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Action learning is delineated as the procedure which involves insights questioning and reflective experience that assist in identifying strengths and weaknesses. It is concerned with reflecting on the series of experience and further supports in enhancing practical knowledge. The present report will be based on learning with the aim of supporting development in subject specific pedagogy. The area of interest would be teaching and subject specific interest is Management [Business & management]. Within considering these aspects report will shed light on providing justification while undertaking evaluation of interest for the investigation. In accordance with this, specific pedagogy related to the subject of management will be described. The prior focus would be implied on incorporation of technology by B&M teacher for enhancing learning of students.
The area of interest is teaching in business and management while using technology, the rationale behind selecting this context associated with identifying effectual teaching approaches that could lead to support in educating management students (Davis and Flores, 2017). The courses that available within B&M are strategic and in accordance with current trend, demand for B&M is high which makes it an effectual opportunity for Business and management teachers. This area proves to be significant and relevant in order to enhance teaching and learning outcomes as it provides varied opportunity for teachers and students in terms of using technology. The ways in which technology could be used are-
Case studies analysation
Business and management [B&M] students get chance to prepare assignment while evaluating case studies. This opportunity supports both teaching and learning outcomes. For instance- it enhances critical analysis skills of learners as they undertake research on online platform and with the appropriate guidance case studies are solved (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), 2023).
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Group discussion
B&M scholars take part in group discussion where they undertake open discussion with teacher through video conferencing. This helps in enhancing interaction between students and tutor which is vital for developing effective relationship in teaching and learning process. Thus, in this manner effective results can be achieved in classroom.
Online Seminar and workshop
Seminars and workshop support teacher to implement plans for students so that they would become able to achieve set targets. In management field, seminars and workshop are mandatory for structuring the learning pattern of individuals and creates interaction between scholar and tutor (Cavero and Llevot-Calvet, 2018). As a result, teacher becomes able to analyse the potential and weakness of student and accordingly plans can be implemented while covering learners’ individual needs.
Thus, above mentioned points are depicting about significance and accuracy of selected area. Additionally, it supports in considering student need, professional development opportunities and latest trends in education.
Individual learning needs
In order to enhance learning efficiency, topmost aspect is to analyse the learner need. For instance- in classroom there are varied number of students- some prefer theoretical learning while some practical. Requirement of each scholar is different and undertaking single strategy for all does not work (König et al, 2020). However, B&M teacher can use different options, for reference- learning materials on student portal can be given to those who wants to learn with the help of theories. On the other hand, seminars could be organized for meeting practical learning needs. In this manner learners’ needs can be prioritised.
Inclusive environment
To enhance learning efficiency, analyzing learner needs is crucial. Management Assignment Help For instance, classrooms consist of diverse students—some prefer theoretical learning while others thrive with practical approaches (König et al., 2020). A one-size-fits-all strategy is ineffective. B&M teachers can adopt tailored methods, such as providing theoretical materials on student portals for some and organizing hands-on seminars for others. This prioritizes individual learning pReferences and improves outcomes
Developmental opportunities for peers
This area is just not limited to creating opportunities for students, apart from this, teachers also get platform so that they gain professional development (Stinken-Rösner et al, 2020). Seminar and workshop enhance talent of tutors and further guides them in terms of implementing plan for students. They become able to use technological tools such as- Google classroom and they can also advance their teaching practices.
Digital learning
This is another educational trend, promoting digital learning has become essential. Making power point presentation and posters enable learners to enhance their digital skills that act as an effectual component in undertaking development of students.
Practical learning
Debate, group discussion, seminar and so on elements promotes practical learning and this can be combined with theoretical knowledge. As a result, learners can foster their learning process (Hu and Gao, 2021). This is supported via experimenting real world project. For example- students get chance to undertake research on different topic and they are guided to make proposal and dissertations while analysing real time experience of people.
Thus, the above-mentioned points are clearly depicting that selected area of interest proves to be effectual in enhancing learning and teaching outcomes, so that learner’s efficiency can be enhanced in classroom while using technology in effective manner.
It refers to the amount of knowledge a teacher possessed regarding teaching a specific subject. Pedagogic approaches for teaching business and management are-
Constructivist approach-Role playing exercise
This involves construction of student knowledge by their own. Role play exercise provides unique opportunities to learners so they can become able to witness real life situations. Different roles are assumed by them and they engage in process of conflict resolution, communication and leading team (Campos et al, 2020). This pedagogy approach enables them to imply theoretical knowledge in practical manner.
Collaborative approach- Team based project
It is concerned with undertaking learning in collaborative manner where students can share their knowledge with each other. Group based project such as-simulation exercise are being given to students so they can foster their abilities of working in team and further enables them in learning about leadership. This approach has been proven efficient for learner in terms of gaining varied skills and further teacher become able to witness individual strengths and weaknesses when scholars work in team.
