Development Of Sport Activities In The Emerging Nations Assignment Sample

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Development Of Sport Activities In The Emerging Nations Assignment Sample

INTRODUCTION: Development Of Sport Activities In The Emerging Nations Assignment Sample

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In this chapter, the literature and the research published related to the sport development activities and economic growth of the developing countries has been reviewed. The recent literature and journal articles have been selected and there is no review of any article published before the year 2016. The literature review will be focused on the meaning as well as importance of sport for development within the countries. 

Importance of sport for overall development 

Sport development is about the promotion and participation in the opportunities related to sport activities. Participation in physical activities, as well as sport, spans a wide range of contexts along with the wholesomeness connected with the freedom of the children to play and make their career in this field. Sport plays an important role in the overall development of the individual as well as the nation. The opportunity of participating in as well as enjoying the sport is a human right as per the Charter for the Physical Education and Sport adopted by UNESCO in the year 1978 (Dai and Menhas, 2020). The sport ensures the learning, development as well as engagement of the youth irrespective of their culture, gender, age as well as ethnicity. There are numerous benefits of sport such as physical as well as mental health development, confidence building, leadership abilities as well as attitude of teamwork development. On a larger scale, sport activities also help people in enhancing social inclusion as well as harmony. It also promotes equal opportunities for men and women as well as people with certain disabilities. Across the globe, athletic and sport competitions activate the collective spirit among the participants that increase the community participation among the children as well as youth. Due to the increasing benefits of sport activities for individuals and the nation, this activity has also been linked to the Millennium Development Goals. The United Nations Millennium Declaration which was signed in the year 2000 has committed the world leaders to combat poverty, illiteracy, hunger, discrimination as well as the environmental degradation Sanni et al., (2018). 

According to Schellhorn et al. (2020), sport for the social development within a country is the approach for bringing about social change with the help of these sport activities. These sport development activities can be helpful in improving the lifelong skills among children; they can empower women as well as other communities and can prove to be helpful in eliminating discrimination. This sport development activity can be an effective tool to reach the community as well as personal goals. The sport activity provides the forum for the adults to learn to deal with the competition and cope up with both losing and winning situations. Physical education is also fundamental to the early development of the youth and child (Kaewchuay and Choudam, 2021). Through participation in physical education and sport events, key values such as fair play, honesty, teamwork, leadership abilities as well as adherence to the rules can be developed. Apart from education, the sport is also a powerful activity helping the individuals in their personal and life skills development. Just as philosophy plays an important role in developing the spiritual, emotional as well as intellectual aspects of an individual, sport help people in developing their physical aspects. The sport not only benefits the physical aspects of the human body but also builds character, analytical thinking critical thinking skills as well as risk-taking abilities. Underdevelopment of sport in developing countries 

The research performed by Berliana et al. (2021) indicates that there is a lower investment of money by the developing nations as compared to the developing countries in sport activities and events. The main cause behind such low investment can be the lower priority of the sport development activities in the national budget as well as in the education system of most of the developing countries. Some of the common examples of these countries include South Africa, India as well as Brazil. The studies performed by Zeng (2020) also stated that a vicious cycle is emerging as the result of the underdeveloped sport activities in developing nations. This lower investment in sport events and development activities also decreases the potential for the sport person and athletes to build their talent effectively. It further also means that there are very limited prospects for the athletes to continue pursuing their career in the sport as well as to continue their sport training in a developing country (Herbold, et al., 2020). 

As per the views of Ying (2018), there are various crucial factors for why the emerging countries do not have a standard and developed sporting sector as compared to the developed nations. There can be various reasons such as the role models, media coverage, and investment in sport, gender equality as well as common sport facilities for the athletes. As per the research performed by Herbold et al. (2020), “We do not want goals, we want beans” was painted on a stadium in Mexico during the Football World Cup in the year 1986. Through this sentence, the economic dilemma was highlighted that is required to be coping up by the sport in the developing nations. The sport teams, as well as events, cannot successfully make the people forget about poverty, illiteracy, underdevelopment as well as hunger. No matter what is published in the policy declarations by the government of any nation, sport is neither a preference in the state budget nor a pillar of the education system within a developing country. Any evaluation or assessment related to the sport economy within the developing nations is also hindered by the missing information: the lower the level of the economic development of a nation, the lower the availability of the statistical data regarding the sport (Wang, 2021). 

