Understanding Key Accounting Tools for Business Success Assignment Sample

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In this accounting assignment would gone to examine about different factors of accounting. This assignment would explore about accounting g concept utility in financial accounting. Therefore, the auditors and directors of company involvement in public company to make decision about business plan. Additionally, using of annual report will help to make understanding about organization financial condition. Cash budget and breakeven point importunacy and evaluation would be described to present different accounting tools. Another part would be use to present about importunate of consolidated financial reports use to evaluate financial position. Moreover, different type of cost and double entry system would be using to presenting accounting reports for analyzing different insights. 

Executive summary

This project has explained about different accounting tools and interpreted of organization. Those accounting tools importance in presenting analyzing has delivered in this project. Additionally, breakeven point, cash budget and financial statement of regarding organization has explain about financial strength has weakness. Furthermore, this aspect of financial statement also represent about financial insights of those organizations. Another, part of this project has explained about importance of double entry system. Different type of financial accounting that has explained financial condition to stakeholders. Additionally, important of financial statement toward stakeholders has derived about utilization of financial reports. Moreover, management accounting prospect in corporate industries has been derive to make report about importunate of accounting for corporate success. 

Task 1

Important role of accounting concept and standards in financial accounting 

Accounting to concept is being used as a method that has been used for presenting financial factors of organizations. Accounting concepts have been implemented by financial managers that have been focused over the “Revenue recognition” concept that has concentrated over the “profit and loss statement”. Through P&L statement organization has representing total revenue in a financial year that also explains about growth in revenue volume compared with previous years revenue. Revenue is the total cash flow of an organization. Moreover, this concept of accounting has established a P & L statement that has been used for evaluation of profit. 

Additionally, “historical cost” concept is being used in acquisition time that has produce present value of assets. Meanwhile, the cost accounting process is being considered as evaluation of assets. The concept of accounting using depreciation method helps in presenting the current value of an asset of an organization (Jasim and Raewf, 2020). Moreover, “Matching principle” in accounting follows a double entry system has been used to make the match end of accounting. Additionally, expenses are being posted in ledger books and those are expenses also being posted in P&L statements to match the profit of organizations. 

Explanation of characteristic of public limited company according to financial reports

A public limited company characteristic as considered as a legal entity that has been considered as an individual person in the legal system. Separate legal entity system has been used for legal documentation that has considered visual persons in the legal system (Demirkan et al. 2020). Another characteristic of a public limited company is that it is too easy to transfer the whole company by selling off equity. Therefore, the making limited risk of directors by distributing equity to different persons. Another, paid up capital is that amendment has been passed according to Companies Act. Moreover, limited companies have rights to put “limited” words after company names that have helped to represent a trustable organization toward stakeholders. Moreover, at least members are required to form a private company and the maximum number has no limit. Income statement of the organization has a presentation about profitability. Moreover, a cash flow statement is being presenting about the cash balance of an organization. Through balance sheet characteristics is presenting about assets and liabilities of an organization.

Usefulness of a public limited company’s annual report

Additionally, the balance sheet has been presenting assets and liabilities. Assets are being divided in current and non-current segments that also present the financial sustainability aspect of long term goals. Current assets of the company holding details reading inventory, provided loans and bills recoverable to others. Additionally, non-current assets contain details regarding building, properties, and motor vehicles that are tangible. 

Role of directors and auditors in public limited company

Directors and auditors are involved with an organization where they have some responsibilities. Directors are playing an important role for business development where acquiring new frames and expansion strategies both have been finished by them (Bonsón and Bednárová, 2019). On other hand, auditors are maintaining the accounting process of an organization. Additionally, auditors have recorded every financial transaction for maintaining accuracy and transparency in the organization. Additionally, auditors are being involved with presenting benefits and risk regarding acquisition. Financial reports also explain changes regarding financial growth or deficit in the present financial year. Additionally, the balance sheet has been presenting assets and liabilities. Assets are being divided in current and non-current segments that also present the financial sustainability aspect of long term goals. Current assets of the company holding details reading inventory, provided loans and bills recoverable to others. Additionally, non-current assets contain details regarding building, properties, and motor vehicles that are tangible. 

