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One of the main purposes behind conducting this particular task is to develop a development folder that will provide focus on my own learning development as well as gaining of the important aptitudes. The portfolio will majorly focus on the proficient information, abilities along with practices that are expected by HR experts, in view of a scope of various jobs inside an association. In addition to this, a personal SWOT evaluation will also be done based on the job role which I am serving for my company. Last but not least an explicit professional aptitude audit plan will be provided which will illustrate their personal reflection report.
In order to be a perfect Human Resource personnel a person need to acquire some of the important skills and knowledge that will help them in future growth. In general Human Resource Personnel requires an assembly of various aptitudes in order to carry out their work in the best possible manner. Personally being a Human Resource personnel I feel the aptitudes needs to be used based on the various job which we are serving for the company. If we consider various HR job roles some of the notable job roles are:
Talent administration
Rewards and perks
Training and development
HR compliance
Place of work safety (Inc,Paycor, 2020)
All the above mentioned HR roles need various skills and professional knowledge and behaviours to serve out their roles in a proper manner for development of the company where they are working. Based on the above mentioned roles the various knowledge, aptitudes along with behaviours needed by HR professionals is described in the table given below:
In this sgement of the study based on the job role which I am rendering, a personal SWOT analysis will be done and based on that a personal development plan will also be provided. The job role which has been selected by me to do the further analysis is training and development manager.
Now based on the given SWOT analysis a personal development plan will be provided for the selected job role which is training and development manager.
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Developing management skills and being prepared to face any kind of challenges and problems is very much important for each organization and its urgent needs in this globally competitive environment. As a teacher, it is very important to be skillful in dealings with particular challenges of the organizations because in today's life all the organizations have their own goals and objectives. So if the manager is not able to meet all the needs and effective skills as per the particular organizations then it is very difficult to get the job and maintain b competition with other competitors.
In the modern era of Management, every manager must need to be knowledgeable about the products with which he is engaged in his organizations. Knowledge is one of the basic and important parts to be a successful manager if any manager doesn't know with whom he is going to deal then he will never be able to meet the objectives of the organization (Maharaja, G., 2018).
Also, need to be skillful because in every organization they have their own goals, objectives, risks, and competitions. If a manager is not able to handle all these like if he is not able to achieve the organization's goals or maybe not be able to make a perfect backup plan for risk factors; then it is very disappointing for both organizations and the managers . So in the personal development program, the manager must need to be confident and skillful about all kinds of organizational challenges.
In the continuous process of the professional development plan, all the employees of organizations need to participate. Because in every organization it's all about teamwork and if any organization wants to be successful then it must need to be upgraded by all the employer's skills. By upgrading only managers or any such groups of employees it is not possible to the overall improvement of the organization. So it is very important for participation of all employees and planned for training or workshops for all employees are very much impacted in the professional development program. It helps to develop a team, an individual, and the organization also.
Goals and Objectives
At the very first of the development program must need to fix the objectives and goals of the program and the organization's objectives must be related to the program. To make a successful plan of professional development the planner must need to be focused on the appropriate need of the organizational goals like knowledge skills and behaviors of employees.
And another important fact about the personal development plan is needed to calculate the reflections of the workshop or the pieces of training about such professional development on the employee, and the actual impact of the programs on organizational objectives.
The ongoing process of professional development programs like workshops and training must need to be evaluated to know how it is working with the learning’s and how much one developed himself by associating with the programs. And if anyone wants to evaluate his learning’s then at the very first stage of evaluation and program planning needs to know some objectives . Below mentioned are few of the personal refection which I have observed while preparing the professional development plan.
Lack of knowledge
Before participating development program need to you know what he does not know. Without knowing the incompetence of an individual one cannot plan his learning’s.
Must need to know the importance of individual and where he needs the development and what is more effective for his engaged organization.
