Facilitate Personalised and Performance Focused Learning Assignment Sample

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Task One – Report

Internal and External Factors to Consider as Part of Preparation for Learning and Development Activities

Learning and development are important parts of the organisation and it helps to retain talent in the organisation and that also improves the talent of the people and that will be a competitive advantage for the company. Learning and development are crucial parts and upon that also the growth of the company depends (Stachová et al., 2019). The practice of learning and development can increase the talent within the organisation as well as that also bring innovation to the organisation.

There are several factors that influence the preparation for the learning and development practice in the organisation and in that case, there are two kinds of factors one is internal and another one is external.

Internal Factors

The internal factors play a crucial role in terms of the preparation for learning and development. The internal factors consist of different factors and all involve improving the learning of the individual and which improves the talent in the organisation (Kohnová et al., 2019). There are several internal factors for the preparation for learning and development such as interest, and motivation, and one of the major factors is physical health.


The interest of the individual is also one of the crucial parts of the organisation and it comes from the inner side of the individual. The interest in learning and development also helps the people of the organisation to improve learning and that influences the learning and development of the organisation (Sutarto, Sari and Fathurrochman, 2020).


The motivation in the organisation is also needed to influence the people for learning, and that helps the organisation to improve learning and development (Putra, 2021). The motivational factor is one of the important factors and it also plays a crucial role in the organisation to improve the talent base of the organisation.

Physical Health

The physical health of the individual also consists of a major portion of the learning and development of the organisation (Jelonek et al., 2022). The physical health of the individual influences learning and that also plays a crucial role as if the individual has some problem related to the physical health, then the person may not capable of learning. The physical health of the people can influence their preparation for learning and development.

External Factors

The external factors also play a crucial role in the organisation for the preparation of learning and development. There are some external factors that also can influence the preparation for learning and development (Andriani, Kesumawati and Kristiawan, 2018). The external factors also play a crucial role in the learning and development of the individuals of the organisation. These all factors need to be known for the development of the process of learning and development. There are some external factors such as environment, family environment, infrastructure and facilities etc.


The environment is one of the important parts for the individual to perform well in terms of learning. The environment plays a crucial role to improve the preparation of learning and development. The environment helps the individual in the learning and development, though that adds advantages to the learning process.

Family Environment

The family environment also needs to be better for better learning and that can make better learning and development of the learner. Learning and development are crucial parts and for that, the nature of the family environment is also responsible for learning (Andriani, Kesumawati and Kristiawan, 2018). The family environment also takes into consideration learning and development.

Infrastructure And Facilities

The infrastructure and facilities also need to be discussed and this also influences the individuals for the learning and that can improve the preparation for the learning and development in the organisation (Ritchie and Jiang, 2019). The infrastructure and the facilities also influence the people for learning and that also needed to be there in the organisation.


Facilitation is the process to engage the people to participate in the creation, discovery and several activities. Facilitation is the digital concept as well as it is the face-to-face concept and that also includes different types and purposes (Martin and Manley, 2018). The facilitation includes several activities such as learning activities as well as the team building activity. Facilitation refers to the balance in the responsibility as well as it also the locus of control. Facilitation consists of guidance to the participants as well as help to the learners. The facilitation is necessary as well as the important part is to evolve the skills for the talent development professional as well as for the learning and development of an organisation. The facilitation includes the training to the participants as well as the way to bring development in the participants so the facilitation is one of the effective ways to create a better learning experience as well as it also helps for the learning and development process.

Facilitation Techniques That Can Be Applied to Support Learning

The techniques of the facilitation help to improve the process and that can improve the learning. There are several techniques of facilitation and those play a crucial role in terms of to improve learning (Martin et al., 2019). The techniques of the facilitation explore the different opportunities to enhance learning. The techniques of the facilitation are given below:


Brainstorming is one of the better ways to improve learning and it helps to create a group atmosphere (Bond, 2020). The brainstorming technique helps to bring innovative and fresh ideas. Though it is one of the important techniques of facilitation and it also improves learning.

Scheduling meetings and workshops

The meetings and workshops with the learners are also an effective way to improve the learning experience. The workshops and meetings enhance the learning experience as well as this also motivates the learners for learning and development.

Delegate Roles

The delegation of roles to the learner is also one of the effective ways to improve the learning experience (Bond, 2020). This is the way to delegate different works to the members or learners to give them responsibilities such as keeping the information of the learning.

Ground Rules

The ground rules also play a crucial role in this part and for that also the learning program will be developed. The ground rules ensure that the meeting keeps calm and that will be effective for the learning purpose.


The breaks need to be taken as the long meetings impact the focus of the member as well as it also impacts on concentration. The breaks between the meeting should be taken and that also ensures effective learning.

Ice Breaker

The ice break exercise also needs to be performed to make everyone comfortable, though it can improve the performance of the members.

The facilitator also needs to provide the tools to the members to improve the learning as well as the ground rules will be effective as that shows the way of working.

The facilitator needs to do some engagement activities through warm-ups, explaining, demonstrating and facilitating the learner activities (Kohnke and Moorhouse, 2022). There needs to be encouragement and support for the learners to bring improvement in their learning.

Through these techniques, the facilitator can improve the learning of the learners and that also improves the learning and development of the organisation.