Analyzing useful element of financial reports of public limited company

In financial reports of a public limited company it has contained revenue, expenses and profitability. Through these elements stakeholders or potential investors evaluate the growth rate of the company (Bebbington and Unerman, 2020). Through analyzing ratios that helps to present different growth and deficiency in recent years. Moreover, in P&L statement also contained bad debts of the company, also considered as loss. These details about bad debts show relation with debtors that has present potentiality of growth in revenue generation.

Additionally, the balance sheet has been presenting assets and liabilities. Assets are being divided in current and non-current segments that also present the financial sustainability aspect of long term goals. Current assets of the company holding details reading inventory, provided loans and bills recoverable to others. Additionally, non-current assets contain details regarding building, properties, and motor vehicles that are tangible. 

Legislation impact over accounting process

Legislation is a guideline, which is being followed by auditors and managers. This legislation rules bind organizations to follow specific rules to filing tax and recording financial activities (Putra, 2019). Through legislation prices proper accounting process b\need to be followed by auditors otherwise it could affect the reputation of this organization. Accounting in organization provides professional activity that has made proper entries of financial activities. Moreover, legislation also provides ethical guidelines to present transparency in organizations. Additionally, impact of legislation over accounting is verified after accounting entries that have eliminated wrong and rectify records to provide appropriate reports to stakeholders. Including ethical standards in accounting accuracy of recording different records would be effective to present sufficient data in accounting reports.

Critical review of International Accounting Standards impact over limited companies

According to “International Accounting Standards 1” is presenting a guideline of financial statements that has an impact on positivity over limited companies. Moreover, limited companies filing reports following this IAS 1 guideline helps stakeholders to evaluate position and chances of growth in future (Kwilinski, 2019). Moreover, consolidated financial statements also gather information of every business activity that has been by a specific group of companies. Moreover, this consolidated statement process has presented total profit and loss toward stakeholders that help to understand specific results through the overall process of b business. The collection of consolidated results of a a group helps to present the details of total “assets and liabilities” of an organization. Through the ISA inventories related information is being considered about inventory level of a companion that has use as current assets of a company. Through IAS auditors and funds managers follow these rules and regulations where manipulation regarding rules and norms are not even included in this standard protocol (Doering, 2019). Moreover, in following IAS have influence financial reports of organizations that have presented different financial data. According to IAS depreciation are being deducted from tangible fixed assets that has reduced valuation of assets. Through this depreciation charge auditors could manipulate profitability of an organization to save tax. According to IAS depreciation has been deducted from revenue or gross profit where extreme percentage of depreciation would present less “profit before tax” that manipulate tax payable amounts. 

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Task 2

Original entry and double entry accounts

Date particulars L.F Debit  Credit
January 01 bank account 20000
To capital account 20000
Narration Being Started business with
January 02 Purchase account  155
To K Smith 75
To M Zainab 22
To T Doggart 58
Narration Being Bought goods on credit
January 05 cash account  187
to sales 187
Narration Being Cash sales
January 06 Wages 254
To cash account 254
Narration Being Paid wages in cash
January 07 H Maclean 35
L Rory 42
J Gardener 72
To credit sale account  149
Narration Being Sold goods on credit
January 09 Purchase account 259
To Cash account  259
Narration Being bought good for cash
January 10 Purchase account  155
To M Zainab 57
To T Doggart 98
Narration Being Bought goods on credit
January 12 Wages 314
To cash account 314
Narration Being Paid wages in cash
January 13 L Rory account 32
J Gardener account 23
To credit sale account  55
Narration Being Sold goods on credit
January 15 Shop fixture account  2550
To store Ltd. Account  2550
Narration Being Bought shop fixtures on credit from Store
January 17 M Zainab account  67
To bank account  67
Narration Being Paid M Zainab by cheque
January 18 T Doggart 20
To return out ward account  20
Narration Being returned goods to T Doggart
January 21 bank account  550
To store Ltd. Account  550
Narration Being Paid Store Ltd a cheque
January 27 K Smith 12
To return out ward account  12
Narration Being returned goods to K Smith
January 30 Cash account  6000
To Kettle and Co Ltd account 6000
Narration Being Kettle and Co Ltd lent by cash
January 31 motor van account 4000
To bank account 4000
Narration Being Bought a motor van paying by cheque