Managers need to focus on the particular genera where he wants to develop his professional skills. Otherwise, the actual evaluation is not possible. Maybe he needs a particular up-gradation of skills but he is doing another kind of training which may be not satisfactory. Instinctively almost doing something is not a good thing for professional development programs. At first, need to know incompetence and then plan a good program for the development of professional skills. After maintain these one can evaluate his progress or upgrades.
Under the developing program of individuals, teams, and organizations all the students pass through some activities of developing their managerial skills. Such programs like case presentation in class, discussion on issues from a theoretical perspective, case analysis, making the presentation of some projects one can be very much helpful about his managerial basic skills(Loeb, J., 2019).
After participating in these kinds of programs managers get more confident and they are ready to face any kind of managerial risks and issues. And particularly demonstrations program is very needful to improve managerial speaking power (Gouvinha, et al., 2016). Discussions and debates make the manager ber about their thoughts and their decisions.
Collecting data on development programs is most important because these data will help to understand individuals' progress. Keep noting all the development goals and objectives, training courses, mentoring sessions to evaluate professional development later (Liedtka, J., et al., 2021).
Professional development programs for HR must be very reflective like other development programs. When one individual or a group of employees is attending training or workshops to develop their skills then the organization hopping for a better future and making some changes in their efficiency level. If it is not working correctly then time and money will go to waste. This may negatively give huge effects on the employee of organizations and the overall organizations future and their sustainability (Aguinis, H. and Gabriel, K.P., 2021). Evaluation is very important to know how the professional development program is working on individuals, teams, and organizations.
After attending professional development programs I understand it is very important to be upgraded in particular incompetence of individuals and organizations. And if after taking participations in such programs the individual or the team may not be able to upgrade themselves then the authority must need to plan some better programs to upgrade the efficiency of employees. Otherwise, the organization never is able to upgrade its efficiency level and make a b impact on other competitors.
In this segment of the study a report will be provided on ‘To what extent does the organisation effectively utilise learning as well as development to support individuals in addition to teams to help it to operate high-performance working (HPW) in a high-performance culture?’ In order to do the analysis the large organization which has been selected Tesco. The segment of the study has been divided in various sub segments where various notions related to personal development and high performance working will be discussed in detail.
Tesco is one of the important transnational retailers with having an excess of 360,000 employees working under its flagship. The main objective of the company is to dish up their clients daily with reasonable, as well as ecological food and other household items to assist them enjoy a good class of life as well as a simple manner of staying. Business Assignment Help The Tesco helps out business by means of multi-design shops as well as through the web. It works shops in different configurations separated by size and scope of items sold, including enormous, little, dotcom just, and one-stop. The company was initially started in the year 1924 by Jack Cohen (Tescoplc, 2022.
Individual learning & training means when a person gets more skillful and a better result at a particular activity. After attending a training or workshop when the person may increase his activity and skills then in overall improvement of his performance called individual development (Örtenblad, A., 2001). This kind of personal development program always occurs very frequently within the organizations.
Individual professional learning and training always improve in employees in a particular activity for internal organizations matters. This development of skills is very much helpful for organizational improvement but mostly it helps the employee to develop their professional skills at the next level. But in these individual learning and training procedures when an organization recruits a new employee then most of the time they start at a lower level of performance. And after joining the organization they became more trained employees and a gradual improvement of their skills and activity is noticed (McDougall, M. and Beattie, R.S., 1998).
Organizational learning and pieces of training also help to get more experience in particular activities for all employees of the organization. The organization can easily upgrade its routines and operating activities to develop. Healthy routine and good & creative operating activities can easily create the next level of learning for any of the employees in the organization.
Organizational learning and training program is very much effective in Industries that are upgrading and improving their performances after years and make a better impact on the global competitive market than previously (McDowall, A. and Saunders, M.N., 2010).