Techniques For Monitoring the Effectiveness of Learning Activities, Including Making Adjustments to Meet the Needs of Individual Learners Within a Group Context

In order to improve the learning activities, there needs to be monitoring as well as the learning also needs to meet the need of the individual learners. There are some techniques that will be helpful to improve the learning of individuals (Shamir-Inbal and Blau, 2021). The models of the group behaviour also need to be considered in that case such as Autocratic Model, Custodial Model, Supportive Model, Collegial Model, System Model and many more. These models will help to improve the focus on the study of the individuals to improve their learning. Though this model will play a crucial role in this case. The techniques to manage the dynamics of the group also need to be considered in this case as that also can improve the learning of the individuals. The learning process of the learners will be improved through the management of group dynamics. Though that will play a crucial role in the case to monitor the effectiveness of the learning also as well as it also shows the needs of the individual learners.

The techniques for the group monitoring will be also important in that case as those can improve the learning of the individuals (Shamir-Inbal and Blau, 2021). The technique to monitor the group is also one of the better ways to improve learning. The monitoring techniques will help to see the effectiveness of the learning. Although the group monitoring technique is one of the better ways to improve learning. Monitoring techniques will improve the learning of the learners as this technique focuses on the effectiveness of the learning of the learners as well as it also focuses on the progress of the learners. There are several activities to improve the learning of the learners such as informal questioning, observation and some activities related to the assessment and the performance in the learning activities as well as the group activities also play a crucial role in the learning process.

The balance in the individuals also contributes a lot to the success of the learning of the learners. The balancing of the individuals with the need of the group is one of the crucial parts and that enhances the learning process of the individual (Khalil et al., 2020). The differentiation and the reasonable adjustment, as well as the adapting new activities of the learning, will also enhance the learning and those will help to monitor the effectiveness of the individuals as well as it also helps to meet the individual learners’ needs.

The Ethical Factors Involved in Facilitation of Learning

Ethical factors are an important part of the facilitation of learning and the ethical factors need to be considered by the facilitator and that also improves the learning of the individuals. The power dynamic relationship between the facilitator and learner. The ability the influence is also one of the ethical factors such as the ability to influence by language and actions (Zydney et al., 2019). Objectivity is also one of the major things that need to be considered in that case as well as neutrality in the learning process and which also enhances the learning process and though the learning and development of the organisation will be improved.

Ethical factors such as cultural biases are also one of the major ethical factors for the learning process and they also can enhance the learning process of an individual. In terms of the facilitator, the cultural bias is also important as well as in terms of the learner. Unconscious bias is also one of the major parts of the ethical factors and that also enhances the performance of the leaner. The biasness impacts the learning process and also makes the learning process better and it can enhance the learning as well as it also impacts facilitated learning.

The ethical use of the resources of the learning as well as the evaluation of the use critically of the psychology-based tests and the personality and the learner assessments. These evaluation techniques and the factors involved in the learning process of the facilitation also contribute a lot to the growth of the learning. The ethical factors impact the learning process and the ethical factors also need to be considered by the facilitator to improve the learning process. The approaches and the resources need to be established before use and presentation to the learners.

The ethical factors involved in the facilitation of the learning have an impact on the learning process and that also makes the learning effective and for that also the learners get benefitted (Jowsey et al., 2020). The ethical factors need to be maintained by the facilitator so that the learning progress will be better and the learning and development in the organisation will be improved. The learning style can improve the learning process and the learning will be also enhanced by the ethical factors of the facilitator learning.

The Concept Of ‘Transfer of Learning’ And Its Significance in Workplace Learning

Learning is one of the better ways to improve the organisation and learning plays a crucial role in the organisation bringing innovation. The learning also accelerates the working of the workplace and it also focuses on the different improvements in the learning and it plays a crucial role in the organisation to bring success. Learning is an efficient way to enhance the operating process of the organisation. In the organisational context, learning is the way to enhance the business process as well as to gain talent in the organisation. Learning is one of the effective ways to enhance the process of the business and it also helps to retain the talent in the organisation (Johnson, Blackman and Buick, 2018). In terms of transferring learning, it is one of the important roles of the organisation and through this process an organisation can grow and the business process is also improved through this process.

The thinkers and the models help in the process to share the learning in the organisation in order to improve performance. There are some models and one of the important models is Kirkpatrick’s model and which is an internationally recognized tool it mainly evaluates and analyses the learning, education and programs of the learning as well as it also focuses on the results of the learning. There are several cases of companies that have reached success by using the models and through sharing learning in the organisation. Transfer of learning is one of the effective ways to enhance learning and that plays a crucial role in the organisation to bring success. Organisations need learning to improve their performance as well as to improve their skills and knowledge in the workplace. The organisation needs the learning to bring innovation to the organisation as well as to improve the performance of the organisation. Learning in the organisation is needed to drive the success of the employees as well as they also can improve the operations of the business. Though the learning process enhances the business performance as well as it is also needed in the organisation to make a better team and also helps in the organisational change.

The Role of Line Managers in Supporting Transfer of Learning for Their Team Members, And How Learning and Development Can Support Them in This

The line managers have critical in the transfer of learning for the team members as well as there is a huge contribution of the line managers to support the transfer of learning to the learners and members of the organisation. The line managers have a crucial role to encourage the learners the learn and there are also other roles to make the learning process successful. The line managers also need to follow up activities of the learners in relation to the learning process. The line managers also can contribute to the learning process through goal setting as well as by supporting the learners (Darling-Hammond et al., 2020).

The line managers have several roles in the learning process for the transfer of the learning, and in that case, the line managers can contribute to the performance review as well as by supporting learners for their effective learning. The line managers also can contribute by supporting the learners by providing one-to-one coaching as well as by ongoing support and continuous review of the performance of the learners. The line managers can encourage the people and that can add vast value to the learning process of the transfer of learning.

There are several contributions of the line managers in supporting the transfer of learning in the organisation to the members and through the contribution of the line manager the learning process will be effective and that also can bring innovation to the organisation as well as it also can enhance the learning process and for that, the members are also getting better learning.

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