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This report is based on positive praise by the teachers to manage the classroom behaviour management. A faith based Primary School, based in a former mill /industrial town, which pays great emphasis on encouraging values to ensure students are respectful, happy and confident in their academic life and as a valid respectful part of wider society and community. The school takes a crucial approach to success, to increase children to succeed without being lured into a sense of reaping physical rewards.
The school is a mixed ethnicity school consisting predominantly of Christian pupils however, the integration and respect for all faiths plays a positive impact on the respect for other faiths. The communication and clarity based on classroom routines and behaviour management throughout the school plays a major role in the positive environment (Emmer & Gerwels, 2013). This is replicated throughout both Keystage 1 and 2 (age 5-11.)
To ensure equality and fairness in the quality of teaching and learning, there is a predominant focus on inclusion and development of all pupils. The same policies are consistently modelled throughout the different Key stages.
Classroom Behaviour Management is an integral and challenging part of teaching. Teachers must ensure, equality and fairness for all pupils, including adequate provisions for pupils with disabilities and Special Educational Needs (Muscott, 1996). It is therefore crucial schools and their teachers / educators, implement policies and practice strategies to reduce any behaviour management issues, whilst ensuring an optimal and effective classroom environment to promote pupils’ potential to learn to their optimal academic ability.
Behaviourists have studied theories of intelligence and pupil goal orientation, to link students’ cognitive engagement In their learning and their achievement outcomes (Dupeyrat & Mariné, 2005).
Due to the diverse range and needs of pupils (Disabilities/ SEN), teachers face problem behaviour more frequently. Classrooms facing frequent behavioural disruptions affect pupils’ learning, by reducing learning opportunities and reducing learning time (Wheldall & Merrett, 2017). The lack of resources in classrooms is an important factor that is often overlooked, this can further fuel disruptive classroom behaviours (Abramson, 2013). Although an expansive range of strategies to deal with managing behaviour are implemented by schools and teachers. The Government guidance states Head teachers must set out policies to promote good behaviour, including behaviour management strategies/behaviour policies for all staff to follow (Parsonson, 2012). This will include Guidance on Behaviour and Sanctions (identifying and dealing with poor behaviour) (DFE, 2016).
Some schools follow effective discipline policies, to clarify and highlight acceptable behaviours, whilst some schools follow a PSHE approach, by reinforcing acceptable behaviour through a more positive approach, to encourage the behaviour to be displayed. The approach adopted by schools will differ greatly, dependant on behaviour issues within the setting (Clunies-Ross, Little, & Kienhuis, 2008). however, many of the strategies exercised will be based on Behaviourist’s theories.
This assignment will look at the positive praise behaviour management strategy, within the school setting and its successful use and why this approach works. We will consider contradictions and evaluate the effectiveness of this approach (Hart, 2010).
Positive Praise reinforcement is described as implementing/ reinforcing positive behaviours, to encourage the behaviours to continue. By praising children for their willingness to learn and trying hard, the positive praise acts as a motivator, to increase the enthusiasm to keep trying (Gunderson et al., 2013).
The Reinforcement Theory by Skinner (1938) states 15 an individual’s behaviour can be changed through reinforcement. Positive reinforcements, in the form of rewards, are used to replicate the expected behaviour, in an attempt to maintain a continuation of the desired behaviour.
Positive reinforcements used in the classroom may be providing positive feedback, issuing rewards or tokens etc, used to promote the desired behaviour, with the intention that there will be a continuation of the displayed behaviour.
Behaviour theorists have over time developed many theories, that shape some of the practices deployed in classroom practice and in the education sector today. Behaviour Management, is a crucial aspect studied by theorists like, Skinner, Watson, Pavlov and many more, more recently, Caroline Dweck. Each behaviourist studied and developed a learning theory by observing and measuring behavioural changes, displayed by the learner. We will identify the theorists' principles relating to Positive Praise/ positive reinforcement and consider the criticisms of the theories and how these behaviourists have been fundamental in the implementation within classroom practise today (Pomerantz & Kempner, 2013).
