Fund Management Assignment Sample

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Fund management is related to managing a financial institution's cash flows. The fund manager is responsible for assessing the maturity schedules of deposits received and loans made in order to preserve the asset-liability framework. The report is based on Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust Plc and needs to evaluate the strategy and objectives of the fund. Further, it also covers the evaluation of the approach which are taken by the fund management company to manage the fund. At last, it includes an examination of the investment performance of the fund since 2015 and the last 3 years. 

Evaluate the strategy and objectives of the fund

Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust aims to produce long-term capital growth by investing predominantly in shares of, or depositary receipts representing the shares of, Chinese companies. The objective of the fund is to provide investors with a total return on their investment. The fund invests in equity and debt securities issued by companies located in China and Hong Kong. The portfolio will be mainly focused on Chinese technology companies, which are expected to benefit from growth in the country's economy. The fund invests in Chinese companies that are listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. It provides investors with an opportunity to invest in China's growth story by investing in shares of companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Administration Structures Taking after an broad survey of the Company's administration courses of action, the Board declared on 22 July 2020 that it had entered into a resource administration company to relegate Baillie Gifford as the Company's Speculation Advisor, Officer Of the company, and Chief, subject to shareholder endorsement. Taking after this declaration, a shareholder circular was issued on Admirable 24, 2020, laying out a proposed proposition for the introductory discussion of Baillie Gifford as the unused Speculation Supervisor, the appropriation of an unused Speculation Approach, the alter of the Company title, and open advertising for up to 40% of the Firm's issued capital.

The objective of the Baillie Gifford China growth trust plc is to provide investors with a total return. The fund invests in Chinese companies and their subsidiaries, which are listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The aim is to generate capital appreciation through investment in high-quality domestic companies that have a b future outlook.

Baillie Gifford China’s increase agrees with percent ambitions for long-time period capital profits over time, in addition to imparting earnings for its shareholders. The approach of the fund is to obtain a long-time period of capital increase via way of means of making an investment in an assorted portfolio of Chinese equities. The Fund invests a minimum 80% of its property in stocks traded at the Shanghai and Shenzhen inventory exchanges, with the choice given to organizations that might be concerned in manufacturing, services, or generation industries. The fund invests in securities of organizations that might be indexed at the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges (Del Guercio, Genc, and Tran, 2018). The fund is controlled via way of means of Baillie Gifford, a main international asset supervisor with over $a hundred and eighty billion in the property below control as of 31 December 2014. The fund`s approach is to put money into organizations with an excessive increase in capability and robust economic position. The fund invests frequently in Chinese organizations however additionally holds a small number of global stocks. Its ambitions to obtain a long-time period of capital increase via way of means of making an investment in a portfolio of securities which might be anticipated to supply better returns than the marketplace as an entire over the longer time period.

The change in ownership has resulted in a change in the strategic composition of the Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust plc. The final decision on the composition adjustment was reached on May 25, 2018, at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The strategic objectives and investment strategies of Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust plc have not been altered. Portfolio construction is an essential component of the investing process, which includes taking into account a variety of aspects such as market circumstances and macroeconomic trends, as well as other significant factors such as liquidity and regulatory compliance. This limits the number of accessible shares for purchase while increasing the price. This might have an effect on the stock price of the firm.

Evaluate the approach taken by the fund Management Company to the management of the fund

In this portion, for assessment of the approach taken by the finance administration can be done with the assistance of a speculation survey counting the survey of diverse companies. Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust Plc may be a company that locks in within the arrangement of speculation administration administrations. The Company contributes its reserves fundamentally in securities, counting value securities and settled salary securities, as well as other monetary disobedient such as subordinates and organized items. It moreover gives resource administration to third parties through speculations in private value reserves, support reserves, and genuine domain venture trusts. The Company oversees its portfolio utilizing different models that incorporate esteem contributing (value-oriented), development contributing (growth-oriented), or a crossover show that combines components of both approaches.

The small investment is considered the approach taken by fund management by BGCT Plc. It includes the investment in Tencent, which is a world-renowned social media and entertainment platform. It has a leading position in online gaming, as well as a WeChat ecosystem that we feel is one of the best in China. WeChat's over 1 billion monthly active users have only recently begun to be monetized, representing a revolutionary growth prospect for the firm. 

Figure 1: Investment Chart

The Company designated Baillie Gifford & Co Constrained, an entirely possessed backup of Baillie Gifford & Co, as its Elective Speculation Support Director and Company Secretary on September 16, 2020. Venture administration has been appointed to Baillie Gifford & Co. Baillie Gifford Abroad Restricted and Baillie Gifford Asia Constrained have too been entrusted with exchange detailing and exchanging. The administration assertion is terminable with three months' take note, or with a shorter take note in certain circumstances (BAILLIE GIFFORD CHINA GROWTH TRUST PLC., 2021). The yearly management fee is determined and payable as follows: I 0.75 percent of the first £50 million of Net Asset Value; plus (ii) 0.65 percent of Net Asset Value between £50 million and £250 million; plus (iii) 0.55 percent of Net Asset Value in excess of £250 million. Further, the company mainly agreed to surrender its investment managing fee for initial six months and its contribution towards the manager changes.

In addition to this, the approaches also include the risks and they are consistent with the objectives and strategies of the business. The Company may experience a backlog in receiving some of its gains and it might be unable to liquidate its interests in unlisted securities. The unlisted securities in which the Company invests may not offer sufficient information for continued monitoring by the AIFM, limiting the Company's capacity to effectively analyze, and if required, mitigate, the risks associated with an investment.