As per the survey conducted by UNESCO to thirty-two African least developed nations, with a 50% of the response rate, it was highlighted that one country had no physical education or sport period scheduled in their primary schools, three of these countries had scheduled a fixed one hour per week and the other 12 nations had scheduled two and three hours for physical education per week. In all the sampled nations, nearly 2 or four hours were scheduled per week in the secondary schools for physical education. The main reasons behind these limited and insufficient hours dedicated to sport education are shortage of sport teachers as compared to the number of students, a lack of sport equipment and facilities as well as lack of vocational training to upgrade the qualification of the existing sport teachers (Ajadi, et al., 2017). 

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In developing nations, the level of sport participation is quite low which is measured by the ratio between the affiliated members to sport federations as well as the number of the inhabitants. Moreover, an increased number of participants are concentrated in very limited sport, which are mainly determined by the existence and availability of the sport equipment and facilities. As per the research performed by Heydari et al. (2021), the main sponsor, as well as a benefactor of the sporting activities within the developing countries, is the government. Approximately, 80% of the African Liverpool Football Clubs do subsidize the sport federations but accept the sport of football, the amount of the subsidies is very low to even secure the physical and sport activities all year along (Dai and Menhas, 2020). Moreover, there has been a dramatic increment in the number of students within the schools in developing nations. It has exhausted all the budgetary abilities and capacities required for the funding of sport practices within the schools or elsewhere. 

One of the main reasons behind the underdeveloped sport activities in the developing nations is the few sport facilities as well as infrastructure in the schools. There is a lack of comprehensive information available regarding the stadiums, sport facilities, games equipment as well as playgrounds. Since there are limited facilities related to the sport activities, they need to cater to a large number of potential participants. In developing nations, it has also been identified that the sport facilities are not maintained at all and the main cause is the insuperable financial costs (Berliana, et al., 2021). As per the research performed by Herbold et al. (2020), sport performance is associated with the economic development of the nation. 

Sport development and economic growth in the developing nations 

As per the research conducted by Ajadi et al. (2017), there is a b relationship between the level of economic development in any nation as well as the level of sporting development in such a country. Specifically, the emerging or the developing nations are plagued with the lack of physical and sport education as well as sport events. Moreover, there is also a shortage of financing for the sport activities and there are very limited facilities and equipment for the sport. They also lack the capacity of hosting major events due to a lack of sufficient infrastructure. According to the estimation made by an ordered-logit model, it has been identified that the probability for a nation to win the medals at Olympics increases with the population as well as the gross domestic product per capita. On a totally different side, sport and physical education in the Third world cannot escape to multinational sponsors, professionalism, media, corruption as well as to the relocation of the industry related to sport goods and equipment to the low-cost labor areas (Schellhorn, et al., 2020). 

It has been identified that the only basic recipe identified against sporting underdevelopment is economic development. However, there are various other solutions as well as the strategies in place such as the efforts made by UNESCO in favor of sport and physical education in the primary as well as secondary schools, sport for all as well as the traditional games in the developing nations, the help from the foreign countries for the participation in the sport events held internationally. In the year 2018, the World Health Organization prepared a global action plan in order to increase the amount of physical and sport activities worldwide. World Health Organization is planning to create a healthier world by the end of the year 2030 (Kaewchuay and Choudam, 2021). World Health Organization is also focused on creating opportunities for middle-aged adults, women as well as people with disabilities in sport activities. It has been identified that currently approximately 25% of the adults and 75% of the children are not satisfying the global standards for physical activities (Moyo and Monkwe, 2017). There is a requirement of adopting the right strategies for the development of sport and physical education in developing nations to also ensure the long-term economic development of such a country. There are five components of fitness that are developed by the participants in physical activities. These aspects include speed, skills, strength, flexibility as well as stamina. The benefits of engaging in physical activities for the individual include the clarity of mind, development of motor skills, improved sleeping patterns, and reduced risk of non-communicable diseases as well as a reduction in the levels of anxiety. As per the research conducted by Pradipta and Dewantoro (2019), the sport is also considered highly beneficial for health development. The World Health Organization has indicated in its report that morbidity, mortality as well as disability are featured as the major and common non-communicable diseases and they are also accounted for the 60% of the deaths. The leading causes behind these diseases are physical inactivity as well as an unhealthy diet (Herbold, et al., 2020). Sport and physical activities are as crucial for life-long healthy living as they can improve the health and well-being of an individual, extend the life expectancy as well as reduce the occurrence of different non-communicable diseases in the human body. 

