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To get a better grasp on the scope and potential of Egypt's and New Zealand's burgeoning construction sectors, the learner will be talking with ZinCo-Greenroof, a Swedish firm recognized for its ecologically friendly and custom-made roofing materials. As a starting point, the major objective of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the target market's current position before examining the numerous possibilities for effectively joining the green roofing solutions-demanding market. To discover and explain prospective clients, market segmentation will be examined with an emphasis on target customers (Tien et al., 2019). Marketing strategies and their accompanying costs/benefits are also examined in detail. Afterwards, the conclusions of the research will include overseas marketing and communication strategies as well as an examination of the marketability of the product. The report will contain the final suggestion (Katsikeas et al., 2019).
Since the temperature drops by 16 degrees Celsius due to the use of green roofing to prevent solar radiation from reaching the building's occupants, it saves more than 13.14 percent of yearly energy consumption in the form of air conditioning (Samiee and Chirapanda, 2019). As a result, this product minimizes the amount of stormwater that runs off into the environment, which is good for infrastructure and the sewers since it does not overflow but accumulates over time or better in the rainwater conservation tanks.
After starting off by producing and delivering their 3D-modelled Green Roofing System in Sweden, ZinCo-Greenroof quickly recognized how big of a demand there was in nations such as Egypt for their product. As a result of Egypt's normally hot and humid geographical climate, this product is in more demand than usual, and ZinCo-Greenroof is hoping to develop its operations in Egypt and New Zealand before expanding into the Middle East (Katsikeas et al., 2019). ZinCo-Greenroof built its name in the market by establishing specialist flooring and roofing units in a number of nations, including Poland, the Netherlands, and Italy, among others. This report examines the implementation of a specific marketing strategy for global expansion in two different countries, examining how they utilized their international market strategies and how they would go about implementing it further as they made their way into the many other countries covered by the report (Samiee and Chirapanda, 2019).
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The company has also managed to obtain worldwide recognition by nominating itself for numerous business awards and for creative endeavours in roofing technology. According to the company's 2019 financial report, they have also managed to generate a respectable amount of money. However, their primary reason for spreading across New Zealand is due to the abundant rainfall (an average of 640 mm per year), which also serves to reduce the severe temperatures experienced during the summer months in Egypt by absorbing the majority of solar energy (Katsikeas et al., 2019).
The opportunity and scope of international Marketing can be analyzed through Michael Porter’s Diamond of National Advantage Model.
Egypt is on the lookout for green roofs and the following usage of such roofs since not only does it assist with air quality concerns, but it also ensures that the power needs in metropolitan areas are reduced. Furthermore, global warming is at an all-time high, particularly between 2015 and 2019, and as a result, a country like Egypt, which is located very close to the equator and also contains the Sahara Desert, is not only extremely humid but also retains a significant amount of heat in its soil and urban structures. This is one of the reasons why the air conditioning in Egypt's metropolitan areas is a must (Samiee and Chirapanda, 2019). For example, in areas like New Zealand, green roofing systems provide a broad range of economic and environmental advantages, including the control of rainwater. In order to capitalize on the fact that New Zealand has a weather pattern that is sufficiently humid and has a long rainy season, the business intends to promote its product as roofing technology to the country. This makes it easier for urban centres and buildings to reflect solar radiation in the summer, allowing the building to be much cooler. It also makes it easier because a potential roofing material can assist in implementing an effectively extended reservoir for stormy and rainy weather in the summer, making the building much cooler (Manso et al., 2021).
Population growth, urbanization, and climate change have all resulted in a rise in the amount of energy used for cooling. Researchers at the American Architectural Association (AAA) recently discovered that a green roof with a soil depth of 0.01 meters and thermal conductivity of 0.9 W/m-K was more effective at reducing energy consumption than the other options studied. When compared to typical roofs, green roofs in hot desert climates like Egypt may help to lower air temperature by an average of 4°C, which is particularly beneficial in hot, arid circumstances (Rosasco and Perini, 2019). Deeper substrates on green roofs in New Zealand have the potential to retain more water while also increasing evapotranspiration (ET), which refills the roof's storage capacity between rainstorms. Because of its turbulent weather, New Zealand has the potential to be a market.
