Effective Strategies for Equality & Diversity Assignment Sample

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Task 1

1.1 Analysis of the implication of equality and diversity

The implication of equality and diversity at the organizational level needs several b implications strategies to mitigate the arising issues. The strategy of the implications should be dependent on the planning of the effective policies based on several theories, models, and tools. Therefore another important part is the practice of the policies in the workplace to resolve the issue. Moreover, to strengthen the effect of the policies a b penalty needs to be introduced to reduce the ignorance of the policies by the staff of the organization.

Theory of the Equality

The theory of equality can be referred to as an equal opportunity by every individual to achieve their goal and get the full right and the respect to assessing the social source and the freedom to speak their voice in front of the country. Therefore several theories of the quality are there. As per the given case scenario, society has faced the issues associated with poverty, illiteracy, social inequality, religious inequality, behavioral inequality, language inequality, etc. The theories that can be followed to mitigate those issues are the theory of political equality, the theory of social equality, and the theory of economic equality. The theory suggests that the political thoughts and the practices should be high, and democracy and individual power should be maintained by the politics of the country in the fairway (Kalpazidou et al. 2020). The theory also suggests that the political practice should be understandable and accessible to every individual of the institution. Therefore in the case study, it has been clearly stated that the locality has several refugees who do not get proper service (Wirtz et al. 2018). As per the political theories, all people of the society should benefit from the politics of the country. The theory of Formal equality suggests that the two individuals with the same status should get the same respect and equal treatment. The principle of formal equality had been proposed by the scientist Aristotle. According to Aristotle, “treat like cases as like”. Therefore some other authors stated that political theory is based on the distinct application of a direction of rationality. The Formal model has been used to support formal equality. As per the case, the study society lacks formal equality (Raffard et al. 2019). Another theory that is suitable to mitigate the issue of equality and diversity in society is the theory of Proportional Equality. As per the study by Aristotle, equality can be of two types: numerical equality and proportional equality. The proportional theory is based on the distribution of the thighs among the individuals in the same proportion. As per the case study, the people of the society have faced the issue associated with unfair behavior by the organization. The people also claimed that they did not access all the opportunities in society. The theory of Moral Equality suggests “Human equality, basic equality, human dignity”. As per the study of Kant, it has been suggested that the postulation of the equality of the human of the world can be formulated by the categorical imperative which is worth to the universe. The theory of Moral Equality suggests that the same freedom should be applied to the all rationale of a nation that refers to the moral principle of the basic human right of the individuals (Nishii et al. 2019). The other models of the Equality model are the Substantive model, the Normative model, and the Rational Connection Model.

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1.2 Identification of the equality and the diversity issue

Equality refers to the status in which a person enjoys equal rights, opportunities and status in a given circumstance. On the other hand, equal opportunity refers to the idea that a person gets an equal chance irrespective of background of the person.

Diversity means practicing equality of people from different cultural, ethnic and other backgrounds.

The identified issues of the society are associated with the extreme level of poverty in the society that is caused by economic inequality. Therefore poverty has caused an increase in the case of petty crimes in society, like theft. The other issues associated with the diversity in the locality are the less communication between the individuals of the community (de Graaff, et al. 2019). The diversity issues mainly arise due to the vulnerability of the religious, language, and lifestyle practices in the community. The diversity issues result in less interaction between the social groups, and social isolation.

The issue of equality and diversity can be identified by the survey method including some questions about the society. The complaint from the individual has also been performed as the identifier of the issue in society (Madgavkar et al. 2020). The other way of identifying the issue is to make good communication between the organization and every family of the society.

1.3 Evaluation of the legal requirement

The evaluation of the legal requirements can be evaluated by the following steps,

Step 1, is the identification of the regulation of the society, therefore the issues associated with equality and diversity need to be first identified and after that, the proper strategy needs to be made to mitigate those issues.

Step 2, is the identification of the responsibilities. Therefore the organization needs to identify its responsibilities to manage those issues in society. Therefore the organization needs to improve the reporting duties. The responsibilities can be identified by keeping the annual record of the companies.

Step 3, is associated with the identification of the stock policies. The organization needs to form legal policies to manage those issues and the policies should be up to date with the adherence time and the needs of the stakeholders of the policies (Bonacinaet al. 2021).

Step 4, is associated with the review of all records of the organization. The records of the action of the organization are important for the process of the development of the policies. The records should be easy to access by the employee of the organization. The study suggests that the records are considered the key to the successful legal needs evaluation.