Strategies to facilitate the development of sport activities in emerging nations like Africa 

According to Dai and Menhas (2020), sport activities are crucial in an emerging nation as they offer the children with the opportunities of learning participation, teamwork as well as the leadership attributes. The physical activities in sport also help the youth in stimulating the health improvements as well as offering the equal opportunities of participation in engagement in such sports activities. However, Wang (2021) stated that the emerging countries like Africa are facing the trouble of declining progress of sport development practices due to which, the economic conditions of the countries are also deteriorating. However, Kaewchuay and Choudam (2021) argued that there are some important strategies and initiatives that can help in the promotion of sport development in the emerging nations. The establishment, development as well as the execution of the important sports development institutes will help in strengthening the pace of development in the emerging nations. These institutes will prove to be helpful in the activities like formulation and implementation of the sports policies, financing as well as awareness building. Such institutes include the international sports federations, government institutes, media as well as financial institutes. The government can help through offering policy directions in order to create an enabling environment for the development of sport activities. For example, the government of China found out the importance and role of the sports infrastructure within the country and its fitness level. Understanding such significance, the government implemented a nationwide policy for the improvement of spending on sports in China in the year 1995. On the other hand, the international sports federations are play a major role in managing as well as monitoring the various disciplines associated with the sport activities globally. The role of media is to promote the sport activities by helping out the spectators to have the access to the information related to sports and through increasing the interest of public in the sports activities. According to Nnah (2021), the financial institutes also play a major role here through offering the financial support reliable plans of insurance for the sports as well as the packages to the business organizations, governments, sports club, individuals, entrepreneurs as well as sports personnel to finance their economic as well as the sport related activities. 

As per the opinion of Zeng (2020), the important strategy to be adopted within the developing countries is to develop as well as maintain the modern sports infrastructural facilities. It is important for both the private as well as public sectors to invest heavily in the sports infrastructure in order to promote the activities related to sport development. However, the contribution of the government is required and expected to be more than that of the private industries as initially, there will be a need of higher amount of capital investment for the sport infrastructural development. The government of Africa is required to take the required steps and initiatives to promote the development of sport activities even in the primary as well as secondary educational settings so that the interest of the youth can be developed. The sport infrastructure can be different from one sport to another sport as different sports have different needs of facilities and there are different rules of each sport. Given the example, in the NPP Manifesto in the year 2020, the party made a promise that between the year 2021 and 2024 it would develop fully functional sports and youth centres of excellence in all the newly developed regions, and also to host the African Games in 2023, which would be helpful for the government to establish a national Olympic stadium. Through such initiative, the nation’s deficit related to the sports infrastructure will also be bridged. 

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According to Moyo and Monkwe (2017), the training and development of the sports instructors, administrators as well as the referees will also be a helpful strategy in facilitating the pace of sport development activities in Africa. In the research performed by Zakaria and Abubakari (2019), it has been stated that these sport coaches, referees as well as administrators play a crucial role in managing the administrative concerns in sport, teaching the basic skills, tenets as well as the rules of sports to the sportsmen and women. These developed roles can also work in the professional, semi-professional and amateur sports clubs, colleges, schools as well as the universities. In order to facilitate the development of sports in the emerging nations like Africa, it is important to early identify as well as develop the talented performers as it is considered that the sports are synonymous with the age. The experts should be working hard to identify the talent within the communities and nurture them further to be highly successful sportsperson. The educational institutes can also be the right places to identify the ample of talent in the sports and such talent can further be utilized for the sport development activities and initiatives. However, the identification and development of the sports talent requires a high amount of investment and considering the economic positions of emerging countries like Africa, it is very difficult to get the adequate funding for such cause. 

In the research performed by Shen et al. (2020), it has been stated that the association with the international sports associations, sport companies, sporting clubs as well as NGS can help the emerging nations in tapping the new innovations. It also assists in getting the technical assistance to find out the new ways of doing things in Sport as well as promoting is across the country. The developing nations are needed to move forward in such initiatives and should try to build such association with the respective institutes to facilitate and pace of the sport development activities. One of the major strategies even used by the developed countries is the development of the promotional programmes for the sport activities. Advertising is an important tool to promote any product, services or activity and the popular sport countries also use the celebrity endorsements and advertisements to grab the attention of the spectators. The emerging nations are needed to understand the significance of such strategies and should employ them in their sport development programs (Moyo and Monkwe, 2017).

Research Methodology 

The research methodology is the specific techniques or procedures utilized by the researcher to identify, choose, process as well as analyze the data related to a phenomenon. This methodology section helps the readers to critically examine the overall reliability and validity of the study. Choosing the rights approaches methods and strategies are important to ensure the effective as well as accurate outcomes of the research (Stenfors, et al., 2020). 