Thorndike (1898), predicted that, the behaviours of humans and animals are acquired through, stimulus and response. Thorndike’s theory ‘The Law of Effect 1911’, specified, when a behaviour is followed by a positive outcome, the behaviour is likely to continue. This would imply positive reinforcement plays an important role in stimulating behaviour.
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Watson’s (1913), theory of Behaviourism, relates the child’s environment as an essential factor that contributes to their behaviour. Watson believed behaviour could be conditioned and reinforced through a given environment.
Pavlov (1927), developed ‘Classical Conditioning’ a learning process affected by environmental stimuli, linked to a natural occurring reflex. Today, this acquisition is used to help a child overcome anxiety or fear, as one example. An example of this may be clapping hands in a classroom to gain attention and refocus students. The clapping of the hands acts as a stimuli, the reflex would be students becoming silent as a result of the action.
B.F. Skinner 1938 theory, focused on ‘Operant Conditioning’, where the positive behaviour displayed would be reinforced with positive praise or rewards, whilst negative behaviour would be influenced by consequences in the form of sanctions or punishments. Thus, the positive behaviour, will recur as it is being consistently reinforced. The punishment/ sanction acts as a deterrent for unwanted negative behaviour, to cease the negative actions. It has been identified that this theory helps teachers to understand the behaviour of students. Operant conditioning theory is also known as instrumental conditioning. It is the method of learning that pays recompenses & penalties for the behaviour of students. It enables the teachers to identify the positive behaviour of students.
Although, the above theorists, behaviour theories focus on factors affecting behaviour, they all stated behaviours are learned from our environment. Chomskey, a cognitive behaviourist believed that many factors need to be considered when evaluating behaviour, these include environmental factors. Chomskey disagreed with The Positive Reinforcement Theory of Skinner as Chomskey, believed using Praise and rewards does not encourage learning or development, however, children learn from their education. The behaviourist's theories relate to external factors responsible for behaviour and observed external changes, however, internal factors are also responsible for behaviour, including disorders ADHD, Anxiety and other health conditions.
Positive praise, a reinforcement strategy, used to increase the desired behaviours by motivating students to repeat the positive behaviour. A form of conditioning that will influence and focus on observable behaviour only (Abramson, 2013).
Beaman and Wheldall (2000), demonstrate that behaviour by individual students and whole classes, may be influenced by teachers’ behaviour. Successful practise is based on the building and maintaining of positive relationships with students (Ellis & Tod, 2009), which underpin the development of learned behaviours within school settings. This allows schools to choose and evaluate successful strategies in the classroom (Ellis & Tod, 2009) and help reflect and improve behaviours of students, whilst allowing teachers to reflect on their own behaviour (Aoki, 2020).
Classroom climate, the clarity of school rules and the general layout of classes influence the effectiveness of strategies and learning experiences (Ingemasson, Rosendhal, Bodri. Biryegard 2019). It is important to have the positive behaviour management because it enables the students to develop behaviour among each other.
Physical factors affecting behaviours within the classroom include the layout and arrangement of classrooms, the population in the classroom, the availability of resources (Trussell, Lewis & Stichter, 2008). It has been analysed that better classroom arrangements encourage students to easily interact with each other while developing several skills such as social behaviour, language, and so on.
Behaviour policies of schools set out guidelines and guidance on the actions to be utilised within school and educational setting for behaviour issues. Positive praise encourages students in a variety of good behaviours. Positive praise enables student's to recognise and ready to learn, demonstrating efforts, attempting to work hard and displaying respectful attitudes and behaviours of others. The positive praise enables teachers to increase the motivation and boost good feeling of the students in the classroom (Knochel et al., 2020).
Using language, e.g. ‘I really like’, and ‘well done’ phrases to praise and praising whilst working hard, to allow other students to hear and replicate the desired behaviour.
Negative behaviour is dealt with following the Behaviour blueprint, the initial steps to check in with students, to identify any potential cause or reason of the behaviour. If necessary, verbal caution may be necessary (school behaviour policy).
