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Digital technologies are growing significantly and impacting everyday life simultaneously. The purpose of the following essay is to analyze the impacts of digital devices on everyday life associated with different areas by highlighting relevant strengths and weaknesses. There will be an analysis of technological impacts on daily life by demonstrating the concept of agency, autonomy, and digital devices in the criteria. The essay will focus on different aspects of digital technologies that lead to a significant impact on human life including the distributed relationships between people and things. The essay will also discuss the impacts of machine readings and sociology on emotions with the evaluation of the Turing test. There will be also a discussion of wearable digital technologies and their impacts on biomedicalization. The analysis will result in the relevant conclusion regarding the claim “digital technologies are changing everyday life.
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Digital Technologies have developed a significant relationship between Machines and human beings. The emergence of digital technologies in everyday life has led to changes in the working and thinking of humans in different situations. Digital technology is not only improving access to better opportunities in certain areas for the development of human beings but it also made working and managing life easier. The impacts of digital technologies on everyday life have been associated with three main concepts; agency autonomy and digital devices. The agency refers to the people who can act freely as per their will, intentions, and choices, and autonomy is associated with an agency that demonstrates individual capabilities for making intentional decisions without being affected by external forces relevantly around them (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 6, p. 199). The impacts of digital technologies on daily life can be signified as the impacts of technological devices and applications for navigating people toward unfamiliar locations that alter the idea of agency and autonomy during the course. Digital devices can be defined as electric gadget that uses digital signals for generating, creating, sharing, communicating, displaying, receiving, storing, and processing information including peripherals laptops smartphones services storage devices, etc.
During the last four decades, computers and technology are becoming commonplace for human beings and increasing the rationale to think more effectively and use technology more efficiently. Technology is significantly performing better than humans to provide effective benefits in different aspects. The Turing test; can be defined as the first human interaction with Artificial Intelligence and computer science development. Alan Turing created Bombe (an automated machine for decoding secrets during World War ii) with colleagues. The machine was capable to provide solutions to rigid codes in minutes that took humans to decode in weeks. The purpose of the Turing test was to identify the questions related to machines and computers such as "Can a machine think?" however the major concern with the Turing test was overlooking while raising important concepts in terms of inequality and power the major problem with this test is that it encourages deception and tricks that might negatively impact everyday life. For example, the 13-year-old boy, Eugene, simply asked to change the question where he lacks in answering appropriate answer conveniently who is not good in the English language (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Introduction to section 3, p. 193).
As technology is growing with immense Speed the impacts of digital devices are also increasing on the daily life of human beings like Smartphones and laptops are an essential part of almost every human being in the modern world and making their working life and social life more accessible and effective. The impacts of digital technologies on everyday life are growing and impacting the lives of people more closely in terms of action and autonomy. Usually, action is defined as the process of individual behavior in a particular situation dealing with certain difficulties for achieving the desired purpose. The actions are the result of a deliberate perspective that creates overall responsibility regarding the related consequences. Hence, there is a significant relationship between two major concepts people and the things that State autonomous human reactions to interaction with smart devices all digital Technologies exhibit degrees of individuals for their autonomy (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 6, p. 200). Digital technology not only improves the accessibility of Information and social connections between Global people but also improves the industrial operations in each industrial area such as hospitals, education, construction, hospitality, etc. with the help of smart devices or Digital devices. This signifies that digital technology is impacting the everyday life of each individual around the world and continuously supporting individual and institutional growth with minimal supervision from a human with the help of smart tools.
The relationship between artificial objects with human interaction has significant interdependency on each other. The artificial objects work on the combination of social community and nature with togetherness towards the artificial world. The impacts of digital technologies signify from the drugs and medical industry and it resulted in developing and designing the empowered human agency to restore and improve individual agential power (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 6, p. 209). For example, Digital Technology has improved the accessibility of education and medical support in the global population that impacted everyday life with healthy and effective life. Due to the development of digital Technologies and significant reach, the Global population has improved social connectivity. The positive impacts of digital technologies in the everyday life of human beings also improve the better and quicker ways of sharing information along with the availability of automation aspects and versatile working experience. Everyday life is also impacted by digital technology positively in terms of Business and industrial development as digital devices have improved the capabilities of large organizations to store and process information and communicate with larger customer segments. Digital Technologies have improved the learning opportunities for human beings in daily life in terms of employability, education, and personal relationships.
There is a significant social logical thread between people and things and the concept of power and inequality that is observed from different frameworks and dimensions of community. Digital Technologies not impacting the current everyday life of the global population but they will also have a significant impact on future possibilities and procedures of human beings. For example, fully automated luxury Communism will lead to the spread of automation in the future among economic societies and improve the positive outcomes as a whole. However, the problem with automation and digital technologies is building relationships and bridging between transformation and exploitation of Technology for better human conception (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 7, p. 232). The impacts of digital technologies are also evident in everyday health management in terms of devices for supporting walking and cycling. For example, the individual who is willing to a Healthy lifestyle is encouraged by significant digital devices that help in monitoring their dietary intake and bad habits such as alcohol consumption and lead better perspectives towards life (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 8, p.266). However, digital capabilities can not only be expected to create better health itself only because the willpower and actions of individuals are leading to inactivity and problems between health management and digital devices.
The better accessibility of Information and required support continuously improve the lives of people by saving time and leading to easy mobility. For example, Satnav devices made driving into unknown places adventurous and simple by providing smart mapping system support of automatic directions (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 6, p. 201). GPS devices for wayfinding support drivers to monitor the traffic flow and also keep them away from hectic situations while driving. The process of collecting and monitoring data for helping drivers to improve their driving experience and supporting their journey by providing traffic updates, best available routes, and automatic directions helps improve everyday life as the positive impact of digital technologies. However, the satnav digital device for navigation leaves drivers to drive down and lead entire unsuitability normal type vehicles. For example, in the case of Alicia Sanchez (with 6year old son) who derived 20 miles away from Death Valley, the road disappeared after 20 miles and she was buried in sand and her son died due to not being found by Ranger until a week (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 6, p. 201). Hence, digital technology is not always impacting everyday life positively. Another effective example of the positive impacts of digital technology on everyday life includes automated mechanical door closers (Perriam and Carter, 2021, Chapter 6, p. 207). Digital technology supports conserving energy and preventing droughts whether avoiding fire spread and smoke at the time of emergency. However, Digital Technology has several limitations in daily life too. For example, automatic doors are off common problem read restrictive individual agency because it is difficult to open the closed doors for the non-living or disabled user.
From the analysis and evidence, it can be strongly claimed that digital Technologies have a significant impact on everyday life. It is concluded that digital technologies it has positive and negative impacts on analyzing human emotions, managing industrial development, and better lifestyles in the present and future.
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