Consulting in practice portfolio Assignment Sample

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Introduction - Consulting in Practice Portfolio

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Business Consulting is defined as a type of business which provides the owner and the company solution in solving the problems easily. The current study is based on LSST which is London School of Science and Technology who is facing the problem within their operational activity current study well outline providing solution to LSST and implementing the technology and it to effectively market that service within the competitive market.


Problem statement

  • Client project brief: The client that is LSST which is London School of Science and Technology is facing many different types of issues while operating. This affects the working of the college and all the activities to a great extent. In the current competitive environment, the major issue faced by LSST is that they are not appropriately using the technology (Bugdahn, Rogers and Pawar, 2019). Along with this, the marketing strategies of LSST are also not updated. This is a problem because when the marketing is not good and effective then it will impact the working of the college. Thus, this is the major problem which LSST is facing which is the use of outdated technology and older marketing strategies.

Exploration and agreement of the brief from the first meeting with a client

  • Date: 27/10/2023
  • Present: 28
  • Absent: 2
  • What is the problem(s) or issue that the client needs to address?
  • The problem identified during the meeting with the client includes the fact that the technology used is not appropriate. Along with this, another issue faced is the less attractive marketing strategies. All the marketing strategies used by LSST are very outdated and this needs to be improved.
  • Why is s/he focusing on this problem?
  • The technology and marketing are focused as the major problem. This is a major focus for LSST because, in this competitive era, these two elements need to be updated. Already the competition is intense and in case the marketing and use of technology are not updated then it will impact the work to a great extent.
  • Further background information about the company/competitors/customers etc, relevant to the problem
  • There are different competitors like the University of Oxford, the University of Leeds and many other different universities. All these universities are undertaking the use of all the latest technology and marketing strategies. Thus, it is the responsibility of LSST as well that they must try to improve their work so that they can face the competition.
  • Key deliverables/What would be a ‘successful’ outcome for the client, by the end of the project?
  • The key deliverable to the client will be the effective implementation of all the latest technology like AI and other related technology. Along with this, compliance with the latest marketing strategies will be another deliverable for LSST in order to improve their working.
  • Concerns/limitations raised by the client (e.g. costs, client availability)
  • The major concern that LSST was having is related to the total cost that is what cost will be levied in order to implement the new technology and the marketing strategies. Another concern was the human resources which they will be requiring in order to implement the different strategies.
  • Concerns raised by the consulting team
  • The consulting team raised a concern that what is the budget for LSST. This is necessary because it will assist in finalising the cost of the changes. The reason underlying the fact is that with the budget of the university, only the cost can be decided.
  • What actions were agreed and what are the deadlines for these?
  • The action agreed includes effective research by the consulting company and the deadline is 10 November for the implementation of the new technology and the marketing strategies.
  • Next client meeting date (or schedule of dates).
  • The next meeting will be scheduled 1 week later.


  • Project plan
  • The project plan includes the document which outlines the whole process of executing the project and controlling the different stages. For the effective implementation of the new technology and marketing strategy, the project plan includes analysing the risk involved (Hein, et. al, 2019). Along with this, the list of resources required will also be used in order to improve the implementation of the plan in an appropriate manner. Further, the project plan also outlines the scope of the project and it is very wide. This is because of the reason that when the technology and marketing are implemented in a proper manner then it will ensure that the project is undertaken successfully.
  • Partnership Agreement
  • Further after the analysis and finalising of each and every aspect it is very necessary to undertake a partnership agreement. This is very necessary because within the agreement all the rules and regulations will be listed and as a result of this the business relation will be clear. Here all the terms and conditions of the effective partnership between the consulting company and LSST for the project of implementation of new technology and marketing strategies are listed.
  • Minutes of team, client and supervisor meetings
  • Team member 1

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting include the implementation of technology and to decision of which technology will be beneficial.

Are these accepted as a correct record?

No these are not yet accepted as the record.

Brief summary of any points arising

Confusion relating to which technology and the marketing strategy to be focused more.


 The agenda is to decide which strategy will be better either online marketing or offline marketing.

