Equality And Diversity Within Healthcare Assignment Sample

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Equality and diversity is the most important part of a workplace especially when it comes to healthcare. Good diversity and equality practices mean that an accessible and fair service is provided for every staff and patient. The people can be treated equally and give respect to everyone that ensures the legislation. The employees should be encouraged to give value to diversity and always give respect to the attributes (Koburtay et al. 2020).

In this essay, it is discussed how equality and diversity help the healthcare system to work more accurately and serve the people with their best.

Equality and diversity promoted in the healthcare

The senior care communities use a software named StoriiCare Software for coordination and engagement in their care. This software is very helpful and easy to handle and provides many ways to care for people and promote quality in the workplace (Wyman et al. 2018).

Everyone in a workplace should have the right to access the support and care they need regardless of circumstances. All the staff of the workplaces has the responsibility to promote diversity and equality in their areas of work. These two are the key components that help to provide quality services throughout their system.

  • Common core strategic principles-

A leader is an important person for every workplace so the leader can take care to promote equality and diversity in the working areas (Redley et al. 2019). To promote this they should practice some common core strategic principles within their workplaces to improve their work culture;

Give value to human rights and commit to giving equality and diversity.

Monitoring the performances that help to maintain these practices.

  • Develop a policy that ensures equality and diversity in the workplace and make sure that all the members should understand the policy.
  • To reflect changes in the legislature provide training regularly with the refreshment of practices of changes.
  • All the staff gets the opportunity to take complete training of these two components as a part of induction.
  • Develop a tailored plan for care and promote the requirements of the individuals.
  • Find Out the expected services of the staff and keep these requirements at the forefront of this care plan that helps to increase the interest of the service users (Keisu and Ahlström, 2020).
  • A workplace needs to establish working ways that are not discriminatory. Always work in a manner of nonjudgment and provide person-centered care.
  • The care plan should respect the likes, dislikes, personality, and beliefs of each individual and promote equal care for all.


In this case study, Salome is a new joining staff nurse and she faces problems because of the behavior of her seniors and she does not get support from other staff nurses. As she is a new joiner she needs more care and coordination that help her to adjust to all circumstances. When she is facing a problem it affects the patient's care and that is not expected from a healthcare center. 

Prejudice and discrimination leading to the disempowerment of the individuals

Prejudice is an incorrect and unsatisfied attitude with an individual within a social group. Discrimination means the behavior or any action which is negative for an individual or a group of people based on their social, sex, race, or class.

Conformity is an explanation of both the terms, these influences that cause individuals to be sexist or racist that come from a group of members in the workplaces or it may come from a family (Mason and Minerva, 2020).

The effects of prejudice always give a negative result, when a person is undervalued by their co-workers in the workplace, meaning that the victim suffers from social esteem and they stop improving themselves and thoughts that they are good for nothing. These practices lead to bullying and this is another form of discrimination. These two practices are the root of conflicts between two people or among a group of people.

Racism is discrimination and prejudice against an individual based solely on one's membership in a specific group of races. Prejudice plays an important role to support slavery. The inferiority of blacks is that they experienced few emotions and less pain (Gao and Sai, 2021).

Disempowerment means when an individual gets discriminated against by powerful or senior people in the workplace. This practice usually decreases self-confidence and feels less powerful in the workplace (Wang et al. 2018).

In this case study Salome when getting work from her seniors before her lunch break and she is not willingly doing her work she made the mistake to give meds to her patients and when she confesses her problem to the senior manager then she did not get support from him and she feels very sad and lonely in her healthcare center. She is a qualified nurse and just worked one week in that center and she faces the problem of racism. After this incident, she feels depressed and loses her confidence to work as a nurse and she feels that she is not suited for this profession.

Like her, so many people in their daily life suffer the same problem in their workplaces and they also become depressed and change their mind and lose confidence to do better in their work and they quit their job just because of miscooperation of the team members.

Individuals right in the healthcare settings

The UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights stated that health is a fundamental human right, there are five most relevant human rights when an individual receives health care services from a health center;

  • Article 8 - respect the private and family life of an individual in healthcare.

This article protects the patient's privacy and should respect the choices. This article gives the right to discuss the medical problem in private (Taylor and Wilson, 2019).

  • Article 3 - the healthcare center never inhumanly treated their patients.