Although praise is used to raise standards, Lindsay and Patterson, a University Professor at Edinburgh University argues that praise should be reserved for hard work that leads to achievement. According to professor, positive praise makes the students feel good about themselves which many help them to boost their performance in the class.
Using praise to encourage students of a lower learning ability may portray messages of low expectations. Although, some praise is healthy and acts as a motivator to students to continue hard work, too much praise can have a negative effect found essentially, students who do not perform well were being conveyed a message of low expectations and in order to reap the same praise students would select easier tasks, discouraging a growth mindset (Hardy, 2021). In order to build on previous knowledge students must build on their learning experiences and Interact with their environments to construct knowledge.
Behaviour specific praise is considered an effective tool to increase the academic achievements of students (Pisacreta et al., 2011). Research shows a positive relationship between positive praise (specific) and students’ behaviour. Within educational settings it is considered praising children leads to boosting a child’s self-esteem which increases learning capabilities, however, under certain circumstances, praise can be detrimental to learning (Educational Psychology Service, 2014) affecting self-esteem, motivation and achievement. As it helps to realize the children their capabilities to achieve the things better in the classroom.
Gunderson et al, (2013), states different types of praise can affect students’ belief. Praising students intelligence affects performance in the intelligent (more able) believe intelligence is something you have or do not have. Dweck (2007), found the most effective praise was specific, linked directly to efforts, which leads to a greater engagement in learning. Challenges are seen as opportunities to develop and learn.
Challenging and disruptive behaviour within educational settings, interferes with teaching, learning opportunities are lost which can lead to academic failure (Pisacreta et al., 2011).
Positive praise is recommended as an effective form of discipline and behaviour management strategy, engages learners and increasing academic achievements.
Positive praise, if used correctly following a behaviour can be used to reinforce the expected behaviour recurring. Positive praise can be used to motivate and engage learners, by acknowledging efforts, however small. For the less able students, praise boosts self-esteem and increases the likelihood, of the efforts to continue (Ingemarson et al., 2020).
Research has shown Positive praise to be effective if used correctly and being direct (Dweck, 1999). Such strategies can control inappropriate and unwanted behaviour in school and improve communication skills.
However, the use of positive praise cannot alone, deal with unpredictable and undesired behaviours as a management strategy. This intertwined with other factors can work as an effective strategy.
According to the author, it has been identified that positive praise enables the students to improve their confidence while developing the skills (Wheldall & Bradd, 2013). Positive praise can inspire the good behaviours. It has been identified that positive praise is a simple strategies but it is very active that helps to increase good behaviour among students. In the classroom when positive praise is used by the teachers it encourages to the other students to have an appropriate behaviour while achieving things. Positive praise among students also increases the chances of efforts which are given by the students to learn an appropriate behaviour. It enables the students to develop or improve the new skills and encourages them to keep trying to be successful in the future. The word praise attracts the people towards the work to give their best effort and achieve the highest level of success. There are several examples of positive praise for the students that encourage them to work better and behave appropriately in the classroom such as your ideas are amazing, that's a great question, that was really a good choice, that was really brave, and so on. These types of positive praise make the students happy and improve their performance in the classroom.
The recognition board inspires the students to be the next star of the classroom which includes in the positive praise. The recognition board targets learning attitudes within a classroom setting, its purpose is to recognise the efforts of students, that demonstrate the desired learning attitude. This can be related to the ethos of the school, but not limited to. (Ready. Respectful and Safe).
Names of all class students are displayed on a board, where individual students can fill a bucket with a star, however, each student is encouraged to also fill a bucket of another fellow student. The recognition board recognises efforts and when students are demonstrating the correct behaviour for learning. Through, being recognised for efforts, students are being encouraged to demonstrate responsibility skills for themselves and their class fellows.
Positive Praise and positive feedback are used to encourage the desired behaviour, through acknowledgement of their efforts, in order to create a positive learning environment. The use of positive language reinforces the desired behaviour. Complimenting individuals and whole classes are necessary to maintain a clear and high expectation, of behaviours.
Dweck found positive praise directed at the correct time and for the correct reasons, was most effective, linked to their efforts. This allows students to undertake tasks which are more challenging and would increase learning, as these challenges would be seen as opportunities to learn.