Table 1: Journal entries month of January (Source: created by learner)

Date particulars Amount bank account Date particulars Amount
January 01 To capital account 20000 motor van account 4000
20000 By balance C/D 16000
Date particulars Amount wages account Date particulars Amount
To cash account 254
By balance C/D 254
Date particulars Amount M Zainab account Date particulars Amount
By purchase account 22
To balance C/d 22
Date particulars Amount Purchase account Date particulars Amount
January 02 To K Smith 75
To M Zainab 22
To T Doggart 58
By balance C/D 155
155 155
Date particulars Amount cash account Date particulars Amount
to sales 187 By wages  254
To Kettle and Co Ltd account 6000 By balance C/D 5933
6187 6187
Date particulars Amount H Maclean account Date particulars Amount
To credit sale account  35
By balance C/D 35
35 35
Date particulars Amount L Rory account Date particulars Amount
To credit sale account  42 By balance C/D 42
42 42
Date particulars Amount J Gardener account Date particulars Amount
To credit sale account  72 By balance C/D 72
72 72
Date particulars Amount Motor van account Date particulars Amount
To bank account  4000 By balance C/D 4000
4000 4000
Date particulars Amount Kettle and Co Ltd account Date particulars Amount
By cash account  6000
To balance C/D 6000
6000 6000
Date particulars Amount sales account Date particulars Amount
By cash account 497
By H Maclean 35
BYL Rory 42
to balance C/d 646 By J Gardener 72
646 646
Date particulars Amount K Smith account Date particulars Amount
By purchase account 58
to balance C/d 58
58 58
Date particulars Amount T Doggart account Date particulars Amount
By purchase account 75
to balance C/d 75
75 75
Date particulars Amount Capital account Date particulars Amount
January 01 bank account 20000
to balance C/d 20000
20000 20000

Table 2: Ledger accounts month of January (Source: created by learner)

Financial statements

Financial statements of Alpha Stores
Date particulars Amount Date particulars Amount
Purchases 68975 Sales 248783
Sales Returns 1206 Inventory 2000
Purchase Returns 780
Gross profit  181382
251563 251563
Carriage Inwards 220 By Gross profit  181382
Discounts Allowed 2474 Discounts Received 3135
Wages 111220
Insurance  7500
General Expenses 39590
Heat and Light 3880
Bad Debts 965
Net profit  18668
184517 184517

Table 3: Financial statements of Alpha Stores (Source: created by learner)

Break-even data

ABC Production Ltd
Particulars Amount Per unit 
Sales revenue 900000 45
Direct wages 200000 10
Direct materials 300000 15
Variable overheads 120000 6
Fixed costs 205000 10.25
Profit of ABC Production Ltd 75000 3.75
Contribution (sales - variable cost) 780000 39
ABC Production Ltd next year
Particulars Amount Per unit 
Sales revenue 990000 49.5
Direct wages 206000 10.3
Direct materials 285000 14.25
Variable overheads 111000 5.55
Fixed costs 212500 10.625
Profit of ABC Production Ltd 175500 8.775
Contribution (sales - variable cost) 879000 43.95
Breakeven point (contribution / fixed cost) 4.136470588 4.136471