ZinCo-Greenroof will not be able to develop or conduct its business endeavour in a centralized manner, and as a result, it will adopt a decentralized approach in terms of organizational structure (Asseraf and Shoham, A., 2019). Because there are not many local enterprises or industries that are directly involved in green roof installation, there are not many possibilities for competition between these two marketplaces.
When compared to Egypt, New Zealand offers a greater number of supporting sectors, such as 3D printed roofing technologies or rainwater retention systems, among others. Egypt is a developing market, and as a result, there is little in the way of assistance.
The use of green roofing, according to several research, has been shown to improve thermal comfort while also reducing energy use. Roof Planting is not only beneficial in a variety of weather circumstances, but it is also a way that may boost the aesthetic potential of buildings, as well as the attractiveness of the built environment and investment prospects in Cairo, Egypt, among other things. It contributes to the reduction of the impacts of the heat and the connection of the city's people to the natural world via the provision of open spaces and vegetation. The increasing demand for this environmentally friendly solution in the market is being driven by a variety of environmental challenges such as pollution, dense urbanization, and the effects of the sun's heat. The sustainability, efficiency, and aesthetics of commercial buildings, according to a real estate specialist in Auckland, may be improved by installing green roofs, which can help cut the maintenance and running expenses of the structure itself. Green roofs, on the other hand, are becoming more popular in Europe and the United States, according to Colliers International Director of Strategic Consulting. Chris Farhi is an American actor and director who is most known for his role in the film The Great Gatsby. A green roof is a strong symbol of environmental responsibility and efficiency, and it has the potential to assist commercial buildings in becoming more ecologically conscious.
Market segmentation is important for any organization before reaching out to a certain international market (Morgan et al., 2018). ZinCo-Greenroof can potentially divide the target market into two separate segments according to the market demand. These are- Residential and industrial/Commercial.
Many nations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area have structures that are obsolete and of poor construction quality. Furthermore, rapid population growth and urbanization in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are accompanied by economic development, which increases the demand for building space, comfort, and services, as well as for home energy, all of which are inefficiently met. Following the worldwide trend toward greater energy efficiency in buildings, Egypt is one of the countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region that has taken the lead in this field. In response to the increasing burden of energy use in the construction industry, especially in residential structures, the general public, designers, and decision-makers have shown an increased interest in energy saving. As a result, the Egyptian Electricity and Energy Ministry (MEE) launched an energy-saving campaign in June 2010 to reduce consumption (Manso et al.,2021). Initiatives were subsequently undertaken in all governorates to cut power use in public buildings and lighting by 50% over the course of the next year. The Egyptian market for green roof technology is predicted to grow in accordance with the government's objectives, which is why the residential segmentation for ZinCo-Greenroof is appropriate for the Egyptian market.
In general, New Zealand's construction sector and its sub-industries are aware of green roof technology and its potential in the country's market, as evidenced by the two most recent initiatives of green roof installation at the Novotel in Auckland and the University of Auckland engineering building (both in Auckland) (Rosasco and Perini, 2019). Roofs that are protected from the elements may have their lifetime enhanced by as much as double if a green roof is built to protect them from the elements. Green roofs, on the other hand, have an average lifetime of 40 years, but regular roofs only have a lifespan of seventeen years. This might be a cost-effective option for commercial usage in New Zealand, where the majority of firms have made initiatives to improve their environmental sustainability. Commercial buildings are the most common places for green roofs in New Zealand, and their design pays respect to the country's continuing desire to be one with the natural environment via the use of native plants. An increasing number of these urban issues can be addressed by the green building industry in New Zealand, which is currently engaged in workstreams such as the construction of more affordable and energy-efficient housing, the development of more sustainable infrastructure, and the renovation of existing commercial buildings.
Due to the high expenses and risks associated with promoting and marketing in a foreign nation, ZinCo-Greenroof will need to allow itself some time to get familiar with the prevailing market trends in the country in which it is launching. Since its needs and expectations would provide ZinCo-Greenroof with a better awareness of local market demands, a small client base would be the most effective marketing segmentation, and the company would be able to develop from there. For the purpose of advertising and promotion. Greenwashing is a successful marketing tactic for environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable goods that promotes their benefits to the environment. This approach would be used by an environmentally conscious company to advertise its goods and services by using a few sound selling concepts that would connect with its target audience. They will be directed by the same system throughout the whole process, from advertising to delivery and thanking clients. The possibility of a brand effectively entering the international market exists if it does not overemphasize its environmental stance (Kazemi and Courard, 2020).