Effect on a student’s learning abilities and self-esteem (Educational Psychology Service 2014). When praised for ability, the praise provides a short-term self-esteem boost, causing students to prove their intelligence by selecting easier tasks, to reap the same for of praise.
Rewards Systems
Schools use a variety of rewards systems, to acknowledge efforts as a form of behaviour management for good behaviour, academic success, attendance and punctuality. However, rewards can affect the self-esteem of many students as offering rewards is not a fair and equal process, as not all students are recognised for their efforts, however small.
Rewards should be mutual, fair and recognise all efforts of all students, to increase self-worth and a sense of belonging to help motivate students to further increase their potential to learn. A class reward system, allows all students to cooperate with each other and see their efforts as team work. If a class reward is mutually agreed by the class teacher and all the students, it is most likely to be successful as it encourages students to adopt a community approach.
Student -teacher relations.
An important factor usually overlooked, is the student teacher relationship, this can affect the classroom climate and often affect the development of pupils learning. The teacher's response and attitude can affect students both academically and socially. Teacher behaviour, responses, approval and disapproval all have an effect on students’ responses to learning (Beaman & Wheldall, 2000). Teachers adopting a teaching style catered towards the different types of learning have been found to be more effective.
Teachers’ confidence to teach and the teachers knowledge, can have an impact on learners as students are highly likely to misbehave for a less confident teacher, however, with the correct training and skills this can be overcome. In order for teachers to praise effectively, fundamental skills for correct praising technique must be fostered, without the correct form of praise, students may be less engaged and likely to take new opportunities to learn (Back et al., 2010).
Although, implementing Positive praise as a form of behaviour management strategy in the classroom setting, is an effective strategy, it is affected by other factors, rules and transitions, seating arrangements, the availability of resources and providing the correct support to the different student needs. The ability to differentiate support to cater for all levels, can become difficult and time consuming and repetitive.
A lack of praise for the less academically able, can result in a lack of motivation and a loss of learning opportunities. For the less able, it is easy to select tasks that do not challenge or increase their learning, however, this may present itself as the only way to be praised. The repetitive use of praise can seem inappropriate and cause a lack of notice being taken.
Used correctly, positive praise can boost a student’s performance, and recognise the efforts they make. Supported by literature and behaviourists theories, the positive reinforcement theory, supports positive praise should be used to reinforce the desired behaviour whilst negative behaviour can be effectively dealt with, through the use of sanctions.
Praise is regarded as highly important, it has the ability to raise self-esteem, motivates students to learn and adopt new challenges to further increase their learning abilities. Positive praise must be used fairly for all individuals and used to praise direct efforts following the desired behaviour.
Portfolio of Evidence
Evidence 1. The reflection and recognition board, which was very useful to me in recognising and praising students for demonstrating respectful behaviour and showing the effectiveness of positive praise for acknowledging readiness to learn. Through my own lessons I have used positive praise, to reinforce the desired behaviours and actions to set clear my high expectations within class.
Evidence 2.
This is the visual timetable I have used in class, to ensure smooth transitions throughout the day. I have found the visual timetable has been effective for whole class students as it has enabled students to understand the structure of the day. It has been especially effective for students with additional and special needs. The visual timetable is a tool that I will actively use in my practice, as it has had a profound effect on the organisation and transitions throughout the day.
Evidence 3. The zones of regulation board, allows student to effectively manage their emotions. As part of the meet and greet morning routine, I have encouraged students to place their name tag, to display their emotions. Any child that displays their name tag in the red zone, is checked in, to discuss and attempt to find out why they may be feeling unwell or angry. This procedure allows students to discuss any concerns with the class teacher or myself, to combat any form of disruption or disruptive behaviour before it occurs. The purpose of the zones of regulation, helps students to regulate themselves. Although, children will place their names at the beginning of the day, I have found it effective to also be used after the lunch break.
Evidence 4.
