Introduction To People Management Assignment sample

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Introduction: Introduction To People Management

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HR is an important part of every organization; it is a department in an organization that is responsible for the management of the employees working in an organization in every department. The main activity of an HR department is to recruit and hire employees, after that next step is to train them or fire them if they are not appropriate for the work (Mayo, 2016). The HR department in an organization looks after the people management in which the manager or leader looks after all the work and also guides its team members regarding their work (Griffinet. al. 2016). The report highlights the detailed difference between leadership and management, it also discuss the relationship and negotiation in between manager and employees, and the report also talks about the talent management and its roles in the management of today's young generation and fulfill their needs and requirements. The report also recommends the suitable measure and key factors a manager can consider while planning the strategies of management.

Leadership and management:

Leadership – leadership is all about taking risks and challenges in the management of the workforce in an organization. leadership is the measurement of a company's management to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization and also to inspire others to perform to their full potential (Bratton, 2020). Leadership provides the right direction to its workforce in which they need to head towards achieving the goals of the organization. the main work of a leader is to show workers or employees how to perform effectively, their responsibility regarding work, and to regularly keep watch on the completion of tasks.

Management – management is the procedure of planning and organizing the available resource in the organization and also the activities of the workforce to achieve particular goals of the organization in an effective manner (Beeret. al. 2016) Efficiency in management means completion of task prominently and at very minimal costs. And on the other hand, effectiveness in management refers to completing a specific task in the given timeline to produce tangible outcomes. 

Reflection on differences, skills, and behavioural expectations





Leadership is the virtue of leading subordinates or workers by motivating and encouraging them toward the attainment of the goals and objectives of the organization.

Management is a process of managing and guiding the employees in the organization. Management involves managing the activities and work of the organization.


Leadership is the skill of influencing the workforce and subordinates of a leader.

Management is the quality of ruling and guiding workforces in departments (Hammer, 2015).

Behavioral expectations

Leadership is proactive in behavior, as it looks out to bring innovation and change in the workplace (Silva, 2016).

Management is reactive, as it looks after bringing stability to the work culture in the organization.


Over the past years Jim Sinegal, CEO of Costco has driven his company to striking returns. The company's stock has increased in past years and revenue is also very remarkable.

The best example of good management is Facebook. The company always stands apart from the crowd, the company conducts 360 reviews and facilitates real-time feedback for employees across the globe, and manages their work.

Knowledge, skills, and behaviours needed to be an effective people manager

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:People Management

People management is the procedure of managing the training, motivation, and all the day-to-day activities of employees in the organization. The managers are accountable for the management of people in departments. For example, a chief of staff will focus on people management, while a department head focuses on work products (Armstrong, 2016). There are a lot of top people management skills some of the important skills are as follows:

  • Motivation –Motivation is defined as encouragement or an inducement to fulfill a particular action. Motivation helps to drive the employees in an organization to achieve their individual as well as organizational goals (Afsar and Umrani, 2019). Motivation is a very important aspect in the achievement of goals as it helps in
    • Increasing productivity
    • Increasing efficiency
    • Promotes loyalty amongst the employees
    • Facilitates direction to employees

There are various motivation theories that a people manager can apply in the management of an organization like Maslow's theory of Hierarchical needs, McClelland's theory, Hertzberg's two-factor theory, and McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. example of good motivation is Amazon, the Amazon has been an interesting place to work and people manager of the company needs creative and innovative ways to keep their employees motivated for that company is using Maslow's theory of Hierarchical needs.

  • Good communication –it is at the top of people management, as providing vital information to employees can be the alteration between a supportive team and competitors. For improving communication at the workplace a people manager can opt for various communication skills like
    • Written and oral communication skills
    • Presentations skills (Genç, 2017).
    • Active listening
    • Non-verbal communication skills
    • Collecting feedback on improvement

For example, McDonald's has adopted a multi-channel communication method which makes sure that all its staff and employees are getting a message from their manager, this method of communication involves video conference, the use of printed instructions, or other online platforms.