There are different sections in methodology section such as research philosophy, research approaches, then research strategy, research choice, time horizon and then data collection and data analysis approach. With the help of this framework, all the aspects of the methodology will be covered and the study will also be performed in a systematic manner (Urcia, 2021). 

Research Philosophy 

Research philosophy is referred as the ways in which an investigator should collect, analyse as well as utilize the gathered information in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the research project. The researchers generally utilize four types of the research philosophies depending upon the type of study as well as the research phenomenon. According to the aims and objectives of the study, the most suitable research philosophy is chosen by the investigator (Janis, et al., 2020). The four research philosophies are the pragmatism, Interpretivism, realism and positivism. The positivism philosophy is suitable to be adopted when the nature of information is quantitative and a large sample has been undertaken for the study. The pragmatism philosophy suits the study when there has been utilized the mixed or multiple research methods. The realism philosophy suits the research study where the researcher has strictly collected the information related to the phenomenon and no other information is involved within the study. The last philosophy is the Interpretivism research philosophy which is suitable for the studies which include the qualitative type of information as well as small sizes of the samples. This philosophy is suitable for the studies where in-depth discussion about the study is required (Ngozwana, 2018). 

For the current study, the discussion is mainly about the economic development of the emerging countries through the sports activities development in such region. It has been identified that the Interpretivism research philosophy here will be suitable for this subjective type of research. As the researcher is going to utilize the qualitative information, this Interpretivism philosophy will be the most suitable. The selection of this philosophy has also offered the advantage to the researcher of understanding the popular concept of the sports development and its influence over the economic development of the emerging nations. With the help of this research study, the outcomes of the research will be more valid as well as reliable (Daniel, 2019). 

Research Approach

The research approach can be defined as the plan or concept which is chosen on the assumptions of the data collection as well as the analysis approaches of the study. This research approach offers the support to the tools as well as techniques utilized for the purpose of gather, analyze as well as apply the outcomes of the research to get the right set of findings. Generally, the author utilizes two types of research approaches i.e. inductive research approach and deductive research approach. These both approaches are completely different from each other. The suitable and relevant approach is chosen by the researchers based upon the nature of the study. Both the approaches have their own benefits and drawbacks. The key difference between the inductive and the deductive research approach is that the inductive approach is aimed towards the development of a theory while in the case of deductive research approach; the existing theory is tested by the researcher. Considering the inductive research approach, it moves from the specific observations to the broad generalizations. On the other hand, in the deductive research approach, the broad generalizations are moved to the specific observations (Thambinathan and Kinsella, 2021). 

For the purpose of this current study, the researcher has chosen and utilized the inductive research approach. This approach is chosen as the study mainly involves the observations regarding the ways in which the development of the sports activities in an emerging nation leads to its economic development. This inductive approach is best here as rather than testing the hypotheses in the research work, the researcher is focused on addressing the research questions and research problem identified in regards to the phenomenon. Using the inductive research approach also helps in enhancing the reliability of the research work as the observations of the researcher himself are used to get the findings of the research work (Stenfors, et al., 2020). 

Research Strategy 

The research strategy sets the path for the researcher to collect the relevant information from the right sources available. It helps the author in collecting the information using the right techniques or approaches. In order to derive the successful results out of the study, it is important to have an effective research strategy which can be in line with the research phenomenon as well as the selected philosophy (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). Considering the various types of research strategies, the researchers utilize the survey, archival, interviews, action research, case study, as well as the experimental research study. The current study is performed on the basis of information collected from the secondary data sources which are publically available sources. The archival research study here will be the most suitable approach for the researcher and it will also be in line with the chosen research philosophy Interpretivism (Urcia, 2021). 

Considering the archival research strategy, it generally looks into the already existing information related to the phenomenon. This study aims to scrutinize the information which already exists and analyze it in such a way that a new concept out of it can be generated. In the simpler words, the archival strategy is used to collect the secondary information without intervention of any participant. The archival research generally relies on looking at the past information records or sets to identify the interesting patterns as well as relationships. Such records may include the existing literature, journal articles, sports statistics, censuses as well as the speeches by the public figure (Janis, et al., 2020). 

Research Choice 

The research choice is a very important aspect which needs to be considered by the researcher as it can offer the flexibility on the nature of the information which is required to be collected for the study. With the help of right choice of the information, the time as well as resources can be saved to a great extent. There are mainly 3 types of the research choices i.e. multi, mixed and mono research choices. The current study is based on the mono research choice. The mono research choice considers only a single type of information. For the current study, only qualitative information is being utilized by the researcher which reflects the mono choice of the research being utilized by the researcher (Mohajan, 2018). 

