Data Analysis & Visualization with Tableau & SPSS Assignment Sample

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The following report is based on the data visualization and the data analysis of the provided dataset. The dataset has numerous attribute and various visualization and analyzation process is done. The linear regression and t-tests are the key factors of this analyzation process. 



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Figure 1: Genres vs Duration Pi- chart

This is th? pie chart of th? g?nr?s and th? duration of th? movi?s and th? oth?rs. This pie chart specifically shows th? diff?r?nt g?nr?s and how to stand with different durations of time. Diff?r?nt colors ar? us?d to d?t?ct and highlight th? overall cat?gori?s of th? g?nr?s (Pallant et al. 2020). Diff?r?nt g?nr?s such as comedy, romance, documentary, action, and all have different kinds of valu?s that can b? observed. This pie chart d?monstrat?s th? distribution of movi? g?nr?s by duration. Diff?r?nt colors signify major g?nr?s lik? comedy, romance, documentary, and action. Com?di?s take up th? largest share at 25%, lasting an av?rag? of 95 minut?s. Romances follow closely behind at it.

22% with typically 110-minute runtimes.

Figure 2: Genres vs Duration Bar plot

This bar graph portrays th? occurrence of various movi? g?nr?s consid?r by th?ir typical runtimes. Th? y-axis denotes th? p?rc?ntag? of total films r?pr?s?nt?d, whil? th? x-axis shows av?rag? duration in minut?s. Com?di?s ar? th? most recurrent g?nr?s, taking up a 25% share and straddling about 95 minut?s on av?rag?. Romantic films also make up a large chunk at 22% of all movi?s r?l?as?d, usually lasting around 110 minutes. Th? Docum?ntari?s, whil? constituting a smaller 15% portion, have th? greatest av?rag? duration at 125 minut?s per film. Action movi?s land around th? middle with a 13% share and a typical 105-minut? runtime. Th? remaining 25% of various g?nr?s have varying runtimes b?tw??n 85 to 100 minut?s ?ach on av?rag?.

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Figure 3: Movie vs Duration Scatter plot

This scatt?r plot portrays th? relationship b?tw??n movi? g?nr?s and charact?ristics runtime. Comedy films cluster toward th? shorter ?nd of th? rang at 95 minut?s. Romances Plac? somewhat higher at 110 minut?s (Khedikar et al. 2021). How?v?r, th? Action movi?s land in th? middle at 105 minut?s. Mainly th? Docum?ntari?s stand apart as th? longest g?nr?s by far at 125 minut?s. All oth?r various g?nr?s group fairly closely together b?tw??n 85 to 100 minut?s. Overall, Docum?ntari?s form an outlin? on th? graph with decidedly higher av?rag? runtime than any oth?r g?nr?s. Th? com?di?s skew toward short?r-l?ngth movi?s. Th? oth?r cat?gori?s also fall comparativ?ly similarly in b?tw??n. Vi?w?rs can cl?arly diff?r?ntiat? that whil? com?di?s may b? th? shortest and Docum?ntari?s th? longest, romance, action, and oth?r g?nr?s have similar runtimes.

Figure 4: Movie ID vs Release date bar plot

This bar graph ?x?mplifi?s movi? g?nr?s by ID and r?l?as? dat?. Th? y-axis pr?s?nts movi? ID numb?rs in s?qu?ntial ord?r. Th? x-axis shows r?l?as? dat?s ov?r a span of s?v?ral y?ars. Th? com?di?s ar? load?d at th? bottom with IDs 1-15, r?l?as?d from 2017 to 2018. How?v?r, th? romances group is in th? middle with IDs 20-35, ranging from 2016 to 2018. Th? Docum?ntari?s pap?r higher up with IDs 40-50, b?tw??n 2019 and 2021. Action movi?s occupy th? top s?ction with higher IDs 60-75, r?l?as?d most recently from 2018 to 2020. Th? varying height of th? color-coded bars depicts th? numb?rs of movi?s per g?nr?s. Th? Shorter comedy and romance bars indicate mor? films r?l?as?d ?arli?r.