This is the class reward system, used at my placement school. The class reward is mutually agreed upon by both the class teacher and the students in the class. This allows students to work as a team to receive a smiley face on the grid. This approach has been effective, as the end reward is a whole class reward. In my practice, I found students were more motivated and more engaged in their learning. Although rewards do not have a long-term effect on behaviour, the students were able to see a gradual change on the grid and were more likely to work hard and help their class fellows to achieve more. Unlike rewards for individual students, which can affect the self-esteem and confidence of those students not rewarded, the whole class reward is a team effort.
Evidence 5
Each Friday, a Celebration assembly is held to recognise the efforts of individual or whole class efforts and celebrated as a whole school. The class or student are awarded a certificate, and each class teacher in the school has the opportunity to nominate a student/ whole class. The nomination may be various reasons and not just efforts in class, if a student has shown kindness to others, they may be nominated, for any of the school values, which the school promote on a daily basis (Respect, Compassion, Faith, Courage, Forgiveness end Equality).
Evidence 6
This poster is displayed in each classroom, where it is visible by all students, it demonstrates the school values. The School fosters values In children that ensure they are happy, confident and creative members of society, with positive attitudes who are successful in school and the wider world.
Evidence 7
Jigsaw, is a PSHE, Physical, Social, Health, Economic Education, school curriculum subject, which focuses on strengthening students skill. I have taught this subject and found it promotes a positive attitude to each others opinions, allows students to express and challenge their opinions on a certain topic. Stereotyping images of individuals was the focus of the last lesson, we discussed why we stereotype people, and why this may affect our views of individuals. We looked at images of disabled people in wheelchairs, ladies, discussed what images we perceived and why. This lesson has provided students with low self-esteem and confidence to confidently share their opinions with their counterparts. This lesson has played an important role in the behaviour of pupils and the peer relationships the class possess with each other, in a positive manner. Each individual respects and listens carefully to thoughts of their peers, without being judgemental.
Evidence 8
This demonstrates feedback on an observation on the Jigsaw lesson, discusses above. Although students showed a positive attitude to challenging stereotypical images of individuals, I linked this back to an earlier lesson in the day, (linking subjects as a scheme of learning) where students had the opportunity to become a character, from a book we have focused on in Guided Reading. The character was a girl and a few of the female students had decided to take the role, of the character, so the remaining pupils could pose questions to the character. I offered, the role to the males in the class, to which all except one male student agreed. I challenged the stereotypical image, the class possessed, when a male was willing to take on the role of the female. The question did have an impact on the students, and challenged the view they possessed.
The feedback also demonstrates how I have implemented the Schools Behaviour Policy, effectively within my practise, to keep any low-level disruption under control. Whilst recognising, those students ready to learn, by clearly reminding the class of expectations of sitting quietly and demonstrating good listening.
Evidence 9
As part of the morning routines, this displays a Spag intervention, which I teach before all lessons begin. It is a method of reinforcing learning. Starting the day, with a Spag intervention, has set a high expectation of learning for day. I have found students have retained this knowledge and exercise the topic learnt in their English written work more effectively. This makes the students motivated to learn in the classroom.
Evidence 10
This is a plan for a Maths lesson, I create and use to understand and effectively consider and arrange support, for topics/ lessons which I believe students may require extra assistance to encourage learning.
For difficult topics, I have differentiated work for the lower attainers and deployed support staff, to help break down information, to overcome any barriers in learning. Having a focus group, ensure all students are using learning opportunities successfully and no students are left behind. Currently, my mentor, does not differentiate work for the lower attainers, however, we have discussed that this becomes difficult to arrange for all lessons as Support Staff is shared between 2 classes.
Also, there are many support interventions provided for the lower attainers. The lower attainers are frequently taken out of class lessons, to support groups in Reading, Maths.
Currently, I have deployed Support staff to focus on a group of lower attainers to overcome barriers to learning. However, in my practice I am aware that the higher ability students also need to be challenged to increase learning and encourage the students to learn by challenging these students to attempt work of a higher level.