Step 5, the non-legal requirement of the society also needs to be identified. Identification of the codes of practice of the organization to mitigate those issues of equality and the diversity is done.

Step 6, is an assessment of the recalling of the policies by the employee and the population in the society. The maintenance of the fair behavior of the employee of the organization is done.

Step 7, is associated with regular and scheduled check-ups of the legal requirement. The new requirement of the society needs to be followed up to identify the new legal requirement of the society to make the issue of equality and diversity (Plato.stanford.edu, 2018).

Task 2

2.1 Evaluation of the implication of the guidance and the codes of practice

Discrimination against the people of a particular group can bring a very negative impact on society as well as the group. However, it can be said that the discriminated group becomes marginalized and society is also impacted in such cases (Hebl and King, 2019). However, it can be said that discrimination against an individual in an organization brings a negative impact on the organization and it may have a negative impact on the productivity and quality of the company.

The important guidance to manage the issue regarding equality and diversity are the social guidance, personal guidance, educational guidance, etc. as per the case study. It has been suggested that society has faced several issues with the development of children. The cases of absenteeism in the school, appropriate behavior, and less self-esteem are predominantly visible among the school children of the society; therefore, the personal guidance will help to improve the behavior of the student. The personal guidance in the society helps to increase the self-understating, and decision-making ability of the student, therefore, the right perspective regarding the social environment (Colton et al. 2018). The educational guidance will help to mitigate the issue associated with alcoholism, petty crime, poor behavior, and low level of interaction between every individual from the different diversity. In the given case study other societies are suffering from communication issues and diversity issues. As per the study, the social guidance will help maintain the cultural, religious, and language diversity of the society (Janssens et al. 2019). This can improve the communication between the individuals in the society, reduction in the case of the social isolation in the society.

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2.2 Policies to mitigate equality and the diversity issues

In order to maintain equality and diversity in an organization, communication can play a very important role. Among the staff of the organizations, all policies and the procedure regarding inclusion must be discussed with the employees and the stakeholders. Besides, awareness of their diversity in the organization is very important in this case (Scott-Baumann et al. 2019). However, it can be said that proper training along with awareness sessions can play a very important role in this case. Awareness must be spread among the suppliers and other stakeholders as well. This will be very helpful for the organization to expand the business in the world market.

Communication policy

The communication policy is considered as the branch of the norms and the rule to guide the communication process and the behaviors in the community. The main aim of the communication policy is based on the reduction of the communication gap between the individuals of the society in order to develop effective communication. The communication policies will help to develop the good behavior of the individual of the community. The importance of the communication policy will be based on the reduction of the missing concept and the misunderstanding between the several groups of the community. The study suggests that effective communication is considered as more listening than talking (Sørensenet al. 2019). Effective communication is considered the crucial measure for creating good relationships among individuals in society. The communication policy aims to develop a good and b bonding between the individuals of the society that is lacking in the given case scenario. The communication policy will be beneficial for mitigating the diversity issue in society by incorporating good communication practices within the society (Kala et al. 2020). As per the study, the success rate of the communication policy is about to 86% as mentioned in the “Workplace communication Statistics of 2021”.

Literacy policy

Therefore the study suggests that the equality issue in the society can be mitigated by the development of literacy among the individuals in the society. The development of the rate of literacy needs to be planned with a b literacy policy and the best possible planning to implement the policy. The main aim of the literacy policy is to develop the educational qualification, cognitive development, and overall development of the human being. Education is considered the key to the progression of society (Innes 2022). Therefore basic education and specialized education will empower the literacy rate of the society. As per the findings in the case study, society is suffering from poverty and poverty-associated issues such as alcoholism, and petty crime. Therefore this situation is responsible for the defective development of the children in the community, and less importance of the education by the stakeholders in the society. The literacy policy needs a b strategy for the implementation at the grass-root level of society. Therefore the literacy policy will help to mitigate the refugee issue in society. The literacy policy will develop the cognition and the decision-making power of the individual of the society (Ngoon et al. 2020). Therefore the study suggests that the literacy policy is important for the overall development of the society as well as for improving the issue of diversity and equality.