Inquiry based approach- Case study method
This is student centred teaching approach in which students are encouraged to ask questions within investigating real life problems (Jerome and Elwick, 2020). Case study method is the most widely pedagogical tool which is used in management education. The real-world businesses scenarios are analysed by leaners and tutor clear their doubts. In this manner, efficiency of learners can be enhanced.
Integrative approach- Industry speaking session & Technological integration
In this approach, students use their prior knowledge in order to gain new information. Industry speaker session enable learners to undertake discussion with industry experts where they can use their existing learning and further new knowledge can be gained. On the other hand, in order to perform practices on online platform students use their existing digital skills and further gains new information while practically using tools.
Reflective approach- Experimental learning
Experimental learning involves taking part in internship and performing simulated business exercise. With the help of this student become able to analyse their strength and weaknesses. This enables them to gain effectual understanding related to witnessing areas of improvements (Ladson-Billings, 2021).
Thus, aforementioned approaches are management specific pedagogy approaches for teaching students. The information which has been gained from management specific pedagogy clearly depicts that B&M teacher needs to imply focus on creating such environment in classroom that concerned with using practical knowledge and involvement of technology needs to be done.
Here are the ways in which findings has been proven insightful in developing knowledge related to instructional strategies, curriculum design, assessment method and student engagement-
Instruction strategies
This technique supports in planning the ways in which lesson could be delivered. For example- explanation could be done, written materials can be uploaded on student portal or cross discussion can be undertaken in Google classroom (Ott et al, 2022). In B&M subject of all these tactics are effectual and therefore, it can be used as per the preferences of students.
Curriculum Design
It focuses on development of course and blue print specific to subject. It also involves the ways in which course can be completed in classroom. This is specifically for meeting learning objectives in classroom (Berger-Estilita et al 2020). For instance- Teacher can undertake lesson planning with the help of Common Curriculum, it is a type of online site. Firstly, lesson explained to student and afterwards, case studies provided to them so they can ask questions and their doubts could be resolved. In this manner, it supports in meeting learning objective.
Assessment Method
The assessment method used in classroom are- Formative and Summative assessment method. In formative assessment, assignment is given to students on management topics and they receive feedbacks so they can rectify errors. This assist learner in planning their learning for final assessment named as summative (Education and Training Foundation (ETF), 2023). This involves final assignment, online test and exams; it reflects the final grade of students. Teacher is responsible for providing instruction to students in formative assessment. Along with this, learning plan made for learners as per the result of formative method so, they can get good marks in summative assessment.
Student Engagement
It is enhanced within undertaking group discussion and providing group-based assessment to learners on their portals. Collaborative approach of pedagogy is effectual when it comes to students’ engagement (Hilliger et al, 2020). Therefore, team unity must be promoted so each scholar can feel prioritise in classroom. Apart from this, one by one interaction with student helps in evaluating their issues and accordingly actions could be taken.
I will use this knowledge in classroom so that I can enhance student learning experience. Being a business and management teacher, I got to know that, foremost priority is to use subject specific pedagogy within integrating technology. I would use different approaches- case study, role play exercise, team based, Industry speaking session, experimental learning within considering digital integration. Varied option develops interest in learners which boosts their morals. Furthermore, learning needs of scholar can be analysed and accordingly plan would be implemented. This information has contributed in my professional development as within using this I can analyse the requirements of learners along with enhancing teaching practices. In group discussion, effectual interaction with students would be developed and inclusive environment can be created in classroom.
Selection of effectual source is crucial for gaining accurate and reliable findings (MacFarlane et al, 2022). Thereupon, significant focus implied on this area and effectual sources have been used and accordingly books, journals and articles reviewed. There are different things kept in mind while approaching information from source such as-
Authorised sources
The publication date of the sources has been checked and only those were selected that published from authorized sites. In this manner, up-to-date information needs to be used while undertaking investigation.
This is identified while evaluating purpose and objectives of papers and articles. Only those were used which provided information related to the subject specific pedagogy and using technology in teaching and learning practices (Khurshid et al, 2021).
Expertise of authors
The education of authors checked in order to witness whether writers are experts in their respective fields or not. This creates confidence in terms of using information provided by writers.
Diverse perspectives
Studies which were covering all areas has been approached and the relevancy of content with aim was checked.
The accuracy determined within analysing methodologies and referencing in the papers. This depicts that sources are of high quality that are accurate in nature and this could be used.
The subject area was evaluated and it was checked whether content in study is in accordance with the topic or not.
Thus, the above-mentioned aspects are used in order to select sources which proves that, all the information used is accurate and highly reliable.