Relationship and Negotiation: Reflection on Working Conditions, Pay, and Strikes

Negotiation is part of communication between employees and managers or employee to employee. Negotiation refers to interface and relationship that has a huge effect on the working of the organization and the relationship between manager and employees. Negotiation is not a method of discussing a problem or issue, but it is a method of learning more about the other party and helps in increasing interdependence between both the party (Hopkinsand Yonker, 2015). In some negotiations, the major goal is relationship protection, and both employees, as well as managers, make concerned about practical issues to preserve and improve the relationship. Negotiating and relationships are inseparable this might never end. Employees and managers might comply with negotiations on the difficult matters to start on the right path.

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There are various types of relationships in a negotiation, the most important is

  • Business-only negotiation – This Negotiation is exclusive in that prospects for the relationship those are exclusive and could be defined easily. The most common exercise in business-only negotiations is market pricing. In this method, putting a value on things in which everything is decreased to a utility metric or single value further permits the assessment of many qualitative and quantitative factors.
  • Negotiation with management –it is the stimulating type of negotiation which is usually between manager. Employees try to negotiate with seniors for job responsibilities and salary (Rojot, 2016). This situation is a critical at workplace negotiation as employees' job pleasure depends on this negotiation.
  • Integrative negotiation - it is also known as interest bargaining as it states both parties can earn and also can produce some worth by contributing trade-offs. It is a win approachas the negotiation generates shared outcomes for both. For example, whilebuying a SaaS tool, Mr. X estimate the price as $ 3,000 per month, but the purchaser is arguing about paying only $2,600 per month. Both parties might negotiate $2,800 per month price and it was win situation for both.

Some important factors that affect the relationship in negotiation are:

  • Work condition – if the organizations working culture is not good then it can be the factor that affects the relationship between manager and employees. Managers and employees can negotiate on it to find a mutual solution for the improvement of working conditions at the organization.
  • Strikes – collective bargaining is a method of negotiation that assistances level the playing field among employees and management by enabling employees to establish and gather strength (Liaoet. al. 2016) But the failure of this negotiation can cause strikes.
  • Pays – payment or salary negotiation is the critical stage in the recruitment process. Negotiating with the employees and understanding their needs and making them clear about the value the company will provide will help to improve negotiation with employees.

Talent Management: Reflection on The Woke Generation

Team management means the different activities which restrict a team by organizing the team members together to achieving the targets. Teamwork comprises a group of people gathering together for making decisions and employed toward a mutual goal (Sparrowet. al. 2015)

Management of a team requires leader ship quality. Team management comprises of the techniques involved leading a group and helping them to achieve their tasks. Team management includes:

  • Allocation
  • performance management
  • Communication management
  • Goals setting
  • Conflict management

Team management is very important in people management, for building a team that is the effective manager should apply these steps:

  • Transparency – the work environment which is built on transparency and accountability helps in bringing the team together for further tasks. They encourage openness, inspire trust in leadership, and help in solving problems quickly. The help of consistent communication between team member make them feel secure and encourage them to contribute their ideas and bring innovation to their work.
  • Free flow of communication - Communication is the hidden top-secretin ensuring that the team completes job correctly and effectively and most important should be completed on a given time (Martin, 2015). In an organization, there should be an organizational environment in which leaders can offer positive feedback. And themembers must feel comfortable showing their worries and communicating with each other.
  • Providing constant feedback – providing feedback to the member of the team is one of the best methods to help them motivate. Checking with the team on regular basis permits the manager to assess team members are continuing and the manager can also help them find ways in difficult situations. It is an important part of effective team management.

Woke generation

To keep up with the national spending habits every business or brand must be Woke in the direction of what is a passion of the younger generation. The term Woke means a perceived awareness of social and environmental matters like #blacklivesmatters, and #metoo (Twenge, 2017). The industry considers a brand to be Woke when they are capable of addressing these issues in their targeted younger consumers. Woke leadership is an invitation to develop new ideas and thinking. Considering to unlearn which is not useful. Woke is about generating trust and relationships, developing new perspectives and most important part is validating the experiences and values of others.

