Interpersonal Skills Assignment Sample

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Interpersonal Skills

Evaluation of own interpersonal skills and analysing the strengths

The SWOT analysis at its level reflects the situation for looking over “ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats”. The analysis is mainly useful over personal levels to identify areas of development and as part of career discussion. The strength of interpersonal skills is useful for individuals' needs over some characteristics of personality, working styles, verbal communications, problem-solving abilities, and inspiring others to become active listeners to develop a skill for better understanding (Mikhaylova, Balynin and Nizhneva, 2019). Whereas weaknesses for an individual over their interpersonal skill mainly reflects with following traits such as confrontation, expectation more from co-workers, being very critical over other individual work. The weakness of an individual can also be seen via frustration as a major interpersonal character.

Interpersonal Skills of an Individuals

Fig :1 Interpersonal Skills of an Individuals

(Source: Mikhaylova, Balynin and Nizhneva, 2019)

Evaluation of ways for addressing areas to develop

Various areas to maximize the interpersonal strength of a person can be developed where an individual can focus only on strong interpersonal abilities that are having in their personality is life around the strength. Furthermore, to minimize the weakness of person must be able to understand by addressing quantifiable goals, assessing regularly, and forgetting the past (Guzmán et al., 2020). Moreover, opportunities can be boosted by enhancing the superiority of life and the realization of own dreams as an objective. The threats such as higher competition across everyday life whether in organizations, difficulty in negotiation, and a higher level of stress can be reduced only by taking care of personal wellbeing and maintaining a proper lifestyle. Well-being and healthy life are the two best approaches for developing an individual interpersonal skill which is a constant process.

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