The successful implementation of positive praise has played an important part in my journey, the emphasis of reinforcing positive behaviour, through a positive approach has inclined me to use this approach in my own practice as a teacher. The benefits if positive praise, outweigh the negative aspects of positive praise. Prior to my present placement school, I had the opportunity to experience behaviour management strategy at a alternative school, which implemented a traffic light behaviour management strategy, to promote expected behaviour within the classroom setting. Using this strategy, students are issued a verbal warning and the name of the student is placed on the amber traffic light, the consequence is losing a break time. If negative behaviour is repeated, the name of the student is placed on a red. Consequently, the pupils will lose all break times for a week. I found this strategy did not effectively deal with misbehaviour, as pupils on the amber or red and displaying exemplary behaviour, were not provided the opportunity to redeem themselves off the traffic light board. The behaviour can also become more of an issue amongst the peers of the individual. The behaviour management strategy, may be more effective If students are reminded of the standard of behaviour expected. Through reinforcement, students are reminded of the desired behaviour. As a reward system, students were issued with sweet treats, which would encourage students to work to a high standard, not to improve learning but rather to receive sweets. Rewarding students with sweets regularly, promotes unhealthy eating habits and can affect the behaviour of pupils, however maybe more effective as an occasional incentive, if deemed appropriate by school.
Students are able to share sweets as a birthday treat, with their class fellows as a celebration. I have found the positive praise, far more effective, as students are encouraged to work to a high standard and improve learning opportunities for pivotal success. The hard work of all students is recognised and reflected, targeted at learning attitudes as well as behaviours, to promote the behaviour to continue. Students nominate, class fellows also displaying a positive learning attitude, and improving the classroom climate. By filling a reward bucket, for themselves and a peer, students are learning Sharing skills, being responsible for themselves and others whilst working as a team, and being aware of others class fellows that may not yet have a reward, in their bucket, promoting values of compassion and equality.
The negative effects of positive praise, I have found are, constantly praising efforts and attitudes to learning, can be repetitive for teachers and students. Looking for opportunities to praise efforts can become time consuming and reduce learning time and learning opportunities.
Currently, each lesson lasts for 50 minutes, teachers must ensure students achieve the learning objective set for each lesson, whilst ensuring, the learning gap due to Covid 19, is minimised and lost learning due to this is covered, as students have a years gap in their learning. Within, my practise, some less able students that, do not achieve the learning objectives will lose playtime and part of their lunch break to complete any lost learning opportunities within the lesson. I have found it effective practice to move students to a separate learning area, to overcome any distractions and allow the students to focus on their learning. Enabling any barriers to be overcome, minimises any learning opportunities to be lost. For less able students that lack motivation, the lack of praise for their efforts, however small, may harm a child’s self-esteem. They may in turn, display disruptive behaviour in order to gain attention.
Some students may struggle to understand tasks set, and may display a lack of enthusiasm and participation, which also contributes to disruptive behaviour. In my placement school class, work is not differentiated for lower attainers, which is unfair and is not considered effective teaching, as students are unable to learn and progress. In my own practice, I have effectively deployed support staff, to assist a group of low attained, to promote their learning. I found the results encouraging as pupils were more engaged and confident, due to the additional support they received (Boothman, 2018). However, due to school budget, the additional support provided by Educational teaching assistants is limited.
I will also deploy support staff to work with higher ability students to challenge and increase learning potential. In my practice, I will ensure support staff are deployed to work alternately, on days, where I will provide extra assistance to lower ability students and the higher ability in a fair manner, as Every Child Matters and is entitled to receive the support they need.
Another, initiative, to overcome barriers to learning is through the implementation and use of class dojos or a similar app, to recognise all students’ efforts and achievements. If the recognition of efforts can be seen by students and parents, it is more likely to occur, especially for students that may struggle to focus on tasks. Behaviour, attendance, effort and many other aspects can be all tracked on Class dojo, whilst involving parents. Students are able to select an avatar of their choice and can collect points to be exchanged for a reward of the teacher’s choice (a prize, or stickers etc.). Class dojo can be used to set expectations, allow students to monitor their progress, in addition, if negative behaviour is displayed, students are encouraged to discuss their behaviour.