Table 4: Breakeven point (Source: created by learner)

Cash budget

Three month Cash Budget of Active Sport Gym
February March April
Credit Sales (£) 3600 3825 3900
Cash Sales (£) 1200 1275 1300
Customer pays  22400 22400 24640
Total receipts (A) 27200 27500 29840
Purchase 550 550 616
Wages 11000 11000 11000
Light and Heat 550 594 594
Maintenance 13875
General expenses 7500
Total expenses (B) 12100 12144 33585
Cash balance  15100 15356 -3745
Carry forward balance 15100 15356
Reaming balance in cash 15100 30456 11611

Table 5: Cash budget of Active Sport Gym

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(Source: created by learner)

Task 3

Evaluation of importance of consolidated financial statement

Consolidated financial reports contain about summarizes of all business of an organization that present fair and true value of financial activities. Moreover, consolidated financial reports are being used to present about total revenue of the company that has evaluate performance. Through consolidated P&L statement management present overall loss and profit. Due to consolidated P&L statement management presents all expenditure of all business that has been subtracted from the total revenue to present total net earnings (Karabarbounis and Neiman, 2019). Additionally, this consolidated statement has made sustainable reports where any segment of business faced loss in the current financial year that has been covered up by t\other business earnings. Also consolidated statements present segment wise revenue, expenditure and profit that have evaluated higher profitability business and low profitability business of the limited company. Therefore, the consolidated balance sheet has a president about total assets of the company that has been presented by segment wise growth in assets from every business where stakeholder could understand about assets gained business. This use of consolidated balance sheets also presents liabilities related information that produce higher liability oriented business where management could focus more for development. 

Explanation of type of costs involved and pricing methods used by organizations

There are different types of costs that arise in an organization where direct cost is the essential cost for continued production. Direct costs are labor and materials both are considered as production costs (Rosenthal, 2018). Moreover, indirect costs are rent, administrative expenses, and depreciation. More indirect costs are considered in organization as primary indirect costs. Additionally, variable cost is being considered as those costs depend on the unit of products produced like sales commission, raw martial reloaded cost and labor cost. During production of products those are not fixed for organizations; those are averages over production quantity. Additionally one more a cost is oriented with organizations this is controllable cost, which means wastage reading cost. Wastage is the primary issue of all production related organization wastage could be controlled by implementing specific strategy. 

Pricing model is a act of financial activity that sets the price of products to gain marginal benefits from sales. There are four types of pricing models being used for establishing pricing of products. “Cost plus” pricing model is used by markup cost that considers a percentage that is being added after total cost has been made by the organization. As an example of 10 percent markup cost is being used to set pricing of products where product total cost is 100 then selling price would be (100+10) = 110. 

Another pricing model is “Target Return Pricing'' is based on the target of return from investment. Moreover, this pricing model is being considered as management makes a target over return on investment that has set the price of products. For an example of this pricing model total investment is around 100000 where management has decided to return about 130000. This has to be the total selling price of all units of production that has been divided by total quantity of products. Through each product the sale price has been established by selling price. 

Therefore another pricing model is “value based pricing” that depends over products demand according to customer's demand. Due to products being used in reasonable basis demand where management has decided product price according to consumers demand. 

Moreover, “psychological pricing” is another pricing model to make the price of products. This segment of pricing method has been presenting the influence consumers have to make demand in the market (Andiola et al. 2020). This process of method is being implemented to provide about actual methods of pricing where products selling price is being set by demand of consumers. Management influence through strategy has created demand in the market that has raised demand for products. 

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Importance of double entry system 

The double entry system is being considered about double entry of every financial activity that has been posted in financial reports. This double entry system has been implemented as a double effect over financial statements (Tiwari and Khan, 2020). This process of double entry has presented important over ledger accounts that have produced both side effects over every ledger statement. Due to this process of accounting system that has presented every detail of planning of projects of making stability in the entry system. 