There are an abundance of business or brands that appreciate the importance of the emerging Woke generation and also have adopted new marketing approach to connect to woke generation or younger generation the popular examples of brands adopting Woke are as follows:

  • Nike supports Colin Kaepernick as the ambassador of the NFL player's anthem protest.
  • Fashion designer Jeremy Scott sold T-shirts during the US supreme court, T-shirts saying "tell your senator no on Kavanaugh".
  • The luxury brand Gucci supports a student-led march for controlling guns.


To create a durable relationship in negotiation, there are four important basic which helps to create an effective relationship with people in the organization, which are as follows:

  • Two-way communication
  • Reliability
  • A strong commitment of the manager toward the interest of their subordinates (Ahmad, 2015)
  • Respect for the contributions people make to the organization.

The suitable recommendation for effective people management are as follows:

  • Aligning business strategies with both external as well as internal factors which have a huge impact on the employees and their work in the organization.
  • The HR manager must make sure to hire suitable candidates for the job. Making sure that the company's talent strategy aligns with the company's overall plan and goals (Wilton, 2022).
  • It is a very important task for a manager to evaluate what development and training are essential for improving its workforce and focus on executing them.


Upright people management is crucial for the appointment, development of employees, and retention. As HR need to be skilful on the management side of the business, as they have an significant role in provided that that training to those who arehandling people day-to-daybasis and, by allowance, the achievement of the business. The report develops a detailed understanding of the leadership and management and their separate roles according to the situation. It also highlights what key factors and skills a good people manager required to manage effectively. The report concluded the facts about the importance of negotiation in a relationship between employees and managers. And the importance of talent management in managing the people in the company. The report recommends key factors that a manager should consider for effective people management in an organization.


  • Afsar, B. and Umrani, W.A., 2019. Transformational leadership and innovative work behavior: The role of motivation to learn, task complexity and innovation climate. European Journal of Innovation Management.
  • Ahmad, S., 2015. Green human resource management: Policies and practices. Cogent business & management, 2(1), p.1030817.
  • Armstrong, M., 2016. How to manage people. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Beer, M., Finnström, M. and Schrader, D., 2016. Why leadership training fails—and what to do about it. Harvard Business Review, 94(10), pp.50-57.
  • Bratton, J. ed., 2020. Organizational leadership. Sage.
  • Genç, R., 2017. The importance of communication in sustainability & sustainable strategies. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, pp.511-516.
  • Griffin, R.W., Phillips, J.M. and Gully, S.M., 2016. Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations. Cengage Learning.
  • Hammer, M., 2015. What is business process management?. In Handbook on business process management 1 (pp. 3-16). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Hopkins, M.M. and Yonker, R.D., 2015. Managing conflict with emotional intelligence: Abilities that make a difference. Journal of Management Development.
  • Liao, C., Wayne, S.J. and Rousseau, D.M., 2016. Idiosyncratic deals in contemporary organizations: A qualitative and meta?analytical review. Journal of organizational behavior, 37, pp.S9-S29.
  • Martin, A., 2015. Talent management: Preparing a “Ready” agile workforce. International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2(3-4), pp.112-116.
  • Mayo, A., 2016. Human resources or human capital?: Managing people as assets. Routledge.
  • Neelie Verlinden, 2022. People Management: A Full Guide Including 10 Top Skills. (online). Available through. :<>. (Accessed on 17/11/2022).
  • Rojot, J., 2016. Negotiation: from theory to practice. Springer.
  • Silva, A., 2016. What is leadership?. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 8(1), p.1.
  • Sparrow, P., Hird, M. and Cooper, C.L., 2015. Strategic talent management. In Do we need HR? (pp. 177-212). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Twenge, J.M., 2017. iGen: Why today's super-connected kids are growing up less rebellious, more tolerant, less happy--and completely unprepared for adulthood--and what that means for the rest of us. Simon and Schuster.
  • Wilton, N., 2022. An introduction to human resource management. An Introduction to Human Resource Management, pp.1-100.
  • Appendices 1,2 and 3 (Online). <> accessed 19.11.2022.

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