As Class dojo, is not currently implemented at my placement school. I have approached and discussed, the implementation with a member of Senior leadership team, I was informed, the school adopted a pivotal approach to success and not a reward system (tokens, gifts), hence would not be adopted.
Following a classroom routine throughout the day, with a displayed visual timetable has a great impact on being organised and minimising any disruption. The smooth transition of classroom activities can be further improved by allocating students a particular responsibility, which allows individual students to contribute, and feel part of a community.
Each morning, students follow a routine, from entering the classroom setting, students must ensure the appropriate dinner is selected on the school iPad , all personal belonging, resources are placed on desks, ready to learn. This is followed by reading quietly until registration time. The focus on reading quietly sets the classroom expectations and climate ready for learning. Following registration, students participate in either a Spag Intervention ( Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) or practise Maths Times Tables, until the first lesson of the day.
Each row of students, has an allocated responsibility for their row, a book monitor, a colour monitor and iPad monitors to ensure the smooth transitions throughout the day, and to increase the availability of learning opportunities and minimising any disruptions to the day. Allocating a responsibility to students, encourages responsibility for themselves and others around them. The transition, from one lesson to another is also very streamlined and causes no disruption to learning. Students line up for dinners, in alphabetical order, at the start lunch and the end of break times, through using this method, each student Is aware of their allocated place, preventing any disagreements.
The layout has remained the same, as it has had an significant impact on promoting learning. All students are forwards facing the teacher, which allows all students to be focused on the teacher and learning. For teachers this layout, is far more effective to pinpoint and deal with any disruption. Students are able to work and discuss ideas in pairs (Think, Pair, Share). They are able to encourage and help partners, to understand classwork. This layout of the classroom, although effective, affects group learning as the layout is difficult to encourage a group of students to work together. In my practise I would implement a horse shoe layout, with a group of tables in the centre, to allow and promote group work. The centre table could be used for low attainers, Special Educational Needs students or students that need more attention.
I would also on termly basis, change the seating plan, to encourage students to become friends with all class fellows. This seating plan will enable students to form friendships easily and reduce any potential bullying or other issues which may promote behaviour issues.
I believe all aspects discussed, play important roles in managing behaviour issues and promoting the correct behaviour and attitude to learning. However, I believe a teacher must possess the knowledge and confidence to teach to a high standard, for this to be effective teaching and learning. Teachers-students must display a positive relationship, to encourage students to learn, through this attitude any students with issues that may affect learning, can inform students allowing teachers to deal with the issues appropriately.
Jigsaw time, allows all students to feel part of a team, where each individual, views and opinions are valued. The session addresses important issue and allows the students to participate in productive discussion, and allows students to develop team building skill, through discussing and respecting viewpoints, ready for life.
In conclusion, The Positive Praise Behaviour Management Strategy, is an effective strategy, to help promote recognition of efforts, a willingness to learn and can promote progression of students. This along with, the layout of classrooms, b rules and routines and effective teaching of teachers, all play a important part in effectively dealing with behaviour management . Recognition of efforts and not rewards and providing positive feedback through praise, effectively influence individuals’ motivation to learn. Used correctly, this can build students confidence and self-esteem, however, used incorrectly can cause more harm. It is necessary, teachers receive training, how to effectively praise students, to encourage learning. The incorrect use can, reduce the effectiveness of reinforcement and Impact negatively on students’ education. Positive praise, is an important and effective strategy, used correctly, within my practise I will use this strategy and other strategies to promote learning. I would like to undertake further training on how to effectively praise students in the correct manner and as part of my own continuous professional development.
Behavioural issues displayed within the classroom setting, may be triggered by external factors which may be unknown, to classroom teachers. These may include Health issues a child may suffer from, a lack of quality sleep. Children may suffer from many forms of abuse within the home setting, including Physical, Mental, Sexual abuse. These factors affect the behaviours of children; however, factors affecting behaviour are not limited.
Although behavioural issues, within the school setting, can be dealt with using Behaviour Management Strategies, students with mental health conditions, like ADHD and Autism, must also combine medication to help deal with issues on a daily basis, in these instances, relying just on Positive Praise could cause more harm.
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