps in case of critical analysis of the health issues of youth homelessness. According to Abutabenjeh and Jaradat (2018), descriptive knowledge is easy to understand and good for retaining knowledge for a long time. This design is good for the study as it has provided descriptive information about issues behind homelessness among young people in the UK.

3.4 Research method

The study has included mixed methods as it has involved both secondary and primary methods. Secondary and primary methods include respective benefits and this study has included the benefits of methods. As per views by Browne et al. (2019), mixed methods are beneficial as it provides beneficial impacts of both methods in a particular study. This study has got advantages in case of collecting data from both primary as well as secondary sources. Mixed methods have been useful for finding health factors influencing homelessness of youngsters in recent days in UK.

3.5 Data collection method

Data and information for the purpose of the study has been gathered from both primary as well as secondary sources. The study has included secondary and primary methods for gathering data from various authentic sources. According to Peterson et al. (2019), primary data are useful as this information is free from biases and devoid of manipulation. On the other hand, secondary methods are useful as it helps to find data from authentic journals and articles relevant to the given topic. Primary methods have collected data from a survey of 50 homeless youngsters and secondary methods have helped to collect data from Google scholar and other online articles.

3.6 Data analysis

This research has included a quantitive method for analysing primary data by using excel tool. Additionally, the study has also involved qualitative analysis on the basis of thematic analysis for analysing secondary data and information. As per views of Liu and Yang (2021), quantitative analysis helps to produce an analysis of primary data in the form of graphical interpretation and charts. Qualitative analysis has provided thematic analysis in the form, of descriptive information.

3.7 Ethical consideration

Confidentiality, as well as anonymity of the gathered data from primary sources, has been maintained throughout the study. On the other hand, the data and information has not disclosed to third parties and other purposes. Collected data are not manipulated as well as genuineness of data is maintained across the research. Additionally, “Data Protection Act, 2018” has been selected for assuring data safety as well as confidentiality. 

4. Results

4.1 Primary quantitative data: Survey Results 

Demographic questions 

Q1: What is your age? 


As per the above figure, 46% of respondents belong to 25-30 years age group, and 54% of respondents belong to the 31-35 years age group. 


It has been identified that among a total of 50 respondents, 23 respondents have been identified as 25-30 years of age group whereas 27 respondents are 31-35 years of age group. 

Q2: What is your gender? 


Based on the above figure, it has been identified that 40% of respondents are male and 60% of respondents are female here. 


It has been observed from the above result that among 50 respondents, 20 respondents are male and rests are the female. 

Survey questionnaires 

Q1: Is the UK government taking any necessary steps to promote the well-being of homeless young people? 


As per the above figure, 40% of respondents strongly agreed with the fact that the UK government has undertaken essential steps for the homeless people. On the other hand, 10% of respondents strongly disagreed with the fact. 


Governmental support is most required to reduce the number of homeless people and in this case, the UK government develops different agendas with local communities to deal with the fact. The disagreement of 9 respondents in this fact evaluated that not each individual is able to get equal benefits. 

Q2: Is poor housing condition responsible to enhance the number of homeless young people? 


As per the above figure, 60% of respondents strongly agreed with the fact whereas 20% of respondents strongly disagreed with the aforementioned fact. 


Most of the respondents strongly agreed with the fact as poor housing conditions are responsible to increase the level of detachment from the families. It also enhances mental illness along with anxiety among individuals (Crosby et al. 2018). On the other hand, the disagreement of people indicates that lack of proper care and excessive levels of physical and mental harm is responsible to feel people detaching from families. 

Question 3: Are poor health issues responsible to enhance chronic diseases and complexities among youngsters that make them vulnerable to homelessness?


As per above, 40% of respondents strongly agreed with the aforementioned fact and 10% of respondents strongly disagreed with it. 


As per the opinion of respondents, poor health issues and lack of care from the family members make people detach from the home and families. On the other hand, the disagreement of respondents suggests that poor health issues cannot make people vulnerable enough to homelessness. 

4.2 Secondary data: Thematic analysis 

Theme 1: Impact of youth homelessness on UK’s economy: A rising threat 


The youth homelessness is observed at a high level in UK that is considered a major threat to the nation’s economy. According to Bramley and Fitzpatrick (2018), it is essential to reinforce the “moral imperative for policy action” on homelessness. As per the below figure, 10% of black households are at the risk of homelessness in England, and a 40% increase is also observed in youth homelessness (Theguardian, 2021). As an impact, economic problems are also rising as public resources and expenses are increased rather than the income level. 


As per the above findings, the economy of UK is struggling to manage the better living standard for youth homeless people (Bramley and Fitzpatrick, 2018). The presence of Covid-19 is also responsible to enhance the level of pressure on pay trends here. 

Theme 2: Mental Health and addiction interventions for the youth experiencing homelessness in UK 


Lack of required mental well-being is effective to go hand in hand with the youth homeless in the UK. As stated by Kidd et al. (2018), the homelessness condition is responsible to enhance the level of addiction and mental health issues in youth. It is essential for the UK government to take a strong look at this matter. 


As per the above findings, the role of the UK government in mitigating the risk of mental health issues and addiction among the young population is essential. It is also important to take such strategic actions for dealing with the homelessness issue severely. 

5. Evaluation

Outcomes of the study are based on literature and it indicates that health problems cause mental illnesses among youngsters. This chapter of the study is associated with the findings as well as a discussion of the gathered data. According to Schifalacqua et al. (2019), mental health, as well as physical health, is responsible factors that contribute directly to youth homelessness in the UK in recent years. Evaluation chapter has consisted of a valid analysis of collected information about homeless youths in the UK. The study has provided informative outcomes and results in this chapter of the research. This chapter has stated the impact of both mental and physical health issues on youth homelessness in the country. Additionally, it has also highlighted the relationships between health issues and homelessness of young people in recent years in the UK.

6. Conclusion and Recommendation

6.1 Conclusion

Health, as well as homelessness, is linked inextricably and health issues can cause homelessness of people. It can be concluded that the study has include authentic information about health factors influencing homelessness among youth of UK and their impacts on the mental conditions of these people. Detailed reasons behind homelessness of youngsters are based on the health and medical factors and all of them have been discussed in the research in an efficient way. Possible guidance of literature is depicted along with certain tools and methods that have been chosen for completion of the research. The study has effectively met all of the objectives and aims of the research. Additionally, it can be concluded that this study has drawn a brief conclusion about health factors and homelessness of young individuals. The study has recommended certain measures to mitigate different issues contributing to homelessness.

6.2 Recommendations 

As per recommendations on the homelessness among youths the study has provide certain recommendations. 

  • Good and effective care for young people who are experiencing chronic diseases for improving their mental health effectively.
  • Communal as well as social gatherings to enhance conditions of youths in the UK for minimising homelessness issues generated from health problems. 
  • Organising awareness programs about several mental and physical health-related issues in order to help homeless youths.
  • Coordination among child welfare, human and health services, and education to reduce the risk of homelessness among young people in the UK.

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