Time Horizon 

There are mainly two types of Time horizon in the research study which include the longitudinal time horizon and cross-sectional time horizon. For the current study, the cross-sectional time horizon has been chosen due to the availability of a limited time to perform the research study. The study deals with a specific point in time which indicates the use of cross-sectional time horizon. 

Data Collection 

There are mainly two sources out of which there can be collected for the purpose of study. These are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary data sources are used to collect the first-hand information. On the other hand, the secondary data collection is referred as the information collected by the researchers which have already been used by the researchers in the previous studies (Daniel, 2019). 

For the purpose of this study, the qualitative information has been collected from the secondary sources. The common methods of collecting the information from the secondary sources include the reports, articles, business documents, public records as well as well-reputed websites. The researcher here will collect the information from journal articles and reports published between the years of 2015 to 2022. The researcher has also utilized the reports of Deloitte and KPMG and EY in relation to sports infrastructure and activities (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). 

Data Analysis

Once the information is collected, it becomes important to analyse such information choosing the rights strategy and technique. The researcher has chosen the descriptive analysis technique in order to analyse the secondary qualitative data collected. This approach is also known as content analysis. Through this approach, the researcher describes the collected information, easy demonstration it to the audience as well as summarizes the information in a constructive way.  The researcher also considers the aspects like reliability as well as the validity of the information (Thambinathan and Kinsella, 2021). Data analysis is considered as the process which is used by the researchers for the reduction of the data to the interpretation and story for driving the insights. The process of data analysis helps in reduction in the reduction in the large chunk of the data into the smaller fragments and also making sense. Data analysis refers to the process of inspecting, transforming, cleansing, and modelling the data with the discovery of the goal with useful information, supporting the decision making and conclusions. Data analysis includes the systematic application of logical and statistical techniques for illustrating and describing and evaluating data (Zhang et al 2018). The analysis of data of the qualitative research includes the focus on the procedures of the statistics through which the analysis of time becomes the focus on the process of iterative approach where the data is analysed and collected systematically. 

The research enlightens the focus on the analysis of the secondary data which includes that the information is being gathered for the other purpose only. The researchers focus on leveraging the analysis of secondary data in the attempt to answer the research question and examining the perspective which is an alternative to the question which is original to the previous study. Data analysis helps in effective studying of the data in the simpler and the accurate data. It helps the researcher's interpretation of the data which will help the researchers in not leaving anything and also driving towards the insights. The data analysis of the qualitative research includes the focus on the experiments, focus groups, and interviews which will help in the identification of the common patterns and the responses and the critical analysis for the achievement of the research objectives and aims (Aubert et al 2018). 

For analysis of the data of the information collected, the research includes the focus on the text analysis which will help in highlighting the development of the sports activities in the nations emerging for the economic growth. This includes the analysis of the data will help in playing an important part which will help in the discussion of the key challenges which mainly result in the slow development of the activities of the sport in the emerging countries like Africa. The data analysis also helps in the exploration of the benefits of the activities related to sports development in the nation in the terms of economic prosperity and growth. Through the qualitative analysis of the data, there should be effective attention to a literature review that helps in the analysis of data through the focus on various authors and how there should be a focus on. It also includes the effective analysis of what and how the authors are thinking with the different objectives and the laid emphasis on the same. The analysis of data helps in stating the focus on the actual numbers and hard data (Beer et al 2019). Therefore, the data collection includes the focus on the research process that includes the analysis of data which is quantitative which is through the trend analysis and the surveys. While the focus on the qualitative analysis includes focusing on the studies of the various other authors. The following study of the research will help in focusing on the exploration of the benefits and barriers to the development of the sport which is emerging in the nations and the economic development role in the countries which are developing. The following research will mainly entire the attention on building the managing attention on the effective strategies for the promotion of the sport (Ding et al 2020). 

