Empirical Study on Change Blindness & Visual Detection Assignment Sample

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Change blindness illustrates a remarkable overlook in visual perception, with the impression that the observer does not recognize the change when little changes are made in a visual scene. This process, in fact, gives us a fundamental understanding of the selective nature of attention and the underlying mechanisms which govern the uninterrupted perception of the world of vision. It does not merely relate to our common understanding that we perceive everything in a realistic manner, but instead, it tells us that our perception indicates more about the creation of a coherent story with often confusion about details.

The practical importance of comprehending change blindness goes beyond flashlight domains (Radke et al., 2005). Moreover, it is particularly pertinent to the building of safety-relevant systems where the change detection is vital, for instance, air traffic control, and driving. It further affects the reliability of eyewitness testimonies in legal contexts even to the extent that they cannot become trusted in terms of accuracy of recall.

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The flicker paradigm, as first studied by Rensink, O'Regan and Clark (1997), has been used in research into change blindness to investigate the conditions in which an object can be perceived as changed or as unchanged. Through their research approach using an array of images consisting of the original followed by the modified image with a blank screen in between they have found out that attentiveness is a key factor in detecting changes. These results demonstrate how closely inattention draws from reality even when there are substantial alterations in a scene which looks unattended, thus indicating the limited capabilities of the human visual system.

Many significant studies in the topical area, such as Rensink, O'Regan and Clark's (1997) flicker paradigm study, have shown that changes in a scene, even if they are quite obvious, may go unnoticed if there is no specific attention directed to it. Through this flashing technique we see the role of attention in change detection and why full attention and interest at upper levels are a must for change detection. Their results imply that the detection of core deviations occurs sooner than that of peripheral changes, which could be indicative of the hierarchical nature of visual processing.

In a 1999 study referred to as the 'mudsplash' study by O'Regan, Rensink, and Clark, together with Simons and Levin's (1998) 'door' study, research was conducted and further findings made. The exploration of the 'mudsplash' effect has shown that the elimination of attentional blink does not untimely result in the improvement of performance because the already existing visual memory is not overwritten but rather, the change blindness persists. In that case, some visual scene modifications become more salient and thus more possible to be attended by us. Simons and Levin's 'door' study provided further evidence of how within a setting, changes interact with each other and the attention that people pay to these changes. In line with the perceptual load theory indicated by Lavie (1995), these studies suggest that perceptual processing depends on the actual complexity of the task in hand.



The study used the between-subjects design in order to quantify the phenomenon of the change blindness. The main purpose was to evaluate participants’ response times in the detection of visual-stimuli alterations when they were exposed to different conditions (Doyle and Snowden, 2001). The independent variable was the type of change introduced into the visual scene, categorized into three conditions: contrasting changes, complimentary changes, and transient changes. The dependent variable was the response time which is the time span between Cue and response.

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Participants were shown visual stimuli where a number of gradual changes took place. The experiment was well-thought-out and appeared to have taken into account the possibility of order effects by randomizing the scenes that were shown to individual participants (Bharti, Yadav and Jaswal, 2020). This partly diminished the risks that the use of learning or tiredness would mislead the results. This was done to maintain the integrity of the findings by having an equal number of control scenes, devoid of any changes, interspersed throughout the experiment for each participant to measure their reaction time.

The data was generated using a custom computer system, on which the time the participants clicked a key (perceived the change) after the change occurred in the system was recorded. By this technique, a response time measurement was made accurate to the millisecond. To this end, the study catered for individual differences in speed by first calibrating participants reactions to a known stimulus using a pre-trial phase.

A statistical analysis of the data was performed with the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique, which provides the possibility to compare reaction times under different types of changes. This is chosen because it is a powerful tool in its ability to detect differences between means with the presence of more than two groups. Besides the analysis of interrelation effects, it helps us to discover whether some modifications are more noticeable and detected earlier than other modifications.


Our sample comprised of 250 random participants drawn from the university population with the age range 18 to 65 years. The demographic margin evenly had mixed gender representation and comprised a group of diverse educational backgrounds by nature. Participants were tested for visual acuity and self-reported no visual disorders before the study. Exclusion criteria also covered any type of history of neurological or psychiatric disorders that might influence perceptual processing. Through the informed consent of each of them and the debriefing process as per the guidelines of the institutional review board, all participants were thoroughly directed.


The experimental materials include an array of images shown on a high-resolution color-calibrated monitor. Every one of these pictures showed an impromptu scene with a novel departure superimposed. The types of changes were classified into three categories: the changes within categories, congruent, and incongruent.

The reaction times were measured with a standard keyboard. The software recorded the response times and logged responses with millisecond precision between images (Bridges et al., 2020). In addition to that, this software has been accounted for randomizing the image presentation order in order to prevent the sequence effects and gave automated data collection, which was then exported in SPSS for analysis.


In the research on change blindness, the participants went through a series of learning sessions that were directed toward a broad understanding of the task and a practice session to give them a chance to work with the system prior to the experiment. They were simultaneously seated in the same arrangement and under constant low-light conditions to eliminate any potential external visual variables displayed on a computer screen. The research employed a flicker paradigm in which the image remained virtually identical but appeared in alternation, with a blackout in between to elicit the phenomenon of change blindness. However, the participants were to push the key when they noticed the change in the image. Their reaction times in each trial were measured accurately. The authors utilized three types of manipulations congruent, incongruent, and within-category-randomly ordered to avoid anticipatory strategies. After completion, the participants were debriefed in order to unearth the study's full importance and to respond to any unanswered questions, and finally, the experimental procedure was concluded. The design of the experiment was meant to generate knowledge about the cognitive processes underlying visual perception and attention.


