Category 1: Individual Poster Submission Assignment Sample

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Person-centred care is considered a procedure of thinking and performing activities that observe the people using health and services as equal partners in developing, planning, and monitoring care to ensure it meets their desired requirements. This indicates putting people and their relatives at the centre while making decisions and considering them as experts working with the professional to seek the best possible outcome. The poster focuses on an in-depth analysis of person-centred care in Kings Medical College, London (, 2022). In this context, they claim to provide the best patient care in the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. They are committed to being a patient centre where they have placed the patients at the heart of the treatment by providing the best treatments and a better care experience. The poster aims to evaluate and analyse the organisation level and professional level issues of Person-centred care and the organisation's Role. The person-centred care, in this case, is analysed in the light of the "Ethical decision-making” process.

Concept of person-centred care

Patient-centred care, as mentioned above, involves treating a patient seeking healthcare with dignity and respect and allowing them to be involved in the decision-making process concerning their health. This is considered an approach associated with the person's healthcare rights (Xu et al., 2019). In his care, if the healthcare professionals and services use providing person-centred care, it part the patients at the centre of the whole course of treatment by

  • Treating the patient with dignity
  • Communication and well-coordinating care between the appointment as well as various services over a certain period of time
  • Supports understanding and learning about the health concerns of every individual patient (Lovric and Makanjee, 2020)

Furthermore, patient-centred care is more than the healthcare system for treating patients. It is about the services and governments' creation and support of patient-friendly policies to put healthcare users at the centre of the care process. Thus the patient bears the right to access healthcare when needed (Ko et al., 2019). The patient has to expect that the air that the professional supplies are safe and of higher quality. On the other hand, active participation is a key part of patient-centred care. Becoming involved in healthcare is essential. This indicates the patient needs to choose whether they want to be involved. The healthcare system needs to provide patients with all the important information needed to make informed decisions. When multiple treatments are required, the patients can be actively involved. Thus, in turn, it helps the organisation and healthcare professionals make decisions more effectively based on the patients' p

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