A Case Study Of Nottingham Trent University Assignment Sample

A Case Study Of Nottingham Trent University Assignment Sample By Rapid Assignment Help

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Chapter 1: Introduction

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1.1 Introduction

Education is one of the greatest aspects in the world that faced the impact of the "Covid-19" pandemic. The arrival of the “Covid-19" pandemic” in the UK made an economic influence on the globe. A large number of employees started to lose their jobs and look for recalling their skills through education. Universities and several online education setting organisations tried to meet the demand for flexible learning programs through different approaches that meet the market requirement. At this position, different existing universities shifted to digital learning mode and closed their physical classes from March, 2020. The rise of "Covid-19" made institutions realise the significance of online learning and its importance.

1.2 Background

The implication of the terms and policies changing the appearance to include the education mode can make the students benefited. The University campus of evolving abandoned teaching and examination to move online. During the “period of Covid-19", academic buildings have evolved into “safe places” for the youths (ntu.ac.uk, 2022). Contradictorily, the pre-schools are not only open to kids of key workers but they need to keep the standards outlined in the “Early Years Foundation Stage”, supported by the Government.

1.3 Aim, Objectives and Research Questions


This research aims to understand the significance of the online learning and remote learning method that have been used by different educational sectors to sustain during the “Covid-19”. Moreover, how the institutions have managed to handle the crisis in the education sector during “Covid-19” will be highlighted in this research.


  • To understand how the educational settings tended to close the culture of campus during “Covid-19”
  • To acknowledge the significance of the digital learning method during “Covid-19”
  • To explore how the universities have changed their operations to make a sustainable approach
  • To evaluate new policies that support the online learning program during the “Covid-19”

1.4 Rationale

Universities have the intention of applying the on-campus learning method and bringing the associates present on the university campus to conduct the learning programs. The unfortunate arrival of the global pandemic created the primary issues in different industries and education is one of them.

The occurrence of the global pandemic resulted in the government announcing restrictions on gathering that also affected on-campus learning in universities (Dobrila, 2020). This leads to influence on the universities in changing awareness regarding the online learning method.

The consequence of the “Covid-19” will be impactful for the universities in developing their strategies based on government guidelines. The university believed that rewriting teaching and education materials is a job that takes months and tracks complicated planning (Butnaru et al. 2021). Moreover, the online method of learning needs the association of parents to show some responsibilities to their children and look after the given assignments to them.

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The application of online learning will impact the practice of learning and it will continue to create new challenges for educators and students as well (Syauqi et al. 2020). Based on the learning approaches, universities will be required to change their policies which will make an impact on the education system as well.

1.5 Scope

The scope of the research will be helpful for different educational settings like universities and academic organisations in creating theories and policies that are adequate for online learning. The approaches and guidelines will make institutions under the possible impacts of the online education mode and create different new approaches to make the environment sustainable.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This research will shed light on the significance of the online mode of education which can be regarded as the only alternative operation during the Covid-19 period. Moreover, this proposal has anticipated a literature review by analysing different journals to retrieve information that will be helpful for educational settings to analyse the procedure in future.

2.3 Transition to Online Learning by Educational settings during "Covid-19"

Before the “period of Covid-19", the teaching method used in the universities was supervised to bring the learners and faculties to the campus and classroom. According to Littlejohn et al. (2021), Moreover, at some times, university education was conducted online sessions by the professors in include the practice of “blended learning”. In contrast to this, Crawford et al. (2020), stated that sometimes, this implementation created challenges for the associated professors. For the period of time which is denoted as the earlier “period of Covid-19”, the “online learning method” was a new adventure to experience for learners and teachers. Academics answered these issues by moving on-campus education practice to an online atmosphere.