As per the views of Backfisch et al, (2021) teaching strategies must be in accordance with the learning needs of students as it helps in gaining effectual outcomes along with achieving learning objectives in classroom. For reference- while teaching business and management it is crucial to consider interest of students. However, integration of technology is essential while undertaking teaching practices. The different needs of students can be easily considered while using technology. For example- student portal can be used for providing written materials to those who wants to learn through notes and furthermore, group discussion can be taken through online platform. So that, those students who prefers group learning their needs can be met. Hence, as per preferences learning must be structured and this can be done while using technology Bereczki and Kárpáti, (2021) commented and stated that, prioritising individual needs creates complexities for teacher, planning lesson as per requirement of each learner is time consuming and further delays the entire teaching learning process. Therefore, using digital tools can help teachers to plan lesson and accordingly course could be completed on time. It is essential to undertake collaborative pedagogy approach when it comes to teach business and management as it helps in undertaking constructivism theory of learning.
Yurtseven et al, (2020) Elucidates that, constructivism theory of learning states that, learners must construct knowledge rather than taking information. In similar manner, constructive approach is based upon this theory. The major strength of this approach is that, it provides opportunities to learners in terms of gaining knowledge. Almusawi et al, (2021) opposed and said constructivism theory led to create issues for tutor as they lack in following specific instructional strategies. This can be solved while using interactive simulation game where students can enable their learning at online platform and further simulation exercise provides them opportunity to use their existing skill. Author further stated that, is essential to follow specific curriculum design in classroom so that appropriate procedure of teaching and learning can be followed. Within implementing interactive learning characteristics such as quizzes, simulation and gamification, educational curriculum can be improved.
Thus, it can be said that, subject specific pedagogy must be used on the basis of requirement of learners while using technology. Teacher must create groups in classroom under which those students who prefer practical learning should be placed in same group. Whereas, learners prefer theocratical learning must be in same group and accordingly task can be given to them on their portals. In this manner, learning needs of each scholar can be prioritised. Also, this is time saving process that does not lead to create complexity for teacher as they can complete everything on digital platform.
In the views of Nelson and Hawk, (2020) case study method is effective in formative assessment as with the help of this teacher can provide feedback to learners and they can accordingly make improvements. E-mails are used by tutor to provide feedback to scholar; hence, distance learning has also become easy with the help of technology. Further with the help of this, effective results can be gained in summative assessments. Subject specific pedagogy creates vision for teachers and further helps in setting objectives that needs to be reached. In this manner, appropriate results could be gain. However, Clark-Wilson et al, (2020) revealed these pedagogy approaches takes away freedom of learners and they often feel pressurised. Many students are not able to use technology, for reference, they do not know how to make PPT or how to undertake research on online platform. As a result, they are not able to contribute in learning in specific manner. Therefore, it cannot be said that, technology proven effectual in each case.
Thus, in order to solve these issues, tutor must interact with scholar on daily basis through portals and whenever students have any doubt that should be solved at that time.
Foulger et al, (2021) said that, purposeful use of technology needs to be done so student can read, listen, engage and they can get learning materials on time. The practical learning can be made more interesting with the use of technology as this directly lead to create support for teacher as well as for students. Group project can be given to learners and they can collectively undertake research that led to enhance their collaborative learning. On the other hand, lesson plan can be prepared for those scholars who are lacking in learning and this does not consume much time. Furthermore, learning materials can be provided to them, hence, integration of technology for business and management teacher proves to be effective as this supports in considering learning requirement of each student.
Other B&M specialist has integrated technology in efficient manner for enhancing the learning pattern of students. The lesson plans are made as per the needs of students and accordingly they are guided. Findings have shown that, simulation exercise, PPT assignment and case study evaluation are the most important aspects that helped B&M teachers to evaluate the requirements of learners and further supported them in gaining insights related to real world experience (Perienen, 2020). Teachers provide formative feedback to them via portals and mails accordingly learners consistently focus on undertaking improvement. Thus, teachers can easily interact with students who are not regularly attending classroom. Technology made distance learning easy and therefore, learners’ requirements are being fulfilled and their learning efficiency has been enhanced.
Conclusively; this could be said that, action learning supports in evaluating areas of strengths and weaknesses. The report provided justification on the area of interest for undertaking investigation, evaluation of subject specific pedagogy has been done. The core focus was implied on integration of technology by business and management teacher so that effective learning can be promoted and support to learners can be assured. Furthermore, selection of sources highlighted and critical literature conducted in the area of teaching management subject while using technology and subject specific pedagogy. Moreover, practices of other subject specialist within own subject specific area have been described. Thus, it could be said that teaching practice needs to be adopted on the basis of the requirements of learners as this lead to assure effectual results. This can be done within undertaking digital integration in teaching and learning area. Also, it helps in witnessing about the ways in which practices can be enhanced along with increasing the efficiency of learning power in students.
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