For each agenda item:

For deciding, effective market research needs to be undertaken so that proper decisions can be taken.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Team member 2

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

The minutes of the last meeting include an evaluation of the technology which is more appropriate to the effective working and implementation of the new strategies.

Brief summary of any points arising

The brief summary includes the fact that how the technology will be implemented and what marketing strategies will be used.


The agenda for the current case of LSST is to decide the appropriate technology and marketing strategy helpful for the business to improve and face competition.

For each agenda item:

The action for this agenda will include comparing the different methods and doing cost benefit analysis for improving the business and its performance.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Team member 3

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

Minutes of the last meeting include the fact that whether the implementation of AI and related technology will be better or not.

Brief summary of any points arising

The taking of decisions is very difficult as all the technology and marketing strategies are good for working with LSST.


The agenda is to effectively conduct market research and try to finalise the appropriate strategy.

For each agenda item:

The action required is to compare the different sources of marketing and devise the appropriateness of the working.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Client 1

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

The last meeting outlined the confusion of the client relating to focusing on technology more or marketing more.

Brief summary of any points arising


The agenda is to make a balance between technology and marketing so that proper decisions can be taken.

For each agenda item:

the action is to make a comparison relating to all the strategies so that effective decisions can be taken.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Client 2

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

The last minute included the confusion relating to which marketing channel needs to be focused that is social media or SEO.

Brief summary of any points arising

There was confusion relating to which channel would be appropriate for the study.


The agenda of the current meeting is to decide the appropriate SEO or social media so that appropriate decisions can be taken.

For each agenda item:

For this the comparison on the basis of cost-benefit analysis will be undertaken.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Client 3

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

it included confusion relating to technology and social media being the same

Brief summary of any points arising

The last meeting resulted in the creation of confusion relating to the fact that both technology and social media are used for the same purpose.


The agenda is to make the client understand the distinction between technology and social media usage.

For each agenda item:

Effective comparison on the basis of importance and usage will be helpful in clearing the confusion of both.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Supervisor 1

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

The last meeting included the fact that there was confusion relating to the cost to be implemented for both strategies.

Brief summary of any points arising

This includes the fact that in case the cost will be more it might not be appropriate.


The agenda is to try to compare the cost of every activity and then try to minimise the cost so that effective decisions can be taken.

For each agenda item:

 To accomplish the agenda, the use of cost-benefit analysis will be undertaken and it will improve the efficiency of both methods and one will be selected.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Supervisor 2

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

Here the discussion was related to which supplier to be used for the technology.

Brief summary of any points arising

The confusion was related to the fact that there are many different suppliers who provide for the different technology and it is very necessary that appropriate source is used.


The agenda is to select the most suitable source for purchasing the new technology.

For each agenda item:

for this an effective comparison of all the suppliers will be made and it will be done on the basis of cost, quality of the services and others

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023

  • Supervisor 3

Date: 27/10/2023

Present: 28

Absent: 2

Minutes of the last meeting

Are these accepted as a correct record?

The last meeting included a discussion relating to the different marketing strategies as well.

Brief summary of any points arising

There was much confusion relating to the fact that which marketing strategy would be effective in providing better services to LSST.


So the agenda included the fact that all the marketing strategies must be effectively evaluated so that the most appropriate strategy can be used.

For each agenda item:

For this the pros and cons of every strategy must be evaluated so that the working of LSST can be improved.

Date of next meeting: 30/10/2023


With the above research and evaluation, it is clear that the major problem faced by LSST is the use of obsolete technology and outdated marketing strategies. This is pertaining to the fact that the competition is intense and in case effective strategies and technology are not used then it will impact the working of the university to a great extent (Chatterji, et. al, 2019). Thus, it is very necessary that appropriate solutions are provided to LSST so that they can improve the working and strategies in a better and more effective manner.

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Thus, first and foremost solution identified with help of the above minutes of meeting is to have effective research within the market. This is particularly necessary because when the effective research will be undertaken then the evaluation of all the aspects will be done effectively. Resultantly, the university will be knowing each and every aspect and will be in position to take effective decisions. Hence, as a result of this the research will help in effectively taking the decisions for better working of the university.