The teaching policies and resources changed as the “Covid-19” takes place in the UK. Universities tended to estimate the success of distance, online, or remote method of learning programs which also evolved as a necessity during those days. However, the crisis situation constructed due to the “Covid-19 pandemic”, and “Nottingham Trent University” prompted the associates to think about the implementation of online learning. The “vice-chancellor of education at Nottingham Trent University” stated the legacy of online learning needs to grabs by the universities by the learners (ntu.ac.uk, 2022). Later, due to “Government protocols” on education, the university shifted to the digital learning method.

2.4 “University Readiness to Digital Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic”

This research proposal will investigate and develop reliable criteria that will be helpful in accessing the readiness of the educational settings to implement online education. Based on the research developed by Serrano et al. (2021), the way educational institutes will adapt online learning in their education system will signify the future of learning. It can be stated easily that the implementation of the digital learning method is an unavoidable option for academic settings “during the outbreak of global Covid-19”. Budur et al. (2021), Institutions in the UK will be directed to choose an online mode of education and practice digital learning to continue in the future as well. The requirement for universities will be to deliver study materials through online websites is the primary inclusion at this stage.

Additionally, the practice of the college, faculty, and branches will be crucial in delivering experienced facilities to educators and students. In this regard, lecturers' trial apps, different programs, or web solutions will be demanded which they will intercommunicate with students have a substantial impact on both teachers' and students' perceptions of online teaching. Martin et al. (2019) stated that additionally the effectiveness of “online class management”, learners required an online assistance desk where they will face and determine connectivity issues in a periodic manner.

2.5 Significance of online learning during the pandemic situation

The rapid changes in the lifestyle during the pandemic bought changes in the mental health of students it will creating hazardous situations never like before. Audet et al. (2021) stated that the evaluation of the online courses by the educational settings will be demanded to focus on generating a better “quality of online learning”. In addition to this, individual differences will create more impact on the personality influence. Based on the quality of assignments and projects a student's career will be dependable. Contradictorily, Martin et al. (2019) elaborated that the development of the technical knowledge among the faculty members is a subject to consideration to conduct the online classes without any issues.

Online education will generate the best potential from the consequence of the method of learning. It’s a subject to be discussed based on the different issues that have enough potential to generate hazardously situations due to connection errors, and password problems while logging in to the online library provided by the college or university (Dubey and Pandey, 2020). Hence, after all the hazards, online learning is going to be regarded as the best possible method to fight against the pandemic situation.

2.6 Theoretical paradigm

Transactional Distance to understand the probability of student-teachers connection

Moore's notion of "transactional distance" encloses the distance that exists in educational relationships. According to this theory, distance is decided by the quantity of conversation that happens between the student and the professor, and the quantity of network that exists in the course. The amount of "transactional distance" will be greater where the number of students will be less and the communication will be less periodical during the online classes (Karaoglan et al. 2021). The absenteeism of students indicates this theory is an extensive concept.

Cognitivism theory acknowledges the role of behaviour in education

The concept of behaviour and mindfulness during online classes is connected with the “Cognitivism theory”. The process of “the cognitive mind” will support the “motivation and imagination” aspects of the development of education (Efgivia et al. 2021). In addition to this, behaviourism led to the maturation of taxonomies of knowledge due to it highlighted the study and evaluation of numerous steps in the education revolution.

Both of the theories encompass the development of online education. The "transactional distance" decided the relationship between the student and teacher and it will lead to the development of the learning practices in the educational settings. Additionally, with the application of the “Cognitivism theory”, educators will find the behaviour of students that indicates how the education system is working, and if the online mode of education is being supported in practice or not.

2.7 Summary

Over the period, the on-campus practice was continued as the primary way of conducting the classes. Besides this, “online teaching” over a span was conducted to authorise students to persist with their analyses with minimal upheaval. Educational industries will need to put more focus on the areas of “online teaching competencies” to develop better course design, “communication, time management”, and technical support.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Introduction

The aim of setting an appropriate methodology will help in conducting the research with more accuracy and it will assist in exploring the techniques to conduct a specific investigation with authenticity. In order to achieve success in the objectives of the research, it is vital to acknowledge a better methodology that will help the researchers in mitigating the issues that have been revived in the analysis. A better research methodology will be helpful in creating research success with a higher amount of possibilities.