2.3 Evaluation of the requirements and the expectation of the stakeholders

People spend time in the workplace after their homes. Hence, the work environment must be favorable to the employees. If the employees are discriminated against by other employees in the workplace, it may lead to several problems for the employees as well as the organization. Several studies suggest that discrimination on the basis of racial background may lead to the habit of smoking (Pochic and Chappe, 2019). On the other hand, bullying and sextual harassment may lead to excessive alcohol consumption. This may cause mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Other physical problems such as cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure can also be seen. In some cases, the employees commit suicide. Hence, it can be said that discrimination in the organization not only negatively impacts the work of the organization but also causes several problems to the employees.

The requirements and the expectations of the stakeholders are as follows,

  • Society has a requirement of fair behavior of the organization to mitigate their issues.
  • Society demands good religious diversity to reduce social isolation due to diversity in the society.
  • Society expects that the organization should mitigate the issue associated with language diversity at the societal level. This language diversity results in less communication, less attachment, and less support among the individuals of the society.
  • Society has faced several issues in the development of children and the future of the next generation in society. Society claims a safe environment for the development of the child.
  • Society also claims a safe future for their children.
  • Therefore, society has been in front of the economic issue that leads to poverty and unemployment. However, it results in increased cases of antisocial practices in the community.
  • The people of the society expect more area for the work to reduce the unemployment.
  • Society expects the development of literacy to improve Equality in the individual.

Task 3

3.1 Analyses policies and procedures

Discrimination against the people of a particular group can bring a very negative impact on society as well as the group. However, it can be said that the discriminated group becomes marginalized and society is also impacted in such cases (Hebl and King, 2019). However, it can be said that discrimination against an individual in an organization brings a negative impact on the organization and it may have a negative impact on the productivity and quality of the company.

Communication policies

The analysis of communication policy mainly includes several numbers of interdependent and interactional characteristics. These characteristics are developed to make highlighted the interaction between the client and the people of the area and also to help in the coordination between these two types of individual stakeholders. This is mainly maintained by the exchange of knowledge and information and energy. Through the process of communication policies the efficiency and management layer can be improved which can help in understanding the problem and its issues (Furlotti and Mazza, 2020.). Therefore the communication policies help in maintaining and developing the interest of the partners of the two different stakeholders to cooperate in the case of resolving any problems and developing new practices and new policies.

Literacy policies

In order to resolve the problems where there is a huge diversity in the people of an area, the development and implementation of a literacy policy are very important. The literacy policies include financial literacy, cultural literacy, and also educational literacy (Kasman et al. 2018). Making the people listen to the client and if needed any changes to help them adopt that change in their daily life, the policy of literacy is very important to spread awareness in the society to minimize the discrimination, reduce inequality, and improve the quality of the diversity while establishing the equality among the groups of the people and the communities of that area. In thiscase, Literacy is needed to be implemented.

3.2 Determination of the diverse stakeholder group

To understand the lifestyle and the culture and the problem among them it is very important to grow and improve the understanding to focus on the issues that are the result of the diversity (Thomas et al. 2019). It is very important to identify the stakeholders because by identifying the stakeholder groups, the problem and the source of the problem are identified very easily. It helps in understanding the social status, and the difference in social status among the different groups and different communities of the people.

There are many different criteria for the determination of diversity in a particular group; these mainly include ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, economical status, capabilities, and occupations. In a group of large diverse, there are different people with different opinions, backgrounds, social experiences, economical values, political beliefs, and daily requirements (Wroblewski, 2020). Therefore resolving the problems and the discrimination among the different groups of people while communicating with the client of the organization can be performed has been done.

There were complaints from the groups of the war survivors who are the refugees that they were facing problems with the language and communication due to being from the different countries. Some of the people from different groups were from a lower-income family where there were chances of growing the crime (Clark et al. 2019). In such conditions, it is very important to identify and determine the group of diverse stakeholders to analyze the problem among them and to ensure that they are valued and that access to opportunities must be given to the people of each and every community and the group in a large diverse area.

3.3 evaluation of the method of communicating commitment, policies, and procedures

Method of communication

Communication is very important in understanding the issues or the status of a community or the groups in an area and giving the idea of how to resolve the problem. Evaluation of the communication is important to make effective communication and develop the skill the communication. To determine the character of people of the area who belong to the different groups and different communities within the area and understand the needs and requirements, and identification of the problems which are growing in the specific area communication is very important.