Changes implication in breakeven costs and revenue with preparation of budget

Break-even point is the factors where an organization has started earning more than investment. Moreover, this process of analyzing has set a target for sales volume to get more revenue to get profit. For example, the initial investment of an organization is then break-even point would be more than 100000. Change in cost and revenue would change the break-even point of the organization. 

Usefulness of financial statements to stakeholders of business organizations

Financial statements are useful to stakeholders that have presented the importance of evaluation of an organization. This process of P&L statement has been projecting expenditure and profitability. Moreover, all expenditure of an organization has been projecting about employee’s future in this organization that has presented about employees importance in organization (Hörisch et al. 2020). Moreover, investors are another stakeholder of an organization that helps investors to make decisions over investment. Investment in organizations is being used as stakeholder’s understandability about organization current condition. Suppliers and creditors are reliable to organization due to these stakeholders playing an important role in decision making. 

Review of usefulness of management accounting principal makes sure corporate success

Managerial accounting process has included overall posting of all cash receipts and payment related entries that has been conducted about presentation of a financial statement (Karale, 2020). Managerial accounting follows specific rules and guidelines about organization understanding financial data. Managerial accounting has involved the asset quality of an organization that has present growth of assets in the current financial year. Controlling business operating method that analyzing financial statements has reduced cost to make more profit through whole operations. 

Moreover this process of managerial accounting presents insights in detail about financial aspects that have evaluated the progress of a company. The corporate success depends on profit generation where the accounting system has evaluated and proposed some recommendations for future growth. Additionally, this process of accounting has separate each department for calculating growth or deficit that also present those points that need to focus for corporate success (Maheshwari et al. 2021). Additionally, the success of corporations depends on making use of the accounting system. Through strategic accounting process management maintains transparency in the accounting system that attracts investors to participate in corporations through investing large funds. Decision making and planning both are relevant activities for business growth that depend over managerial accounting.

Reference list

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  • Bebbington, J. and Unerman, J., 2020. Advancing research into accounting and the UN sustainable development goals. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.
  • Bonsón, E. and Bednárová, M., 2019. Blockchain and its implications for accounting and auditing. Meditari Accountancy Research.
  • Demirkan, S., Demirkan, I. and McKee, A., 2020. Blockchain technology in the future of business cyber security and accounting. Journal of Management Analytics, 7(2), pp.189-208.
  • Doering, O.C., 2019. Accounting for energy in farm machinery and buildings. In Handbook of energy utilization in agriculture (pp. 9-14). CRC Press.
  • Hörisch, J., Schaltegger, S. and Freeman, R.E., 2020. Integrating stakeholder theory and sustainability accounting: A conceptual synthesis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, p.124097.
  • Jasim, Y.A. and Raewf, M.B., 2020. Information technology's impact on the accounting system. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), pp.50-57.
  • Karabarbounis, L. and Neiman, B., 2019. Accounting for factorless income. NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 33(1), pp.167-228.
  • Karale, U., 2020. Financial Statements; How to Find out Financial Statements of a Listed Company?; Marginal Costing: Features, Advantages and Disadvantages; Break Even Point (BEP): Graphical Representation; How Marginal Costing Helps to Take Business Decisions?; All About Budget and Budgetary Control.
  • Kwilinski, A., 2019. Implementation of blockchain technology in accounting sphere. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 23, pp.1-6.
  • Maheshwari, S.N., Maheshwari, S.K. and Maheshwari, M.S.K., 2021. Principles of Management Accounting. Sultan Chand & Sons.
  • Putra, Y.M., 2019. Analysis of factors affecting the interests of SMEs using accounting applications. Journal of Economics and Business, 2(3), pp.818-826.
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  • Tiwari, K. and Khan, M.S., 2020. Sustainability accounting and reporting in the industry 4.0. Journal of cleaner production, 258, p.120783.

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