HRM2105M Human Resource Management Assignment Sample

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It is rare for humans to be alone and isolated in their daily lives and work environments. As a result, the manager of human resources in an organisation is always planning, developing, and managing the relationships both consciously and subconsciously. Relationships are a by-product of action and are heavily reliant on the activity's capacity to govern itself. Every person learns from an early age how to relate to people and how to act appropriately in a wide variety of social circumstances (Putri et al., 2022). Once this knowledge and understanding is transferred to the workplace, the human resources manager may use it to continue on and manage interactions there as well. Human resource management is built on the idea of building and maintaining positive working relationships.

The Strategic Role of HRM in Context

Think about how people would like to be treated if they were in the other person's shoes while communicating with their co-workers. Fairness in ASDA starts with treating everyone with the same level of respect, regardless of their position. Keep this in mind while it is working with the co-workers of all ranks. Set a good example for their co-workers by acting in a polite and fair manner towards them. Take a look at what other managers do to demonstrate their appreciation for their staff (Son et al., 2020). Asking for the opinions of the co-workers is also a good idea when it comes to ensuring equal treatment. A team's human resource manager is responsible for setting the tone for behaviour among the members. Maintaining healthy and effective working habits should be a top priority for the organisation.

If ASDA's human resource management staff detects a struggling employee, they should give assistance in order to promote collaboration. This often aids in energising the group and preserving the well-being of each member. As part of encouraging justice at work, attention should be given to examining and altering any policies that do not support the environment it is attempting to develop. The guidelines may have to be tailored to each individual employee in these situations. Because of this, flexible employment practises are frequently necessary (Sarvaiya, Arrowsmith and Eweje, 2021). Getting a raise is one of the perks of performing well on the job. Professionals generally strive to meet their objectives when their employers notify them of the requirements for advancement and performance improvement. Making promotions and increases public so that workers can follow the process is a concern. When a worker inquiry regarding their personal advancement opportunities, the company might point them to these hierarchical systems.

The Nature of Different HRM Policies and Practices Followed in an Organisation

Because of this, workers get job security and happiness, as well as a sense of confidence that their employer is according to the law. An important aspect of the organization's regulatory framework is defining overtime pay and unionising the workforce to strengthen labour relations. If ASDA is concerned about the safety and well-being of its workers, it must ensure that their personal information is secured and should not be utilised unless there is a reasonable suspicion. There should be a policy put in place to ensure that staff are informed of the current legal limits. This is critical for the safety of the workers (Duggan et al., 2020). Employees in ASDA's finance department aren't allowed to bring in their own USB devices since the company's financial information is at danger. As a result, everyone in the company is made aware, and signs are posted, that carrying a pen drive is strictly banned.

Legal and regulatory frameworks may ensure the development of personnel and the success of the firm. The line manager is responsible for maintaining workplace discipline. In order to do this, the HR department should draught policies and procedures. Managers must also adhere to these guidelines in order to serve as role models for their employees. Line managers are responsible for compiling the performance report for top management at ASDA, which is based on an incentive-based pay system. Employees who do well should get rewards commensurate with their efforts, and an unbiased report would demonstrate the integrity of the management who issued such rewards (SINGH, MONDAL and DAS, 2020). Line managers are given training by ASDA's HR department to accurately rate the performance of workers, so that random selection of individuals is done for assessment. The termination of an employee's contract in a professional way is the goal of an employment departure procedure.

ASDA and Google both pay attention to the turnover rate of their employees. Exit procedures are also followed by organisations since they are committed to hiring new, capable employees for their tasks. Companies are also conducting departure interviews with employees who are leaving their positions; this provides a chance to remove employees who are holding the firm back from making policy changes. Instead of listening to the management, these firms pay attention to the departing employees (Iqbal, 2018). Salary issues, a difficult work environment, problems with advancement, and discrimination are among the most often cited reasons for quitting a job. Organizations strive to retain personnel that are helpful to the company.

  • Registration: The staff component displays a proposal to quit from his/her employment, and provides a resignation letter (Mousa and Othman, 2020). Managers should mark the resignation letter to show that someone has resigned.
  • Discharge: “HR Policy 0525 – Disciplinary Actions” must be followed following the discharge of a non-trial general staff member (Yong et al., 2020). The division must inform HR Employee Relations previous releasing a worker.
  • Reduction in Force: "Human Resources-Employment" will assist affected representatives in finding new jobs if there is a reduction in the team according to "HR Policy 0145” (Mousa and Othman, 2020).
  • Death: When an employee passes away, the supervisor or division head will refer to "HR Policy 0307" with relation to "Benefits in the Event of an Employee Death" (Yong et al., 2020).
  • Retirement: Retiring workers should get in contact with the "Office of Benefits and Retirement Services" as early as possible to acquire information and help with the appropriate actions (Mousa and Othman, 2020).