In this case, mainly the people of the area are from different types of communities and different types of groups, they are mainly from the very lower-income families. Some families have become refugees from different countries (Jozwiak, 2019). Therefore there is a large diversity. There is a huge lack of education and therefore poverty is a huge problem among them. The people are involving themselves with alcohol addiction, therefore, the situation needs to be understood the very first, and without communication, it is impossible to understand the crisis among them.

The people of the area complained against the members of the organization about discrimination, inequalities in communication, and in meeting the requirements (Chakraborty and Chatterjee, 2020). Therefore the members of the organization must be committed to the work and must follow the team and the policies of the organization to establish the equality in the area because the equality plays a huge role in an area that includes a large diversity to meet the requirement of the search person equally through the communication avoiding the discrimination and rudeness while communication.

Task 4

4.1 Analysis of equality and diversity

It can be said that different types of discrimination can be seen in society as well as in the workplaces; these are Age, Disability, Sexual discrimination, Sexual Harassment, National Origin, religion and many more.


Any policy that is implemented to meet equality and resolve the issue of diversity, the policy does not always affect all groups in the community equally. Therefore achieving an outcome that is more specific and also equitable in respect of all groups has been done. This may bring changes in the existing models and also may involve the historical advantages but that must meet the different needs of the groups in a community and thus will accommodate differently (Kalpazidou Schmidt et al. 2020). In this case, one may need to discuss with the people who are not happy and who have complaints about their situation. In the case of other issues like the communication behavioral problem of the members, rudeness, behaviors of the members towards the different groups of a community is done.

The analysis of equality also includes the improvement of the procedure practice so that the importance of the analysis of the issues regarding equality is understood properly (Henderson, et al. 2020). Therefore with the development of policies, the impact of discrimination on the people is identified, and accordingly, the policies are used to improve the quality of life in every aspect such as health, requirement, communication, and behavior can be improved. In this case, the protection act is applied in order to protect the equality between the groups and the communities. It gives protection from direct discrimination and indirect discrimination. The equality act thus requires reasonable adjustment to make the groups and the members work efficiently and participate equally by adapting physical features of the work or the characteristics in the place of participation.


Diversity mainly defines the different kinds of characters in different groups or different communities which can be considered as diversity. In this case an area is also responsible for increasing diversity because the large area contains a huge population and depending on the type of the area the types of the groups are identified because the area is chosen by a community of people, their occupation and their involvement with the works are kind of the same. Therefore by identifying the types of the communities the diversity can be identified and analyzed easily (Shannon et al. 2019). The diversity mainly differs according to the physical characteristics of the social environment of a community, the economic status of the people within a community or within a group.The interaction of the people that they have with each other also tells about the diversity of the area. In order to analysis of the diversity the number of types of groups or communities increases with the increase in the value of the diversity index, the diversity index is the measurement of the number of different groups or different communities and how a specifically identified character is distributed among them (Edwards, et al. 2020). Therefore it can be said that the diversity index is linked to the importance of implementing equality in the area with high diversity range.

4.2 Monitoring the equality and diversity


The complete monitoring information can help in identifying the issues that arise in the lard diverse are so that they cannot be involved in the development of discrimination and thus causes inequality. The monitoring of equality, therefore, helps in the judgment of the identified issues which are mainly complained about by the people of different groups or different communities, those issues can be handled and tackled accordingly by the staff or by the members.

The checking of the cross-section of the people also can be performed (Doukhanet al. 2018). Therefore the monitoring of the equalities can help in exploring the inequalities in the area which includes the inequalities in the communication of the member with the people of different communities, the discrimination in the meeting the needs of the different groups, and inequality is in the behaviors of the members.


The monitoring of the diversity is very important in identifying the issues that can help get an idea about the future needs and also help in identifying the possible issues that can develop in the near future regarding the possible inequalities among different types of the people, which mainly include accessing the information and trying to reach the problem by their services to resolve the issue as soon as possible (Edwards et al. 2020). Monitoring the diversity of the workforce is applied to serve its communities so that the needs and the requirements can be met.

The social and economic conditions of the people of this area are not well and most of them mainly belong to the very lower-income family, therefore the tendency for crime is increasing among them. The people of the area also include the refugees in that area (Chakraborty, et al. 2020). There are some objections and complaints from the people of the area that they are being discriminated against in meeting the requirements and providing the accessories they need in their daily life, they complain about communication and behavioral discrimination and inequalities among the members which can be solved if the characteristics of the diversities in that particular area are identified and monitored accordingly.



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