Human Disease And Prevention Assignment Sample

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This paper mainly describes and outlines the four main types of disease. On the other side, this paper has also described the causes of the disease and what are the risk factors of the diseases. Compare the modes of transmission that are identified in this part. On the other side, this paper also described how to solve those problems and the risk factors of these desires. This paper is also defining the pattern of disease, data of infection, relation to age, and the geographical location of these desires (Feinberg, 2018).


Identify and outline the four main categories of disease

The people are mainly infected due to contaminated water or food. The four main types of disease are infectious diseases, the diseases due to deficiency, the hereditary diseases that mainly include the genetic and the other is a non-genetic hereditary disease. Apart from these diseases, the fourth category is physiological diseases.

Explain the causes and the risk factors of the disease

These four types of disease affect human life. Many types of organisms live in our bodies. Those are normally harmless or indeed useful, but under the given conditions, some of the organisms may cause the disease, this time those are harmful to the body (Sakaguchi et al. 2020).

  • Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are mainly spread through the conduct transfer of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another person. This has happened when a character with the virus touches the bacterium, kisses, or the hand-over-sneezes or this is barred from someone who is mainly affected are four types of infectious diseases are bacterial infection, fungi infection, infections infection. WHO and the CDC declared that five main types of infectious diseases are Hepatitis B, Malaria, Hepatitis C, Dengue, Tuberculosis. The risks are mainly getting an infectious disease is the unhealthy diet and lack of physical inactivity. However, smoking, use of alcohol, stress are mainly determined by oral health (Dendron et al. 2018). On the other side, high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol and other drug use and the third one are high cholesterol are the key risk factors. Some of the risk factors cannot be controlled due to age and another reason is family history.

  • Diseases due to deficiency

The disease due to deficiency is defined as the disease which is mainly spread by the lack of essential nutrients or another reason is a deficiency of the vitamins and the minerals in the human body. The most common example is B1 deficiency due to which beriberi disease occurs in the body (Alam et al. 2020.).  Various types of vitamin deficiency include anaemia which is mainly caused due to iron deficiency, night blindness. Those types of desires mainly happen for this reason. The risk analysis of this part is the harmful use of alcohol, physical inactivity and unhealthy diets.

  • Hereditary diseases

The hereditary disease is mainly spread due to monogenic disorder, the common genetic disorder is down syndrome and cystic fibrosis. Due to this disease, 30,000 people are affected in the USA. The risk analysis of this disease is the smoking and the excessive alcohol, lack of exercise, harmful diet and the regular check-up of the body. A healthy diet is important for the human body to avoid anaemia.

  • Physiological diseases

The physiological diseases are caused by high temperatures, low soil PH, childhood abuse, a long period of stress. Due to the long period of physical health conditions, unemployment or losing the job are the main reasons for the physiological disease. The risk analysis of this part is overthinking, the physicality and blood sugar and another reason is depression for some reason.

Identification and comparison of the diseases

  • Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are mainly identified by laboratory tests. These are identified by blood tests, urine tests. Sometimes the fever is one of the reasons for infection, pain with the urination, smoking, use of alcohol, stress are mainly determined by oral health. Many types of organisms live in our bodies but those are not harmless. On the other side, high blood pressure, smoking, alcohol and other drug use and the third one are high cholesterol (Le Goff et al. 2019). On the other side, this infectious disease is mainly spread due to the direct transfer of bacteria, viruses or other germs. From the sneezes of the person who is affected due to this reason.                                                                                                                                     

  • Diseases due to deficiency

The diseases due to deficiency of the identification are to the blood test, finger-prick of the blood test, vomiting, decrease in the immune system, abdominal pain, and constipation is one of the other reasons for these diseases. The various types of vitamin deficiency are anaemia is mainly happened due to iron deficiency, night blindness. This is mainly spread for the lack of essential nutrients, healthful elements such as vitamins and minerals in the human body.

  • Hereditary diseases

An example of This hereditary disease can be shown as sickle cell disease. The hereditary disease is mainly spread due to the monogenic disorder where the common genetic disorder is down syndrome. Smoking and the excessive alcohol, exercise, the harmful diet and regular cake up to the body. This disease is mainly spread due to the deletion of the entire gene, the genetic abnormalities. This disease is mainly identified by laboratory testing, molecular testing, and diagnosing genetic disorders. Some of the diseases are generally spread from some animals and insects or from one person to another person.

  • Physiological diseases

The physiological diseases happen due to the long period of physical health condition, due to unemployment or losing a job; those are the main reasons for the physiological disease. Depression, bipolar disorder, the mental illness which is mainly called mental depression and thinking, anxiety disorder are mainly defined in this part (Salimi and Pourahmad, 2018). This disease is mainly spread due to the environmental conditions, light, normal state of the temperature and the harmful gas of the chemical products that are mainly affecting the human body.