So it is very clear that in individual learning and training programs the people can only get an improvement of their activity and skills in a particular activity. It helps professionals and employees but not very much influencing organizational development as we see if an organization recruits a new employee then training session also needs to be arranged by the authority to make him more trained and skillful about the particular activity of the organization. This is a costly and time taken process. And the best part of organizational development programs is if any one of the employees may leave the organization after getting trained or development programs; that will ever make a b impact towards organization because the organization can versus even after the leave of the employee (Antonacopoulou, E.P., 2001). Super viral industry and its up-gradation organizational learning and training programs are more effective for industry and forms to become more efficient than previously but the individual learning programs are effective for individual employees because if they leave the particular organization that doesn't matter to their skills and development activities.
The development of any organization is never constant. It changes over time as the organization's operating systems get upgraded and developed as per that all the employees and professionals need to upgrade and learn all the developed processes and need a huge improvement in their skills. Tesco is a global retail organization working above 100years. Tesco is at the top 10 lists of retailers worldwide and holds a b position at 10th number. If anyone looks at organizational development in Tesco's retail engagement history; Tesco is very much developed and maintains sustainable learning and training procedures for organizations and employees both on a very regular basis.
Due to these continuous learning and professional development programs, Tesco cut its costs and always be first to provide quality products at a very low price. This is only happening due to employees' skillfulness and organizational development factors. If you look at Tesco's organizational operating system then they maintain a perfect flow process chart and well-maintained environmental layout so do to these organizational development programs all the employees are very much attentive and careful about their jobs and organization growing up for the last hundred years and gain huge reputations among the other competitors and make a unique selling process for their own company of low pricing and being focused on meeting customers expectation.
If a global retailer company like Tesco does not follow the continuous process of learning and professional development then their reputation of providing quality goods and maintaining low pricing will fall in front of the crisis. So the continuous process of learning and professional development in organizations is very much important to maintain their goodwill and make themselves are b competitors among the other same organizations. IF an international retail company like Tesco will not follow the rules of the continuous development process then they will never be on in top lists of world retail providers (Tang, X., 2018). This is only possible when organizations use and maintain continuous professional development programs among the organization maybe it is personal development or employee development programs or Organizational development programs. But any one of the development programs which is related to organizational reputations and their internal improvement must be needed to maintain goodwill and quality of service of TESCO.
There is a huge need for analysis of continuous development programs between the organizations and employees. Otherwise, the continuous process of development may unsuccessful. Need to track all the improvement programs and evaluate the up-gradation of the organization otherwise, you may need to change the development plans. A global retail company like Tesco needs to analyze their improvement and evaluate their up-gradation of skills and operating systems (Plachy, et al., 2021).
A review process from the customers can help to plan a development program in the personal and organizational learning process. This type of feedback helps the authority to understand the particular needs of improvement and decorate a plan as per the need to organize training or workshops in which particular segment (Hayes, J. and Allinson, C.W., 1997).
To track the organizational development Tesco uses many different procedures and their evolution process is very much clear. There is a need for the continuous process of development in an organization because if they didn't follow the continuous process of professional development and learning then Tesco will never be in the top 10 places in the retail market after hundred years of their business engagement. This is possible because they maintain a continuous process of development in overall organization and personal development training and learning processes.
If look back at Tesco's reputation and their unique process of selling; which makes they still popular in the retail market after being part of the retail family globally after hundred years of engagement. Tesco is very much focused to meet consumers' demands and try to give the actual satisfaction which is consumer once and at a very minimum price. This is possible due to cost reduction and cost reduction is connected with the skills of employees if a large number of employees need to appoint then the cost of production may increase and it gives a straight effect on the pricing of the products.
So the scenario is very clear; the policy Tesco maintained by last hundred and more years and hold the most successful retail company worldwide. The only thing is the continuous process of learning and development programs like pieces of training and workshops is the only way to maintain reputation and goodwill over the years.
The constructions, experience, and social situation make the theories of learning events like development programs and pieces of training, etc. As a company Tesco; who engaged in the particular business for more than a hundred years when the employee entire in this kind of organization and start working with the other employees automatically they become more experienced and gained communication skills through working with others(Numonjonov, S.D., 2020).