Descriptive statistics

The descriptive statistics attempt to prove that the dataset of 250 participants exhibits a slight gender bias in favor of category 1 with a small standard deviation, hinting at the predominance of one gender over the other. The age of the participants varies from 18-67 years, with an average age of 36.20 years and the age distribution is slightly positively skewed, which brings up a small cluster of participants that are older.

For the congruent, incongruent, and in same-category response changes reaction times evidenced a difference in participant reactions. On average, participants responded quickest to match pairs (a mean reaction time = 2.8327 seconds), and they were also the slowest to changes that did not match i.e. incongruent (mean = 3.9403 seconds), as well as the changes within a category (mean = 3.8772 seconds). This indicates that the standard deviation for information processing of these reaction times is a moderate one with the highest variation observed in the within-category changes.


P(46, 203) = 1.419, p = .053

This effect however becomes marginally significant, which might be related to the fact that there are differences in mean reaction times for congruent changes. This is reasonable on the a priori level of alpha. So, you would probably declare this as a trend toward significance, which means further research may be needed to provide definitive information about the type of congruent changes in reaction times.

Incongruent Changes ANOVA

H(46; 203) = .889, p = .675

The result is not significant, which indicates the absence of uptake of the mean reaction times for incompatible changes among the conditions.

Within-Category Changes ANOVA

(Cochran’s Q, df = 203) = 1.002, p = .477.

This outcome is also non-significant, which provides no evidence of any mean difference in reaction times between within-category variations across conditions.

Overall Interpretation

The results reveal that the participants’ mean reaction times to detect the congruent, incongruent, and within-category changes do not differ presumably due to the conditions tested in this experiment, with the exception of a trend in congruent changes that may evoke a slight difference that would be worthy of investigation in future studies.


The current study aimed to disentangle the cognitive processes that govern the change detection through the measure of RT related to congruent, incongruent, and within-category changes. The study results point to delicate issues concerning the attentional processes involved in such work.

Diverging from the hypothesis that within-category or congruent changes would be detected as slowly as intra-category or incongruent changes due to their unexpected nature, the ANOVA results did not support the significant differences in RTs across the different change types. This implies that the cognitive processes, which make change detection, may be less sensitive to the congruency of this change compared to those who were thought earlier. These findings support the hypothesis that the overall processing relies more on attention engagement than on the semantics congruence of the compared features of the stimuli (Rensink, O'Regan, & Clark, 1997; Simons & Levin, 1998).

The nearly kind of significance (p = .053) for syncthesized RTs could imply a possible effect that is worth further exploration. A probable reason for the exact but non-significant result could be allocation of attentional resources; the congruent changes could be elaborately processed as they accord with the scene schema and this may contribute to the result obtainable which is non-significant (Hollingworth and Henderson, 2002). Nevertheless, the failure to notice the pronounced effect, however, implies the practicality of this conclusion.

An additional effect observed in the results was that the change detection efficiency was higher for all change types among all participants, although a subset of them showed significant delays. The possibility that this variability in RTs is due to individual differences in attentional capacity or strategic factors (Nisbett and Miyamoto, 2005) can be entertained, even though these latter factors were not assessed directly.

Acknowledging several obstacles is important. The data are not symmetrical with a strong tail and departure from the normal distribution, so the interpretation of the ANOVA will be biased. Moreover, the ecological validity of the impostor paradigm used in this research is also questioned (Simons and Rensink, 2005) because it may not accurately reflect change detection in natural environments.

There are still some questions to explore in the future. Implementation of these results with a larger and diverse sample in terms of generalizability has to be proved by the researchers. Such an investigation would also consider the effects of individual difference variables, where working memory capacity or cognitive style contribute as explanatory factors in change detection performance.


  • Bharti, A.K., Yadav, S.K. and Jaswal, S. (2020). Feature Binding of Sequentially Presented Stimuli in Visual Working Memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00033
  • Bridges, D., Pitiot, A., MacAskill, M.R. and Peirce, J.W. (2020). The timing mega-study: comparing a range of experiment generators, both lab-based and online. PeerJ, 8, p.e9414. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9414 
  • Doyle, M.C. and Snowden, R.J. (2001). Identification of Visual Stimuli is Improved by Accompanying Auditory Stimuli: The Role of Eye Movements and Sound Location. Perception, 30(7), pp.795–810. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=ea4fc941c28991cf737963ace0ee3ab79e72ce24.
  • Levin, S.A. (1998). Ecosystems and the Biosphere as Complex Adaptive Systems. Ecosystems, 1(5), pp.431–436. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=96d692d5c3a3ea7e4317c3c1f7174644c0ee4800
  • Radke, R.J., Andra, S., Al-Kofahi, O. and Roysam, B. (2005). Image change detection algorithms: a systematic survey. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 14(3), pp.294–307. https://doi.org/10.1109/tip.2004.838698.
  • Rensink, R.A., J. Kevin O'Regan and Clark, J.J. (1997). On the Failure to Detect Changes in Scenes Across Brief Interruptions. Visual Cognition, [online] 7(1-3), pp.127–145. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/135062800394720

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