3.2 Research Philosophy, Approach and Design


The application of the “positivism philosophy” will be helpful in developing more appropriate results and logical examination of available information that will be collected and the problems will be examined in the direction of real validities and benchmarks (Dougherty et al. 2019). After a critical examination of both kinds of research paradigms, the researchers will be allowed to choose the philosophy of positivism as this philosophy has the qualification to make an analytical and crucial analysis of the exploration topic on the basis of real data and the proof which will be retrieved by the researchers.


Two types of research approaches are generally used by the researchers, such as “inductive and deductive approaches”. This research will be developed based on the authenticity of the information which indicates that the research will be used the “deductive approach” to make the research more useful and beneficial. Based on the background of the research, the best design will be selected by the researchers. Different research designs have separate purposes that will be helpful in conducting the research more appropriately. This approach shows the analyses at the start level to acquire the necessary ability to create a new approach.


Three types of research designs “exploratory, explanatory, and descriptive” are generally utilised to accomplish any research. “Descriptive design” is authentic for characteristics as well as formal examination and provides a broad capacity for a complicated analysis so that the researchers can gather practical data for analysis purposes (Doyle et al. 2020). The researchers will be benefitted by selecting the “descriptive research design” to form questions which will be used during the interview.

3.3 Research Strategy

This will be used as the primary method to collect the data which will additionally help the researchers in conducting research by gathering data that are acceptable. This research will include the “primary qualitative” research strategy with the data collection method. Hence, the information that will be collected will be described by the interview process.

3.4 Data Collection

In order to gather relevant information from the higher authorities of the university, these mentioned questions are proposed.

Q1. Can you give a brief idea about the steps taken by the authority for the students when the pandemic is announced by the government?

Q2. What strategies have you been taken to maintain quality education system in this pandemic situation?

Q3. Do you think that strategies taken by the university is fruitful to provide quality education during the pandemic?

Q4. According to you what can be done better?

3.5 Sampling and Data Analysis style

An interview will be conducted among four persons to receive their statements regarding the subject. An interview will be conducted among the students and professors of the “Nottingham Trent University”. A qualitative process will be used to complete the analysis of the outcomes generated from the interview. The statements of the interviews will be signified the importance of the research by justifying the results in a different manner. Most of the time, qualitative analysis with the primary data will be helpful for the researchers in conducting the research with better accuracy.

3.6 Ethical Consideration

This research will be conducted with the interview procedure, before the interview takes place, the attendants will be informed about the use of their answers in the research, where data will be stored, and for how many times the data will remain in the database. The interviewees have the right to know the information that how their statements will be used in the analysis and after the research conduction, what will be done with their data sets (Kiani et al. 2018). Moreover, a consent form will be supplied to them which will consider their authority to use their statements in the research.

3.8 Summary

This research will be helpful in completing a detailed investigation of the academic institutions’ actions to control the movement during the pandemic. The way research proceeds will help identify the research meet the consequences that will be faced by the universities. Based on the selection of research philosophy, approach, and strategy the researchers will finish the research in a better way to proceed.

Chapter 4: Anticipated Outcome

This situation created an issue in the education system, it also challenges cultural and academic speculations about what schooling can and should be scrutinised by the universities. More online education will be involved in the practice, and both the educators and students will feel that online education will be time-consuming and will be reflected in the learning practice. Past data showcased that the growing distance learning will indicate that most educational settings will be capable to handle the demand of digital learning with adequate resources if required.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Student inspiration and engagement are affected by various contextual elements, such as

Professor and peer consent. Teacher authorisation is one of the most significant aspects, as professors play a critical role in fostering learner motivation in the digital learning process. The three instructor asset dimensions characterised in SDT for digital learning practice are freedom asset, design, and involvement. Universities, schools and pre-schools in the UK have faced the urgency of redesigning their learning and teaching to permit students of all ages to learn the modules from home.

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