Borrowings may be used by the company to boost its investment exposure. While such leverage might increase total profits, it can also have the reverse consequence of rising losses (Dong, and Doukas, 2018). The Company's net asset value will fall if the income and capital appreciation on investments obtained with borrowed money are less than the expenses of the leverage. In rare instances, the Company may participate in derivative transactions for the purposes of hedging against interest rate risks, currency hedging (to the extent appropriate), or efficient portfolio management. A little investment in futures might have a huge potential influence on the Company's performance, resulting in a type of investment leverage on the Portfolio. Certain forms of derivative deals may result in the loss of the entire investment. The potential loss in other sorts of derivative deals is theoretically endless.

Examine the investment performance of the fund since 2015, and particularly the last 3 years

The fund's success is determined by its investment outcomes as well as the fees paid to Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust Plc. The returns are compared to an index that measures the performance of all funds that invest in Chinese stocks. As a result, they are not exactly applicable with those other funds since their weightings will differ. Furthermore, the trust's success is b because it has raised its assets under management (AUM) by 20% in three years. Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust Plc's performance is mediocre, as it has dropped its AUM by 6% over the previous three years while increasing its AUM by 20% over the same period. I would say that the performance is as expected (Vitali, and Moriggia, 2021). The fund manager has a long-term view and does not invest in companies that are very volatile, so we expect to see a good return over time. We also have a bias towards smaller companies, rather than large ones, because it is easier for us to understand their prospects and make our investment decisions.

Fund Managers Performance: The fund charges a 0.5 percent annual fee and has a management expense ratio (MER) of 1.01 percent. The Manager leads the Witan Pacific firm management team, which controls the fund's investing process, including research and analysis, portfolio development, performance monitoring, and all other areas of the operation. In addition to this primary function, this individual is a member of the Investment Committee, which defines the strategic direction for the fund's investments (Gelepithis, 2019). The current manager of the Fund was appointed in March 2018. The new fund managers are expected to deliver a better performance than the previous ones. The two funds that were managed by the old team, Baillie Gifford China Growth and Baillie Gifford China Smaller Companies, have underperformed their benchmarks over the past five years. The former has lost 11 percent while its benchmark returned 16 percent during this period. Meanwhile, the latter has fallen 22 percent against its benchmark’s return of 17 percent.

Above chart mention the fund performance of the last ten years and since 2015 it shows that it is growing. The Baillie Gifford china growth trust plc fund performance for the period between 2015 and 2018 is -2.58% with an annual return of -1.12%. 

Fund Managers Performance in 2015

The year 2015 saw b returns in terms for investors that operated in Asian equities. A NAV total return of +17.6% was achieved by the Witan Pacific. Total return of the share price was 16.6%. Over the past five years, they were ahead of the total benchmark return of 47.1 % by NAV total return of 52.1%. Of the managers, GaveKal and Aberdeen, that has been appointed out performed during this year as it has been recorded in the table of managers’ performance provided below. Their returns were 22.4 per cent and 20.8% respectively. Matthews outperformed his previous year performance which was 1.0% behind the index this year. The detailed information of the performance of managers during the particular years and over a period of long term has been set out in the table provided below. The stopping and investment positioning capabilities of Aberdeen was one of the key aspects of his b performance that was entirely accounted for in India and Japan. More than the local index, the Japanese Holdings were being appreciated by 10% more. He proved his capabilities by bly performing in the Indian market and having the selection of picking up stocks that perform even better. Australia was a detractor that was responsible for holding the mining stocks such as Rio Tinto and BHP that performed very weakly in the markets. In other parts of Asia, small negatives and positives balanced out. Since the time of appointment, Aberdeen has outperformed itself by 3.0% per annum. It included a compound total return of 11.6 % per annum. The table below is significantly focused on providing a detailed description of the structure of managers in place at the end of January 2015. It has also showcased the proportion of the assets of Witan Pacific that has been managed by each of the managers and how the performance of the company has been achieved.

Fund Managers Performance in 2016

Fund Managers Performance in 2017

Fund Managers Performance in 2018

As per the performance of the year 2019 Aberdeen was administering around as at 31 £47.1bn of resources within Asia. Dalton on the other hand deals with US$3.9bn (as at 31 January 2018). Matthews Asia had US$33.9bn in assets under administration.

Fund Managers Performance in 2019

It was an unsatisfying year for the company’s chiefs. Witan Pacific's NAV complete return was - 7.4%. The gross commitment from portfolio returns was - 6.7%, which equates to deficit of 1.3% versus the target complete return of - 5.4%. Share repurchases at a markdown to NAV created a optimistic share of 0.2% while costs reduced around 1% from the NAV all out return. Three of the four chiefs failed to meet expectations of the target over the entire year. Dalton furthermore, Robeco failed to meet expectations the target by 7.1% and

1.8% separately.

Fund Managers Performance in 2020

The Company's net resource absolute return was 5.2% along with the offer cost absolute return was 12.3% contrasted with the benchmark's absolute return of 8.7%. The NAV and share cost hit an all-time high in January yet fell back because of the development of Coronavirus in China. Aberdeen outflanked the benchmark though disappointingly the other three administrators failed to meet expectations.

Fund Managers Performance in 2021

The organization's net resource esteem all out return rose by 38.1% over the monetary year and the offer cost rose by 67.9%. China was one of the most mind-blowing performing worldwide markets over the period and encountered a solid recuperation representing the effective regulator of Covid-19 and designated arrangement assistance.

Fund Managers Performance in 2022

Over the year to the furthest limit of January 2022, the organization's net resource esteem fell by roughly 27%. Over the same period, the target fell by roughly 20%.


From the above study, it can be concluded that the fund management at Baillie Gifford China growth Trust plc is manageable and systematic. As there are many investors who play a major role in the business. However, there are certain ups and downs in the last 5 years as per the record. Thus, it can be stated that all the investment management is considered a huge aspect of the development the performance.

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