But this is not enough so Tesco plans some training and learning sessions to make employees able to deal with different kinds of work in different situations. It is very helpful for those who are engaged with Tesco for a long time they experienced and skilful in all categories. Tesco prefers a different kind of learning and development programs like employees get divided as per their posts and then company organized learning programs as per the department. This helps the organizations to avoid off-job learning programs (Williams, et al., 2020). And also at a time when they attend the training about only in a particular segment; they become more knowledgeable about the risk factors and details about the process of work. This kind of development plan helps to reduce the cost of organizing development programs and also at a time it saves the valuable time of employees. If employees engage with the off training then they will never be able to upgrade themselves and the overall organizational improvement will not stop.
Tesco is providing quality services at a low pricing; because they maintain the development programs and implicate all the basic needs and development plans. It makes them most successful in the last hundred years of their retail business.
Training will help the employee's skills, knowledge about the work, communication, and attitude. In development programs of personal and organizational learning San training the planner must need to be focused on the stage of development programs. As per the organizational need which kind of development events needs that selection is very much important because otherwise all the money and time will just be wasted(Basten, D. and Haamann, T., 2018). So to make a coherent development plan must need to decide the development stage of a particular organization.
Which factors will be e followed by the planner when he plans for learning events is another important fact of development plans. It helps to achieve the organizational objectives and goals in a very easy way. The factor selections of the organization are like the target selections that are helping the organization to become more successful in the competitive market (Rosnizam, et al., 2020). Tesco focused their environmental situation and social connectivity when the plan development event and that makes them most successful in the global retail competitive market.
HPW which is also known as High Performance Working provides its focal point on developing a philosophy within which there lies conviction, openness as well as clear communication. High Performance working is basically a sequence of exercise, strategies along with techniques that might be put in a situation and while toiling symphonically might show outcomes as better performance of the workers (Dr Armitage, 2019). Considering the working environment of Tesco and the nature of employee culture it can be said that they work under a strict management where utmost importance is provided with an intention to keep the client happy. In this type of case High Performance Working provides a lot of benefits to the workers engagement as well as cutthroat benefits where working culture of tough. With the help of High Performance Working Tesco got very excellent result which also helps them in keeping their activities one step ahead of its major competitors within UK and also in other parts of the world where it is functioning.
To understand any kind of organization the basic need of understanding the organizational environment is to know the employees of organizations like what they are doing, how they are performing, and why they are engaged in doing this. No matter how big or small the organization is the engagement of the organization also doesn't matter to analyze the importance of performance management. In the Modern era of Management, the maximum number of organizations tries to understand the strengths and weaknesses of every employee, and managers try to provide a constructive review about their work and make them more skillful by providing training and learning events (Sánchez-Polo, et al., 2019).
If an organization like Tesco engaged in several countries and several stores must need to track every employee after every quarter of the year. Otherwise, the basic problem is in the very first of every financial year the company decide some goals and set some objectives for each of employees but over the year the company I have no time to track each of employee how they are working or not. And at the end of 12 months when the organization looks to see how employees made their job then the time will go and maybe some of the times the performance will not up to the mark by the employees(Armb, M., 2021).
To be a part of the high-performance culture the employee must need to fix their target and objectives.
What knowledge is another important fact because every employee wants to be successful but it is only possible when the employee knows the particular role of each in the organization?
As per the organizational need and performance development, all the employees also need to set their goals and ensure the up-gradation of their skills to make successful the organizational development.
Monitoring the goals and objectives and mostly the performances of every employee is the most important part of performance management. Without taking feedback and looking at the performance it is quite impossible to analyze the performance management and the inputs of every employee towards a high-performance culture (Graham, S. and Harris, K., 2018).
So from all the above discussions, it is very clear that performance management is very much important in any kind of organization maybe it like Tesco or others. The business size and engagement will not matter in performance management (Pulakos, et al., 2019). If a company provides a good performance management program then the overall organization can make a high-performance culture in their workplace.
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