The Importance of the Concept of Human Resources Development and Its Contribution to the Organisational Success

Human resource management focuses on recruiting, motivating, and retaining employees. In ASDA human resource management is recognized as promote collaboration. Personnel management denotes an organizational profession of hiring and growing employees by the company. Human resources administration is a highly vital job in any firm. Without human resources administration, organisations would not be able to efficiently attract and retain people, expand and upgrade the organisation, and they wouldn’t be capable of maintaining a healthy, welcoming corporate culture and setting. A company's human resources department is often referred to as its "heart and soul" because of its critical role (Macke and Genari, 2019). Workers are the main assert in ASDA. HRM is assists to planning people requirements and recruiting the workers, employee training, employee rewards, worker medical and health, give safe workplace to job, staff punishment and termination and such. ASDA is one of the acknowledged retailing enterprises of WAL-MART which was formed in 1965 by a group of farmers from Yorkshire and its activities are still largely located in the north of Britain.

After years of southern expansion, it bought competitor change Gateways Superstores in 1989, which sells everything from Frankfurters to Diamond rings. In 1989, the company bought the rival change. ASDA is the second biggest food seller that runs 370 shops from where mainly offer groceries and clothes, furthermore "the stores which are positioned in various areas of the UK sell CDs, books, DVD’s, House wear financial services, take away meal etc. The Strategic Human Resource Management of ASDA which has grown its total operations, since every year ASDA hires 10,000 employees, 10,000 permanent staffs to work as low as 10 weeks a year" (Yong et al., 2020). ASDA consistently targeted persons over 50 and it has already employed 22,000 employees aged over 50. For regulating their SHRM ASDA’s staff training sessions is the finest in the market. Every year they recruit fresh trainee employee to develop a dynamic group for the administration.

The Role of Leadership in HRM

The leadership development programmes at ASDA follow the principle of anchoring them in value, the required responsibilities from the leaders are outlined, and the organisational culture oriented towards inspiring leaders. Next, the performance management system at successful firms is connected to the organisational business plan and it comprises talent acquisition initiatives and leadership goals that are expressed clearly and simply. Therefore, promotions are based on both individual performance and actions aimed at developing employees, both of which are tied to the company's long-term goals (Islam et al., 2020). These businesses also have a pipeline for leadership development, which indicates that it is part of a comprehensive, long-term personnel strategy. These firms also guarantee that they split their employees into job families and the future leaders are discovered and developed for greater positions and duties.

In many of these firms, it is common to see lists of prospective leaders termed as high possibilities who are designated for fast-track career development depending on the organisational evaluation of the talents and competencies of these leaders. Furthermore, the hiring and development of new individuals is dependent on longer-term research of demand and supply patterns, which ensure that younger generation of leaders, are introduced into the organisation to substitute those who have made it to the higher degrees (Mansaray, 2019). The HRM activities of ASDA work on a shared approach with its future leaders which implies that the task of individuals growth is not left to the HRM functional or the executives alone. An alternative is to identify future leaders and then relate their success to others' ability to climb up the hierarchy. In other words, both HRM and senior management are responsible for spotting potential leaders and identifying those who will lead the organisation into the future.

The Importance of HRM in Ensuring Business Ethics in an Organisation

The problem of confidentiality in the administration of human resources is also a concern. All the staff at ASDA has its own personal life. The information might be about a person's religious or moral convictions, as well as their political or economic views. An employee wants to retain the privacy within the firm so they want the direct and indirect protection from the organisation. Employee privacy should never be disclosed without their express consent. Such an immoral behaviour should not be undertaken by ASDA. Race, gender, and disability are often cited as reasons for job discrimination. The ethics-based company should not concentrate on discrimination while the workers should be rewarded for their contribution to ASDA (Podgorodnichenko, Edgar and McAndrew, 2020). Similarly, an employee should be rewarded on the basis of their performance. A corporation must have an efficient compensation strategy for its staff. Human resource management raises a slew of ethical dilemmas including anything from CEO salary to yearly bonuses, flexible work schedules, paid time off, and more.

Employee morale and productivity both rise as a result of this move. Human resource management has several obligations, and one of the most pressing is ensuring the safety of workers. Worker's safety in the job is the moral as well as the human right that must be supplied by the firm. ASDA can't ignore it since it's a touchy subject for its workers. Managers must take ethics into account while managing human resources at work (Einarsen et al., 2019). Effective application of the ethics aids in regulating the human resources in a suitable method. Without the ethics in the work, there will not be the improved performance rather it will lower the morale of the employee and eventually raise the turnover in the firm. Thus, for the pleasure of the employee inside the firm, the business ethics is vital to embrace by the corporation.


Human resource management has discovered a need for motivational training programmes tailored to various workplaces. A company's most important assets are its employees' drive, self-control, and inventiveness. The company's future performance is entirely dependent on the strategies used by the management team. In today’s changing climate the organisations need to adopt changes proactively. The organisation and its employees should be in harmony.

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