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In addition to this, another solution to LSST for improving their position is to implement the effective views of all the latest technology. This is particularly necessary because when the university will be using the latest technology then it will attract majority of the students (Rondi, De Massis and Kotlar, 2019). For instances the universities can implement the use of AI in order to attract the students. This is particularly because of the reason that AI undertakes the use of many different benefits like less interaction improved working in many other. Thus, being a student the use of AI will be beneficial and when LSST will be using it then it will attract the large number of student towards it.

Furthermore, another solution for improving the position of the university is to effectively focus on marketing of the services. The reason underlying the fact is that when effective marketing will be undertaken then it will definitely provide a better market coverage to the university. Thus, as a result of this the working of the university will be promoted and large number of students will come to know about the university and the courses provided (Feder, 2023). Ultimately as a result of this the overall improvement of the performance will take place for the university. In addition to this the combination of traditional and modern marketing strategies will be providing a benefit of attracting large number of people all together. This is particularly because of the reason that there are some people who do not have access to the social media platforms and as a result of this use of traditional marketing strategies will help in attracting such kind of people.

In addition to this another suggestion for improving the position of LSST is to have affective competitive research as well. This is particularly necessary because it will help in evaluating the strategies of other competitors (Weking, et. al, 2020). This strategy of other competitor will help in analysing the actual position and try to implement the effective strategies so that the performance of LSST can be improved from the competitors. Hence the competitor analysis will help in analysing the current position of the university and try to implement much better strategies as compared to the other competitor.

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After the successful implementation of all the solutions provided to the university the major outcome will be effective attainment of the objectives. Thus when the effective Technology will be implemented then it will automatically result in improve to performance of the university. Moreover the implementation of the effective marketing strategies will definitely help the university in improving the performance (Yevtushenko and Salo, 2021). This is particularly because of the reason that when the marketing will be done effectively then it will result in efficient working as a more people will be attracted towards the university. Furthermore the uses of competitive analysis will definitely result in better outcomes for the LSST. This is particularly because of the reason that with help of good competitor analysis the working can be evaluated well and better strategies can be implemented in comparison to the competitors.


In the end it is concluded that business consulting is very necessary in order to solve the problem of the company. This is particularly because of the reason that when companies are not in position to solve the problem then the business consulting firms help in getting solutions to the problem effectively. The above study highlighted that LSST was having issues relating to the technology and the marketing strategies. Thus, with help of the business consulting the university was in position to identify the problem effectively. In addition to this consulting firm also provided them with better solution of improving their performance. This solution included implementing the latest technology like use of AI and other Technology. Further it also suggested the university that they must effectively comply with good marketing strategies so that the popularity of the university can be increased.


Books and Journals

  • Bugdahn, M., Rogers, H. and Pawar, K.S., 2019, June. A business model strategy analysis of the additive manufacturing consulting industry. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  • Chatterji, A., Delecourt, S., Hasan, S. and Koning, R., 2019. When does advice impact startup performance?. Strategic Management Journal40(3), pp.331-356.
  • Feder, T., 2023. Consulting can be stimulating and lucrative for physicists. Physics Today76(2), pp.19-23.
  • Hein, A., Weking, J., Schreieck, M., Wiesche, M., Böhm, M. and Krcmar, H., 2019. Value co-creation practices in business-to-business platform ecosystems. Electronic Markets29, pp.503-518.
  • Rondi, E., De Massis, A. and Kotlar, J., 2019. Unlocking innovation potential: A typology of family business innovation postures and the critical role of the family system. Journal of family business strategy10(4), p.100236.
  • Weking, J., Stöcker, M., Kowalkiewicz, M., Böhm, M. and Krcmar, H., 2020. Leveraging industry 4.0–A business model pattern framework. International Journal of Production Economics225, p.107588.
  • Yevtushenko, N. and Salo, A., 2021. Consulting In Increasing Innovative Activities Of Enterprises Of Ukraine. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies7(2), pp.65-76.

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