Through the focus on the literature review, the data can be analyzed by the focus on the research philosophies and methodologies which are used by the various researchers for the same topic and study. The study also entails the major purpose attention to following the importance of sports for the overall development, underdevelopment of the sport in the developing countries, economic growth and sports development in the nations which are developing, and the strategies which are used in facilitating the activities of sport in the nations which are emerging like Africa. Through the data collected from the secondary method, it includes that the data should be in the form which helps in initiating the overall purpose of development and also gaining the management purpose attention in following how there can be a reduction in the barriers for the entry of the sports and what are the major initiatives which should be given the effective emphasis (Li et al 2020). The focus on the data analysis will help in gaining the effective strategies which will help in allowing the key recommended focus on increasing the development pace of the sport in the countries which are emerging. The data analysis states the important part of how there can be a major focus on the economic growth which will help in increasing the overall welfare of the activities that should be included and how the activities of the sport help in benefiting the people as well. The analysis states that the development of the sport is about participation and promotion in opportunities that are related to the activities of the sport. This includes that the focus on the participation in the activities helps in gaining the management's attention on how enjoying the sports help in gaining happiness for the humans and increases the welfare of the country as well. It helps in building various opportunities that are helpful for the nation and the individuals and is linked with the goals of Millennium development. 

Data analysis is considered an important part of the research as it helps in stating how the research questions and the objectives are going to be analyzed and what are the needed questions that should be researched. This includes that there should be a major focus on the analysis of how the research will be given effective attention. Therefore, thorough the analysis there will be effective attention to how the research will be helpful and what are the major essential needs to be taken into consideration. This includes that there should be an effective focus on the different author's ideas which help in stating the benefits that will be helpful for the research and how it will help in the future studies. This includes that there should be managed attention on following the best methods which will help in the use of the strategies of how sports should be developed as the major activity around the globe and majorly to the nations which are developing and not focusing on the sports activity and not enhancing the attention on following the trends which the sports activities follow and to generate the economic development by the same (Chambers et al 2018). 


The findings of the study state that there will be a positive impact on the economy when there is the development of sports activities in emerging nations. The development of the sport is mainly increasing which includes the focus on the identification of the barriers in the sports development and the exploration of the benefits which are related to the economic development. This includes that the participation in the activities which are physical helps in the wide context range which includes the connection of the freedom and how the children can focus on playing and making their career the same. Sports also focus on playing an important role in the development of the nation and individual. The social development sport includes that the approaches help in bringing of the change which is social and also helping in the activities of sport. The development of the sports activities helps in improving the skills which are lifelong and the one which helps in empowering the women with the focus on proving and eliminating the discrimination. The sports activities focus on providing a forum for the adults in learning and dealing with the competition and also cope with the winning and losing situations. The findings also state that there has been under development of the sports in the developing countries which refers that there has been a lower focus on the investment of the money by developing nations which is as compared to the sports activities in the developed countries. The major reason behind the low investment is the lower focus on the priority of the development activities of the sport in the national budget and the education system in the developing countries. The lower investment which is considered in the activities of the sport and the development activities is because of the decrease in the potential of the individuals in sport and building of the right talent effectively (Babak et al 2020). 

There are different factors that are crucial in the emerging counties which do not have a developed standard in the sporting sector as compared to the nations which are developed. This includes the various reasons which are sports investment, media coverage, role models, and gender equality which is considered common in the facilities of the sport. The findings also initiate that the survey which was conducted by the UNESCO to the least developed nations of Africa include a response rate of 50%, which highlighted that out of all one country had no sport and physical activity, and the 12 nations had the proper schedule of three hours for the physical education weekly. The major reason behind the lack of the activities of the sport and the children not taking part in the sports activities include that the equipment of the sports is less which take them behind and not taking participation for the same. While the focus on the developing nations includes that the sport participation level include is low that is mainly measured by the ratio which is between affiliate members to the federations of the sport and the inhabitant's number. This includes the focus on the technical assistance which will help in finding out the ways of doing things in the sport and also promoting it in the country. This includes that there should be a focus on the strategic decisions which should be taken into consideration for the effective development of the activities of sport (Chambers et al 2018). 

The findings indicate that the major reason for the lack of sports activities in developing nations includes the lack of infrastructure facilities in the school and the lack of types of equipment of sports for them. This also includes the lack of comprehensive information which is available in the sports facilities, games equipment, and the stadiums which also include the playgrounds. This includes the focus on the limited facilities which are related to activities of sport and the catering of the potential participants. There has been a major relationship between the economic development level and the sports development level in the nations. This includes the emerging focus on the developing nations being plagued by the lack of sports and physical education and sports events. This includes due to the shortage of the sports activities and their financing which include the facilities that are limited and the sports equipment (Babak et al 2020). The physical and the sports education include the spacing of the professional media and the industry relocation which includes the labour cost that is low. The most important strategy which should be adopted includes the focus on developing nations which should be maintained and the infrastructure facilities. The development and training of sports instructors include facilitating the pace in the development activities of the sport in Africa. The findings include that there should be a proper focus on sports development in emerging nations like Africa, which includes the importance of the early identity and development of the talented performers which should be considered in the sports with the age synonymous (Chambers et al 2018). 