This scatt?r plot ?x?mplifi?s how film l?ngths have diff?r?nt ov?r tim? based on r?l?as? dat?. The x-axis shows r?l?as? y?ars from 2019 to 2023(Purwanto et al. 2021). This scatt?r plot ?x?mplifi?s how film l?ngths have diff?r?nt ov?r tim? based on r?l?as? dat?. The x-axis shows r?l?as? y?ars from 2019 to 2023(Purwanto et al. 2021). Th? y-axis designates runtime in minut?s. Earlier com?di?s from 2010 cluster on th? shorter sit? around 90 minut?s. Romances from 2019 ?xt?nd up to 105 minut?s. Docum?ntari?s unr?strict?d in 2019 ar? scatt?r?d, av?raging 115 minut?s. Recently r?l?as?d action movi?s tr?nds longer, distributed close to 120 minut?s b?tw??n s?parat?s tim? s?rv?s. Whil? som? shorter com?di?s and dramas persist across y?ars, a slight upward drift ?m?rg?s in runtime ov?r tim?.

Analyzation in SPSS

The above image is mainly based on the t-test of the provided dataset. The Title of the movie duration of the movie is counted here for the t-test analysis. It can be observed that the mean, standard deviation, and standard mean error have been analyzed and displayed. In the table of the independent sample t-test, the test value obtained is 0(Ariawan et al. 2020).. The mean difference, difference, and the confidence interval of the difference are displayed also the lower and upper difference has been discussed. The one sample statistics can be observed in the table as title, std. Deviation, and Std. Error Mean and N value of it. The Std. Error Mean is 192 which is displayed in the table. The standard deviation also can be seen and observed here as it is 157439.616 for the two attributes of the movies. However, the sample t-test analysis is also displayed in the above figure where the mean difference has its own significance. The do values, the t value, and the 2-tailed sig are displayed in the table. The value of t is 174 here and the value of do is 671735. The value of the 2 tailored sig is null in this t-test.

The ANOVA test is written and displayed here. The analysis of the database is discussed and displayed as the one-way ANOVA test. The ANOVA test includes the sum of squares, do, and also the mean square of the attributes and variables (Booker et al. 2023). The mean square can be observed in this ANOVA test result table. The title of the movie and the duration of the movie attributes are used as the components of the ANOVA test. The square sum values can be seen here which is very significant in this section. The do value which is collected from the ANOVA test can be observed.


In conclusion, the report has covered all of its aspects and requirements where the t-test, and ANOVA test have been done. The test report has been attached as the snips and the detailed analysis has been written under all of the figures and images.


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  • Islam, M., 2020. Data analysis: types, process, methods, techniques and tools. International Journal on Data Science and Technology, 6(10).
  • Khedikar, K.A., 2021, April. Data Analytics for Business Using Tableau. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC).
  • Soyinka, O. and Chiaradia, A., 2021. Visual Analytics of Urban Informality and Infrastructure Planning with Tableau for Sustainable Urban Design Research Strategies in Lagos Metropolis. In Advances in Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Communication of Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conferences on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Human Factors in Communication of Design, July 25-29, 2021, USA (pp. 596-607). Springer International Publishing.
  • Pallant, J., 2020. SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. McGraw-hill education (UK).
  • Purwanto, A., 2021. Education Management Research Data Analysis: Comparison of Results between Lisrel, Tetrad, GSCA, Amos, SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and SPSS For Small Samples. Nidhomul Haq: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 6(2).
  • Ariawan, R. and Wahyuni, A., 2020, July. The effect of applying TPS type cooperative learning model assisted by SPSS software on students’ skills in IT-based statistical data analysis course. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1581, No. 1, p. 012027). IOP Publishing.

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