HIV is caused by a virus, which is generally spread by transferring blood, the sexual contact, this virus is spread from the mother to the child body form during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding those are the vital reason for the spreading the virus. This virus mainly attacks the immune system of the body. However, this virus is mainly weak in the person’s immune system this time it is very tough to protect and fight this disease. The main symptoms of this virus are fever, night sweats, muscle aches, rash (Mas-Coma et al. 2018). On the other side, contact between the broken skin, mucous membrane, deep open mouth kissing are the main reason for this disease. Another reason to spread this HIV is for sharing the needles.

55% of HIV infections per India are in south Indian countries. In the south Indian countries in Andhra Pradesh, 500,000 people are effects due to this reason, in Maharashtra 420,000 people, Karnataka 250,000 people and Tamil Nadu 150,000 people are affected due to the HIV year of 2018 the 15,820 people died of HIV in the US. 47% of death was south, 22% wear the northeast and 18% were in the west, and the Midwest was 12%  and the US dependents area were 2% of people. The ? of HIV affected people are lives in sub-Saharan Africa globally. At the end of 2020, 37.7million people are affected by this virus. On the other hand, 680,000 people will die in 2020 from this virus. In the year 2017, the frequency among the 15-49 age people was 0.2%. This was a big figure that is mainly compared to the other middle-income country in the world. The main reason for this is the huge population of India. In the years 2010 and 2017, the epidemic of HIV was overall slowing down. In the year 2017, 1.6% of female sex workers globally were living with HIV (Neumann and Hall, 2019). In Maharashtra 7.4% and Andhra Pradesh 6.3%. The report to UNAIDS suggests that around 64% HIV positive sex workers were aware of the status and  91% of the sex workers are reported using condoms. Physical activity is important for protesting against any type of virus. Smoking and the excessive alcohol, the exercise, the harmful diet and the regular cake up to the body.

In the following graph in the year of 2000 the global HIV infection rate was 28.9 million, in the year of 2010 the 33.3 million peoples are effected for this virus. In 2015 the number of infection rate globally increased to 36.7 million and the 2015-2018 the total number of people are time to time increased. In the year of 2019 the number of HIV effected person are 38 million and the 2020 this number was some decrease this was 37.7 million.

In the above graph, Namibia is the top-ranking country in the world for HIV ranking; the total number of cases are 173.043 million. India is ranked 101 in the above graph (Stefanovic et al. 2019). The total number of people are 0.073 are affected by HIV.


The reduction of getting the risk of getting the HIV virus is to getting tested for this HIV.  Sex education is important for preventing HIV, in school-based sex education is important for reducing HIV-related risk. This education is not only helping the people to develop safer behaviour, but it is also disrated brand and separation towards the people affected by, and the other side living with HIV (Brocato and Hooper, 2019). The republic act no.8504 of section 43 established an act to control AIDS. On the other side, the act 2017 is come to force in the year 2018 September for the prevention and control the HIV.


The main reason is done not to inject drugs, a limited number of sexual partners, every time of sex use the condom that is necessary it is a barrier method during sex. This virus mainly attacks the immune system of the body. This virus is mainly weak in the person’s immune system this time it is very tough to protect and fight this disease (Dayalan Naidu and Dinkova-Kostova, 2020.). The main symptoms of this virus are fever, night sweats, muscle aches, rashes and others. AIDS is mainly a virus, on the other side, contact between the broken skin, the mucous membrane deep open mouth kissing is the main reason for this disease another reason to spread this HIV is for sharing needles. On the other side, HIV is mainly spread for sharing body fluids with the other person's body. Using sterilised does is important to protested HIV.


This paper mainly describes human diseases, here describing the four types of human diseases. Infectious diseases are mainly spread through the conduct transfer of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another person. This has happened when a character with the virus touches the bacterium, kisses, hand-over-sneezes or this is barred from someone who is mainly affected are four types of infectious diseases are bacterial infection, fungi infection (Tonhajzerova et al. 2019.). The diseases due to deficiency of the identification are to the blood test, the finger-prick of the blood test, vomiting, decreased the immune system, abdominal pain, and constipation is one of the other reasons for these diseases.

Finger-pricking of a blood test, vomiting, decreased immune system, abdominal pain, and constipation are some of the other reasons for these diseases. The diseases due to deficiency the finger-prick of the blood test, vomiting, decreased immune system, the other side is abdominal pain, and constipation is one of the other reasons for these diseases. This disease is mainly spread for the deletion of the entire gene, the genetic abnormalities. This disease is mainly identified by laboratory testing, molecular testing, and diagnosing genetic disorders (Brandhorst and Longo, 2019).

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