The findings include that there is initiating attention on following the measures for the development of the sport which will help in managing the overall benefits. The activities of sport are considered crucial in the emerging the nation which focuses on offering the children the needed opportunities for teamwork and learning participation with the leadership attributes. Sport development help in effective participation and promotion in the activities related to sport. It includes that the participation in the sports activities mainly includes the attention on following the wider context which includes helping the emerging nations when there is effective development of the activities of sport. The development of the activities of sport is considered the essential purpose which helps in reaching the goal of the community and also managing the direct impact towards the best practices for the students and the coming youth. The activity of sports helps in effectively providing a forum to the adults for dealing with copying and competition with the winning and losing situations. The findings state that there is an effective relationship between economic development and the development of sports in the country. Sports development includes approaches that can help in bringing effective change in the country through sports activities. It includes the countries which align their attention on the effective activities of sports and their development are considered to be having the best investment purpose and also helping the individual as well. The development of the sports activities helps the individuals in working their best towards the best and also aligning the focus on learning sports which can help them in enhancing their talent. It also includes that due to the lack of finance and shortage for the activities of sports, there are fewer facilities for the sports in the developing nations. It includes that hosting events capacity includes the lacking of the major infrastructure which is important for maintaining the sports activities and getting people to indulge in the same. The lack of the major functions which are being followed by the developing nations is that they do not focus on the importance of the development of the sport which they lack from the countries which are developed. The findings state that the managing attention on following the best strategies will help in effective management of the development of the sport which includes focusing on the importance of sports activities. When the developing nations will understand the needed importance of the development of sport it will help them in managing the overall purpose towards the individuals and the development of the country as well. The major initiation on following the promotion techniques for the sports activities will help in finding the best relevant purpose for strengthening the overall development of the country. The government should focus on offering policy directions that will help in the creation of an effective environment for sports activity development (Babak et al 2020).  

The government should align their attention on following the strategic purpose which will help in spreading awareness of the importance of sports in the young youth who should indulge in the activities of sports. It includes that there should be managing attention on following the effective strategic development which will help in increasing the overall activities of sport. There should be a focus on adopting the effective strategy which should be adopted in the countries which are developing for maintaining the facilities of modern infrastructure. The effective attention to following the best-needed strategies will help in managing the infrastructure of sports for promoting the activities which are related to the development of sports. Furthermore, it is important for the private and the public sector for investing in the infrastructure of sports for promotion of the sports activities. The government’s contribution plays a major role in enhancing the overall development of the sport, which includes the focus on effective investment by the government. The development and raining of sports instructors, referees, and administrators are considered the effective strategy that will help in facilitating the activities of sports development. The sports person who has proper knowledge and importance of the sports activities should spread awareness to the youth about its effectiveness and needed attention. The experts should align their emphasis on the identification of the talent in the communities and nurturing the same for the effective success of the sports person. Furthermore, the development and identification of talent in sports focus on requiring the effective investment amount and positions of the economy in the emerging nations like Africa, which include difficulty in getting the effective funding about the same. Furthermore, it also includes associations of international sports, companies of sport, clubs of sports, and also the NGOs that should help the nations which are emerging by tapping the effective and innovations. Effective attention to developing the activities of sports are considered an important purpose for following the practices which include enhancing the development of the sport. It includes that the emerging nations should first understand the importance of sports activities and how it will help the country in investment opportunities and even building of the new talents which will be effective for the country. There should be effective strategies development which will help in enhancing the overall operations and also towards the needed purpose in maintaining the infrastructure facilities as well. The lack of effective information about the activities of sports and their development is the major cause of fewer sports activities in developing nations. The development of the sports activities in the emerging nations will also help the countries with their economic growth which will help in initiating the overall development. The managing importance of following the emerging strategies will help in effective development and also towards the managing participation of the youth in the sports activities which will be helpful for them and their physical being. Therefore, the major strategy which should be developed for the emerging nations includes focusing on the infrastructure of the sports activities and also developing the knowledge and understanding of the young youth (Babak et al 2020).  