This right protects people from serious harmful effects and degrading treatments (Pertiwi et al. 2019). When people get poor treatment or some torture it may be mental or physical, and the nurse should take care when some people are seriously ill then they help them to drink and eat.

  • Article 5 - This article talks about liberty.

 All the patients have the right to their liberty and that not to be taken away from them. This article helps to make the decision, if any patient thinks that they are not monitored properly and they delay releasing them then the patients should take action against this type of practice (Taylor and Wilson, 2019).

  • Article 2 - every individual has the right to their life.

Every individual has the right to live their life as they wish, nobody can end the life of another person. This article can be used as if anyone does not want the treatment for life-saving, when someone died by the serious negligence and mistreatment of a care center then this article helps to get justice.

  • Article 14 - this right is all about discrimination.

The healthcare center does not discriminate against their patients, all the patients get equal care and opportunities. The treatment should not be different or varies as per the patient's sex, color, disability (Mann and Matzner, 2019).

In the workplace, it is confirmed that all the healthcare articles should be maintained properly. These practices can be maintained when that healthcare center provides equality and diversity in their sectors for all employees. When all the employees work in a friendly environment then they can work with proper concentration.

In this case, study when saloma gets late with another senior worker and she gives wrong medicines to the patients and she gets late to give those meds. This can negatively affect both her and the healthcare center and those patients also.

Equality and diversity legislation and equality act 2010

Promoting Equality and Diversity Legislation is very necessary for all areas of societies.

There are four laws especially for health and social care regarding equality and diversity (Bergerum et al. 2019):

  1. The Equality Act 2010 - This legislation is all about the diversity and equality of employees in their workplaces.
  2. The Human Rights Act 1998 - This Act has five main principles; respect, equality, dignity, Autonomy, and Fairness. This legislation provides Human Rights and Principles of Equality.
  3. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 - the Act helps the people who are not able to maintain their dignity, freedom, and independence.
  4. The Care Act 2014 - this legislation is for all work with valuable adults and it ensures that adults get support for their chosen decision by them.

In this section, The Equality Act 2010 is discussed in detail. This is legislation regarding the issues of equality and diversity in health care. This act is an Act of Parliament of the UK and it passed when the Brown ministry with some primary purpose regarding consolidation, and updating numerous regulations and acts that formed for anti- discrimination. This Act protects the people in their work both public and private sectors from harassment, discrimination, and victimization based on their race, religion, sex, age, disability. The Act also included services of provisions for single-sex persons (Thornton, 2021).

 The Equality Act provisions came into force on 1st October 2010:

  • This act helped to change the gender reassignment definition with the help of removing the requirement for medical supervision.
  • It protects people's discrimination because they have to perceive with the association of others who has that protected characteristics.
  • All types of prediction and care are provided for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace.
  • To protect all the characteristics applied a uniform definition of indirect discrimination in different workplaces (Chakravorty, 2021).

In this case, the people suffer from discrimination of race, the poor treatment from her senior, and suffer a lot in one week of her work. When she talks about her problem then she is not able to understand the truth of the facts and she feels depressed. If she gets the protection of Act 2010, then it will help her in work.


The healthcare center supports equality and diversity in their workplace by;

  • Always create a culture that is fair and inclusive. Good leadership from a senior manager can resolve that problem of fairness.
  • All the staff gets equal opportunities and training in the appropriate environment.
  • Take action on all the complaints always listen to both the individuals and give equal priority to all the employees (Pertiwi et al. 2019).
  • Identify and prevent people from unconscious biases in the workplace. A positive way to handle the bias gives a benefit to the center.
  • Always give the protection against indirect discrimination in healthcare, it, directly and indirectly, give negative effects on the healthcare center and patients.
  • Make diversity and equality in the process of recruitment of the staff. The Equality Act 2010, should be maintained and give equal opportunities and explanations to all the members.
  • Send clear messages to all the staff that helps to protect from miscommunication. The day-to-day communication and languages used by the employees should always meet the standard of health care.


This essay, it is discussed the importance of diversity and equality in health care services. The people, who work in a healthcare center sometimes get treatment of discrimination and this is a very bad practice for workplaces. The UK government made an Act in 2010 to protect the people from discrimination in both the public and private sectors. This prejudice and discrimination affect health care directly in the healthcare industry, it decreases the confidence of individuals and makes them feel depressed and this is an illegal offense. Every person of a country takes the protection of Human Rights and it is very important to look forward that everyone should get equal opportunities in their workplaces.

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