These four possible modes of international market entry models are viable for the target company (Shafique et al., 2018).
It is a widespread practice in New Zealand to use direct marketing to promote a product or service to customers. The liberalization and privatization of New Zealand Post have resulted in increased competition for special mailing services in the country. New Zealand Post provides a variety of basic services, such as bulk mailing rates and data processing, to its customers. New Zealand's modern distribution infrastructure is capable of supporting any supply-chain or inventory-control system that is implemented. Many well-established businesses with nationwide networks are responsible for handling trade, shipping, packaging, manufacturing, and distribution at both the wholesale and retail levels in the United States. They are excellent representatives for new items seeking entry into the New Zealand market, even though they primarily import products to enhance current ranges (Kazemi and Courard, 2020). The cause for this is financial depletion as a result of high export rates and differences in demand and output. The only potential consequence is the establishment of a subsidiary venture in the nations concerned which will not only assist in meeting the strong market demand but will also allow the firm to conduct a preference study of its clients (Jahanfar et al., 2018).
The formation of strategic alliances or partnerships is critical for ensuring the distribution of financial stability and experience in a new nation, but construction units are also required for manufacturing various goods and assembling materials in the most efficient manner. Instead of Egypt, New Zealand is a better choice for strategic alliances and partnerships. Egyptian law does not regulate joint venture or licensing agreements between Egyptians and international partners; rather, the partnerships are governed by the terms of their contracts. Amounts invested in the nation may be refunded to investors without the need for approval from the government's investment body, the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI). Restriction on the capacity of international investors to transfer Egyptian money into US dollars or Euros would basically prohibit cash from being repatriated to their home countries, according to the World Bank. Foreign stock in joint ventures might range from a few percentage points to as much as a few percentage points, depending on the terms of the agreement. In accordance with Egyptian Law No. 8, known as the Investment Incentives and Guarantees Law, foreign investors are permitted to hold any proportion of a project up to 100 percent in a broad range of sectors (Jahanfar et al., 2018).
The option of franchising is usually a good one, particularly for manufactured items that can be readily transferred. However, such strategic construction-based products may be required in large quantities for reasons that need the use of local building materials and manufacturing facilities. When registering a company in Egypt via the Egyptian General Authority for Investments and Free Zones (GAFI) one-stop-shop, the process will take between three and nine months, depending on the kind of business and industrial license required. Egypt's franchising sector has risen dramatically over the last three decades, with the fast-food industry in particular benefiting. In Egypt, more than 600 food and non-food franchises are now in operation, with hundreds of independent units in each franchise. According to the Egyptian Franchise Development Association (EFDA), more than two-thirds of them are global corporations (Morgan et al., 2018). The United States market share accounts for around 20% of international brand sales and 30% of Egyptian franchise revenues. The Egyptian Franchising and Distribution Association (EFDA) represents the interests of the franchising industry in Egypt. Investment in franchises is encouraged, as is quality control and training, and common challenges encountered in the company are handled. An annual franchise exhibition is sponsored by the EFDA in the spring or early summer at a different location. (De-Ville and colleagues, 2018). As a result, Egypt is a favourable franchise market in comparison to other countries.
It is the most efficient method to make ZinCo-unique Greenroof's approach to roofs and drainage systems accessible in the target market, given that the company's strategic emphasis is on 3D-modeled roofing tiles. It is only the suppliers and producers of roofing materials with whom they must struggle as a result of this method (De-Ville et al., 2018). For example, ZinCo-Greenroof has an advantage over locally used roofing materials in that their products are made from recycled materials, they are extremely cost-effective (costing nearly 5% less than the most common roofing substances used in the target local markets), and they can guarantee that local construction companies and individual customers will be eager to include them in their construction plans. In addition, ZinCo-green Greenroof's roofing materials are designed to collect rainwater and store it in a network of different reservoirs, which greatly outperforms the local/traditional roofing system. It is essential that they narrow their attention to a certain segment of the roofing material industry since doing so will help them gain a competitive advantage (Jahanfar et al., 2018).
In order to implement the differentiation emphasis approach, the following techniques can be utilized (De-Ville et al., 2018):
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