In a nutshell, the research concludes that there should be effective attention to developing the activities of sport in the nations which are emerging for the economic growth. This includes that there should be effective attention on following the strategies which will help in utilizing the development of the sport in the nations which are developing. It mainly includes that the development of the sport is about the participation and promotion of opportunities that are related to the activities of sport. Effective participation in the activities of sport includes the focus on the connectedness in the freedom of children who should play together and how there should be effective enhancement of the career. The study concludes that there should be effective attention to the exploration of the benefits and barriers of sports development in emerging nations and the economic development role in developing countries. The following will help in the maintenance of the effective building of the strategies for the promotion of the sport. There should be an effective focus on the key challenges which result in the slow development of the activities of sport in the emerging countries which include Africa. This includes that there should be proper focus on the recommended strategies which will help in the pacing of the development of the sport in the emerging countries that include Africa (Bull et al 2020). There should be proper focus on the activities of the sport which will help in initiating the importance of the developing activities and also focusing on being helpful for the elimination of the discrimination. Sports are considered to be helpful and included in educational development as physical and sports education have a major impact on students' education. There has been major attention to following physical education which is considered fundamental to the early development in a sports event physical education includes the focus on leadership abilities, teamwork, honesty, and fair play. The research is focused on effective development including that there should be effective attention on following the best strategies which will help in the effective talent and the effective focus on the limited prospects for the continue career sport which should be pursuing and continuing of the sports training in the developing country. The major reason behind the focus on the activities which are underdeveloped includes that there should be a focus on the economic development and which will help in highlighting the determinants of economic development and the increase in performance of the nation. It concludes that there should be an effective focus on the economic development and the development of sports in the nations that are developing which will help in the building of a b relationship which is between the economic development level in the nations and sporting development. It mainly concludes that there should be a focus on the managing attention following the increase in effective focus on the facilitation of development and management attention in teamwork and the leadership attributes. 


The following are the recommendations that should be given the effective consideration for following the effectiveness of the research study:

  • Sport has been mainly used as a disruptive and positive tool for development. This includes the role in the initiatives of development that have been growing in recent times, which include the place finding in the development goals of the UNs. The sports business and the development role in the academic field is growing, with the sports specialist management which are courses that are emerging in the catering for the professionalism which is increased and the global reach of the sports industry. The development of the sport has mainly gained in the recent years not only in the scholars but also in the practitioners. 
  • Globalization focus on offering new opportunities for teams, sports league, manufacturers, and events in developed economies. The organization mainly aims to promote the services and products in the nations which are emerging. The nations which are emerging are mainly undergoing rapid development and urbanization, which has been an instrument in the growth of the sports industry. This includes the factors which are essential that can lead to the faster growth of the industry of sports in the current years with the fast pace of growth of the emerging nations. This means that the exploration of the impact of the new changes and the globalization trends should be in relation to sports development in the economies which are growing (Till and Baker 2020). 
  • The next includes the focus on the emerging market which focuses on following all the market characteristics of the market which is developed and the one which does not meet any standards. This includes that moving to the traditional economies should rely on agriculture and the raw materials export. Therefore, it is considered to be evident that the investors and decision-makers in the nations which are emerging trend in using the sport as a tool for reaching the environmental, technological, political, cultural, economic, and social goals. 
  • The industry of the sport should focus on the rapid professionalism globally and this includes the focus on the managerial roles in the understanding the global nuances and the challenges of the industry of sport, which are mainly in the context of the emerging economy. There should be an effective focus on the managing attention on following the best practices which will lead to the business development (Belotto 2018). 
  • Sport is the major activity that enlightens the focus on providing the best social, mental, and physical benefits that will help in improving the well-being of the population which is aging. This includes that the focus on the promotion of social wellbeing will help in managing the overall growth and the population criteria and will also help in managing the desired attention on the positive outcomes as well. Therefore, there should be an effective focus on the effective ongoing attention towards managing the overall growth and the management criteria (Mahmud et al 2020). 

Learning reflection 

I learned that there should be a focus on the development the sports activities in emerging nations which will help in managing the overall development of individuals and the nation. I learned that following the research criteria helps in conducting the research in an effective manner. This includes that there should be proper focus on managing the overall development by following the increase in the benefits which are inclined to the opportunities that should be focused on globalization. I understood that the need for the research study includes that following the effective basis of the same will help in the effective research. This includes that there should be an effective following of the research basis which includes achieving the results on time and with the attention on following the best methods that will lead to effective management and control of the ideas and synchronization of the research benefits. The following research will be helpful in the future as it will help in enabling the best ideas and the effective measures which are included in the research (Mishra et al 2019). I understood that all the research is necessary for the conduction of an effective study and this includes that there should be effective development of the basis which should be followed that includes the process of data collection, the review of data, literature review of the various authors and their study and the managing attention on following the different types of the research. 

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